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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. Pepper paused and was about to punch Oske for that hug, but then stopped herself. Something was strange about this girl... somehow Pepper knew that Miss Oske wasn't a hugger most of the time. Pepper gently accepted the hug, putting her arms around Oske as well before they released their grips. Pepper paused when Oske sent her the syrup jar... it looked like a cooking material. An idea sprung into Pepper's head, and she smiled slightly. 


    "I'd be happy to party with you, Miss Oske!" Pepper said with a brighter smile.




    +1 Maple Imp Syrup Jar (Pepper)

    +50 Col (Pepper)

    +1200 Col (Pepper)

    +50 Col (Oske)

    +1200 Col (Oske)

  2. Pepper slowly fluttered her eyes open to feel liquid running down her throat. She swallowed, tasting something similar to the taste of... blueberry medicine. She coughed slightly, and her health went up to 6/9. She felt dizzy, but alive. Oske was sitting beside her, holding the potion up. Once Pepper drank all of it, the bottle shattered. Pepper then noticed the menu beside her--saying she had recieved +50 col. "We... we won?" she asked, looking up weakly at Oske.

  3. Pepper went to slash at the leg as well. She managed to get a good slash in there, leaving the mob at around one health point. However, she found herself launched across the forest and slamming into a tree. Her back made a THUNK sound as she hit the bark, and she fell flat onto the ground. Her eyes began to feel blurry, and she closed her eyes. 


    Roll ID: 5145

    Combat: 6 (1basedmg + 1swordskill = 2 dmg)

    Mob: 9-1 = 8 (3basedmg + 2effect = 5dmg) 


    Pepper: 1/9

    Oske: 40/41

    Mother Imp: 1/20 

  4. Pepper swallowed. She felt like she was making Oske upset by not listening to her, yet she wanted to help. The imp wound up to strike at Oske again, and Pepper couldn't bear to watch. She slashed at the back of its right leg, watching as little red grids appeared along the lines where her dagger had met the bark. The imp turned slightly to look at Pepper, and Pepper felt strong through her fear.


    Roll ID: 5142

    Combat: 8 (1basedmg + 1swordskill = 2dmg)

    Mob: 1 


    Pepper: 6/9

    Oske: 40/41

    Mother Imp: 6/20 (next turn: -1 acc, +2 dmg)

  5. Pepper froze when she saw her friend getting almost squished, and she realized that she wanted to fight. She was low leveled, yes, but... fighting this would surely give her experience, and Oske was there to help her if she needed! Pepper ran forward and slashed at the imp's foot. It turned and nudged its foot backwards. Normally, a nudge wouldn't do anything to a player... if the imp wasn't so huge. The mere bump of the imp's foot sent Pepper ramming into the tree behind her. 


    Roll ID: 5140

    Combat: 6 (1basedmg + 1swordskill = 2dmg)

    Mob: 6 (3 dmg) 


    Pepper: 6/9

    Oske: 40/41

    Mother Imp: 13/20 

  6. As Oske jumped up and cut the imp's face, Pepper gasped and scrambled backwards in terror. This mob... was HUGE! It was the size of a large tree, and it could walk. A walking tree! Pepper leaned up against a tree behind her, then panicked for a moment. What if this tree wasn't a tree, and it was a mob as well? She turned to see, but it really was just a tree. The imp started to lift her fist off the ground slowly. 


    Roll ID: 5138

    Combat: 1  

    Mob: 1-1 


    Pepper: 9/9

    Oske: 40/41

    Mother Imp: 15/20 

  7. "Huh?" Pepper murmured. "Hey! You're pulling too hard!" Pepper struggled and ripped Oske's hand away from her wrist. She then paused when the ground began to thud beneath her. "What... the heck is that?" Looking behind her, a large imp was tailing behind. Its eyes were glowing green with rage.



    Mob Name: Mother Imp

    Health: 20

    Effects: When hit, she gets a -1 accuracy for the next turn but +2 dmg. She goes after bigger looking players, because they usually are the ones that attacked the baby.

    Moves: Punch-3 base dmg.



    Mob Name: Baby Imp


    Moves: None. 5+ is a call to mother, mother arrives in 2 turns. 


    "I know nothing bad is going to happen," Pepper said, puffing up her cheeks. She then deflated them and stuck out her tongue. "See how strong I'm getting? I leveled up. Soon I'll be the same level as you, Miss Oske. Come on, let's go!" Pepper turned and began to skip into the forest. She nearly rammed into a small tree as it stepped into her way. She flinched and jumped back. The little tree made a slight chirping sound to reveal its face... Which Pepper promptly stabbed. The imp suddenly began to screech loudly.


    Roll ID: 5129

    Combat: 8 (1basedmg + 1swordskill = 2dmg)

    Mob: 7 (successful call, mother in 2 turns)


    Pepper: 9/9 

    Oske: 41/41

    Baby Imp: 3/5 

  9. Pepper whimpered slightly. She pushed past Oske and jumped up to slam her dagger down on the piggy's face. It grunted, stabbed her for two damage, then shattered into those pretty little shards. Just as Pepper realized she only had one health point left... she leveled up to level three. Pepper jumped up and down excitedly. "Look, Miss Oske! I leveled up! See?!?"


