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Posts posted by Dameon

  1. Well the stab connected hitting the boar in the side of the torso but the boar shrugged it off. Dameon however knew that it wouldn’t be able to survive another hit with his sword. The boar wounded responded slower and didn’t even bother to counter attack but it did prepare itself to dodge. Dameon still feeling rusty would charge in after the oversized pig in and attempt to slice it and kill it. He could feel his stats lowly being improved but he knew he was still a long way from where he needed to be if he wanted to kill the boars with just one swift strike of his blade.





  2. The boar once again dodged his attack. Dameon swore under his breath knowing he could have done better and that the miss was entirely on him and his lack of focus. He would not make the same mistake again. This board was tougher for a reason and Dameon could obviously see that now in the way it was quickly responding to even the slightest gestures that he made with his sword. In the past the beta was a little more rough even though it had been improved upon in leaps and bounds as the progress of the game moved forward. Dameon sidestepped avoiding the boars tusks and attempted to stab the pig.





  3. The tougher boar like the other weaker boars was quick on its feet and the flinch that had occurred hadn’t lasted long at all. The boar was able to recover and dodge just in time to throw out a counter attack. Dameon slipping would be hit by the tusk of the boar and suffer a point of damage. However it was during this time that Dameon had also hit his next level and moved up to three resetting his health to max allowing him to not have to worry about that one point of damage. Seeing a brief moment of opportunity he hoped he could crit and end the fight so he could get his rewards. Without any more thought he attacked to try and kill the boar.





  4. Dameon’s sword connected with the bigger boar and it flinched as it took the hit and staggered backward to regroup. Dameon however wasn’t a big fan of letting enemies or creatures regroup knowing full well he could potentially kill the creature with just one more attack. He knew he would be leveling up soon and that he would been to be able to kill these bigger boars like they were rats before he could comfortably move onward and become stronger and stronger. He had been out of the game for so long he needed to get his muscle memory back in shape to what it used to be.





  5. Dameon struck the boar and one again the boar would evaporate into data fragments and fade into the environment. A smile on his face as he checked his progress knowing he was already close to level three and only having started to grind a few minutes ago. He was making good time and he decided he would continue to move onward and not stop until he found a sword better than what he had already considering the beginners sword was a piece of junk and he couldn’t wait to just toss it in the garbage. Dameon would move a little bit beyond his current hunting ground to bigger boars hoping to gain exp and more bonuses quicker. Finding a good sized one he attacked not hesitating a bit.



    Boar: (Dead)

    0/3 (BD roll of 7)



    +1 Mats

  6. Even with the new level and the boar having flinched it was able to recover just in time to avoid Dameon’s attack which again caused frustration. It wasn’t that he was mad that the AI could adapt to stay alive and dodge in real time rather than que’ing up skills. It was the logic that was driving him a bit insane. Even when he was in beta he couldn’t quite figure out how a boar could dodge a swift counter attack without it physically standing up on two legs and being prepared as well as half human or autonomous. It was just a product line of code that was making him miss because his accuracy was in the dirt from having to start over again. None the less Dameon would swing again hoping to end it.





  7. I have been playing MTG quite a bit over the course of the last few years. I am a semi-professional player and I am sponsored to write articles for Tappedout.net even though I am taking a hiatus from that for the moment while I fix some issues going on in the real world. I play mostly standard but can answer almost any and all questions or give advice so feel free to shoot me a question or two :)

  8. Finally, He had leveled up after hitting the boar that had been eluding him. Even though it was alive it was only alive by a fraction, one more hit and it would be toast. Gaining only one level though felt like a minor accomplishment. He would move onward to bigger boars after he finally killed this pesky one. He needed to level up quicker and things were already getting tedious. He understood things would not magically happen overnight but if he could get half the power he had while he was in beta it would be smooth sailing up the first twenty floors. With his last strike the boar would flinch and Dameon would attack again hoping to claim another one.




    1/3 (2 DMG from BD roll of 6)

  9. He was dumbfounded and frankly a little bit annoyed. The boar had managed to dodge where the other boars had failed. Dameon in his silent anger had almost been caught off guard by the boar as it thrashed its head about to try and hit him with its tusks. Luckily Dameon had moved away as the first sign of him missing knowing that the AI would almost always counter attack in some way. Now Dameon would have to try and do the same attack again although this time he would try and hit the boar in a different spot and from a different angle all together.





  10. He should have known better that the game wouldn’t simply let him go around critting boars and farming exp. As much as he would have liked to have that benefit he knew it was asking too much. The AI boar had once again dodged his attacked and with great timing but Dameon was also able to dodge the boars counter attack. Now was the best time for Dameon to land a strike on the boar and thus far he had been successful in landing his own counter attacks. Dameon would swing his blade downward much like he had in the past in hopes of finishing off this boar as soon as possible.





