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Posts posted by Felicia_raptor

  1. She falls to sleep in the bed. Her dreams were about Kyle again but they were happy. She wakes up to the sun shinning through the window. She yawns and stretches and comb through her hair with her hand and makes sure it's clean then messages Echo, 'You awake?' She asks in the message and sends it.

  2. She hugged him and whispers "I miss you Kyle" she blushes and looked up at Echo. "Let's have one more battle then May I stay in the inn with you again after a while I will find a way to pay for it but for now I have no way to." She asks with pink cheeks. Hopefully he will say yes. she thinks.

  3. Ok let's kill this boar." She smirks and holding her sword and slashes at it again. "That's for hurting Echo." She says giggling a little. She brings the sword down on the boar. But missed but at least she dodged the attack.


    Echo [19/21 HP]

    Kira [8/9 HP]


    Frenzy Boar [4/5 HP]

  4. She smiles, "thank you Echo." She picks up her sword again and tries hard to kill the boar. Smiling she slashes at the boar hoping to kill it. But looks at me with hurt eyes and she sighed "should I kill it and go get a stronger familiar or should I take the chance of getting a weak familiar... I will kill it." She sighed again and swings her sword across the boar. She gives it one damage.


    Echo [20/21 HP]

    Kira [8/9 HP]


    Frenzy Boar [4/5 HP]

  5. She looks at Echo and giggle. She looks at the boar. She runs up to it and attacks it slashing my sword into it hard. But missed and it got me. "Ouch." She yelped. And ran back to Echo


    Echo [21/21 HP]

    Kira [9/9 HP]


    Frenzy Boar [5/5 HP]

    Bug [3/5 HP]

  6. She gulped as the bug came at her she hides behind Echo then sighs and Slashs at the bug. "Oh Yuck I hate bugs with a passion." She jumps straight above the bug and drags the blade on top of the yucky bug. "Please kill it." she mumbles. She attacks it's and almost kills it.


    Echo [21/21 HP]

    Kira [9/9 HP]


    Frenzy Boar [3(or 4)/5 HP]

    Bug [5/5 HP]

  7. Kris looks at the dire wolf and raises up her sword, "this will be a easy kill." She smirks trying not to let her soft heart get in the way. She attacks it and kills it and then sighs and smiles at Echo.

    "I'm normally a weak hearted person but with you I can kill with out my heart getting in the way." She admits shyly.


    Echo - 21/21

    Kira - 5/5


    Dire Wolf - dead

    Dire Wolf -3/5

  8. I look at the frenzy boar that made the mistake of trying to attack me and I grab my sword and slash at the stupid pig. Hoping to hurt something. I kill the boar happily.


    Echo - 21/21

    Kira - 5/5


    Frenzy Boar - 0/5

    Dire Wolf - 1/5

    Dire Wolf -5/5

  9. I see the dire wolf charge at you like I wasn't there. I hesitate but then take scimitar off my back and attack it at full speed. My blade hits the dire wolf. I miss and got his attraction and blocked his attack. "At least I dodged it." I sighed


    Echo - 21/21

    Kira - 5/5


    Frenzy Boar - 3/5

    Dire Wolf - 5/5

    Dire Wolf - 5/5

  10. The girl straps her Scimitar to her back it was her starter blade, and she loved it to death. She sighed and thought I'm not ending their lifes I am doing them a fever. She then walked out of the end and meet up with him. She smiles at Echo. "Let's do this." She smiles happily.

  11. "I-I want to meet up with you in the real world if we get out of here." She admits. "It will probably be my last wish. I'm to die in a month." She admitted crying. "I think I'm ready to train. What level are we going to?" She asks happily. She pets the custom cat tail and ear set. Her red/pink hair was down to her bust. She starts playing with her hair a little nervous.

  12. She nods and falls asleep then dreams about my brother. "kira!" The younger boy yells and jumps on top of me. "Hello Kyle" I reply as I pick up the 14 year old and twirls him around in my arms. He starts laughing. And then a time skip happen to a year later. "Sister sister please don't die like our parents I'm begging you. He cries I pat him on the head. "I'm sorry Kyle for being sic-" I start coughing up blood and then the doctors come in... "You only have a month to live"... I woke up crying and curling up to the bed I was sweating bad.

