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Posts posted by Cindel

  1. It isn't a matter of 'going to' abuse.  People already are abusing.

    Yes, but we knew this might happen. That's why we considered the first few weeks a trial period after moving.  The goal now is to determine if the community still wants a regulated  RP at the cost of additional work on everyone's part, or switch to a free-form system.

  2. That is a pretty decent viewpoint, but I'd argue if you're going to go in that direction just ditch the rules because people can, and will cheat.  I'm not just saying that as a hypothetical by the way, as far as I can tell either the dice roller included with the new forums is hideously broken, or the vast majority of players in the 1-10 forums are fudging their rolls.  Let me provide examples.

    So the very first thing I did was take a total of all player rolls that I could find on the floor 1-10 forums and enter them into an excel sheet.  This is pretty much all player activity since the new dice system came into effect.  This is what I found.  All of these stats are pulled from a sample size of 109, which is significant even if I would prefer more.

    The average player roll on a battle dice is 6.935.  That is, when rolling to hit the typical player roll on a d10 is effectively a 7.  Statistically speaking, the typical roll on a d10 should be 5.5. 

    Players rolled 17 rolls of 10 over 109 total rolls, or roughly 1.5 times as many as they should have.

    Players rolled 19 rolls of 9 over 109 total rolls, or nearly double what you would expect.

    Players rolled 2 rolls of 2 over 109 rolls.  This is easily the most glaring statistic because it is almost impossible.  Players rolled 1/5th the number of rolls of 2 you would expect over a statistically significant sample size.  Either the dice roller is broken, or a lot of people are being dishonest.

    Players rolled 2 rolls of 1 over 109 rolls.  Again, 1/5th the possible number of rolls.  Also it is important to note that I went back and looked.  Both of the rolls of 1 I found were at the end of combat when the result was already assured. 

    The loot system is effectively worthless.  Of the three loot rolls I found listed, all three were rolls of 20.  This is a 1/8000 chance incidentally.


    I could go on and on.


    The most important thing to note is this isn't skewed by single players.  While I could easily point out that certain players are blatantly cheating, such as one player who missed only once over a number of rolls and made an alarming number of 10's, it is not limited to bad apples.  I don't want to point fingers but I captured the results by player and there was only one exception out of all the players I looked at that could fall into the realm of actual probability.  If you remove those numbers from my totals there are actually zero rolls of 2 over 100 posts.


    My point is that if you're going to go with an unverified dice system, you're effectively looking at freeform with built in godmodding.  Everyone is going to cheat and feelings are inevitably going to get hurt when someone eventually goes back over their opponent's thread and points out that person has rolled 9 or 10 for his last 15 rolls.


    There is no doubt people are rolling what they want.  The built in dice system is no different than open RP, it only serves to give people a guideline to follow.  People can chose to ignore it or not, there's no way to enforce it.  Its safe to say that the majority of players will alter their rolls to something they desire with this system.  The question is, do people want that? If everyone can "cheat" then no one is really cheating anymore.  But this type of system will remove any kind of competitive play or special loot / item mechanics based on the roll system.  But maybe people want free form over structured and rule based?

  3. The 3rd party dice system CAN be verifiable.  We can track rolls related to posts using the right one.   If people keep rolling for better results, when someone checks their account they'll see all those rolls. I wrote a quick sample when the staff were discussing options. You can try it here: http://www.cydel.net/dice.php This was only a proof of concept though. For proper verification i can still improve it.  Adding user accounts so no one else can enter your character name, adding another field containing a link to the post the rolls were used for, and it already has a time stamp.  The time stamps can be compared to the time stamp of the post that used the rolls.  If someone rolled 5 times in one minute, and only posted one of those rolls, that would look pretty suspicious.


    I never finished it though, because well it's work.  So if its something the community doesn't want, I'd rather not waste time on it.

  4. The purpose for 3rd party rolls was so GM's or other players could verify them, making it much harder to 'cheat.' I'm not sure if people realized that though. The trade off between the two systems is having to spend more time on rolls but being trackable vs quick and easy but no way to verify the results.

  5. Sure there is. A random number generator. Just being applied in a different sense. Think about it. Before you post you have to click a button which sends your dice rolls in a separate text box which becomes automatically posted. This would split each topic in two (not straight down the middle though, just enough to see the dice roll values) . This way everyone can see the dice roll and you're forced to play out from those rolls. 

    I understand what you said, but someone has to code that to make it happen. There's a lot involved in doing that, even if it seems simple.

  6. Probably easier to use the D20 in place of a D10 and divide by 2 rounding up.  So a 19 or 20 would result in a 10. A  7 or 8 would be a 4.  Only thing is your Loot Die will be attached to your Battle Die in terms of good / bad results.  But for now its probably the best option.

  7. Completed!

    Event Rewards:

    Item: Ring of Protection

    Type: Accessory

    Quality: Rare

    Shop: Summer's End Event Reward

    Enhancements: [+2] Dmg Mitigation

    Description: A rather plain looking ring, yet wearing it fills one with a sense of protection.



    Mouse link:


  8. Not quite. Familiar stuff is in the midst of being rewritten to comply with the recently released Skill Point System. Not to mention, may of the submitted familiars were deemed unsuited for approval due to various reasons. I know it sucks guys, but try and remain patient. We have a lot of system balance stuff we are doing to bring everything in line with the new Skill System, and though my Giraffe Super Powers allow me to do the work of 10 human GM's, it is still alot of work.

    This is still happening, probably best to wait until that system is complete.

  9. She raised her arm to keep snow from flying in to her face. *At least he's not throwing blades, I can live with snow.* A childlike urge almost made her want to form a snowball of her own, but the thought was cut short by Klein's remarks. They were near Avalanche's spawning grounds. Klein drew his blade. Cindel skipped up to Klein's side and scoured the landscape ahead with her eyes. It was all a grayish white. The snow fall was pretty thick, reducing the groups visibility. Avalanche would blend in perfectly... if this was the real world. But in SAO it would be his own monster cursor or health bar they'd probably spot first. She drew Nerve Needle, her rapier. "Ready when you are Sir Captain." She confirmed to Klein with a nod.

  10. She raised her arm to keep snow from flying in to her face. *At least he's not throwing blades, I can live with snow.* A childlike urge almost made her want to form a snowball of her own, but the thought was cut short by Klein's remarks. They were near Avalanche's spawning grounds. Klein drew his blade. Cindel skipped up to Klein's side and scoured the landscape ahead with her eyes. It was all a grayish white. The snow fall was pretty thick, reducing the groups visibility. Avalanche would blend in perfectly... if this was the real world. But in SAO it would be his own monster cursor or health bar they'd probably spot first. She drew Nerve Needle, her rapier. "Ready when you are Sir Captain." She confirmed to Klein with a nod.

  11. Cindel raised an eyebrow to him. "You're weird sometimes." Then she shrugged before replying to his question. "It hasn't been that long, you just have a lot on your plate with the guild and all. But yeah, I've been doing good. Even finally got a good set of armor!" Cindel patted her leather tunic, as if somehow that would prove its strength and durability. He seemed to be almost trembling. *What the..* "How about you? You okay? You don't look so good actually." Cindel returned the question with concern.

  12. Cindel raised an eyebrow to him. "You're weird sometimes." Then she shrugged before replying to his question. "It hasn't been that long, you just have a lot on your plate with the guild and all. But yeah, I've been doing good. Even finally got a good set of armor!" Cindel patted her leather tunic, as if somehow that would prove its strength and durability. He seemed to be almost trembling. *What the..* "How about you? You okay? You don't look so good actually." Cindel returned the question with concern.

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