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Posts posted by orhalimi

  1. Rowan stand up and and wiped the dirt from his face. He will do it again, If he will use the same tactic there is high chance that the monster will act in a similar way. He ran toward the mother and jumped in the second she tried to crush him,  she completely missed him as he jump on her hand and clime from that to her back. He still lose 1 hit point, "Splash damage?" he thought, then he stuck his sword on her back. He didn't had time to activated it before the strike. After then he sword turn to Amber as he pull it out from the screaming Monkey mother.



    Rowan 11/13




    12/16  Monkey Mother

    • Rolled a 10+2 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 8-1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  2. Lot of business before the boss fight, lot of business. Rowan gave two health potion to Rebekah "Excuse me miss" he said, "we go a discount on the health potions before the boss fight. That's will be only 936 col, but you can pay me more if you want"  He smiled and thanks her for buying. After she will leave he will go out and trade with some of the NPC shop keeper. He manage to get 2 Uncommon Vouchers in exchange for his Smiting materials. Now he has to get some more...


    Id #1156


    + 136 col

    +2 Uncommon Vouchers

    -Smiting Material


    +3 XP

  3. "Sure" He say goodbye to Zeke and gave two health potions to Ranganok, after two minutes Tristan went in and ask for a potion and a Teleport Crystal. "The Rush for the boss" he smiled to Tristan and gave him the items without asking to much. He knew that no one has much time to talk this days, well almost no one, expert maybe Zeke (xD). 


    After everyone left the store he wonder why Zeke kill low level monster. He won't go out today, its seems like a bad day for business. He oreder another pack of health potions and think about Zeke. This guy....really afraid of death.


    936 +1668 - 2200 = 404 col

    +404 col


    Id #1121


    +5 XP

  4. "1200?" Rowan Pouted "I thought about 1000 without materials". He scratch his head "You know what? I will give you 700 now. If you will make it in less then two weeks I will give you 1200. But if you will delay we will subtract 100 col from the price  for every extra week". Rowan smiled to him, he was so used to answer an offer with an offer that he did it without thinking.


    "About the shirt, I want it with +2 to the evasion and a life steal effect. And I want it white, like a normal cloth armor but smooth like silky". He want to smile again, but his face remind him something unpleasant, he could not remember from where. "Anyway...perfect armor, I need it in two weeks. Do you think you good enough to make it?"

  5. Rowan walk out of the 7 floor safe zone. "I will pay all the money in the world to see this teleport burning!" He muttered. He never liked teleports, they made his world spinning like a giant ballerina. People say its getting better everytime, for him its just getting worse.


    He walked toward the Green Mines, a pretty safe place with a few monster spawns around. players used this place to gather smiting materials, and after he lost everything he owned, he had to get them to.


    He walk quietly on the road, still dizzy evil machine...and then he stopped. A player was behind him.


    "Who are you" He turned and drew his sword.

  6. Rowan Enter the shop after a long trip in floor one, there were blacksmiths at every corner! Finally after a long walk he found this shop. "Thanks god!" he said gratefully, "A tailoring shop!". He walk inside toward Ranganok. "Hello, I'm looking for the shop owner. I want to get an offer for a perfect white leader armor" Rowan smiled at him. Its time to make a deal.

  7. {Well I count 12 players. so its mean...166.667 col for each! have fun xD}


    "I hope to see you too" Rowan smile at Cele. Cya? He thought, such a gamers world. He went outside to shake hands and say goodbye to everyone. "I hope you had fun...See you tomorrow at my store", then he delayed to deliver a special thanks to Ryuu "Thanks you my friend, don't see it as the end of our friendship, this is only the beginning." 


    After everyone left he came inside to clean all the mess. Then he pass over all his supply, making sure that nothing is missing....




  8. Without thinking Rowan charge toward the big monkey with a spark in his eyes, his sword start to glow in a shine yellow light "I'm gonna kill y..awwaa" He scream in pain while the mother flung him on the tree with her hands. lucky for him his armor absorbed most of the damage. He stand up slowly and the mother unleash a painful scream. She sure angry at someone, maybe its because he slay her children?

    Rowan 12/13




    16/16  Monkey Mother


    • Rolled a 1 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 8-1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  9. "Of course the deal is still going on" Rowan took the last healing potion from his table and gave him to Zeke. He need to order more of them, sadly he say goodbye to another material. "So how its going with you this day? haven't see you around, even at the party" he did not sound insulted, just worried. Zeke are one of the first players he met who help him survive in the wild. He saw him as his guide, even if Zeke didn't notice it.