  13. She took the medicine. Her lungs felt a little better. "It will probably work for a while. Now that your with me maybe a familiar could help heal me if you happy take me to tame one of the monsters I will be so happy. Please?" She looks at the boy begging him. "Pleaaaaasssseeeee???" She whines a little. Her eyes sparkled. She looking into his eyes and kind of got lost in his eyes then breaks eye contact.

  14. The boy reminded her of her brother and she does what he says and puts on the clothes the nice boy gave her. "T-Thank you" her voice sounded very bad.

    "May I wash my hands in your bathroom?" The girl asks shyly instead of waiting for a answer she walks to the sink and washes her bloody hands and then drinks some of the water out of her hands and sighed. She sighed and came back with her hands and face clean and smiles.

    "I'm sorry sir I'm Kira Hall... I have lung problems. I cough up blood a lot I'm surprised I still alive." She admitted blushing her cheeks were pink and she feels her head and gasps. She was burning up. She feel down a little weak from coughing up blood.

    "S-sorry" she looked at the boy with tearful eyes. "Thank you for caring." She said a little sadily.

  15. Kira Hall was walking around. Thinking about how it's been a week since she said "Link Start" she missed her brother. She was petting her white custom cat tail. She sighed her cheeks heat up as she looks around and starts coughing up a little blood. She had to wash out her mouth again. Her lungs were very bad in the real life she hoped her lungs would be better here but Sadily no it wasn't even a little better. Had blood on her hands when she felt someone bump into the frail and skinny girl and she fell and started coughing up blood again but this time it didn't last long her clothing was bloody. She blushed and looked up...

    "U-um I-I am sorry sir..." She was trembling because she probably looked like she killed someone.

  16. Kira hall


    » Username: Felicia_raptor

    » Real name: Kira Hall

    » Age: 16

    » Gender: female

    » Height: 5'4

    » About: History/personality

    In the real world she doesn't remember all her past, but she lived in a small house just her and her brother plus a dog. We had to work there butts off to feed all three of them. Her brother won't tell her about her past so she had to forget about whatever happened in the past. In sword art online she isn't as shy as the young girl she was she had no friends when she bought sao she was so lonely. She turned to gaming where no one knew who she was. She loved the idea of a familiar. She always wanted one. But first she would have to find a guild. She wanted someone to care so she liked the idea of a guild.all she remembered of the real world other than saying "link start!" was her brother's face. And she wondered would I ever see him again.

    Her personality in real life is shy and caring but she was scared of everything so she became lonely and dark and depressed. Her personality in Sao changed dramatically she wasn't as shy and she is kind, loving and trusting. She is willing to make friends.

    » Virtues:

    Caring: Kira is the nicest person anyone could never meet. She is loving and would help anyone in need. She's like a older sister, or a mother. Depends on how you think of her.

    Loyal: Kira is very loyal, when it comes to anything important you can trust her. She is like a dog she will stay at your side even if you betray her she'll forgive you.

    Trusting: One of her best quality but a flaw at the same time; she will trust anyone she meets. She is very easy to make friends with online. This may cause problems,as there are untrustworthy players who will take advantage of her.

    » Flaws:

    Soft-Hearted: Kira hates killing anything. And will do ANYTHING to avoid it that is why she likes the idea of familiars. This will cause many problems when clearing the floors with other players.

    Over Protective: She will protect a person even if they don't want her to. Especially her brother, touch him you will have a super mad female on her hands. She's like a overly attached girlfriend. Not really.

    Frail: She is scrawny and skinny so she is not the best fighter. She doesn't have much meat on her bones, but its a plus to seduce males. Probably.




    Familiar Communication [0] (skill used 0/2)





    Weapon skills

    »[0] One-Handed Curved Sword (skill points used 0/2)



    Scimitar(starter sword)

    Mats: 4 mats



    Death sword for 700 col

    Brute of strength x1 for 500 col


    »single http://www.sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3949 complete +405 col

    »private http://www.sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3895 complete +1950

    »private http://www.sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4163 complete +400

    »private http://www.sao-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4651

    Relationships (optional)

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