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Posts posted by Dameon

  1. Both of them had missed their initial attacks which wasn’t at all surprising considering his evasion. He wondered if The Gemini who was mimicking him also had that high level of evasion. Though by how close he had almost hit it he doubted it.  He postured himself back up extending his sword Hellion outward to point at the NPC. His sword was beyond huge and appeared to be a two handed sword but it was designed that way for a reason and it was only truly a one handed sword. Dameon wasted no more time and rushed forward with yet another attack.



    BD: 7 (hit)

    CR: 2

    Loot: 16

    Mob: 6 (miss)


    Dameon: 52/52

    Gemini: 51/52


  2. “I only spoke up to warn you about the high level wolves in this area. I am a solo player and do not wish to share any experience or loot. So I will just be on my way and you can take over this farming area for now. I have a quest to do anyways,” Dameon said as he turned to the direction of the town. He checked the time yet again noting they were down to only about thirty seconds before they spawned. He already knew the exact route that he had to take to avoid any aggro on the mobs themselves. He still had to buy a few potions and crystals anyways; he had yet to use them but realized how foolish that was as of recent.

    “Another word of advice. Avoid the big one, it will probably shred through your gear in a matter of two strikes or so. I only beat it by manipulating it,” Dameon said as he slowly started to walk off wondering if the younger player would stay and likely fight to his death against the level mob of wolves and dire wolves, and their boss or if he would follow him. Either way at this point he didn’t care.


  3. Dameon waited patiently for his order to be fulfilled and in what seemed like no time at all. Though he had wanted a couple of health crystals he couldn’t complain with the price considering he was about to spend it all, at least this way he had some money left over for anything he else he might need in the future. Dameon opened up his HUD and took out the Col desired and his three mats and placed them on the counter as he grabbed the supplies he had requested.


    “Thank you, have a nice day,” He said as he exited the shop.

  4. The Gemini had managed to dodge Dameon’s initial attack and during this time he prepared an attack of his own. Using the momentum and the strength of his weapon he attacked at the other man dressed in all black in an effort to kill him or deal some damage. However Dameon proved to be very agile on his feet and was able to dodge his attack as well. He steadying himself up and braced himself for Dameon’s next attack.

  5. Dameon had been out clearing the local area of floor six for a while now, giving himself a reasonably safe margin as he worked on leveling his skills to hopefully catch up with the rest of the other players towards the higher floors. It wasn’t that he hadn’t been motivated, but until recently he didn’t see a pointing getting stronger in any hurry. He was still playing the game as if it was just a game, advancing only when he wanted to explore new areas and just getting strong enough to be able to advance to said places. It wasn’t too long after he had set out though that someone approached him asking to duel. The icon displayed him as an NPC so he knew this was more or less a form of quest and not some other player, but either way it would be to the death, obviously. Dameon gladly accepted and stepped back as the NPC’s name appeared as “The Gemini” and appeared as a mirror image of him. Dameon took no time in attacking first trying to catch the NPC off guard.


    BD: 1 (Miss)


    Loot: 2

    Mob: 6 (Miss)


    Dameon: 52/52

    Gemini: 52/52


  6. “A solo player,” Dameon said as cold as the floor they were on. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate the person not being someone quick to fight but he tried to keep his identity for a number of reasons. One being in game related, he didn’t want to draw attention and secondly if the person before him was old enough he could possibly know who he was in real. Not only had he been an American soldier stationed in Japan, prior to enlisting he had also a professional gamer playing numerous types of strategy games and by the exact same name. He checked the menu again and closed it quickly.

    “You are going to want to move away from that ledge. This area is a farming ground for wolves and dire wolves. I cleared them all and they will be spawning within the next few minutes given I calculated the right RNG. They have a knock back and the last thing you want is to go flying,” He said at least giving the other player a fair warning as he leaned up off of the tree, the movement dropping more snow.

