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Posts posted by Echo

  1. I leap onto the Desert Ruin Golem's back, but it managed to get me off its back and I fell on my back. I slid across the floor and hit my head against the wall. "Y--You didn't see anything!" I shout, as I stood up gripping tight the handle of my sword. The ground starts to rumble a bit, but I took the advantage of this time and attempt to attack again. The golem notices me and attempts to slam me against the floor, luckily I evade the attack. I could feel my accuracy dropping every time I attempt to swing, but I can't let that get in the way.


    » Echo [35/39 HP]

    » Haine [71/77 HP]


    » Desert Ruin Golem [07/87 HP]

    -1 OBD

    +2 DMG

  2. Spinning my blade in a circular motion, I slowly head towards the Frenzy Boar. It starts to snort at me and charge towards me. I leap back a bit and attempted to slash at it, but I missed. I dash back to Neloe, covering my face from the miss. "Tch.. It's your turn, Neloe." I said, as I took a seat on the floor.


    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]


    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  3. Miraculously, Haine was able to damage the Desert Ruin Golem. "Nice job, Haine!" I said, as I ran up to the golem. I ran up on top of its shoulder. I stab inside of its shoulder and it let out a roar. I could feel a smirk grow on my face. "Haine.. Let's finish this quickly." I said, as I yank my sword out of its shoulder. I leap off towards Haine, but like a loser I fell on my face. "D--Damn it. You didn't see that, okay?" I said, trying to play it off.


    » Echo [35/39 HP]

    » Haine [71/77 HP]


    » Desert Ruin Golem [07/87 HP]

    -1 OBD

    +2 DMG

  4. I stood up with frustration and tighten my grip on my sword. I look over at the Party and it seems like some of us were having a hard time as well. I went towards the Fire Spirit after a brief moment, but unfortunately I did not manage to damage the spirit at all. I starts to chuckle, but stop because I started to sound like an idiot. I leap back to safety to avoid any fire damage.


    » Claim [15/15 HP]

    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Mayonaka [21/21 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]

    » Or'ell [11/11 HP]


    » Fire Spirit [33/40 HP]

  5. The Frenzy Boar attempted to attack me, but I evade its attack. The boar walked back to its group, and I faced the Dire Wolf. "One Frenzy Boar and two Dire Wolves." I said, as I draw Fury's Echo close to me and dashed towards the Dire Wolf. I missed my attack against the Dire Wolf and I stood my ground.


    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]


    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  6. The Desert Ruin Golem, walking around like an idiot tried to attack me. I evade the attack and dash towards its stomach. I bust right through the stomach, leaving a hole on the golem. I slid behind it, as the back piece fell ontop of me. There was no damage towards me, because the piece shatter before it could even slam against me. I dash towards Haine and leap towards her. "We're getting close." I said, as I slid nearby her.


    » Echo [35/39 HP]

    » Haine [71/77 HP]


    » Desert Ruin Golem [21/87 HP]

    -1 OBD

    +2 DMG

  7. Spinning my blade in a circular motion, I slowly head towards the Frenzy Boar. It starts to snort at me and charge towards me. I leap back a bit and attempted to slash at it, but I missed. I dash back to Neloe, covering my face from the miss. "Tch.. It's your turn, Neloe." I said, as I took a seat on the floor.


    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]


    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  8. Neloe managed to scratch the Dire Wolf, but I still had to pick up the pace. I drew my sword, and dash towards the Frenzy Boar once again. I dash side to side, finally in front of the Frenzy Boar. At first, the Frenzy Boar step backed a few. I started to quickly slash the Frenzy Boar and stopped as I heard it screech. Killing another one. "This is pretty easy." I said, as I dash back to Neloe.


    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]


    » Frenzy Boar [DEAD]

    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  9. Haine attempted to attack the Desert Ruin Golem, but missed once again. Some how my luck started to come back to me and I didn't take another second to think about it. I ran straight towards the golem slashing at one of its hand. Its left hand starts to crumble, as I pass through it. The left hand fell straight down shattering into polygons. I slid behind the Desert Ruin Golem and saw the health of the Desert Ruin Golem. It still had a good amount of health left, but it was indeed in the red zone. "We're almost done, Haine." I said, encouraging her to keep fighting.


    » Echo [35/39 HP]

    » Haine [71/77 HP]


    » Desert Ruin Golem [27/87 HP]

    -1 OBD

    +2 DMG

  10. I attempt to attack after Neloe, but tripped over the Frenzy Boar. I brought my sword back, and leap back towards Neloe. "Y--You didn't see anything." I said, as I pick my cheek nervously. I place my sword over my shoulder blocking Neloe's view from seeing my face.


