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Posts posted by Ranganok

  1. As the two whip-like tails come towards Ranganok, the boy starts to spin his spear with his hands before him, then movig it above him looking like a helicopter. Then he spins to the right bringing the rotating spear to his right sideand makes a "sawblade spear" move towards the further right(being the back of his original position) and leaning backwards making the vine tails both tangle on each side of the spear which was pointed right. Then he grips the spear with his other hand which was upside down and charges the entire spear which would glow red. As the charging occured, Ranganok let out a devilish smile thinking *Gotcha!* Then using all his force he spins his spear 180 degrees which makes the nepents lose balance and being pulled towards the boy. As the monster aproaches, Michael spins his spea more cutting o the tails in the process. *Now that the weapons is freed, all that remains is to slay those monsters*, thought the boy. And so he made a a spining slash towards his right trying to get the first nepent, moving the spear more until it is pointed at his back, towards the second monster. Aft5er this he makes a thrust to that nepent and if successful he will continue to move the spear stuck in the nepent upward forming itself in an arc attack to the first mosnter(the one in the front) then after doing a helicopter spinning to the right he turns 180 degrees and makes a rotating slash to the Little Nepent which was in the back....finishing in his original position, straight but with his spear in diagonal the hand holding it being positioned to his back and the tip pointing down, thus finishing his combo move.

    Battle dice: 7(success)

    Ranganok: 3/5

    Little Nepent: 2/2

    Little Nepent: 2/2

  2. Finally...his hard work is rewarded...from the three nepents he took out, he managed to get an ucommon item...The shadow cloak which is ascually a simple black cloak but it looks like it is made from fine material and the black is very intense. It would also be a good replacer fro the scarf he lost...so now he looks at the stat of the cloak and gives him +1 loot critical(meaning the critical would start from a dice lower-18 in this case) Without a doubt he equips the cloack puting his hood on so his face would be covered, becomming an unknown player. However the attack on the nepent failed. The monster detected Ranganok's pressence and leaned to the right making the boy pass right beside the mosnter and getting between the two nepents. Both monsters aimed to do a whiping attack with their tails towards the boy and if it is successful will bring Ranganok in a critical life situation because double attacks means double damage.

    Battle dice: 2(fail)

    Ranganok: 3/5

    Little Nepent: 2/2

    Little Nepent: 2/2

  3. Now, with "a lot of enthusiasm" loots the nepents to see if there is something worth keeping and goes further into the "garden". He sees a Nepent with a red fruit on their head and if he remembers correctly that is bad news...those nepents attract other nepents like flies are attracted by light so he decides to keep his distance of it and try to find a nepent further away from the fruited one. As he scans the area of isolated monster which won't attract their friends(it would be very troublesome if a horde of nepents come for him) he sems to find two nepents facing each other...so the boy stealthily approached a nepent from the back altough he doesn't have any hiding skill, he uses his smarts and not stath to approach them...going trough bushes and aproaching from behind the target in a way that the nepent with the back turned will cover the other nepent's vision of Ranganok. He slowly charged his attack with a red light on the tip. He knows that he must move fast if he is to take both at the same time...So here he goes... Michael makes a powerful thrust aimed at the back of the nepent and if successful he would spin like a tornado three times going towards the other nepend and using the force from his spin he would try to do a horizontal slash with the tip that would take out the remaining monster.

  4. The boy successfully manages to dodge the bite, but the monster got the scarf that the boy was wearing destroying it. After this, the charged attack in a circle managed to take all the nepents(even the other two which were ready to attack the boy) and with his luck he managed to do a decent damage...meaning that he one hit all the three monsters. All of them vanish...*It was a good move* thought the boy thinking back at his performance with the group of nepents. He sighs again like all this was a bother to him..which to a degree it really is. Right now he just wants to go back to the city, getting bored from this quest.

    Battle Dice: 6(success)

    Ranganok: 3/5

    Little Nepent: 0/2

    Little Nepent: 0/2

    Little Nepent: 0/2

  5. He managed to get a reward of 10 col after the nepent after all.After grinding 7 other nepents , the boy finds himself attacked by a nepent unexpectedly, the plant trying to bite/eat his entire torso. However thanks to Michales keen sees he noticed that and tries to leap backwards to a triangle fromed by 3 nepents which are at 1 meter distance from te boy. The situation seemed scarce but knowing that he has a long spear charged(he instinctively chanrged it when he was attacked and spinned 360 degree holding the spear from it's end trying to get all three at the same time. He thought that if he were to take more nepents at the same time it would go faster...however, if he were to attract too many he would have real problems, so he decided to take on groups on monsters that do not have more than 3.

    Loot dice: 13(success)

  6. The combo was successfull leaving several pink slashing marks on the nepent and shattering it into light pixels. He came back to his old skill. Things are starting to go on faster and with a bit of luck he will get his quest item soon. After the loot is decided, he continues his farming trouhg the mosnters killing nepent after nepent and staying away from those with a friut on their head because he learned that the hard way in beta testing...the nepents with a fruit on their head attratck too many monsters and he could get in trouble.

