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Posts posted by Yami

  1. Watching her as she stands, he thought that she was going to sleep or something else.

    He never thought to walk or do something else while it was raining, there's a first time for everything after all.

    "Why not?" he said, as he took the last sip from his cup.

    As he finished the drink, the cup disappeared.

    "Any plans about what to do?" he asked, standing.

    His gaze shifting from the table to her, waiting for her answer.

  2. "I'm sure you can handle it, but actually.. I don't remember precisely what it was about. Better say something for sure." he said.

    Quite the truth, that detail was something really confusing and nothing necessary to know.

    Yami's glance was at her, listening her as she speaks.

    He thought that she was absolutely right, most of days there were spent grinding or farming.

    His life, and probably every player's, was different since they joined the game.

    "I understand you, but everyone needs a break some times. By the way, I'm sure it'll need a long time to reach Floor 100, only tip I can tell you.. is to enjoy your life." he said, offering a smile.

  3. Grunting lightly as he got hit by the Phoenix.

    "Damned bird.." he mutters.

    Then, he just stared at its HPs raising slightly, blinking slowly.

    "Did it.. just heal itself?" that's what he was thinking about.

    Shrugging to himself, he took stance and charged against the Phoenix.

    As he reaches the Phoenix, he does an horizontal slash, hitting it. Then, he moves away to let the others attack.

    "I think the appropriate phrase for this attack is.. a Booyah." he said.

    Kirigiri: 7/7

    RyujinSeaLord: 56/56

    Alkor: 8/11

    Zelrius: 63/63

    Zero: 19/19

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Keith: 83/83

    Yami: 10/17

    Rebekah: 17/17

    5iou5: 17/17

    DMG - BD: 9 ( 2 Hit - 2 Hit by Weapon - 1 Critical) = 5DMG

    Twinfire Phoenix 56/150

  4. Observing her attempt to attack again the boar, trying to figure out when he had to attack.

    Still wielding his sword, as Mikaria feel on the ground, he charged against the boar.

    Running as much as he can, his sword started glowing yellow.

    Then, when he reached the boar, he did an horizontal slash, hitting it.

    After that, he moved away, reaching Mikaria, still on the ground, offering his right hand in order to help her.

    "Your turn. It is not that hard, just think on your sword as an extension of your body." he said.

    Mikaria: 10/11

    Yami: 17/17

    DMG - BD: 10 ( 2 Hit - 2DMG by Weapon - 2 Critical) = 6DMG

    Boar: 3/9 [- 6HP]

    Boar: 9/9

  5. Nodding lightly to her opinion, Yami was looking at the window.

    Rain was comfortable to see and hear, he would just stay there for hours, admiring the rain.

    Then, he turns hid head at Lessa as she ask.

    "Oh, nothing to worry about.. Just details and I don't want to mix up your thoughts." he said.

    Just a careless detail, which he did not remember well how it worked.

    But, without thinking too much about it, he took another sip from his cup.

  6. "Indeed, except that.. this game is very similar to real life, there's even an option to- Nothing, nevermind." he said, shaking his head slowly.

    It was just about a little detail, nothing to worry about.

    "Unfortunate, very likely that my body is not on my bed anymore. It should be on a hospital bed connected to something to give us protein and other I guess." he said, twists his mouth lightly.

    "Ugh,. can't imagine myself like that." wincing lightly as he said it.

    Unfortunate, that was the truth.

    But, perhaps a day he would be able to stand up from that bed and walk.

  7. Offering a light shrug of his shoulders.

    He had no preferences about the matter, he thought grinding could be a good alternative.

    And even there he had no preferences about both.

    "Everything is good by me, if you want we can just go grinding with some random monsters." he said.

    He did not exactly mind about it, quests required precise things to do, while grinding you could kill almost every monster without had to a precise monster.

    It was quite easy than quests, but he gave the choice to Cindelika.

  8. He was standing still, observing her attempt to attack the boar.

    At the start, he thought that her attack was going to be successful, but.. it didn't go that way.

    But he understands that you can miss monsters, as it happened to him many times, so he didn't mind it.

    After a few moments, he grabbes his Millennium Sword from the lining on his back, taking stance.

    Charging against the boar, he tried to hit it with a simple swing, but he missed.

    "Heh.. Not the best start, actually." he said, walking to Mikaria.

    "Doing well?" he asks as he reaches her.

    Even if you could not really feel pain, better ask.

