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Posts posted by Terrence

  1. Terrence smirked as he looked through his monocle. He sat on top of a tree about 4 miles away. He took a sip of his tea and he let got a small laugh. He looked at him again," Just like Argumail so conceded." He toss the knife, the one that took his life in his hand. " The poor fool like I would let anyone keep so a memorable piece of the best day of my life. He sat and buttoned his coat and pressed a button. "Has it been done?" The Lord of Light asked. "Yessir!" Terrence said," Now I can have day off?"

    The Lord smiled approvingly and disappeared. Terrence turned and looked at his quarry screaming alone in the bloody snow. He couldn't help but, pity him. "Perhaps he doesn't know who he is detailing with the Cheshire. There no stalemates with me. How boring I think I'll go say hello to wifey."


  2. Terrence wasn't have an easy time with the thugs. Because the Lord of Light's reasoning was correct. If you throw enough stones at a wall soon the wall will break. He was trying to break Terrence into a person who just take orders but, Terrence is a headhunter of a different color. He turned around spat the cyanide tea in the faces of his enemies. He wasn't too concerned about the pain he felt from two cups of the poison stuff but the void o inimicus. He wondered if Kazuya was still upset about the half kidnap... nah he was a bigger man then that he has walked down the corridors of war. Besides he should that although love is a strength it can also be a weakness. This weakness out weighs the strength, he thought Argumail's rage and threw that notion out.

  3. "Oh!"Terrence put on a fake surprised look on his face. "Gentlemen, gentlemen.. it's the Sabbath day... no work remember. Or is it Thursday I can't tell no more." Terrence walked forward and broke one guys neck. "What a waste, is nothing sacred anymore jeez." He threw the dead body at the opposing enemy and then he turned around," Today, we are allies alright."

  4. "Strength and willpower would do little against cyanide. The Lord of Light has no honor or respect for others. I was dead, and he brought me back from the dead. I would do anything to kill that... " Terrence looked around as he stepped outside of town. A group of thugs surrounded him,"What's this?"


    "The Bossman says hey" They say in unison

  5. "Those drinks they were poisoned. That was a NPC that my organisation set up. Safe zone won't have applied. This is the game we play, were there are no checkmates and no timeouts. The Lord of Light is always looking always listening. You might not always understand why I do something... I just know that I do so with good purpose." Terrence said," Like I said let's go" 

  6. "Really?" Terrence said as he dumped his tea on the floor,"Tell me about yourself, they don't really tell me anything these days. All they do is point and say kill." When the waiteress came back and put the lemonade on the table, Terrence poured it out. "God, that is so cliche, we saw it from a mile away." He looked at Kazuya," Time to go!"

  7. "Me? I'm fattered!" Terrence sipped his tea,"I'm a NBK, being train still I was a little dude. In a fair fight I could kill Argumail at the cost of my life. I am one of the most hideous creature you will ever meet.... I hope. I'm the villian, but then that is decided by the victor, let's keep me the villain shall we. Because, We both know that Villain don't get happy endings... I don't deserve happy endings." He looked at waiteress who brought him another cup of tea."You know this cool, just talking to you not, having to kill you and all."

  8. "No, I'm telling you this to prepare you. You see I know I am probably going to fail, but what you got to understand is the buck doesn't stop with me." He looked at Kazuya,"They won't stop trying to kill you, they have eyes and ears everywhere. They won't stop because I'm dead. Now, I don't know you and you don't know me, so let's remember that."

  9. "Now, your story begins along time ago. In the year 1478, a baby was born with a eye disorder and acted in a strange manner. The people of it town let it survive. When the child grow up it became a tyrant. That man was pronounced a demon, but at a man with similar traits was picked to kill him, this man was called an angel. This war lasted way longer them. Ever hundred years or so, another one is born but, this time two were born of each, Kazuya and Argumail, demons and, Myself and a girl named Louise. Argumail was far more unstable than you ... far more so we shifted our focus to him...." he said

  10. "True... True, Bishop to b3." Terrence smiled," The reason I'm here I'm sure the grigori girl told you already." He sipped his tea and look at him," And, relax... matter factlets save this mental battle for another. I have a serious migraine" He said trustfully," I came here because I though demons hated the cool. But nah here you are. I planned this  meeting to take place on floor 2. By the way did you get the knife."

  11. Terrence looked at himself and was pure disgusted. He prepared himself, if Kazuya was anything like Argumail his would be a hard conversation. He looked at the little waiteress girl. "A table for two. please." She nodded her head and set up a table. He smiled at her politely and handed her a tip. So far he has shown any mental prowess... perhaps I can't let him live.... nah. But, nonetheless I should keep on subject, so he can't trip me up.

  12. Terrence turned around slowly and look the boy in the face. He kept a bored expression on his face."I am so scared... what should I do?" He looked at the Kazuya in the eyes," So, this is the fearsome Kazuya, I must say you really lived up to expectation... weak! I see that grigori girl was quite helpful. Now, I didn't capture your honey just for kicks. I did so my best friend and yourself can't get a heads up. Please, speak to me respectfully... you don't know how hard my job is." He walked back into the pub, Oh man,today was supposed to be my day off... oh well."

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