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Posts posted by Ento

  1. The wolf moved quickly, despite being injured and landed a slash across Ento's arm. Not letting the light attack stop him, Ento came forward fast.

    Battle Result: Hit! 3 Damage.

    Ento (10/11)

    Battle Dice: 7

    Not missing a beat, Ento flipped the blade over in his hands. Bringing it up as he rushed by the wolf striking the killing blow.

    Wolf (0/4)

    Loot Result: Col x 20

  2. Coming forward into a new clearing, Ento spotted a wolf with his back turned to him. Drawing his blade as silently as he could, he moved forward to end its life quickly.

    Battle Result: Hit! 3 Damage.

    Ento (11/11)

    Battle Dice: 6

    Ento's attack lands, slashing the wolfs back. The wolf snarled and jumped back out of range of the blade.

    Wolf (1/4)

  3. Sheathing his blade and taking a seat on the ground. Letting out a heavy sigh, Ento falls back on to the ground.

    'These wolves are going to be troublesome....'

    While laying on the ground, Ento pops open his HUD and looks to see if he gathered any of the materials. The quest log showed zero for both.

    "Tsk...well, can't wait here to long.."

    Ento closed everything down and got up. He began to move in search for his next wolf.

  4. The wolf came towards him quickly, looking to get another strike in with is claws. Ento at the last minute, rolled to the side and avoided the blow, popping back up and inching forward to strike at the enemy.

    'Just one hit...'

    Battle Result: Hit! 3 Damage.

    Ento (3/11)

    Battle Dice: 7

    Taking a quick step forward and slashing vertically, Ento lands a hit on the wolf, killing it.

    Wolf (0/4)

    Loot Results: Col x 20

  5. The wolf leaped forward, locking its jaws on Ento's ankle. The wolf started to shake its head back and forth, causing Ento to fall down.


    Rolling back to his feat, he prepared to strike at the wolf.

    Battle Result: Miss!

    Ento (3/11)

    Battle Dice: 3

    Ento moved forward, slashing slowly at the wolf. Again the wolf jumped aside dodging the blow. Looking back at Ento and snarling.

    Wolf (1/4)

  6. The wolf was quick to counter by lunging forward and slashing across Ento's chest. Stumbling backwards, he raises his sword to defend himself while with his other hand he grasps at his chest.

    Battle Result: Hit! 3 Damage.

    Ento (8/11)

    Battle Dice: 6

    Not letting the attack get the better of him, Ento came forward with a horizontal sweep at the wolf, catching it along the side.

    Wolf (1/4)

  7. Spinning around quickly, drawing his blade out at the same time, Ento took on a defensive stance. Looking down a way he locked eyes with the wolf.

    Battle Result: Miss!

    Ento (11/11)

    Battle Dice: 4

    Keeping eyes locked, Ento moves forward and thrusts his blade at the wolf. The wolf not to be intimidated jumped back avoiding the blow.

    Wolf (4/4)

  8. The loss of footing ended up causing the Ento some trouble. In that moment the wolf struck forward with his claws, raking right across Ento's shoulders. Quickly regaining his composure, Ento got back into a fighting stance, holding his blade in reverse.

    Battle Result: Critical Hit! 4 Damage.

    Ento (9/11)

    Battle Dice: 9

    Shuffling forward, Ento did a quick rotation, spinning the blade in his hand as he did, slicing downward at the wolf. The blow connected and went straight down the middle of the wolfs face.

    Wolf (0/4)

    Loot Results: Col x 20

  9. The wolf, staggered by the attack, attempts a counter-attack. It seems the blow from Ento did more damage then it showed because the wolf's movement was sloppy causing it to miss Ento entirely. Not wasting a moments notice, Ento sprang to action against the wolf.

    Battle Result: Miss!

    Ento (10/11)

    Battle Dice: 3

    Ento moving a bit to quickly fumbled as he swung for the wolf, his footing off just a hair. Throwing him off blanace.

    Wolf (1/4)

  10. The wolf, dodging Ento's attack, quickly returned the favor by clawing at him. The claw raked against Ento's thigh, causing him to grimace from the pain slightly.

    "Gah..! You fleabag...."

    Battle Result: Hit! 3 Damage.

    Ento (10/11)

    Battle Dice: 7

    Quickly recovering from the strike to his thigh, Ento moved forward slashing at the beast with his blade.

    Wolf (1/4)

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