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Posts posted by Echo

  1. I couldn't help but smile, so I slowly place the Boar down. It snort at me and ran back to its original position. "Good luck, Pepper." I said, as I took a seat on the grassy floor. I scroll through my menu and looked into my inventory. I materialize Fury's Echo just in case something doesn't go right. Pepper is afraid I can tell, but I don't know how I could help her. "Say, once we're done here do you want to find Mommy?" I said, placing my sword over my shoulder.

  2. I open one of my eyes to see Mayonaka slide by, hitting the wall. The warmth of my coat, hood, and scarf made it seem like I had a blanket wrapped around me. "Mayonaka? Are you okay?" I said, as I yawn. I smack my tongue, but continue to snuggle in the warmth of my clothing. I look over to the left to see the other party members coming by. "You guys took forever." I said, as I open my other eyes. I cover my mouth with the scarf and let the warmth take over.

  3. I stood up, watching Pepper strike the Boar. I dusted myself off and position myself to grab the Boar. It starts to snort at me and I ran towards it looking like a bear. I leap towards it attempting to grab a hold of it. My hand was able to grab onto the tail, but it ran towards Pepper. I quickly activated Agility and sped up. I bear hugged the Boar and carried it over to Pepper. "Here you go, Pepper. Become strong." I said, as I held onto the Boar.


    Dylan [17/17 HP]

    Echo [43/43 HP]

    Pepper [4/5 HP]


    Boar [1/2]

  4. I found my way to Snowfrost Town and took a seat by the central plaza. I let out my breath and I could tell this floor is freezing. "Where are those guys?" I said, as I wrap myself with a scarf. The hood and scarf makes everything warm again, but I have to wait for those guys to come back. I tuck my head in and closed my eyes. "Just take your time.." I said, as I rest by the frozen bench.

  5. The first Frenzy Boar looked like it was going to attack me, so I jump towards the third boar. It was a mistake I could have avoided easily. The third Frenzy Boar rammed into me, causing me to flip back landing on my stomach. I picked myself up and dash towards the Frenzy Boar, attempting to end its life. Before my sword can even reach the boar, it move to the side and ran back to its group. I slid back and stood straight up.


    »Echo [42/43 HP]


    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  6. The Frenzy Boar must have been taunted, because it starts to snort in a angry way. It starts to charge at me, but I plunge the ground in front of me. The boar must be a NAI, also none as a Non-Artificial-Intelligence. The Frenzy Boar slammed itself into my sword and I place my leg on top of it. "Wrong move." I said, as I place my sword on its stomach. I plunge my sword into its stomach, causing it to shatter into polygons. I place my sword on my shoulder, and taunt the next Frenzy Boar. "Come on! I have all day!" I said, chuckling.


    »Echo [43/43 HP]


    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [DEAD]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  7. The Frenzy Boar attempts to ram me, but I leap to the side evading its attack. I ran up towards the Frenzy Boar attempting to counter its attack, but the boar managed to evade my attack. The pigs start to snort at me, but I ignore the mockery. The Frenzy Boar had nothing on me, so why would I feel mocked? The frustration starts to boil within me, but I had to calm myself down. I leap back restraining myself from going berserk. "Alright Piggy. Come get me now." I said, taunting the second Frenzy Boar.


    »Echo [43/43 HP]


    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  8. I glance over our party, then I notice a player I've never met at all. I walked over to the door, glancing over at the player. I place my hand on the giant door, pushing it open. "Fiesta Burgers.. sounds good. Let's head there now." I said, putting my hood over my head. The blizzard starts to pick up, but my stomach is growling and I'm not going back now. I dash off towards Snowfrost Town, disappearing into the blizzard.

  9. Materializing on the teleportation gate of, Starting City. "It's time for me to be a Grand-Master of the Straight Sword." I said, as I walk off the teleporation platform. I open up my menu and looked at my notes I have scribbled down for my Grand-Master training. I took a deep breath and look over the notes I have, as I finish I look up over towards the exit of Starting City. "The Giant Frenzy Boar awaits for me." I said, as I dash towards the exit.

    I made my way towards the Grasslands and found a large hill. "Looks like I'm close." I said, as I slowly walk over to the hill. Suddenly, I hear some growling and snorting around me. I quickly materialize Fury's Echo and smirk at the monsters surround me. "Alright. I guess I need to fight you all off first." I said, dashing towards the group of monsters. The group of Dire Wolves stayed back, as the Frenzy Boars took their position. "Let's Rock!" I said, leaping towards the first Frenzy Boar. Missing my attack, I leap back getting ready to block the attack of the Frenzy Boars.