    {that die is trolling me}

    +68 col

    - Smiting material
    Id #1057
    +2 xp
  10. He charge at them, they both jump off and start to run away with fear. he ran after them yelling, just give me the dame fur! after two minutes of running he lost their track. He walk around, mumbling something about digital intelligent...And then he met her. Great, big, hairy monkey mother. Man, after he will slay her he will have enough fur to make armors for an army!



    Rowan 13/13




    16/16  Monkey Mother

  11. "No thanks guys, I have to go back. I have a store and a guild meeting to be" (you guys make comments to fast ><).

    He turn to Arekkusu "I was worry about you at the start, you look like you are looking for a ways to die. But now its seems like you are in good hands" he nodded to Cele". Actually, he was chasing death, but the monsters in this place are to weak. ""By the way...on how much you are selling your materials?"

  12. Rowan was between two bees, so he raise his sword in circle the get them of him. Then his sword began to shine, and within half second he pass through one of the minions and turn him to dust. After that the other minion start attacking him and they start sparing hits with each other. "Leave the boss! lets kill the small one first!" he shout while blocking its thorn with his sword.


    MacGrath 17/17
    Rowan 12/13

    Queen Bee 28/30
    Bee minion1 0/4 - Leave noting
    Bee minion2 4/4 


    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  13. "I agree" Rowan smile to Fallen, then slowly went back to his seat. Seen the guild members come to his defense made him feel a sort of fragrances. He didn't had to say anything, he already reach his goal.


    He drank quietly and gave a natural look at Mari. It's seems she already forced herself to be formulated in a more political way, Say you are not a nice person its not excuse for that behavior  he thought. Than gave a meaningful look at Yuji.  Believe me, I am respecting her, one day she will be a great leader of a big guild and she will thank me for that.  "gentlemanly manner" Rowan sigh. He like this guy, handle with everyone.....remind him himself when he just entered this game.


    He will give his life for her, but if he want to stay in this guide, there are some things that need to be settle. But he didn't know yet, maybe she was the leader he was looking for....

  14. Rowan sigh, this leadership sure change people. He took the money and trow her dagger on the back of his store,  he wont sell this dagger to anyone. Actually, he earned almost noting from this deal, but he didn't want her to know that he had sold her the potions almost free. He didn't know why.


    After that, A NPC merchant went into the shop. He just gave him a Smithing material and walk away. The good thing about NPC merchant is they are loyal if you are loyal to them. He want a Tailoring material in return, but he will only get it in next shipment.


    "Who next?" Rowan look around. "Zeke! Come in my friend"


    +10 col

    +Smithing material 

    - Tailoring metarial


    +5 XP


    Id #1021

  15. Rowan sigh, coquettish didn't fit the young man. If he is going to continue with that all their journey he will hit him himself. But in one thing Lotharian right, Marisa really improved since the last time they met.
    "Switch!" Rowan shout, taking his place right after the animal dodge the blow.  He used his dash to cover the distance between them,  barely able to reach it. The wolf dodge most of his blow but Rowan manage to scratch his side, and that scratch was enough.
    The wolf fade in a big howl into the air, leaving only "wolf's fur" for Rowan ( -_-)

    Lotharian: 15/15

    Marisa: 11/13

    Rowan: 11/11

    Alpha wolf: 0/10 
    • Rolled a 4 on the d20 (loot) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (mob) dice.
    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.
  16. That's right, she was kind of had to do that, he expected her to react that way. "so this is how things are going to work around here? every time that someone will object your opinion you will threaten to throw him from the guild?" His face was angry, but he wasn't. He know what he had to do next.


    Rowan rise from his chair. "If you want respect you should earn it, and its not done by silencing" his voice heard loud and clear. He dare her with his look , his eyes said kick me.  come on, kick the only merchant in front of everybody because you disagree with him. 


    He continued ruthless "The word leader mean you found a four fellows to make a guild with, it doesn't give you the ability to control their mind. Do you demand from him to choose his profession according to your personal preference, while we got an alternative solution? Guilds will rise and fall while he will stay in this profession for the rest of his life!" on this game, but he didn't say that part.


    That was almost to easy, in her attempt to take the control back she lost too much, now he could take all the guild if he wanted to, right from her hand. But he won't do it to her, he wasn't that kind of person. But knowing for one second he could take something like that from someone else Made him feel much more confident.