    Mikaria: 10/11

    Yami: 17/17

    BD: 2 = Missed

    Boar: 9/9

    Boar: 9/9

  9. Offering a smile to her as he listens.

    "I'm glad to hear that you are and can be positive. Unfortunate, everyone can be pessimistic sometimes, so am I, but rarely. After all, we're humans not AIs set to react just with a way or more." he said.

    He could not imagine enjoying a conversation with a NPC, because it has no emotions, thoughts.. nothing.

    Its words would come by a database, which is quite different from a person who can think.

    "We're around a bunch of codes, data and informations, right now we're codes as well, but we're real in a way. Not just something made writing some code in the database. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions are still real, just simulated." he said, with a friendly and reassuring tone.

  10. "Agreed. Especially the objective, but I'm sure we'll reach it and complete the game. If there was not any death rule, I'm sure everything would have been different." he said, looking at Lessa.

    It was interesting about listening another player's thoughts about it, even if Yami had his own point about it.

    But not everyone can agree with someone else's ideas.

    "I think that we don't have to dwell on the situation, but we should enjoy our life while we still have one. This.. trap, just give us another way to enjoy the life. Now I don't mean that I want to stay here, but to enjoy everything while you can. Unfortunate, most of players here don't think like that." he said with a shrug of his shoulders, offering a sigh.

  11. Nodding lightly to her.

    "Cool, I may buy something when you will open your shop or request something.. Can't stay with this default gear forever." he said, still walking.

    He thought Frenzy Boars may drop leather or something like that, useful if you have to be a tailor.

    While walking, they left the town, reaching the grasslands.

    After some minutes, there were some frenzy boars in a camp, that could be a good place to start gathering materials.

    "So, let's try with these?" he asked, keeping his gaze at her.

  12. "Nice to meet you, Lessa." he said, offering a nod to her phrase.

    "That's quite true, even if can't say if the rain has a role into this game, but it has in the real life. But, yes.. weather is quite realistic here, so.. who knows." looking at the window as he said it.

    After a few moments, it started to rain.

    It was the first time that Yami saw rain into SAO, never had the chance.

    The rain was realistic, its sound was relaxing as in the real life.

    Yami taking another sip from his drink, turning his head back at Lessa.

  13. "Sure thing, just a curiosity.. what profession you are going to choose?" he asked.

    He was just wondering which was the profession she was going to start.

    Yami was available to help gathering some materials, but at least he had to know which profession, there may be mobs for specific materials.

    Could not say that he knew Mitoko, it is not exactly a familiar name for him.

    So, he just kept his gaze at her while starting to walk, waiting for her answer.

  14. Nodding lightly to Mikaria as she says it.

    "Unfortunate, I'm running out of cols as well or I would pay it for you, sorry." he said.

    He would really want to help her and pay it for her, but as he said.. he had not much cols, so it was not possible.

    "Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asks.

    At least, if he could not pay the weapon, he may help her with something else.

    There were many things to do into SAO, you just had to know how to do them.

    He did not know if she had a profession or something like that, so could not imagine anything.

  15. Nodding lightly, taking a sip from his drink.

    "Glad to hear it. I'm good, just taking a drink after grinding around.." he said, turning his head lightly at the window.

    The more time passes, the more it seems it was going to rain.

    "And.. looks like it's going to rain anytime soon.." he said, turning his head back at the woman.

    After all, rain was not a problem. Probably, it would be nice to see and listen after those boring days with the sun.

    "Oh. By the way, I didn't catch your name.. If you don't mind, obviously?" he asked, keeping his gaze at her and taking another sip from his drink.

  16. Pleased by the woman's greeting, he offers a warm smile to her, taking a seat.

    Hoping that she would not feel odd by speaking to a random guy, but after all it was how Sword Art Online worked. To meet new people you had to talk with strangers, if there are not friends from real life. Could not say the same about the real life, but that's how SAO was working.

    Yami was inspecting the girl, studying her beautiful appearance, he thought that she was about his age or even older.

    Then, he decided to start the conversation.

    "I am Yami, I hope you're doing well?" he asked with a friendly tone.

  17. Glancing lightly at the window a few times to check the weather, Yami was still drinking from his cup.

    Rain would not be a problem for him, it would be rather good, since he joined the game he still had to see rain here and always sunny days are quite annoying.

    Then, he decided to inspect the players around, looking each of them. Noticing a girl drinking from a glass, he did not know if he should approach her and converse.

    But, after all he'd like to talk a little bit, so he got up and walked towards the girl.

    "Hello, mind if I take a seat?" he asks politely as he reaches her.

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