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About Kalthios

  • Birthday 08/14/1996

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About Me

Kal Denneker was, from a young age, a very quiet person. Even as a child, he was more likely to be found with a book or portable game console in hand, rather than with friends. As he got older, the gap between him and everyone else, his parents included, widened. By the time he was 15, the only real contact he had beyond the enforced contact at school was with his two friends, both named Mike, which he referred to as M&M when they were together. As the three aged, they grew less interested in the real world, and more so in the virtual worlds of MMORPGs. Upon the announcement of the NerveGear, the three boys made it a point to pre-order months in advance. Naturally, on the arrival of opening day, the boys stood next to each other in line. As luck would have it, due to his being slightly in front of the other two, Kal managed to get the last Nervegear and copy of SAO the store had in stock, though he promised his friends he would allow them time to play on his console.

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