  11. The area he had attacked was perfect and the boar had never saw it coming which had made it even better. Just as he had hoped his attack crit and the boar collapsed on the ground and exploded into micro fragments of information much like the last one. This time there had been no loot awarded which was annoying but he was still getting valuable experience and he knew he would be close to leveling soon. Without hesitation he found a new boar and quickly attacked it hopping to keep a crit streak going so he could just one hit everything that came his way.



    Boar: (Dead)

    0/3 (Crit with BD roll of 10)

    New Boar:


    +15 Col

  12. Dammit, this boar was apparently going to be more of a pain. Not only had the stupid thing dodged his first attack but it had also managed to land a very simple counter attack by using its tusks and thrashing them about. Dameon definitely needed to be more careful when it came to how and where he attacked. These were all things he knew but the problem was he was so used to fighting higher level enemies with better equipment he had forgotten what it was like to fight basically naked and hope for a good loot drop. Swearing under his breath and focusing he lunged forward after being hit to try and catch the boar off guard in hopes of critting it and moving on to the next one.





  13. Dameon cut clean through the boar with his own counter attack and the boar fell to the ground before exploding into data fragments. When the boar died a pop up window appeared in front of him awarding him both Col and an item though it wasn’t really an improvement on what he already had. Besides he wasn’t here to get seconds rate gear. He needed to level and catch up to those that were fighting on the front lines. He didn’t really want to be around people per say but he did want to be helping those around him. His unselfishness showing despite the fact he would prefer to stay in the game. He would run up to another boar and attack it instigating a new fight.



    Boar: (Dead)


    New Boar:


    +1 Mats

  14. The silly boar had dodged yet again to cling to its pathetic artificial life. Back in beta Dameon had only needed to connect once with someone or something to kill it and the idea of the enemy being able to continue to hop around while clinging to life aggravated him. He sighed out of frustration as he fixed his posture and dodged the boars counter attack. The other thing is whenever he missed the enemy would have a great chance to be able to hit him so his reaction time needed to be as up to par as possible. After dodging the counter attack Dameon attacked again trying to catch it off guard.





  15. Calming himself down for the time being had helped as he reacquainted himself to the game and struck the boar with his silly and pathetic excuse for a sword. Though he tried not to forget that all of his stuff from the beta was taken away and he had to start from scratch again like he had done three other times within the beta as it had progressed. His focus now would be to kill as many of these boars as he could to gain Exp, level, and get Col, so he could upgrade his gear and repeat the entire process over again. He was a bit upset that his attack didn’t crit but now it didn’t matter. As long as he hit the boar again it would die crit or not. Dameon ran forward again swinging his blade at the angry pig.




    1/3 (-2 From 7 roll on last attack)

  16. ‘Blast,’ Dameon thought as the board moved slightly out of the way to avoid the attack. This was now officially embarrassing. He had forgotten just how random the enemies were in this game compared to the others he had played in the past and because of it, it allowed the AI to really pull some sneaky maneuvers. Dameon was also feeling incredibly rusty since it had been some time since he had been in the beta version of the game. On top of that his emotional level was through the roof. He exhaled and avoided the boars counter attack making sure to at least not get hit by the thing so quickly because at his current level things did a toll to his HP in the most unlikely ways. Dameon would run forward again to attack the boar.





  17. Dameon stood there in the open field alone surprised at how his life could turn in such a short period of time. He had gone from a professional gamer, to an elite soldier in the military, to playing in a death game. His friends he had entered the game with were already dead and that in itself brought a new level of pain to his already depressed mind. His friends had all served by his side in the military and they had gone through hell together and made it out alive despite countless near death situations. Now they were all dead because of a video game and he himself was to blame. If he hadn’t brought them into the game they would still be alive with their families. It was his own blind depression and making his friends feel like they needed to help him that had lead them into this game and that was why he felt so damn guilty. Still even though they were dead he had no interest in leaving this world that had allowed him to escape from his depression in the real world. Yet as a beta tester he also knew that he needed to get stronger to have any chance in surviving this game as it developed. He was already incredibly far behind from his emotions running wild but now that he had his act together he was ready to grind and boost himself to the front of the pack as quickly as he could, after all he had a lot of missed time to catch up on. A field of boars stood there in front of him and he would run up to one to start his quest onward as he swung his blade downward.





  18. I am now to the site and was recommended to me from Ashley. I have been roleplaying over 12 years now and look forward to meeting new people and rp'ing with new people. I play a lot of games and I do a lot of other stuff so if you have any questions feel free to ask :)

  19. Profile

    Username: Dameon

    Real name: Billy
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Height: 6ft 1in

    In real life during his time in the military



    In SAO:




    Key Differences:
    *Armor is what is used below
    *Doesn't use a cape, uses a cloak that wraps around his body.


