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Posts posted by Terrence

  1. Terrence nodded his head. As they walked up the mountain he slowly opened his mouth and spoke," In total I killed 23 people. 18 of those are IRL and the others are in here. I plan on making it 25 before I take my own life."  He looked at Ethereal for judgement. He spoke again," When I was ten they maybe kill a guy who was trying to heal a country. A Doctor later announced died of natural causes. I don't remember his name just the face he give me, when I twisted that knife into his chest. I never understood why they made me kill so many good people until, I realized something... There no money in a cure." 

  2. "You are so right, I will just stick to murdering you instead, I'm Demonbane. She is a grigori, After I rip your hearts out from your chest and I will do the same to Kazuya. I will make her watch ashe looks into her eyes one more time. I will not gloat nor, I laugh I will simply do let her kill me. That way the circle will be complete." He said and he ran at the beast. His havenshift kicked in and he stabbed the beast from all direction.



    Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    Rolled a 10 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    Rolled a 6 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    Rolled a 13 on the d20 (loot) dice.
    Kiru 69/69 
    Kazuya 17/19
    Argumail 33/33
    Terrence 12/15
    Wraith 79/99 
  3. "Indeed but, I believe that my wretched life will be come to an end soon." Terrence said quite frankly and reached out and shook his hand. " Thanks, for everything. Your as much of help to me as to Argumail. But every game must come to an end." He smiled and stood up and bit into the turkey,"After all, the game doesn't change only the players, see you later."

  4. Terrence looked up and saw that he was in The Crimson Inquisition and laughed. He took off his hat like it weighted a thousand pounds. He looked at the man. He knew that attacking some like this would be suicide. He laughed to himself, and smiled," I come to clear my head, It hard for to tread in a world that I don't belong."

  5. Terrence screamed in agony. Bloody tears rolled his face he raised out and grabbed,"Please help me! I can't control my action... wait where is Argumail?" He made move again like a marionette doll. He sliced again,"Run it almost has full control over me that italmost has control over Argumail, who is with deary beloved." Terrence turnd and looked at the beast," I am an angel, I don't obey evil.  I'm going to be your destroyer." He began to walk in its direction. "Go!" he said to Kazuya," I will kill you later."

  6. Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    Rolled a 10 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    Rolled a 6 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    Rolled a 12 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    Terrence looked at it eyes but, he could hold on much long. He havenshifted, he turned around and saw Kazuya. "Kazuya! you will die here" He ran at slammed his sword into his side. He spunned him and pointed the sword at Kazuya neck, he mimiced the moves of Kazuya and Argumail to make the most effective fighting style.


    Wraith 99/99

    Terrence 15/15

    Kazuya 17/19

  7. The creature was just a mass of black goo. It rose for it, place and looked at Argumail. It looked Terrence and then at Kazuya, and then it let got a scream that could kill. The goo started to solidify into a monster. It had the face of a woman and fang of a wolf. As her body remained black. Terrence put his top hat back on top of his head, after he bowed to creature,"Terrence, Angel at your service... I must exterminate you and then them." He looked at Kazuya because the monster had shown him. He ran towards it as fast as he could. As he looked in his enemy's eyes images popped in his head. 

  8. Terrence watched her run and weighed his options. He looked at the girl screaming in the dark or at Arga who bleed out and more or less paralyzed. He grinned and walked across the jagged shore with his top hat hand and saber in another. He heard a clicking like scales against sharp rock or a crushing noise. He turned and looked. What he saw was so horrifying that he forgot where he was. The creature was cracking the rib of a dead player carcass. The player's face was ripped from it head. All the remained was the eyes that said, Help me help me.

  9. He gave her a fake smiled," This is the right stance and my clothing doesn't interfere with my movement." He sneered he hated people who pretended to know martial arts. He looked at the girl who was clearly younger than him and decided that there was more important people to kill. He worked hard for his quarry. He put up his dagger and pitted out his saber. He smiled again like Cheshire again. " Please step back! I have a job to do." In all of his life a NBK he never though that anyone couldn't identify him as being one. They knew fully well before he ripped out there tracheas or fatally poison them.

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