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Posts posted by orhalimi

  1. As he walk trough the mist he notice some movement in front of him. On one of the trees two white monkeys sat and ate...Caterpillars.

    "Hey!" he shout "Come and fight me!"

    The monkeys looked at him and laugh. "You think its funny?" he shout at them, one of the monkeys copy his moves and shout "wahahawaha" to the sky.


    That's it, no more nice guy. He rise his sword, it start to glow in a strong Amber color. 




    Rowan 11/11




    Monkey 1 4/4

    Monkey 2 6/6

  2. {wtf with this freaking bat!}


    Rowan took his place and try to land a good strike on the bat. But it fly away and dodge every hit.

    He try to stub it, but again the bat react to fast and hovered over him. Rowan's sword hit the wall and pull him to the ground. while he fall he felt a quick strike on his back.

    Then he turn and waved his sword, but the bat hovered away again.



    Arekkusu: 6/9


    Bat: 3/7



    • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 7-1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  3. Performer...what he can do with performer? probably noting he thought. Wait a second...

    "You the performers, make these rocks that you trow on monsters and they play weird music right? how do we call them..monster grenades!" his face shine. Then and he pat on his shoulder enthusiastically  "Listen boy, do you want to make some money? Are you looking for a place to sell you grenades? I have an offer that may interest you."

  4. Rowan enter to the floor 2 tavern. He didn't know who thought about the quest of chasing the white monkeys, but he was not amused from it at all.

    In additional, he has been forced to pass trough the evil teleporter twice today. he was in somewhat gloomy mood.


    He didn't want to go back to floor one, in this floor everyone know him as The-lazy-dude-that-you-can-bring-with-you-to-any-of-your-boss-fights.

    And come back to floor one also mean another teleport.


    As he walk into the tavern he notice that almost all the tables in the pub were full. In the only free table around a pink hair girl was sat alone. He order a meal and sat around the table with her. He didn't know why she sit there all by herself. to be honest, he doesn't really care


    (-25 col)

  5. "You talk little like a PK" Rowan responded to him,  "You know, most of the time this behavior would makes me suspect, but not with you."

    They continue walking until they reach the giant Beehive. "Amm ok...I'm ready" Rowan said to him, not sure what this boy meant before about his fighting.


    {So you will control the boss and the minions? :P}

  6. "Yea, he arrange almost everything, expect maybe the Performer" Rowan look at Ryuu, its seems that most of the attentions were focused around him.

    He move his attentions to the guy who ate a lot, he seems familiar to, he was sure he met him somewhere. He walk toward Arekkusu and greet him warmly.

    "Looks like you are enjoy the party" he smiled to him, hoping to start a conversation.


    Actually, he was looking for more business opportunities, that's why he need to meet as much players as possible. Who knows, maybe they will create some interesting collaborations.

  7. Rowan stare at the wolf while it howled in pain, he know that it was going to try one last trick. He couldn't help himself smiling when the both players exchanged sarcasm sentence around him, but that was his mistake. He lost focus just for a brief moment and miss the wolf's attack. Suddenly, it's jaws was in front of him.

    Rowan stare at the wolf and opened his mouth in surprise . He had noting to do, so he fall while pull himself backward. Luckily for him, the wound wolf missed his head by an inch.


    Rowan lie on the ground and sigh. Then he turn on his stomach and stand up again.



    Lotharian: 15/15

    Marisa: 11/13

    Rowan: 11/11




    Wolf 1: 1/6

    Wolf 2: 3/6

    Alpha wolf: 6/10



    • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  8. "I flow with every plan that will bring me to bed sooner, or will give me a free materials" He smiled. That player was nice, but lack of suspicion. He hope it won't hurt him one day.

    "So MacGrath, do you got something interesting to tell?" he said as they began to walk to the Giant beehive that was located in the middle of the forest.

    "Like like who are you? why you drag me here to fight with you?" and how you got so many health potion according to your level. But didn't say that part, that would be rude.

  9. Rowan give a strange look to Yuji "No problem, its was fun to doing business with you". That players...will he ever understand them? anyway he sell a lot in his first day. Its seems like he got a lot of money from Yuji, but in the end is earned just 575 for the sell. Well, that's merchants life.

    "Hey Yuji! wait up! I got some business offers to you"


    Earlier in that day he Didn't manage to exchange the smiting material for cooking one (to roll) but he had a great business idea!

    Transaction total:+575 col


    XP : 8


    id #742

  10. Rowan enter to the tavern, lowered his hood and shut the door firmly. That freaking teleporter Still made him dizzy, god he hate these things.

    His white hood was covered with snow and his face was stile sullen.

    He walk to the bar and greet someone, they talk shortly and exchange coins along with some papers and items. Then he apologize that he didn't had more time for him, he know how it is. Then they said goodbye to each other and Rowan left him and scanned the bar again.


    He spot the small group around one of the tables, he recognized the two boys from the store and the pink girl. He walk toward them and his face lit up, "Sorry for being late" He smile and sat in his place. Then he took his cup and finish it in one gulp "Did I miss something?"



    {There is Alchemist to. I'm not sure we got fisherman yet}

  11. {Wow that's a lot. your character does really have that much of potions?}


    "fighting style? my fighting style is to stay alive" he laughed, put 2 health potions on his pocket and gave 2 back to MacGrath. "Here, I don't need more then that", Rowan said to himself that if he will refuse to take them he will leave them right on the floor.

    "So do you have a fighting style MacGrath?" the whole idea amused him "how its look like?" he picture MacGrath fight lie a Samurai, a Knight or a flippy ninja ( :wink:)

  12. {lol, you remind me No Game No Life a bit}


    "Better then I though it would be" he respond to the greeting, then he walk to the potions cabinet and began pulling away the order.

    "That's a nice amount of potions" He concludes the payment in his head, "that will be 2815 col, but you can use your party discount if you want, even if you didn't order them in advance."

  13. "Thanks man" he look toward Yuji and gave him one of his illuminating smile "We will sure have."

    That boy remind him a bit of himself, the part that was happy and honest. He glad to know that part is still there.


    Rowan took a quick look around again, bye judging the amount that everyone ate its seems like they were starving to death for a three days in a row.

    He returned his attention to Yuji and MacGrath again, "By the way, I didn't catch your names."

  14. That player...Rowan wander how he always find himself in such situations.
    He doesn't seem like an experienced player. He had to much excitement in his voice, to much impulsiveness in his moves.
    But still he went through floor 2 cave by himself while Rowan was busy on sleeping, and he had a talent. 
    Rowan already start to run toward the bat before Arekkusu finish his sentence, and use the opening to slice a deep cut in the bat body. On his way he manage to avoid most of the bat's claws, but one of them stile scratch him. 

    Bat 3/7


    Rowan 9/11

    • Rolled a 9+2 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 9-1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  15. Rowan smiled to him "No problem L. If you will ever need me, don't hesitated to come"

    He decide to sell the two armor pieces and keep the weapon.

    Then he went out to sell the items and try trading one of his Tailoring material with some Smithing materials.

    Unlucky for him, he were able to exchange it only for one Smithing material.


    - Cold Iron Band Of Instinct (+1 Parry) 

    - Alpha Wolfs Coat (+1 dmg Mit.) 

    + Flyssa (+1 damage)


    Transaction total: +200-210= -10 col + Flyssa (+1 damage)


    +4 XP


    id #721

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