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Kana Misouko

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Posts posted by Kana Misouko

  1. "Well, I love pie, so that's another thing I'll add to my list to what I want to learn to make!"

    She said cheerfully, finished her cake, she stood up and helped Kiluia clean up, wiping down the table. For hungry kids, they certainly left a lot of crumbs.

    She shook her head at Kiluia's offer, "I have a sort of agreement with my Innkeeper, he's expecting me back today. But I'll definitely come back for a sleepover sometime."

    "Come back soon okay!" Said the girl with the black bob, Kana reached forward and patted her hair gently. "Definately," she turned to Kiluia, brushing down her skirt.

    "You can walk me home though, if you'd like" she told him! knowing he wouldn't want to say goodbye just yet.

  2. Glimpses of sunlight poured out of the open window, it seemed the innkeeper had woken early and opened everything up again ready for the next day. The light shone on Kana's skin, slowing bringing her out of her slumber, she grumbled a little, smacking her dry lips together. Slowly, her eyes peeled open, stung by the brightness of the light. Slowly she sat up, normally when she woke her hair would be a mess and her clothes would be all wrinkled. But could this was game world, these things didn't happened and she look just as she had before going to sleep.

    She looked over the couch at Caen, who was asleep still. She climbed over the edge of the chair so she wouldn't have to walk over him. Making her way into the kitchen, she prepared a pot of coffee to wake them both up with. As she walked over to the stove, she recieved a message from the innkeeper, she opened it and found two items attached.

    Good Morning Kana,

    Thank you for locking up last night,

    I see you brought a guest over.

    I've just gone out to do some jobs,

    Here's some breakfast, I'll see you later.

    She smiled, the innkeeper hadn't put his named, but she knew who he was. She opened the items, and sure enough two full plates appeared in front of her. The plates were designed in the style of a full english breakfast including two eggs, two bacon, a piece of toast, a sausage, tinned tomatoes, black pudding and baked beans. It was a feast, she beamed happily. She placed them on a trap, with a cup of coffee each and cutlery. Carrying them over to the table, she placed them side by side on the coffee table. Sitting herself down next to Caen, she began to eat, waiting for him to awaken.

  3. "Thank you," she stated once more, upon being given a piece of cake. She loved strawberries, they so happened to be her favourite type of fruit, and she couldn't help but notice how many she seemed to have on her plate. She was being spoiled today, she couldn't say she didn't like it though. This had definitely been one of her best game days so far.

    She began to dig into the cake with the other kids, enjoying the luxurious creamy flavours it brought. "Do you not like cake Kiluia?" She asked when she noticed he didn't have any. That wasn't the only thing she'd noticed, she also noticed the empty chairs with cakes by them. Either they had not come home yet, or they weren't ever coming home again. Either way it looked like a sensitive subject, so she wasn't going to ask.

  4. She stood up, taking her bowl with her, she followed the kids. As the kids groaned, she laughed. "Finally something I can do!" Before Kiluia could argue, she took her place at the sink and began washing away, "Does someone wanna help me dry?" She called to the kids, the little blonde with pigtails and another cute girl with a black bob came over. She smiled at them in thanks.

    She may have not been the best cook, but cleaning was a skill Kana had obtained. She had always like to help her Dad, so that she could take some of the load off him. It couldn't have been easy being a single Dad with too kids, so she liked to help where to could, she cleaned Kyoko cooked, it was how they had worked.

    Once they were done, she returned to the dining table with the kids, chatting away with them as they waited from Kiluia to bring the dessert through.

  5. Kana shook her head, "If you think I'm just gonna let you sleep on the wooden floor, you've got another thing coming," She got of the couch, and walked over to a set of draw to the left side of the room. Reaching in, she pulled out a selection of quilts and duvets. She brought them back over to Caen, and quickly prepared a bedlike spread on the floor. Setting aside a small blanker for herself on the couch. "There you go comfy and cozy!"

    She climbed into her spot on the couch, wrapping herself up in the blanket, she leaning over the edge to look down at Caen who was lying beneath her. "Thank you for staying with me," She knew with Caen keeping her company, she would be alright for at least one night sleep. The nightmares would come by another day.

    She yawned once more, leaning back on the sofa, she closed her eyes. "Night, Caen, I'm glad I got to know you better," Within a few moments, her breathing slowed, and she slipped into a deep dreamless slumber.

  6. She poured herself some stew, the smell was so distantly familiar. It warmed her just thinking that she was going to get to eat some.

    "Can you cook, Miss?" asked a little blonde girl with pigtails, Kana smiled at how adorable she was.

    "I can do a little, but not nearly as much as Kiluia, you kids sure are lucky to have him," The children hummed in agreement, some hadn't even torn themselves away from their balls.