    "Leader" he emphasized the word "When you said that "Cerulean silence" is been created for the meek, the down-trodden, and the forgotten you charmed me in your words". His face softened. He didn't want to go to far, all he want was to prove a point. "Because only idiots will think we are weak, that's exactly the idiots we don't want around us. But show me these words are true. Don't act like "Crimson Inquisition" leaders, do not demand from us to follow blindly after your orders just because you said so". He finish talking, his eyes still rested on her. Now leader, what will you do? Are you the leader I think you are or the leader I need?

  17. "Well I need to check some things around, but there should be no problem for most of the items " he already sold everything cheaper then he should, maybe its time upgrade some prices. 


    "As for the 'distribution of Professions within the guild'" Rowan repeated her speech. "I don't think we should worry about that stuff right now. We are barley five members, and we need to get full perfect set for all of us. That should be easy, as a merchant I can trade with some materials, any perfect item for another one." He send a quick glance at Mari. She will probably notice, but there is noting she can do about it.


    He rise his voice a little, enough to draw their attention "More then that, I can sell every item in uncommon level or more to NPC and give 100% of the profit to the guild. and with +2 charisma items my trades will occur even faster".  


    He looked at each one of them, clasped his hands and said "that's mean that except Cooking and Alchemy, everyone else can be blacksmiths and still live in abundance."

  18. {lets add him! next post is for the boss}


    His attack just gave him an opening to rush after him, In almost full synchronization they switch before the mob was able to react. "I got him!" he shout back and passed through the bee with his sword.  But before he was able to finish his strike the other bee attacked him, force him defend.


    "Get off me!" He ducked at the last moment, the bee sting barely scratched the top of his head.


    MacGrath ?/?

    Rowan 12/13



    Bee minion1: 1/4
    Bee minion2: 4/4



    • Rolled a 8+2 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 10-1 on the d10 (mob) dice.
  19. {Wow you advanced a lot while I wasn't here, now I have to find a reason for that T_T}


    "Well it's stronger because the game sense both of us" Rowan replied absently. Something catch his eyes, could it be? An iron ore! He was so frustrated from the last time he accidentally broke the last iron ore around. He try to attack it, but he doesn't talk much about thatnow he have a chance to cover his mistakes. Now he's gonna pull it out.


    While he tried to mine the iron, he heard Arekkusu talk with someone about something, then they start to brake doors together. "I forgot to mention. This place is not a cave, it's a spreading maze, he will build itself as long as you continue. You can always go back, but if you will continue to go on you will eventually...Ho look! I got it!" He pull out the iron ore and turn around to show it to Arekkusu, but Arekkusu wans't there.


    Suddenly, the door slammed in front of him while the alarming sound filled the air. "Are you Okay?" He shout. A trap alarming sound,  this can't be a good....


    + Iron Ore

    • Rolled a 18 on the d20 (loot) dice.
  20. Rowan nodded and enter the store after her, he gave a quick suspicious look at the objects that lying around the store, make sure that noting is missing. Then, satisfied, he go around and start talking with people. Glancing from time to time at the people and the things at his store, making sure that noting will get missing again.


    Also, he gave quick glance at the girl again, he never was a good talker, especially in English. But it doesn't matter right now, soon this party will be over and everything will be back the way it was before. Not that before it was better.


    {I'm ready to close this thread. Anyone want to add anything?}

  21. "I'm not sure I will join the fight yet", he gently pushed one of the potions aside and the others toward her.

    "There is a big chance I will die, and you gave me a great amount of guilt to carry. I don't want you to carry my death with you" he smiled, "that's will be a 810 col and a dagger. I wish I could sell it cheaper, but the business are tough for a novice merchant."


    {I need the dagger name and enchantments. If you can give me some description on him its will be great!}

  22. They reach the mini boss spawning point, they both waited with their swords in their hands. Waited for a long time but nothing has happened.


    Finally the boss materialized before them. A huge bee with a body size sting flew in front of them, her body was covered with a black and yellow stripes, and crimson occasionally touched them. Her Wings buzzed tightly, they couldn't talk without shout.


    Near her a two Bees minions as been spawned.  Their size was similar to a player size and their stripes was painted in a similar ways, they all look ready to tear them.


    Rowan looked at MacGrath, "Are you ready?"


    {Let go!}

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