    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]


    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  11. I nod at Mayonaka, as I dash towards the Fire Spirit ahead of us. Without hesitating, I lunge towards the Fire Spirit. With my sword in front of me, I attempt to slash the Fire Spirit. My sword went right through it and my entire body went right pass it. I could feel the insides of me burning for some reason. I start to cough, but fell to my knees. "Keh.. I'm not done yet." I said, as I attempt to stand. I fell back down to my knees slowly recovering.


    » Claim [15/15 HP]

    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Mayonaka [21/21 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]

    » Or'ell [11/11 HP]


    » Fire Spirit [40/40 HP]

  12. tumblr_mbff1sGzVX1rshzuyo1_500.gif

    Echo's Character Facts

    • Echo's personality is mostly based off of me.

    • Echo originally was going to have blue hair, but I decide to take on a new color.

    • Echo's name was to be Sai, but I lost interest in the name.

    • Echo is used to being alone, and that's why the winter cold doesn't faze him.


  13. Still not giving up, I took off towards the Frenzy Boar. "Execute, ECHO!" I shout, as my sword starts to glow bright white. It was like as if it started to glow on command. I grin as I pass through the Frenzy Boar with such ease. The moment the Frenzy Boar shatters I grin to myself, as I place my sword over my shoulder.


    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]


    » Frenzy Boar [DEAD]

    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  14. The Desert Ruin Golem punched me right smack in the back, sending me flying towards the wall. *BOOM* The room starts to shake and I fell on my back. The pain starts to circulate around my body, but there was no time for me to just sit around. I stood up, ignoring all the pain with a grin. "It didn't even hurt." I said, as I dash towards the golem. I leap into the air with my sword behind me. My sword pierces the chest of the Desert Ruin Golem and it starts to let out a huge roar. I pull my sword back, but fell onto the ground. "Heh.. Almost done." I said, as I slowly get back to my feet.


    » Echo [35/39 HP]

    » Haine [71/77 HP]


    » Desert Ruin Golem [33/87 HP]

    -1 OBD

    +2 DMG

  15. Wearing my Wintercloak, I blend right in with the blizzard. "Tch.. I guess staying here training here again wouldn't be so bad." I said, as I stay hidden within the blizzard. The raging snow starts to blare, but I made my way towards three figures. "Do you three know where to find a Flaming Spirit?" I asked the three figures, as I quickly materialize Fury's Echo.

  16. Failing to dodge the Wasp Queen's attack, I took the attack head on. The Wasp Queen stung me with its needle, but I held onto it with my left hand. Grinning with the fall of the queen, I brought my sword up. "Long Live The Queen." I said, as I plunge my sword into its chest. The Wasp Queen shatters into polygons leaving behind an item. I walked over and picked up the item. «The Matriarch's Stinger», huh?" I said, as I put the stinger into my inventory.


    » Echo [31/41 HP]


    » Wasp Queen [-01/30 HP]

    +2 DMG

  17. This time attracting three Frenzy Boars and two Dire Wolves. As long as this is the first floor, I won't let Neloe die. I re-materialize Fury's Echo and dash towards one of the three Frenzy Boars. I attempt to slash the boar, but it move to the side. It evade the attack, but failed to counter.


    » Echo [41/41 HP]

    » Neloe [15/15 HP]


    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

    » Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  18. Frustrated.. I just wanted to end this golem quickly and move on. I tighten my grip around the handle of my sword once again. I lunge towards the Desert Ruin Golem, but with a twist. Right before I could land my hit, I spun over to its side and ran up towards the head. I dug my sword deep into the head of the golem, dropping its health near the red zone. There was so much health, but as long as I could land a couple of more hits. "It'll me over.." I mumbled out loud. I launch myself off towards Haine and slid nearby.


    » Echo [37/39 HP]

    » Haine [71/77 HP]


    » Desert Ruin Golem [39/87 HP]

    -1 OBD

    +2 DMG

  19. I flash a grin towards Neloe, "There will be more items in the future. As long as you train harder." I said to her. I took a look around the field to see more Frenzy Boars and Dire Wolves spawning. "Looks like there are more spawning now." I said, as I stood up. I gave her two options and they were: "Do you want to fight some more, or head someplace else?" I said, getting ready to do one of the other.


  20. The Desert Ruin Golem smacked Haine right in the stomach and there was nothing I could do. I took a step back and lunge towards the Desert Ruin Golem, but it swung its gigantic hand towards me. I quickly reacted and place my sword to the side of me, sustaining all the damage. I took a deep breath before landing back down on the ground. The ground shook, as the Desert Ruin Golem starts to slam down against the ground. I brought my sword over my shoulder and glance over at Haine. "It's up to you!" I said, as I let out a sigh.


    » Echo [37/39 HP]

    » Haine [71/77 HP]


    » Desert Ruin Golem [44/87 HP]

    -1 OBD

    +2 DMG

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