    "Kiluia's the best!" Said the adorable blonde with pigtails,

    Kana lifted a spoonful of stew to her mouth, closing her eyes as she did so. It was like a waterfall of flavours, the meat and the vegetable taste was just like the real thing. She chewed and swallowed, "He certainly is," Kana continued to eat up, not wasting a moment to miss a mouthful. Soon it was all gone, she slumped back in her seat. "Wow that was good," Following this one of the little boys burped, causing a roar of laughter to echo around the table. "Well pardon you mister," Kana said to him, recieving a cheeky grin back.

  7. "I'm glad, the fact that you're willing to heed my words, let's me know I can trust you."

    She finished her tea, and yawned, she adjusted herself on the sofa so she was a little more spread. Placing her legs so that they were hanging on the arm of the chair. "It's surprising, how safe I feel," she muttered more to herself than anything. She wasn't sure whether it was the security, the fire or Caen's company, but she was relaxed. Whether she would stay relax once Caen left she didn't know.

    "Hey Caen, want to spend the night with me?" She asked casually, after a moment she realised the crudeness of what she said and flushed bright red. "N-Not in a rude way, I mean like sleep here. After what happened, I don't really want to be left alone, we could sleep by the fire. Of course, I understand if you don't want to, it's just an idea." She looked away, deeply embarrased, why hadn't she worded that better.

    She hoped if didn't think of her as some kind of scarlet women, that would be mortifying.

  8. Her eyes widened in shock as he cut himself infront of her, she was surprised by the scar, she didn't think you could scar in this world. The likelihood was it would most likely fade in a few hours, but she wasn't going to tell Caen that. When he find calm down, she took her hand of him and looked down into her cup.

    "I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you're way of thinking. If you were to go find that boys killers, and slay them, that would make you nothing but a murderer. That boy would still be dead, and you would have a deep scar on your heart from what you had done." She looked up at him, focusing on his with her bizarre golden eyes that were reflecting the flickering of the fire infront of them.

    "Do you want to save that boys soul Caen? Do you want to save us all?" She asked, she was very serious. This was rare for Kana, someone who was normally to chirpy and playful. There was no room for that right now, she wanted him to heed her words.

    "If you do then the only way you will, is by fighting the game! If you fight the game, you bring us, yourself and all of the other innocents lives that could soon be taken by evil closer to freedom. You will bring revenge to those who killed that boy by taking away their freedom, they will be prisoned in reality, where punishments are very real. They will suffer, because their madness will have no where to roam free. So please Caen, don't let them taint you! Embrace the good in you, fight with me and everyone else to defeat this horrible game we are trapped in."

    She sat back, allowing silence to fill the space between them, It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  9. "Thank you," She began to fiddle with the pot, preparing the tea wasn't hard at all and only took a minute to do. Once done, she poured a cup for herself and Kiluia. "Will the kids be having any tea?" She asked, "How many are we dining with anyway?"

    It was at that point that Kiluia called the kids, and them came pouring in. She laughed as she was suddenly surrounded, she placed the pot of tea, their cups and some extra's for the kids on a tray. Following Kiluia to the main table, she took a seat, one of the kids place a bowl and spoon in front of her. "You kids are so well behaved," You almost wouldn't think that they were in the middle of a video game. She looked over at Kiluia smiling happily,

    "The stew smells amazing,"

  10. She leaned back into the couch, following Caen's gaze into the fire. "Yeah, it's nice isn't it? Almost takes away the darkness of it all." She sighed, taking a long gulp of her tea, she was much calmer now. Although, the loss of the child was still playing heavily on her mind, she finally felt as though she could think straight. If only she had seen something, maybe she could have stopped them. She didn't know how, she wasn't the strongest of players yet, she could do a little acrobatics so far and that was in. In terms of fighting, she had a long way to go.

    "For some this world is a trap, and for others it's freedom. There's no punishments in a free world," She extended, there was too much darkness around these days. She never truly felt safe anymore, people were greedy, and greedy people have no limit.

    "No, he was just walking by I think, he must have been shy cause he didn't stay to talk to me. Just told me I had a nice singing voice, and that was it. Maybe, I'll ask some one of the guests here in the morning, see if they saw anything, " She looked over at Caen, as she had spoken, she saw the dark expression on his face at her world. She reached out, touching his arm gently.

    "Don't let their evil touch you, Caen, you have a good heart and even something as noble as avenging someone can taint that."

  11. She smiled at his words, he was such a nice guy. She was glad to have him around now, things were looking up for Kana and from now on she believed she would see brighter days. She didn't know how they were going to deal with the whole Kiluia-being-in-love-with-her thing. But she knew she would have to do her best to make it work, "Wow, that cake looks amazing, I can't believe you made that. You're amazing. Do you realise how much Col you'd make if you sold one of those! You'd be rich!"