    Battle dice: 6(success)

    Ranganok: 3/5

    Little Nepent: 0/2

  7. After comming back to his senses, motivated to escape this death trap, Michael ran towards a little nepent with a flower on the head, jumped and made a falling thrust at the plant ending in it's back, then he gets up and makes a rotating slash on the right and finishes with rotating the spear on his hands above him like a helicopter, then on his right side vertically and makes a vertical slash finishing his combo. While doing all this fighting he was thinking *I should try to kill them as fast as possible...as I did this quest before in beta testing it took me more than 30 mobs to get that item. I don't have any time to waste anymore.* and reminding an advice from sensey he transmits his words trough his mind *Always go forward...stop and you will grow old...hesitate and you will die.*

  8. "Tsch...figures." said Ranganok when he saw that he got no loot. The boyt inhaled a big gasp of air and exhaled it like a sigh and before looking for another mosnter he started to think about his past...the past in the real world and only "happy" memories like: training in the dojo and fighting with a long wooden pole, playing games on the computer, going out on dates with girls he didn't like in special and so on. A normal life which it was somehow good given all he went trough. Altough he was always alone and in real life, and the real world doesn't give him much happines knowing that outside the things are far much worse than in here...he still wants to return.

    Loot dice: 2(fail)

  9. The Nepen was finally hit..and was very brutal...well that was partially because Ranganok became pissed off about his weak performance in battle but nevermind. The nepent turned blue-ish and shatteerd into light pixels as it died. It was about time too...as the nuisance ended, Ranganok hopes that he will get a good loot from this mob given all the effort he put it into killing him. Now the boy stands in the forest alone with his weapon and head lowered , shadow covering his eyes waiting for the loot to appear.

    Battle dice: 6

    Ranganok: 3/5

    Little Nepent: 0/2

  10. He took his battle stance charged towards the little nepent and as he got near it he made a 360 degree rotation to the left as he was swinging his spear towards the opponent with all his might, then rotating again doing the same swing. After this he suddenly cahnged his stance with the spear pointed at the nepent doing three fast thrust attacks. If successful the last thrust would remain inside the nepent and then he would make an upward slash while the spear tip is still in the monster finishing his combo.

  11. The charged thrust hit the upper teeth of the mouth but the sheer fronce of the both attacks made both Ranganok and the little nepent be staggered. However, on the ground could be seen as a vine was rising leaving a slit trail of dust. It was the plant's trail which whipped the boy and because of the stagger he was thrown with the hit a few meters. He took damage yet again. While he got up from his knock back he sadly though *What the hell is wrong with me? I am so weak that I can't even defeat a freakin salad. If I don't get back on my feet I will surely die...and I can't die yet. I promised I will survive and as I always did.* This time he got his scary look on the face...he was dead serious and ready to go all out...no more games...

    Battle Dice: 4(fail)

    Ranganok: 3/5

    Little Nepent: 2/2

  12. The boy misses again while the nepet successfully dodges the spear attack by rotating to the left while the boy passes right by the plant thingy. Then the boy tells the plant annoyed "Damn you oversized celery...just stay in one place" Strangely the plant started to get pissed off, maybe he felt offensive about the refference. Anyway, the little nepent charged towards Ranganok this time thinking to use it's mouth to bite off the boy . It was charging pretty fast given that it has roots and the boy took his battle stance, the only differences being that he has his torso bent a little, he's holding the spear with both hands and pointed towards the plant. Michael started to charge up his attack, the plan being to stop the nepent's attack with his own.

    Battle dice: 3(fail)

    Ranganok: 4/5

    Little Nepent: 2/2

  13. He successfully dodged the attack, the tail of the nepent being slamed to the ground and bouncing up after the impact. The boy focuses like an eagle on the target thinking *I'm done going easy on this thing....I should kill it fast...I doubt that the item will drop from just one or two mobs* He then charges towards the monster holding with both hands the spear which is pointed forwards and in horizontal position. The nepent also makes several other whip like attacks with it's tails but Ranganok leaping left and right while running seems to be enough to dodge them. After reaching the monster, the boy makes a powerful thrust aiming for the "belly" of the nepent.

    Battle dice: 6(success)

    Ranganok: 4/5

    Little Nepent: 2/2

  14. The plan was a failure. The mob noticed Ranganok and dodged the attack easily. Now he was discovered but thanks to the isolated place where this mob was...he won't have to worry about being abushed by a group of nepents. The monster also prepared for fight and launched a tail attack towards the boy. Michael, seeing the attack he decides to avoid it by leaping to the left while he turns his chest to the right, because it's pretty hard to block something that thin that is so well controled so his best bet was to dodge.

    Battle dice: 1(epic fail)

    Ranganok: 4/5

    Little Nepent: 2/2

  15. After 15 minutes he manages to get to the place where the Little Nepent mobs are. The place was a hill full of flowers and big plants. Trough the thick "jungle" you could see big white thingies with mouths moving about. Ranganok let out a small sigh and procceded to do the quest. As he was looking around, Ranganok noticed an uisolated mob which was best for starting....afterall he doesn't want to fight an entire horde. He was walking towards the little nepent from behind thinking that maybe he won't be noticed and when gets into attack range to do a drawing spear swing, vertical which will destroy the little nepent.