    Billy originally an American is currently living in Japan and has been for the last four years after having finished his time in the U.S. Military. Deciding to move and live in Japan instead he decided to start a new life with his beautiful fiance and other friends in the military who had also decided to come and be a part of his life. All his life Billy had suffered from depression and a feeling of anti-social behavior until he met the people he currently all lived around. A year ago his fiance had been cheating on him and when Billy had found out she had killed herself and their unborn child. This threw Billy back into his old depressed state and it wasn't until his friends had decided to cheer him up that he learned about Sword Art Online. Billy no longer felt like the real world had any redeemable qualities and he wanted to start new having no desire to live in a world so tainted. He would quickly envelope himself in the beta of the game enjoying it so much that he would compel his friends to join the game with him when it released so that they could conquer the game together. Though Billy was a natural gamer with his experience in professional gaming in the U.S before joining the military his friends on the other hand were new to the concept and had only agreed to join to help Billy through his rough depressed state.

    Upon the characters being created and the game fully releasing to the public Billy would locate his friends via his avatar ˜Dameon" and they would soon start to level in the lower areas. Billy would quickly progress seeing as how he was already used to the game but he used his knowledge to help teach his friends the ropes. When the incident and takeover had finally come to light Billy would almost find solace in the idea of never being able to return to his depressed life. However only minutes prior he had recalled how his friends had struggled, one dying within the game almost immediately though at the time he thought this meant nothing. His second friend would have his system removed from his head by his wife and disconnect him thus also killing him. His third friend had a similar issue when the news had started to spread and his headset was also removed. Once Dameon realized this he would break down feeling an immense amount of burden and guilt and depression all too similar to the real world. He felt like they were dead because he had them join and his depression had only compelled them to agree to join. Now in Sword Art Online he must find strength and the ability to move forward and get past his own depression to live.

    Personality: Billy is a mentally strong and well trained soldier but with his depression lately his years of training and experience remain hidden in a void. He feels guilty for the deaths of his closest friends and ultimately the death of his fiance as well. He feels a lack of willingness to live but he also realizes the situation he is in mentally and seeks a way to break himself out of his own nightmare but struggles to find a way to motivate himself to do so. He has a disregard for his own life but as a soldier he feels compelled to protect those around him even if it means sacrificing himself.

    Mentally Focused: Despite his recent mental setbacks and emotional difficulties. Billy is a well-trained soldier having gone through physical, and emotional pain and struggle most have never even thought of. He is battle hardened and doesn’t fold under pressure and performs better when all the chips are on the table.

    Tactician: Billy having been a soldier prior to playing Sword Art Online brings a lot of advanced knowledge of battle tactics to the game. Not to mention having been a beta tester he feels confident in his own abilities being able to decipher enemy plans and coming up with a way to counter them. He can quickly analyze a situation as it unfolds to give real time tactical advice to allies and come up with winning scenarios.

    Loyal: Billy is loyal to a fault. Though he is very tough to trusting someone if he does trust you he will fight side by side to the death and even die for that person. As a soldier he lived by the code of protecting your brothers and doing whatever it took to bring the back safely.


    Reckless : Billy is at times reckless. His depression is severe enough that he disregards the value of his own life and would rather protect those that would like to return to the real world.

    Anti-Social: Billy is rater anti-social since his friends have died. He feels like creating complex bonds will ultimately lead to more pain down the road. He would prefer to get stronger and work with people but not develop into full relationships.

    Lonely: Billy though logically has his mind set on being anti-social to avoid being hurt at a potential loss or betrayal still is incredibly lonely. Since his fiancé had killed herself he hasn’t been with anyone in a real relationship or attempted to befriend someone. However he also knows that if he finds someone it could ultimately clear his depression even if only temporary.

    Profession: Tailoring

    Utility & Mobility:



    Parry = 6sp

    --Vengeance Riposte = 10sp

    Light Armor: 2 = 13sp

    Weapon skills :
    One-Handed Straight Sword: 2 = 13sp

    Extra Skills:


    Martial Arts: 1


    Total: 46

    Used: 42

    Remaining: 4



    Good potions x2
    HP recovery potion +15 x3
    HP recovery potion +20 x2
    Damage +3 potion x1
    Teleportation crystal x1

    Sand Armor potion x1

    <<Snowfrost>> x1



    Item: Hellion
    Quality: Perfect
    Description: This sword is red and black, its blade itself is all red. Some say that the blade was once black too, until the man who had it covered it with his victim's blood. +3 Damage



    Item: Black Assassin Armor
    Quality: Perfect
    Description:The Black Assassin Armor is a symbol of the night warriors that hide in the shadows and fight by evading their enemies. Additionally this armor has a black cloth cowl and good to protect the identity facial wise from other players. +3 Damage Mitigation, +2 Evasion.



    Item: Cloak of the Abyss

    item Type: Cloak

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +6 Damage Mitigation, +1 Evasion

    Obtained: Shop
    Description:A cloak so black that if you stare at it, you would think that you're looking into an abyss The cloak can hide any item under it, as if storing them.



    Relationships (optional)

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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