    She looked around the kitchen, "Where do you keep your kettle? I feel a little useless just standing here, so i'll make us some tea, that's one thing I can do!"

  12. "It's no problem," She replied, she leaned forward and inhaled the smell of the tea. It was so comforting, just like being back at home. When he asked her whether she trusted him, she looked over, eyebrow raised. It was an odd quesion to ask someone you barely knew. But she responded anyway, using humour to make light of the situation, "That depends, how good's your archery?"

    Of course, she knew Caen wasn't a bad person, she could sense that about him. But could she let him into her trust circle just yet? She wasn't sure.

    She shook her head at his response, "I was fighting a wolf in the woods nearby, then I made my way here. I was relaxing when the boy came over to me, he seemed safe at that point. He certainly didn't look scared, but then he ran off. Next time I saw him, was when I opened the door." There was only one possible explanation that Kana could think of, she didn't like it but that didn't mean it wouldn't happen.

    "Unless, he was hunted for sport..."

    The entrapment of people here, meant that not only could you do anything and not be reprimanded but you could unless your true nature. There were bound to be some people in here like that, true enemies of humanity. Someone who could enjoy killing, just for the feel it it. People like that existed, and here there was no way to stop them.

  13. "I never imagined you would ever be able to make something like that! When I'm good enough, you have to teach me how to make chocolate. All the possibilities! Ooo, I can make chocolate strawberries! Eeeee, I'm so happy!" Today, was definately a good day so far, all these wonderful discoveries, and free food. Who could complain?! Kana beamed at Kiluia, who knew he would one day re-enter her life, in here of all place. It was almost like fate.

    She leaned against the worktop, watching him make stew. It didn't seem that hard, but you had to be a certain level to do certain things. "How about I just watch for today? I'll spoil your opinion of me, if i cook for you." She stated with a chuckle.

  14. She took the jar from him, pulling out her apple once more,she open the jar and poured the liquid on. Frowning, it didn't look appetizing. But she trust him and took a bite.

    For moment, the rest of the world faded away and all that existed was Kana and the delicious flavours that had flooded her mouth. She closed her eyes and chewed very slowly, savouring the mixture of chocolate and apple. She couldn't believe he had managed to get such a rare flavour. It was so rich and smooth on her tongue. She licked her lips and finished off the apple and chocolate, enjoying every moment. Once she was done she turn to Kiluia, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

    "Thank you, Thank you so much. That was the most amazing thing I've ever tasted!" She was of course exaggerating, but after so long without the taste of chocolate, it certainly felt that way.

  15. Everything was happening so far, and Kana wasn't sure she was able to keep up with it all. So a guy had intended on challenged the guy mistreating her, but and accidentally confused Ruri, into thinking that he wanted to duel her. Then he exits that duel, finishes of the lead loser and forgets to pick up his bread on the way out. Then when everything seems almost okay, some red-eyed weirdo approaches and challenges Ruri, only to spout some stuff than Kana didn't understand and then leaves. Caen appears at some point, Ruri that states something about meeting a maverick then leaves, then so does Caen and Kana is left standing with Kiliua.

    "Boy, did a lot just happen in the last five minutes? I swear everyone in SAO is all hopped up on angry pills," She stated to the two boys, it was the most ironic statement considering she had started it all with her bigmouth. But no matter it was over now. "I'll have to thank that guy who helped with the losers at some point, maybe I'll see him again, did either of you two recognise him.?"

    "Anyway, We'll deal with that later, Let's go pick some strawberries, take our minds of this weird event!" And with that Kana turns and teleports to the strawberry field they had planned on going.

    [OOC- Kana has officially exited the RP, so if you wanna finish Kiliua, we can complete this one.]

  16. She handed him a cup of tea, taking a seat next to him, "I met him a few monthes ago, We're not close, but he trusts me enough to let me lock up." Kana wasn't close to many people in this game, ever since the event, she just didn't let people get to close to her. She wanted friends, she wanted lots of them. But this was a dark game, the survival instinct required brought out the worst in the nicest people. Who could she trust really?

    "I'm okay, I've been here long enough to know how it works. Do or die right?" She said bitterly, taking another deep breath, she lifted the tea to her lips. Sipping it, strangely enough the combination of the fire and the tea had a calming effect on her.

    "Did you see anyone strange when you were out and about? I saw no one, but I'm not very good at paying attention. Who would want to hurt that boy? Why? It's not like he dropped an item that they wanted. I just don't get it." She couldn't understand how people in the game could just kill each other so easily.

