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Posts posted by Yami

  1. He was walking around the town without anything to do as he just finished his daily grinding.

    Usually, he would just spend rest of time doing something else as duels or normal conversations.

    Town was still full of new players, young and old.

    Some were even very young, even if he could not imagine a precise age for everyone.

    Then, Yami just walked inside an inn, ordering a drink and taking seat on a table.

    The inn was not crowded as usual but there were just a few players taking care of their business.

    Yami's table was on the inn's left side, while the others were near the counter. Weather was a little cloudy, but not exactly a problem.. perhaps after so much time, it may rain a little.

    Taking a few sips from his drink and looking at his reflection on the liquid.

  2. Welcome, Lessa!

    Would like to RP with you when your Journal is approved! :D

    I will send you a PM, if I don't fall asleep on the keyboard right now.. quite tired now, but if not.. I will surely send you a PM later!

  3. "So, you would suggest a dangerous exploration in the forest? Great idea, sis." he said, offering a grin to her.

    Most of the places which weren't towns were quite entertaining, even if towns were well made and beautiful, something they can be boring.

    But, actually Yami did not exactly know what they could expect in the forest and that could be a way to find out.

    If together, a monster could not be such a problem to worry about.

    "Let's go then, shall we?" starting to walk as he says it.

  4. When Mayonaka said Switch, Yami thought to get the turn.

    Waiting for Mayonaka to get far enough to stay away from the monster's range, better avoiding any counter-attack.

    His sword was not so shiny as the cave was dark and there were not many light sources.

    So, he prepared himself for another attack, looking at the Golem and charging against it.

    As he reaches it, he does an horizontal slash, hitting it and moving away to let the others attack.

    Ethereal: 35/35

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Yami: 17/17

    DMG - BD: 10 ( 2 Hit - +2DMG by Weapon - +2 Critical) = 6DMG

    Metal Golem: 5/32

  5. "...Seriously?" he thought as he heard Keith.

    Well, at least it was an original way instead of the same charge, attack and run, and the damage was quite high.

    Then, he shifted his gaze at the Phoenix as it tried to attack Keth. Yami was quite surprised that most of its attacks were missed.

    "Not for nothing, but your attacks are kind of a bore. I was more intimidated by those Frenzy Boars on floor one. I'm really wondering who you think that you are fooling!" he said, with his voice raised and tune lightly.

    So, he could just prepare to attack it, charging against the Phoenix.

    As he reaches the Phoenix, he does an horizontal swing, hitting it and moving away to let the others attack.

    Ruri: 77/77

    Kirigiri: 7/7

    RyujinSeaLord: 56/56

    Alkor: 3/11

    Zelrius: 63/63

    Zero: 19/19

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Keith: 83/83

    Yami: 17/17

    Rebekah: 17/17

    5iou5: 17/17

    Ethereal: 35/35

    DMG - BD: 9 ( 2 Hit - 1 Critical - 2 by Weapon) = 5 DMG

    Twinfire Phoenix: 75/100

  6. Nodding lightly at CIndelika's sentence.

    Yami did not care about guilds so much, as he prefer playing solo.

    "Hm.. I've seen most of the floors, I just have some to explore well." he said.

    And it was so, Yami quite saw most of the floors, just he did not explore some properly.

    That was quite the reason about why he was there.

    "By the way, I am Yami. Nice to meet you, Cindelika." as answer about her question.

    Looking around the place, with his gaze still at Cindelika. "So, any idea about something funny to do?" he asks.

  7. He glances briefly at Cindelika, blinking slowly.

    Yami did not understand why she was laughing so much, perhaps due of his particular hair? He just did not think too much about it, so he just gave her an answer.

    "Well, If I'm the only good thing here.. This floor must be annoying then." he said, offering a wink and a grin.

    "I was not that busy and so I decided to look at this floor, not the best reason. I may ask you the same question, why are you here?" he asked.

    Keeping his gaze at her, while studying her appearance, he was not sure that she was about his age.

    So, he was standing there, waiting for her answer.

  8. Floor 2's main settlement: Urbus.

    Teleport Gate activating, with a shiny blue circle light.

    As the light disappears, been possible to identify a figure with spiky hair.

    It was Yami which travelled from Floor 1 to 2, he still had to explore the place properly, and he was not busy so he decided to do it.

    Still in front of the Teleport Gate, he was looking around, inspecting the place.

    "Looks nice." he said.

  9. ((OOC: Since Mr. 11 changed it back on PP, I'll restart posting here))

    From afar it was possible to hear footsteps.

    It was Yami, running to Mr. 11. Sorry for the delay! I had to deal with something very important!" he said.

    Then, charging against the boar, taking his sword from the lining on his back, wielding it.

    As he reaches it, he swings his sword, missing the target. Moving away to let Mr. 11 attack.


  10. Yami was standing still outside, waiting for her.

    Lying against the shop's wall, shifting his gaze up, looking at the sky.