    »Echo [43/43 HP]


    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    »Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    Field Boss: Giant Frenzy Boar

    Surround Mobs: 5x Frenzy Boars

    5x Dire Wolves

  10. Pepper still trembling, but I still sat besides her. "It's very nice to meet you, Pepper. You want to be brave like Mommy? I see." I said, as I look towards her. I put my hand down and crossed me legs. "Pepper, if you want to be brave like Mommy, you can't cry when you can't do something. Only cry when something happy happens. Don't waste those tears on things like this." I said, wiping the tears off her eyes. I could hear Pepper start hiccuping

    and I couldn't help but grin.

    Pepper dashed towards a Frenzy Boar and I immediately stood up. "Pepper!" I shout, as the boar ram her. I quickly materialize Fury's Echo and lunge towards the Frenzy Boar. I could see it in Pepper's eyes. She wanted to kill the boar and become strong. I quickly de-materialize my sword and leap towards the Frenzy Boar, attempting to grab it. I missed and land on my face.

  11. I walked over to the little girl and de-materialize Fury's Echo. I took a seat next to her and place my head over her sword. "Why are you crying? Nothing bad happened." I said, as I force the sword to de-materialize back into the little girl's inventory. I place my hand on top of her head and the other hand to move her hands away from her eyes.

    I could feel an unease tension, but I can't leave her feeling like that. "My name is Echo. What's your name?" I said, as I look ahead.

  12. I hugged her tight, hoping that I wouldn't lose her anymore. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone after all these years." I said, as I let go. As long as I was around her, I have the strength to move forward. I wipe the tears that were about to flow out my eyes. "I never thought I would find you here." I said, as I let my golden eyes fall deep into her eyes. I shook my head and flash a smile to her. You've been training a lot, haven't you? I guess leaving you alone for nine years must have made you stronger, Masuki. I said to myself, as I tighten my grip around the locket.

  13. I de-materialize Fury's Echo and removed my hood. My silver hair flows with the wind on the fourth floor and my golden eyes met the other parties. "My apologies. My name is Echo." I said, greeting the members of the party. I look over at Mayonaka and grin, "It's nice to see you again." I said, as I took a seat by where the Fire Spirit once stood. I cross my arms and close my eyes, "Claim.. I see you join us here today as well. I hope you are doing well." I said. I open my eyes looking towards Neloe, "How's your training going Neloe?" I asked.

  14. The Fire Spirit attempted to attack Claim once again, but I intervene and plunge my sword into its spiritual body. "You guys finish it off. The health has dropped to the red zone." I said, as I yank my sword back. The heat from the spirit made me sweat, but there wasn't time for me to worry about the small stuff.


    » Claim [12/15 HP]

    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Mayonaka [21/21 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]

    » Or'ell [11/11 HP]


    » Fire Spirit [07/40 HP]

  15. Seeing her blush and having an embarrassed expression, I knew it is Masuki. "It has been so long, Masuki." I said in a soft tone. The nine years that have passed since the last time I saw her. My memories are coming back to me and I don't want it to leave anymore. Those nine years, I wasn't there to protect her. Will she forgive me for leaving her for nine years? I said to myself. Those were the past and this is the present. I'm just glad I could see her again.

  16. I swoop in as I quickly materialize Fury's Echo. I went pass through the Frenzy Boar, shattering into polygons. "Are you two okay?" I said, as I look back to see a little girl and Dylan. "Dylan. It's been some time." I said. I went over to the little girl, "Are you okay?" grinning at the girl.


    Dylan [17/17 HP]

    Echo [43/43 HP]

    Pepper [4/5 HP]


    Boar [DEAD]

  17. Eyo everyone!

    I look forward to meeting all of you! If you ever wanna RP just drop me a PM and I'll get to it ASAP! Hoping to have lots of fun here!

    Eggo Suzaku!

    I do love to look forward when I walk. We can RP anytime I hope you have some fun!

  18. Ruri had a surprised look on her face and it seems like we had the same expression/reaction when we spoke of a friend. There's no doubt. Masuki.. I finally found you. I said to myself. I wanted to break down and just hug her, but I need real confirmation that it really is her. It was like if I was some kind of super hero, I have a feeling that its really her. I tilt my head when she attempted to say something, but I couldn't hear her. "What? I couldn't hear y-" I stop myself when she said it. She said: Eden. I crossed my fingers and gulped. "Yes, my name is Eden SaitÅ. A--Are you.. Masuki?" I said nervously. Now I have a hundred percent belief that it is her and now I wouldn't need to worry about finding her anymore. "I--Is it really you.. Masuki?" I said, holding back the tears.

  19. Courageous, brave, and she looked up to me? I spoke in my mind, hoping that I finally found her. I look down at her and her blue hair, and blue eyes. She is so much like Masuki, no doubt about it. Yet I couldn't seem to believe it just yet. Everything is happening so fast, but I feel like I've accomplished so much more. I need to ask her.. If her "friend's" name is Eden. "I'm going to be honest with you, but you also remind me of a really close friend of mine." I said, as I rub the back of my head looking nervously. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm myself once more. Masuki.. if that's you.. please remember me.. I really missed you. I said to myself over and over.

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