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Posts posted by Felicia_raptor

  1. The reddish pink headed girl was training on floor two when she went to floor amaya her familiar was playing in the field while Kira was looking at the prices of meat. When she heard yells from Amaya when I got to the field there were a lot of bugs surrounding her three she jumps in and protects her Familiar. She was out numbered and she sighed "help me!" She yelled and saw someone in the distance.

  2. It came at her and she calls upon Amaya, "Amaya protect me with night bite." Kits commands and Amaya prepares to run up to the cow and bite it when Kira says, "Now Amaya hurt it, and send it into darkness!" Santa runs up to the cow and bites it and it leaves a black mark and starts bleeding


    Amaya [11/11]

    Kira [5/5]


    «trembling cow 1» [8/10] [bleed 2/2]

  3. She walks to the field where there were a herd of trembling cows and oxs.

    "Ready to fight Amaya?" The blue Fox with greenish blue marking yipped happily.

    "I guess that is a yes."

    She runs into one monster in total trembling cow. She takes out her Scimitar and gets ready to kill it. She hits it and gives 10% of damage.


    Amaya [11/11]

    Kira [5/5]


    «trembling cow 1» [9/10]

  4. She looks at amaya "use night bite!" It failed and Amaya looks hurt and kira protects Amaya "rest sweet girl." She whispers.


    Echo [22/23 HP]

    Kira [11/11 HP]

    Amaya [3/5 HP]


    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  5. Kids concretes hard on killing the boars. She takes her sword and runs up to a boar and slashes at it. "Die pig." She smirks after saying that. But misses and dodged it's attack


    Echo [23/23 HP]

    Kira [11/11 HP]

    Amaya [4/5 HP]


    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  6. ((Actually when it's their attack you attack them like this you use your battle dice so last turn you would make the wolf take three damage here let's show you then you edit your post first you type the first part like Kira took out her blade and was ready to attack then you post then look at the battle dice and according to the dice

    1-5 Is a miss attack

    6-8 is one damage

    9 is 2 damage

    10 is three damage

    Say you got a dice 1 you miss and the enemy attacks you and gives you 1 damage.

    1-2 or three is miss and monster gives you 1 damage

    3-5 you miss the attack but you dodge the monsters attack.))

  7. "Amaya night Bite again point it to dire wolf." The familiar runs up to the wolf and tries to bite it. It missed again and protects itself by dodging the dire wolf's attack.


    Echo [23/23 HP]

    Kira [11/11 HP]


    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  8. Now it was kira's turn to attack. She takes out her sword and slashes at the dire wolf. It took a lot of damage from her slash. "You should have died for hurting my familiar!" She growled a little.


    Echo [23/23 HP]

    Kira [11/11 HP]


    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  9. Amaya and I were fighting a dire wolf when we saw a boy in the distance. Kira waves her hands and smiles. "Want to fight with us to gain a few levels?" She yell to the boy and Amaya the water fox yipped happily. When the boy comes beside her she takes out her sword "ready to train New boy?" she asked "you try to fight first."


    amaya (night rain): [5/5]

    Kira: [11/11]

    New boy: [5/5]


    Dire wolf: [5/5]

    Dire wolf: [5/5]

  10. Ok let's do this Amaya, Echo-kun!" she smiles and she puts Amaya down. One of the frenzys boar charges at Amaya. "Use Night Bite to the frenzy boar coming at you." She commands. Amaya tries and misses and takes damage.


    Echo [23/23 HP]

    Kira [11/11 HP]

    Amaya [4/5]


    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

  11. She looks around for something and found it, it was a Fox with weird greenish blue markings. Her collar said Amaya (night rain.) "Hello amaya you want back in plushy form?" It nodded and yipped she touched it's callor and it turned back into a plush size by her saying "sleep amaya." It was climbing onto her shoulder and layed down. "Good amaya for helping me." She whispers and looks at the guy. "Um hi I'm Kira and this little one is amaya"

  12. "Yeah it was pretty quick" she smiles and rests and sees a small dire wolf coming up to us and I started aweing. "It's so kawaii!!!" She picks it up and start petting it. And it yipped happily. She takes out some bread and it eats it a little shyly. "I want this one as my familiar." it barked and ate all of the bread and started to transform into a fox. Fennec_Fox_Spirit_by_12tailed_Shadow_Fox.jpg I awe over it and it yipped and jumped it my arms. "Ok let's see if it is a good battler."

  13. She attacks the one that stay was interested in me even though I tried to kill it. "Bye wolfie" I whisper.after I tried to attack it it attacked me back and I took damage.


    Echo [21/21 HP]

    Kira [9/9 HP]


    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

  14. Kira finds on of the dire wolves taking a interest in me I look at it and shake my head "I'm sorry boy I need col more then you." She smiles and takes out her sword and charged at the dire wolf. She almost killed it.


    Echo [21/21 HP]

    Kira [9/9 HP]


    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [2/5 HP]

    Dire Wolf [5/5 HP]

  15. "Let's go hunt for more monsters then after today let's go questing." So about three training battles with monsters then sleep and then do a quest tomorrow. She smiles at Echo her eyes sparkle, thank you for being so nice Echo it means a lot. she thinks to herself.

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