    Whistling to pass the time, Yami did not exactly like to wait.

    He was curious about what she had to do, but if she went to a blacksmith's shop.. probably something about weapons.

    While he waits, he also looks around, inspecting the place, NPCs and players.

  11. Yami nodded and they walked away.

    It was the first city, but that didn't mean it was small, it was rather big.

    Most of the players you could meet there had a low level, not very surprising.

    After ten minutes they arrive in front of a hut, managed by a female NPC.

    The NPC had long-blonde hair, blue eyes and she was lean.

    "Here we are.. inside we should find a NPC. I hope I was helpful and could help you in the best way I could." he said, offering a smile to her.

  12. Yami was wondering if she had any problem when he said that phrase, then when she asked that.. he started to ponder on the question, incredible on how Yami said that.. while in the real life he was alone.

    His eyes falling on the table, as he was remembering something.

    "Well.. I must admit, since I joined this game.. my life is better. I started to socialize with other players, while in the real life I was alone, ne-" he suddenly stops, shaking his head lightly.

    "Sorry, I know it is not polite to talk about the real world.." saying that as apology

    "But yes, I feel more alive here than I was in the real life." he said, taking a sip from his drink.

  13. Until now, Yami was watching the fight, admiring the Phoenix.

    Then, he thought it was his turn to attack. So, he grabbed his shiny Millennium Sword from the lining on his back.

    After a few moments, he charges against the Phoenix.

    As he reaches it, he does an horizontal slash, hitting it.

    "This bird has his hours counted." he said, moving away to let the others attack.

    Ruri: 77/77

    Kirigiri: 7/7

    RyujinSeaLord: 56/56

    Alkor: 11/11

    Zelrius: 63/63

    Zero: 19/19

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Keith: 83/83

    Yami: 17/17

    Rebekah: 17/17

    5iou5: 17/17

    Ethereal: 35/35

    DMG - BD: 9 [+1BD = 10 (10° Crit. invalid)] = (2 Hit - +2 Hit by Weapon - +1 Critical) = 5DMG

    Twinfire Phoenix 109/150 Paralyze and Bleed (1 Turn Left)

  14. "Oh, that's easy. You can drop them by most of monsters." he said.

    Yami thought he could help him killing some monsters, so he could drop materials for it.

    Low level monsters should be fine to drop some materials.

    He was not busy, so he had no problems about that.

    "If you want, I can help you about killing the monsters." he said with a friendly tone.

    So, he kept his gaze at him, waiting for his answer.

  15. His attention shifted at the newcomer, he was wondering why he was hiding, he thought his plan was to kill them.

    But, when he got off the spider from Rue's shoulder, he had a good impression.

    "Hello, what's up?" he asked him.

    Trying to know more about him, precisely why he was hiding.

    Perhaps, he was just shy or he didn't want to be seen.

    He just kept his gaze at him, waiting for his answer.

  16. Still walking, trying to follow Ethereal.

    Then, he suddenly heard something.

    "What the.." he said, as he notices a golem.

    He quickly grabs his sword from the lining on his back, wielding it.

    Then, he charges against it.

    As he reaches it, he does an horizontal slash, hitting it. Moving away quickly, avoiding any counter-attack or danger.

    "Switch!" he said, motioning the others to attack.

    Ethereal: 35/35

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Yami: 17/17

    DMG - BD: 8 ( 2 Hit - +2DMG by Weapon) = 4DMG

    Metal Golem: 27/32

  17. 1. Yami was meant to have a brother since the start, but I preferred to delay and wait a bit.

    2. My plan was that he did an "accidental" PK into his first RPs.

    3. Yami is inspired by Yami Yugi/Pharaoh Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh!).

    4. Another plan was to make him a bit.. psychopath, Yami from Season Zero as example.

  18. Yami was looking at Rue. "Well, I was just walking around.. Now, eh.. I have no idea." he said.

    He was just walking around that day, no objective.

    The meeting and fight was pretty random.

    Then, he notices another player was approaching them.

    "Not really, it charged against us." he said, as answer to Steel's comment.

    "By the way, I am Yami. Nice to meet you Steel." he said.

    Meeting new people was good, if they were not crazy.

  19. Following Mayonaka, he walks inside the cave.

    It was pretty dark and he hasn't Night Vision skill, unfortunate.

    "There aren't torches in this game?" he asks.

    A torch would be very useful right now, Yami could just continue to walk by following the cave's walls.

    It was wet enough inside the cave.

    His hope was to not touch a dragon in the dark, that would be very awkward.

  20. Yami was walking around, another exciting day of the same grinding and farming was waiting him.

    Then, he shifts his gaze at a player behind him as he heard a voice.

    Pondering on the question, Yami did not know where to find one as he never did the profession quest and never planned to have a profession as he isn't interested.

    "Artisan Trainer.. Uhm, I don't know. Never done the profession quest and I don't plan to do it. What is the quest about?" he asks.

    Yami was not interested about a profession, but he could help him.

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