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Posts posted by Shark

  1. Shark stared Ryu in the face.Don't worry about me so much. I can take care of myself pretty well. Remember it was I who SAVED saved you... TWICE. Suddenly shark realizes...Where did she run off too anyway? I thought I told her to come back here when she got everything. She should have been back by now. Shark turns away from Ryu. Uh-oh... I have a bad feeling about this. Sharks look turned more into a worried look then anything else. Yea... Let's go find her. The last thing we need is her ending up in trouble.

  2. Shark starts thinking that he might have partially gotten the wrong message. Shark starts to clarify.OK. Look, if you want to save everyone, you can't do it alone. We must work together to beat this game. If I happen to die before that happens then whatever. I have no reason to continue. I have already lost everything. You on the other hand, have just gained what I have lost. Motivation! You have a reason to keep fighting which will make you a stronger fighter. I plan to stick with you and help clear this game. I still want to get out of here but I have to restart my life when I do get out. Shark is hoping that he got the right message through. Then he continues, You are going to do great things if you are happy. Just let go of all your worries and start thinking about the friends that have your back. When you start thinking of all the good things and not about the bad then you will actually get some sleep and think better. Shark looks at Ryu like a best friend that is true to his word.

  3. Shark realizes that what has happened to his friend has happened to himself in the real world. I totally get ya man. It was less than a few weeks before this death game started when about this same thing has happened to me. I had a good life until that day. I met this girl and we had some fun times together. We both love MMORPGs so we both got this game. About the 3rd week of being trapped in her something terrible happened. I went into a store of a guy I knew to pick up a few things and when I came out... Shark's emotion starts to come back at him. And when I came out she was gone. I searched everywhere for her. Eventually I come across a bunch of players that were grouped in a circle. When I arrived at the scene I saw that they were stabbing someone. I chased the players away but their swords were left behind. When I turn around... I see her. I tried to take out the swords and did that fine. I go to reach for a Heal Crystal and realize that I didn't have anymore. I tried to do everything I could to save her but it wasn't enough. Shark starts to get really emotional now. She told me not to worry about her and to fight for everyone. From then on, I vowed to be the best Swordsman I could be. I also vowed to help other players so they can avoid this situation and save the ones they care about. If you stay with her as much as you possibly can then you will have nothing to worry. Don't leave her side if you really care about her. Shark starts thinking if Ryu got all of that with all of his moping.

  4. Shark looks at what Ryu hinted towards. Ah. I understand. Shark thinks to himself about how he should go about this. How should I tell her so it's not obvious that we are talking about her? Oh... I know! Shark gets an immediate idea just as they walk past a few little NPC shops. Cici would you mind going to get a few potions for me? Shark give Cici a list of potions and enough money to buy them.

  5. Shark is trying to be as helpful as he can with Ryu so he can cheer up. Listen, I'm here when you need me and even when I'm not around just message me and I will be right by you in a heart beat. Shark has been with people like this so often in the real world and hasn't let a friend he cares about down. Why dont we sit down for a sec and talk about it? I think you might feel better if you talk to someone about it so they can really help you. Having people understand what your going through is key. I will just tell you that you aren't alone on this issue.

  6. Shark feels that something is bothering Ryu a lot because he just hid his face in the cloak. Listen bro, If this is something regarding protecting everyone then I feel the exact same way. That's why i came to the second floor weeks ago. I couldn't take being around all the people I feel that i have to protect. We bare a lot of weight being on the front lines. I'm here to help you and I share the same feelings as you. We need to work together and beat this game for everyone's sake. What do ya say? Shark looks at Ryu with trustworthy eyes hoping he will come out and say it.

  7. Sorry mom... Shark replies in a sarcastic tone. He then looks back towards Ryu. Dude, you can't hide feelings from me that easily. I've been in this position with a lot of my friends for quite a good amount of times. I don't like to see you upset, infact i don't like to see any of my friends upset. It makes me feel bad inside. I'm always here for help or if you just want someone to talk to. Shark refuses to live his position and remains near Ryu.

  8. Something disturbs Sharks sleep. He slightly opens his eyes and just lays in the bed. Something is bugging him but he doesn't know what it is. He decides to sit up and when he does, he sees Ryu at the window. What's he doing? He must be struggling with something. Maybe I can help him, besides i did save his life twice so he should be open for my offer to help. Shark gets out of the bed and makes his way towards Ryu. Couldn't sleep huh. What's bugging you so much? I want to try to help you. It hurts me to see you struggling like this. Somethings not right. What is it?

  9. Shark looks at Ryu and it looks like something is bothering him. I wonder what is going through Ryu's mind right now. Will I be able to help him and make him feel not so lonely? Shark then looks over at Cicila I also wonder what she keeps thinking about. Something must have happened between them. Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this. Maybe i shouldn't worry about it. I shouldn't get involved with personal matters. Yea, I guess your right Ryu. Sleep would help us be more energized for tomorrow. Maybe sleep will also help our thoughts as well. Well let's get to bed so we are ready for the dungeons.

  10. I think that's fine but the issue will mainly be how we will come about making the item/ weapon. I think the Dice Roll will be an ok starter but when the players level goes up, so does their experience of making the item/ weapon. I think we will need to find a new system of making these things.

  11. Finally Shark gets to officially meet the two. Shark then realizes that Ryu is the one who was the most talked about on the first floor. The pleasure is all mine. I finally have meet some new people. Grateful to have met the two he then tries to answer Ryu's question I feel that there is more to the game than we think. We must put our heart and soul into one cause and that's getting everyone out of here. No way can one person do it alone. We must help out each other if we wish to succeed.

  12. Hearing what the two have said, he thinks for a second; It's fine. I guess I'm more use to being alone here than I thought. Shark is then stumped by the Cloaked Mans question. Well, from what I know, we are part of this wicked death game and I am working hard to clear the floors but received a minor setback and have rested here for a bit until more people have come up here. What was you initial question sir?

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