  17. Kana laughed at the children's cheekiness, that was definitely something she would have said at their age. Only kids could get away with such blatant statements about an individuals affection. Not that Kana didn't try. She was hardly going to mock Kiluia though, she doubted that he would approved of the idea of her mocking his feelings. Kana didn't want to scare him away in any way, she had only just gained him as a friend on here.

    "Cake? You do cake?!!?" Kana asked excitedly, Kana loved sweet things; chocolate, cakes, marshmellows, anything sweet she was allowed was on her plate. "Really? Fine, then I'll just try my best to one day make a stew that will blow everyones mind!" She challenged herself.

    She looked down at her apple, and put it away in her items holder, before following him into the chapel. She wondered what he could show her with a leftover piece of apple. Whatever it was, she was definitely curious.

  18. [OOC -Sorry, It's just cause it's a private roleplay, and the reply really threw me off at first.]

    She heard him speak and looked up, she could see the guy was just as shaken as she was, "I'm o-okay, It's not my f-fault, nor is it yours! Someone murdered this little boy." She closed her eyes and took a breath, calming herself. After a moment, the tears stop, she would mourn more later when she was alone. Now she had to be practical for once.

    "Come on, Let's move inside before we get hit." She stood up, shutting the door as the did so. She made her way around the room and shut all of the window, bolting them. The innkeeper had already been in bed, and had asked her to do it anyway. Only now rather than just a task it was a neccessity. Once all potential entry ways were secure, she made her way over the the fire place, selected the manual to light it. She wasn't sure if it was the game effects or just memory, but if even felt warm. "Please take a seat, I'll make us some tea." Gesturing to the couch placed across from the fireplace.

    Fortunately, the ability to make a pot of tea was not a difficult one, even with her low skill level. She brought it over to the coffee table in front of them. "Do you take sugar?"

  19. Kana blinked at the scene unfolding in front of her, she was more confused now than she had been during her last maths exam when she had spent the night before studying history. "Um...who's fighting whom?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the situation.

    After Ruri, made her way over, she shrugged her shoulders and decided that it was probably a misunderstanding. "So Ruri, you're a PKer. Badass!" She stated with a grin, she wasn't even close to Ruri's level, but from watching her, she deinfately wanted to be.

  20. Kana's jaw dropped as Kiluia read off the list of items that he could make. "Wow, That's amazing!" She said admiringly, she hadn't of thought that he would be the cooking type. She also hadn't thought that he would be in love with her, but he was full of surprises today it seemed. "What dinner can you make?" She asked intrigued, a part of her was already excited to eat his food.

    She took another bite of her apple, already halfway through it. She chewed and swallowed once again before answering his question. "Sure, I'd love to, maybe one day I can cook you dinner too! You know, after I've got better at it,"

    She smiled at the sight of the kids running around, their parents must be so worried back home. Hopefully, they're not too upset. At the church these kids were in safe hands, especially if they were surrounded by people like Kiluia.

  21. [OOC- Okay I'll play along cause I wanna RP with Caen, but fyi, I'm not a big fan of 'godmodding' So unless I ask you, please don't control my character's movements, K? ^^ else it's not fair on me. P.s. Kana doesn't have a house, So I'm gonna play it on as though it happened at an Inn.]

    Kana watched Caen try to help the boy, What do I do? She wasn't training as an alchemist at the moment, but she didn't have enough skills to make any medicine. She kneeled down next to him, placing her heads beneath the boys head. "Stay with us okay, you're going to be ok, you're going to live!"

    As soon as she spoke, the boys eyes closed for the last time and he shattered into thousands of blue shards. Disappearing from from the world of SAO forever, and probably the real world too. It took a moment for it to sink in, "Noo..." Kana whispered, tears pooling in her eyes. She began to cry, raising her hands to her hands to conceal it. "It's not fair..."

  22. She felt the pull on her hair release, and looked up to see Kiluia between her and the guy. She grinned, and pulled herself up, "Grabbing a girl by the hair? Seriously, you do realise I know what you look like. If I ever see you in the real world, I'm gonna beat you so hard you'll wet yourself!" She snarled, ready for his reply. However they were interrupted by the sudden prescence of a little girl with blue hair.

    She stared at the girl confused, did she know what was going on here? Kiluia seemed to suddenly be distracted by her prescence too. Kana listened as she was introduced. "Hi there, nice to meet you," She was surprised by Kiluia comment on her strength, she knew size didn't matter in the game, but it still intrigued Kana to know that this girl could have great strength. She wondered briefly if she would ever witness it. The guy didn't like being ignored and was trying to get their attention, when all of a sudden another individual appeared declaring a duel.

    "What the hell!" Kana yelped as she was suddenly pulled aside by Kiluia. She stood back and watched as the battle commenced.

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