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Posts posted by RyujinSeaLord

  1. He nods...is he..asleep? Which way is he facing, hard to tell with the cloak on? Did he even hear her? Who knows? He stretches his hand forward as if he is just waking up and he grabs something....something...squishy? He yawns but still isnt sure. He squeezes his hand again. It squishes again. What is this he wonders. He lifts his head slightly seeing Aoi-chan standing right in front of him. He tilts his head quizzically and squeezes his hand once more...still not understanding.

  2. He could sense the worry and began to do just that himself. He looked at the map and began locating her. As soon as the map loaded he took off in the direction she was with utmost speed, faster than most players do when they hear of an ultra rare item. He was determined to protect her and this...this was unacceptable, he got lazy once and now, all hell is breaking loose in his mind.

  3. She said something...he couldnt hear it. He was focused on other things. He looked back and by now she was asleep. He walked over, kissed her cheek and walked out the door quietly. He didnt do anything for the first few moments. He decided to go to the roof. He left her a note on the desk next to the key telling her that she shouldnt look for him but he would be on the roof. He didnt know what else to do, so he sat on the ledge of the building dangling his legs off the front and listening to the sounds of the city. He laid down and looked up at the sky and he saw the moon and a bunch of stars...and he tried to reach for them...knowing he never would but he tried anyway.

  4. He stands in the room feeling the cold draft he watches Aoi-chan struggle with the blanket. He walks over and covers her up then goes and sits in the windowsill and looks towards the moon, he shuts the window as a bonus. He has no idea what is running through his mind...he just knows it is. Tonight...he will get no sleep...he knows what he must do.

  5. "Not like it matters...ill sleep on the floor, i already called dibs so dont try to take it from me. he said knowing this isnt going to get him any farther...maybe he should back off...maybe he should leave in the middle of the night. So many things began running through his head. He paid the receptionist, took the key and lead Aoi-chan to the room. We'll be safe here tonight...or at least she will... he thought to himself

  6. He got all of it. He didnt feel any better.

    "Heres the issue Shark,...before this game...i only had my sister...and even then..i barely saw her. I turned to this game to meet new people, and make friends, because i was always picked on at school for not being good at anything but doing well...it was terrible..and now ive met you...and her...and i feel happy, i feel complete...i have to do it Shark...i have to tell her how i feel...even if it kills me...maybe it will...but i cant die until we make it out of this game...for her sake at least....and this time...im going to save YOUR life. Okay? he says almost monotonically because he doesnt feel like crying over nothing.

  7. The receptionist turns around and looks at the key rack confused. She turns back around.

    "Unfortunately...we dont have any more with two bed...just one room with one bed...is that ok?" she asks nervously.

    I turn to Aoi-chan. "its up to you Aoi-chan..not me." he says.

  8. He takes her by the hand and tells her to follow him and he leads her into town. A nice little inn called Hikami Inn, its not the best inn in the game but its up there some where. He walks with her up to the front desks but turns to her before the receptionist.

    "One room...or two?" he asks her

  9. "We cant...the creatures get a boost at night time and it becomes a very dangerous place...if you want...ill lead you to the nearest in and we can stay there for the night, if you want we can be in separate rooms, and ill pay forit, dinner included. What do you say?" he asks unsure of what she might say.

  10. "Well when it first started, i had saved young Cici-chan from a bunch of player killers...then, another group of bandits...then a burning building..then the boss on the first floor took her and lied to her...i was afraid. But i vowed to protect her ever since the first time i saved her,...and now...well now look at me, im a complete mess, i cant sleep at night, i cant eat properly, i cant show my face in broad daylight....i...i killed people for Aincrads sake....i..i just want to go home...but i dont want young Cici-chan to be left here alone....i..i like her man...a lot. he says...the sincerity in his voice is beyond belief. He meant every word of it...nothing else means more to him...not in the least.

  11. As he slips, he spins into a sitting position, after that he does a 360 spin and jumps of the branch landing in front of the girl almost in her face.

    "You sure you want me to stay...i dont want to annoy you Princess...just didnt want you doing things alone ya know..not that you cant handle yourself." he says shyly "Its really no big deal...i can leave if...if you want me to.

  12. He places a hand on her shoulder. He saw how red faced she was getting.

    "Hey...im sorry for embarrassing you..look...i...i remember fighting side by side with you through the first two bosses and, well...i kinda..fell for you..thats all and ive been hunting day and night for you. Sorry if this makes it weird...i can...leave..if..if you want. he said. Even though he didnt show it, the tone in his voice sounded fairly saddened as he slowly loosened his grip on the branch.

  13. "Shark...about last night....listen..its more than just protecting people now...a..a lot of other feelings have...suddenly shown themselves. Im not sure how to explain it. He said. He looked confused and extremely tired. He didnt get to sleep last night and was afraid that the boss room is going to be too much to handle today. At least for him...he has to protect these people..especially Cici-chan..no matter what.

  14. "You know you would have liked it Princess...anyway i didnt mean to scare you out of the tree, i was trying to defend you and the tree, but thats also what happens when your hearing skill is active at night. he says. Knowing she was listening in he thinks for a moment. "Anyway look, i want to help you...if you think you can handle me being around and NOT try to kiss me again." he teases her winking at her upside-down. He lets his arms hang loose and he just hangs there looking at the beautiful girl he has already started to crush on but wont say anything or show it.

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