  7. Dameon could hear the soft sound of crunching snow coming from behind him, the tree completely blocking the view of him. He was stationary so he knew the other person hadn’t at least heard him yet. Dameon knew the game well in a way that a solo player should, most of the animals that spawned here had four legs such as the wolves and wolves would have a more rapid sound when they walked because of their four legs. The beat of two was definitely a human and the subtle voice he heard as well only aided to his hypothesis. Though he couldn’t make out what he had said. Dameon would continue to lean against the tree using his position as an advantage just in case the person proved to be a foe rather than a friend. He would wait for the person to walk closer before he announced himself.


    “You are a long way’s away from the town if you are worried about the cold,” He said seeing the man’s scarf. Dameon himself wasn’t wearing any cold gear at all in fact he was well aware of the reality of the situation, his body in real was not cold and even if he cared enough about his life he still would likely not wear any protective clothing unless it did constant damage.

  8. It had been a long time now since the game had started; at least it seemed that way to him anyways. He hadn’t been leveling seriously lately and all he had to his name was a few good equipment items. So far he remained completely solo even at level 13 and he had no interest in stopping. It wasn’t a matter if he should it was a matter that he just didn’t care. His life in the real world was pointless after what had happened. This game was his chance to escape reality and it had turned out better than he could have ever hoped for. Though his friends that had joined the game with him had long since passed, he didn’t wish that kind of burden on anyone else, so he remained alone. He stood there leaning against a snow covered tree in the winter snow covered forest and even as snow fell on his black attire it did nothing to bring light to dark world. All he was doing now was waiting for the next group of mobs to respawn as he had already dispatched them before. He sighed as he shook his head to forget his past, the warm breath visible as it escaped his hood and cowl. Only his eyes were visible with his cowl up over his nose and the cloak surrounding his body and the hood covering up what was left. His weapon completely hidden by the cloak as he waited, opening the menu to check the time.


  9. Dameon walks in his cowl remaining over the front of half his face, his hood pulled up so only his eyes are visible. He is dressed in all black attire with a cloak surrounding him so that anything else that would normally be seen is hidden from plain sight. He supposed between his attire and his personality he would seem like he was up to no good. In reality though he just needed to find a good store so that he could buy more potions and crystals. Here he was now, the warmth of the shop melting the snow off of his body as he approached the counter and looked over what was in stock.

    “I need quite a few things. I wrote them down. I was also hoping you could provide a special order for a teleport crystal. I am also unsure of the quality of your items but I believe I have enough. I haven’t needed potions up to this point, so this is sort of new for me,” He admitted as he slid the paper toward her.

    In stock:

    HP Recovery +20 x2

    HP Recovery Potion +20 x3

    Damage +3 x2

    Antidote t2 x2


    Teleport Crystal x1




  10. This is where I see if anyone is interested in certain roles for plot purposes. Reply if you would like to fill in somewhere :)


    Best Friends












    Love Interest




    Helios (Need to rp with)

    Lowenthal (Need to rp with)

    Coddexx (Need to rp with)

    Grave (Need to rp with)

    Dameon's Journal and information on his personality and everything is in his Journal below in my Signature.

  11. Old Item:


    Item: Cloak of the abyss
    Quality: Perfect
    Description:A cloak so black that if you stare at it, you would think that you're looking into an abyss The cloak can hide any item under it, as if storing them +2 ACC +1 damage miti

    Prior Eval:  http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1552-crafting-item-evaluation-topic/?page=12#comment-326092

    New Item:


    Item: Cloak of the Abyss

    item Type: Cloak

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +6 Damage Mitigation, +1 Evasion

    Obtained: Shop
    Description:A cloak so black that if you stare at it, you would think that you're looking into an abyss The cloak can hide any item under it, as if storing them.

  12. I'd like give some of my personal opinions and ideas of the quest system at the moment. These are just opinions and suggestions.


    1. More Quests? I think we could do with a lot more quests especially considering the ease of difficulty for all/most of them. Which brings me to point 2.


    2. Difficulty. This is more of a focus on OOC difficulty. A lot of the monsters can be killed in half a page especially with the new dice system and rules. So to still require 2 pages for say a solo quest is a little silly imo. Especially since this will lead to more potential problems with just post spam from lack of interest. If you can complete a quest solo in 1/4 of the time perhaps its time to add more quests and/or add new requirements. What I mean by this is such things like "Solo: 1 page minimum" "Party: 2 page minimum" just to give a example. If more quests are added you could also change the rewards slightly for each as well depending on the quest difficulty.