  16. The wolf didn't give Ranganok any uncommon drop...he didn't give him an item at all...but it gave him 50 col...which was way more than he expected. Only then thhe boy realised what he was fighting...the wolf was an elite monster...some will name him a boss. Now it all made sense, the skill, the health, everything. Now that his warm up as complete he decided to continue his journey towards "The Garden" where the "pissed vegetables"(As Ranganok would call them) were at.

    Loot dice: 15(success)

  17. The spear attack slit the throat of the wolf in leaping with a critical of 4 damage, but beacuse the wolf had only 2 life remaining he was defeated. The wolf started to turn blue-ish and then breack into light pieces as he was killed. It seems that Ranganok's intuition was right this time. It was a good training and now the boy was looking to his HUD if he managed to get any loot from the monster. Of course he was hoping for an uncommon item and with his good luck maybe he will have one.

    Battle dice: 10(Uber Critical)

    Ranganok: 4/5

    Wolf: 0/5(Killed)

  18. As the attack proceded, the wolf was proven a skilled mosnter once again. He dodged the attack by leaping backwards. However, Michael didn't finished his attack. As the spear was swinging, he makes a right 360 degrees turn while aproaching the monster again to make the same attack again, but this time it was aimed at the wolf's neck while he was still in air from the leaping. Given that the boy's spear was long he had a somewhat range advantage over his enemy. As the spear tip was approaching the wolf, Michael thought that this was the end of the fight and that the wolf will be defeated, bt the fight was not yet won...

    Battle dice: 2(fail)

    Ranganok: 4/5

    Wolf: 2/5

  19. The wolf successfully dodges the pole attack by leaning down and then jumps once more managing to scratch Ranganok with a claw attack on his chest. The boy also took damage from the attack and started thinking *This wolf...is better than I thought. He also is a lot stronger and more skilled than most monsters on this level. I should be careful with him.* He raised his spear rotating it like he was a helicopter and then by holding it oblically with both hands the tip being pointed backwards and down, the rest being his usual battle position from before but now more turned towards left with his chest. He charges another attack as he starts leaping at the wolf and odes a horizontal slash with the tip aimed at the wolf's head.

    Battle dice:3 (fail)

    Ranganok: 4/5

    Wolf: 2/5

  20. The strike hits the wolf as Ranganok was passing by the wolf stoping at 3 meters behing him and leaving a red line behind. The strike not only that hit the monster, but it was also a critical taking. The boy felt good that his first attack took more than half of the monster's life. Well that pissed off the wolf also so the animal turned around and jumped at the boy to stab him with the claws. The boy turned around and tried tyo use the pole from the spear to deflect the attack(which is the same as blocking) by swinging it horizontally from left to right.

    Battle dice: 9(critical)

    Ranganok 5/5

    Wolf 2/5

  21. As Ranganok was standing in his stance, his facial expression turned dread cold and the killing intent was floating around him...you could almost cut that intent with a knife...that is how "thick" it was. His eyes were locked on the target, seeing even the slightest hair movement on the wolf, but while all his senses were like overclocking, the thinking gears in his head were grinding like they were gonna fly out while he was thinking of a strategy. Then he realised...*it is just a weak mob and I always start to overthink things...well it is stupid to underestimate an opponent, but it's also stupid to tire yourself out for something you can just finish. So he charged his attack, the tip of the spear slowly becomming red and in his position charges towards the wolf, then when being in attack range makes a powerful thrust with his spear hoping it would land on the monster.

  22. As he got out of the city he wals on a little path carefree and looking around...contemplating and thinking *This world...looks so real that at some point you might find it hard to leave it...I have to remain focused and escape this game of death before it makes me like it more than the real world.* While he was in deep trought, Ranganok suddenly saw a wolf...a monster that was standing in his way. "Well I might hone a bit my skills and prepare for the main course with this wolf" thought the boy loudly. He deraws his spear which he was keeping on his back with the pointy head down, bends his knees and distances his feet forming some king of L in position, the left hand being in his fron and bent, pointing towards his right with the palm open while the other hand was holding the spear in the back slightly oblical fropm the horizontal position with the tip pointing dowards and toward the right. He took his fighting stance and now is ready to engage in combat.

  23. It was a nice sunny day outside, the air breeze was cold and nice and everything seemed quiet. That is when Ranganok had to come with his serious and a bit grim expresion to ruin it. He lost already too much time and he was thinking of a quest to start with but quests on first floor are all too lame to take and they don't give you anything useful(for him at least). *Well...I could at least focus on leveling until I get to the higher floors where the good gears are at.* thought the boy in his mind, after all he was always the questing type and not the farming one...so then he decided to take the first "ok" quest he would find. He didn't have to search much till he found one. This one asked him to get an uncommon drop item from a monster. "Well no problem with farming a bit for items and xp, I guess" thought the boy loudly.

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