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Posts posted by Ento

  1. Taking a step back and looking around his surroundings before he lowers his guard slightly.

    'Well, that wasn't that bad at all. lets see if I can put that tracking ability to good use now...'

    Kneeling down Ento begins to look at the tracks of the defeated creature. Thanks to the ability a faintly glowing line highlights its route as well as displays some more information on his map for him of possible spawns for this type of creature.

    'A bit...north of here it looks like..'

  2. Drawing his dagger, Ento begins to creep around the forest. Keeping an eye and ear open for any sort of movement. Walking forward a few more feet, A slight movement of a branch under some leaves catches Ento's eye. Quckily jumping back and bring his dagger up, Ento sees exactly what he was looking for.

    "So this is a Little Nepent..Alright."

    Combat Begins!

    Battle Result: Hit! 1 Damage.

    Ento (5/5)

    Battle Dice: 7

    Ento lunges forward stabbing the plant. Scoring a hit on the main stem.

    Little Nepent(1/2)

  3. As Ento made his way out of town and towards the forest where he might find <>, he began to check over all of his equipment. Nothing fancy, just some basic light armor and a dagger to fight with.

    'It will have to do I suppose, for now anyways.'

    Walking a brisk pace towards the forest, Ento arrives quickly. Observing the perimeter before heading inside to attempt to find the reagent.

  4. Setting down the glass, an Elderly man approached Ento at the bar.

    "Hello young man, are you one of those adventurers..?"

    Ento taking a moment to look the man up and down, sizing him up, considered his words carefully.

    "I, would not call myself that, however, I am in the line of work where you can expect results. How may I help you today?"

    The Man breathed a heavy sigh of relief and took a seat on the barstool next to Ento.

    "Thank goodness, my wife, you see she is rather ill. I was told by the doctor that he needs a <> to be able to cure her. Would you be able to help me..?"

    Reaching over to the bar and picking up his water, Ento took a long drink before setting it down and looking back over at the man.

    "Sure, was heading out that way regardless. "

    Ento patted the man on the shoulder and headed out of the tavern, towards the exit of town. This time with a goal. A mission.

  5. Making his way through the plaza towards one of the exits to town, Ento stopped by the tavern on his way out. Walking inside he headed straight for the bar and took himself a seat next to another player.

    "Hey, there! Barkeep! May I get a glass of water?"

    The barkeep gave a curt nod and put down the glass he was washing, heading to fill the order. As the barkeep filled the glass, Ento took the time to glance around the tavern, noting the exits as well as some of the more attractive clients in the room. A minute or two passed as the barkeep came back, setting the glass of water down for Ento, returning to cleaning the glass he was working on before.

    Ento picks up the glass, taking a small sip from it.

  6. I am a Game Developer for a company called GameStart. My Job is to create empty games in engines like unity, Unreal, Crytek for use in a learning environment. Currently I am teaching the Game mechanics and Design class using unity, where the students are making a 2D platformer. (these kids are wicked smart as well) Some of the other classes we offer is programming in Minecraft where we have developed our own mode, where kids are able to program in python and create "spells" that they are then able to use to battle one another.

  7. anime.jpg


    » Username: «Ento»

    » Real name: Kento Arc'Turian

    » Age: 22

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'1''

    » About: Ento has always loved messing around on the computer. It wasn't until his high school years that he really started to play around with different programming languages as well as developing small applications. The reason that Ento enjoyed getting lost on the computer was he didn't have much of a home life. Parents where never home, and he was never really a fan of a lot of the kids at his school. During this time, many games were played, many applications developed. Eventually, Ento decided to attempt to reach out and start making friends in the one place he was comfortable. The internet, and more importantly, online games.

    Ento started by jumping into World of Warcraft and looking for a guild, and things only escalated from there. He made lots of good friends and it even opened up a great job opportunity for him. At this time he was attempting to learn Japanese, although it was going very slowly. Someone he meet online helped tutor him and even found a great job at a software company for him in Japan. Before he knew it, Ento was on a plane all packed and ready start his life anew.

    He has only been in Japan for about five months, before the launch of Sword Art Online. Getting on board the hype train with all of his other guild mates, he was of course already to take time off for the weekend to relax and play SAO. Then the game changed.

    » Virtues:

    Uncanny:. Some people think that Ento has got a sixth sense, others that his secret is are sharp eye and a keen mind. Whatever the reason, Ento can sniff out when trouble is coming and coming fast. The real time this comes up is when Ento is being followed, or being observed. A feeling of unease sets over him.

    Perceptive:. Ento's senses are drawn to some details. Notices a brown stain on a knight's mantle, the nervous behavior of a liar, the relocation of a prized signet ring from the finger of one lady to another. Such observations are second nature to Ento and he hardly ever overlooks important clues. He makes use of it when tracking targets. He also likes to make note of exits in a particular building so that he may make a quick escape.

    Impartial:. When Ento judges, he always judges by objective criteria, never upholding bias, prejudice or favoritism. This allows him to make sound judgments that allow him to sleep soundly at night, although some decisions still haunt him.

    Focused:. Ento is able to concentrate all of his efforts on a single task. The world narrows until only the task ahead remains. This allows Ento to accomplish a lot using limited resources. Unless of course there is an attractive woman nearby....then He may get a bit distracted...alright, more then a bit.

    » Flaws:

    Brutal:. As opposed to what people say, Ento knows the meaning of mercy. He is just very unwilling to show it - ever. Ento just prefers to hit things until they stop moving at all. Unlike a hot-headed individual, Ento fights with a cold, calculating demeanor. While a hot-headed person might leap into the fray to decimate foes quickly, his main is focus on abilities which cause pain and trauma rather than - or in addition to - damage.

    Daredevil:. He gets a rush from dangerous stunts. Being perfectly willing to risk wealth, reputation, health and even life just for the kicks and exhilaration. If something sounds like a bad idea and that will most likely mean Ento is not far off getting ready to jump into the thick of it.

    Lecherous:. Ento just can't keep from chasing skirts. A fair woman is an almost irresistible temptation. This causes him a lot of problems, specially when he is looking for work in online games. This alone has been many a reasons why Ento has been caught unaware of his surroundings as well as the case for being thrown out of parties.


    » Profession: Alchemy

    » Crafting Materials: 19

    » Shop: -Under Construction-





    » Tracking: Rank 1

    » Listening: Rank 1

    » Acrobatics: Rank 0



    Weapon skills :



    » Basic Potion of Healing x 3

    » Basic Light Armor

    » Basic Dagger


    » Anneal Blade +1 attack

    » Assassin's Coat +1 attack

    » Col: 1920


    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    - [PP-F1] «A New Friend» // http://www.sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3720

    - [OP-F1] << Secret Medicine of the Forest >> // viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3718&p=56732#p56732

    - [sP-F1] << Earning a Living >> // viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3766&p=57784#p57784

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

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