    3. Custom quests. I know of a few sites that do this so this is the main reason I bring it up. Have a section to app custom quests complete with a template. A staff member checks the quest to make sure the difficulty and rewards for completion match as well as the requirements. They then allow that person and only that person you apped that quest to go and do it and those who are also mentioned undertaking the quest. Upon completion of the quest they state the result in the same app and it is reviewed and locked and rewards are given. This allows to keep a constant fresh feeling for the quests to insure that people don't just grind the same quests out of necessity but still can grind the pre-made ones if they choose to, not because they feel like they have to.


    Anyways that was just a couple of ideas and talking points to discuss. Though if you decide to with point 3 you would also need a separate staff member or assign a current one to keeping it updated. 

  13. It had been almost an hour now and he as still progressing through the rough snow terrain knowing he had at least cut his time in half. None the less he was beginning to seriously doubt his quest choice. He cupped his hands and brought them up to his mouth as he exhaled his warm breath onto them trying to heat his hands the best he could. He sighed as his attempt would be almost pointless. He continued onward and began to notice the height of the snow diminishing inch by inch as he progressed forward.

  14. "Well actually, when I do custom orders I usually just accept mats as payment. So if you have some three mats is enough," he stated. He was glad that she liked that vest that he had made her and he knew she would put it to good use. He hadn't been all too busy lately anyways and he was glad he could complete her order.

  15. "Yes, I have it right here," he said as he took it out from behind the counter and placed it on top of the counter. letting her admire it for a bit as he unfolded it for her to see. He held it out to her so she could see all of it proud of his work.

    Request Form:

    Name: Cyan Starlight

    Type: Leather

    Quality Perfect

    Description: A very beautiful leather masterpiece that is incredibly light and allows for full range of motion. The accents and overall design are in both Cyan and white. The vest also has a white cowl that extends up from the vest to protect the users immediate facial recognition.

    Buffs: +2 Evasion, +1 Damage Mitigation

    "Go ahead and try it on," he suggested with a smile.

  16. As others have stated. It is both a blessing and a curse. A balance of the two is probably a good thing to consider.

    Skill points gained via RP of depth and WC.

    Levels by Posts.

    This will allow minimal adjustments and go further in the system, imo

  17. I am happy with the direction but if feel like there needs to be more of a focus on areas like creating other opportunities to use Col, more ways to potentially obtain skill points by rewarding players for being more rp focused and less spam post focused, and I think the potential to add more staff and designate more specific jobs to maintain a well focused and well maintained site. I love love love the site but I think doing a couple of small things to improve will make it go leaps and bounds ahead of where it is now.

  18. Dameon continued his trek through the cold frozen wasteland of near waist high snow. He was going through the snow covered pass that most players avoided all together for the low visibility and the reduced mobility. He didn't care knowing in the long run it was still the quicker route in the long run, people just avoided it because of the annoying weather. He pushed onward inch by annoying inch along the side of the mountain trying to get to the clearer area where there was less thick and less high snow.

  19. "Yeah...sure," he said wincing as he stood up from taking the strongest attack possible from the golem. According to his calculations it would take the golem another five strikes just like that to be able to kill him and that was going to take a lot of luck on the golems part. Dameon stood up and cracked his neck and ran at the golem quickly using his sprint skill to quickly get long side of it. He would stop quickly and turn to face the large golem's knees. He would posture up and bring up his blade and swing to try and destabilize the large heavy creature and make the golem fight an uncomfortable fight, something it wouldn't be used to doing. If there was anything he was taught in the military at least in his unit. It was to not fight fair when the odds were against you. In this particular fight the odds were in their favor but in the bigger scheme of things in SAO, the death game, they were greatly out classed. He had missed his attack yet again blaming the bad luck entirely on Ashley knowing she had always been one to bring him horrible luck.

    Miaki: 75/75

    Yunah 17/17

    Dameon 17/21

    Golem 45/45

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