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Posts posted by Shark

  1. Shark saw Ryu charge in under the bug after just being put in the yellow zone. Is he that crazy? He thought to himself. Shark sees another leg coming at Ryu and decided to take action. Not lettin you die this easy! Shark says as he blocks the attack. I promised you I wouldn't die so I expect the same from you bud! Don't give up on my. I got this, just go back and protect the girls. He tells Ryu.

  2. Two characters of two different accounts?

    I vote yes and no for this one

    Allowed to use two of your own characters.?

    Yes! If you frequently use two accounts to RP with on the same story and they are lovers then yes.

    Same sex marriage allowed?

    Yes, if you would like to be married, go be married.

    How to get married?

    PM the GMs and Admins. (Ask permission)

    Where to get married?

    Get married in the Town of Beginnings, you should also be able to set the date and tell your friends.

    Requirements for marriage?

    Both be above lvl 5

    Must have posted at least two times on your OWN story.

    Inventory sharing?

    I think inventory sharing would be awesome! (just like in SAO)

    There will be a thread created for marriage applications.

    The marriage ceremony can be RPed anywhere the ones getting married want

    The post requirements are higher than that.

    Snow please read the ENTIRE topic.

  3. Shark feels someone tackle him to the ground. He looks at who it was and sees Ryu. One down, one to go huh? Shark chuckles as he says that. Thanks for that Ryu. I would have been turned into a pancake. Shark pushes Ryu over and blocks the boss' next attack. Alright, Go regroup and let me know when you have a plan. I can give you at least five minutes of talk.

  4. Shark notices snow jump in but also notices an abnormal swing from the left. Hey! Watch it! Shark tosses the bug slightly off course and blocks the attack that could have killed Snow. Go back by the others and regroup. I will hold the boss off for a few mins while the rest of you prepare for the next attack. Shark tells Snow. Everyone! I will hold off the boss for a few minutes while you come up with a well thought out plan of attack. Shark yells back at the others.

  5. Shark notices an abnormal movement coming from Ryu's blind side. Shroud! Watch Out!!!! Shark jumps in front of the attack from the right and blocks the attack and directs it back, damaging the bug. Don't worry about me just take care of the others. I'll play with the bug. He tells Ryu, hinting that he should regroup and lead the next strike.

  6. Guys, just make sure you try to stick to the plan. Shark watches as Cici gets into trouble. Already making me work huh Cici? Shark says as he pulls out his sword and stops the boss' attack form hitting his teammate. Shark knocks the boss back with his strength. SWITCH!He calls out to Black Shroud. I've never let a teammate die on me yet and I don't plan on that ever happening!

  7. Shark thinks upon hearing this information. Ok. We need a plan for this. I will distract the boss and block the attacks. When i get it to uncurl, then you guys attack the stomach. Cloak man over here and I will Switch with blocking and distracting. When the boss gets into the red zone, we do a full frontal assault. Shark tells the other players in a really serious tone. After he does, He starts walking towards the door.

  8. Shark thinks about the question he was just asked. If I say my name then it might risk her future. It's probably best to keep it on the DL. Shark reaches an answer and replies to the question. Sadly I must keep it quiet because it might put you in grave danger. You can just address me as Holy Swordsman, or something of your choice. Shark finishes his lunch and stands up. OK. Who is ready to beat this thing? What does the guidebook say this boss is? He asks hoping to get some info.

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