    Roll ID: 5123

    Combat: 9 (1basedmg + 1crit+ 1swordskill = 3dmg)

    Mob: 9 (1basedmg + 1crit = 2dmg)


    Pepper: 9/9 (leveled up)

    Oske: 41/41

    King Boar: 0/4 dead

  10. Pepper slipped on her ground as she went to stab the boar. Her feet fell beneath her body's center, and she found herself toppling down into the boar. It shrieked in rage and stabbed her again. Pepper shoved the boar off of her and jumped to her feet, shaking a little. Her health was kind of in the red zone. She glanced at Oske with fear in her eyes.


    Roll ID: 5120

    Combat: 1

    Mob: 9 (1basedmg + 1crit = 2dmg)


    Pepper: 3/7

    King Boar: 4/4

  11. Pepper smiled, her hiccuping slowly fading away and her tears drying up on her cheeks. She nodded, then reached her arms out and hugged Miss Oske. “Yay! I’m so happy. Okay, let’s go! I’m going to be the strongest player ever, I promise!†She followed Miss Oske out of the safe zone, where a boar appeared. This time, Pepper would kill it. As she peered at the boar, she realized... it was that stupid King Boar again. She charged at it, only to skid to the side to narrowly avoid being stabbed in the gut. However, the tusk managed to scrape off a health point or two from her leg.


    Roll ID: 5109

    Combat: 5

    Mob: 9 (1basedmg + 1crit = 2dmg)


    Pepper: 5/7

    King Boar: 4/4

  12. Pepper tried to stop crying, only making her hiccuping worse. "I want to be strong so I can protect my friends," Pepper told Miss Oske. "I want to be strong so I can protect you! I want to be able... to take care of myself. Can you teach me how to be strong, Miss Oske? I want to go through the forest and fight monsters, and eat fruit we find. It'll be fun, I promise..."

  13. Pepper tried to control herself as tears bubbled up and dripped down her face. She quickly turned away from Miss Oske. “I’m fine!†she snapped. But in all honesty, she wasn’t. Every movement and everything Oske did… it was just like Mommy. Pepper wanted to get closer to Miss Oske if Miss Oske was just like Mommy, but… she was afraid of losing her. The images of Mommy’s body shattering into little shards flashed in Pepper’s head.


    “My… my mommy used to be in this game with me,†Pepper said. She started to hiccup as tears ran down her face. “But… hic!...She was… hic!... killed…hic!â€

  14. "There!" With a furious motion, Pepper slashed a critical hit onto the boar's snout. In a fit of pain, it stabbed her arm with its tusk. Pepper shouted in anger and stormed away. When the boar tried to follow her, she gave it a kick in the face that did no damage. It grunted and backed away, getting ready to charge at her. "Go away, pig!" Pepper shouted at it.


    Roll ID: 5078

    Combat: 9 (1dmg +1crit + 1swordskill = 3dmg)

    Mob: 6 (1 dmg)


    Pepper: 4/7

    Oske: 40/41

    King Boar: 1/4

  15. Pepper glared at Oske. "Why do you protect me? I can take care of myself!" Pepper snapped. Tears welled in her eyes, and she pouted in attempts to not cry. "You're always like this to me! You're the worst--I hate you!" She turned and crossed her arms. The boar looked a little confused at this point. Pepper froze when she realized what she just said... she said it to a stranger--someone she just met. 


    Roll ID: 5067

    Combat: 5

    Mob: 2


    Pepper: 5/7

    Oske: 41/41

    King Boar: 4/4

  16. Pepper glared at Oske. "I'm fine!" she shouted. Pushing the player away, she stood up on her own two feet. The boar seemed pretty surprised that someone just threw herself in front of its target, so it just stood there for second. The boar's eyes glowed as it roared with rage, ready to attack Pepper yet again. 


    Roll ID: 5060

    Combat: 4 

    Mob: 4


    Pepper: 5/7

    Oske: 38/39

    King Boar: 4/4

  17. Pepper slowly approached the boar. After her last attack, she had leveled up and gained a few points of health. That meant nothing to this boar. It turned immediately and snorted with rage, charging at her. Pepper gasped and tried to dodge, but was hit head on. Two health points fell from her bar, and she rolled on the ground. She struggled to get to her feet as the boar charged again.


    Roll ID: 5039

    Combat: 4 

    Mob: 9 (1basedmg + 1crit = 2 dmg)


    Pepper: 5/7

    Oske: 39/39

    King Boar: 4/4

  18. Pepper approached the boar. It didn't notice her at force, just turning a few times and sensing a presence. The boar knew she was there, just not where. It then turned, its red eyes glinting as Pepper's dagger began to shake with power. She let herself leap forward and stabbed into the boar with a slight squeaky shout. It grunted, then shattered into little shards. Pepper paused to check to see if she received any loot, but... "Hmph. No loot." She turned. "Hey, mo--, uh, Miss Oske! Look! I killed the pig!"


    Roll ID: 5035

    Combat: 8 (1basedmg + 1swordskill = 2dmg)

    Mob: 1

    Loot: 8


    Pepper: 5/5

    Oske: 39/39

    Boar: 0/2 DEAD

  19. Pepper paused, puffing up her cheeks. It was clear that Miss Oske cared about her... and for some reason, Pepper felt the same way. She sighed and crossed her arms, looking away. "Okay, fine. I want to go kill some boars now. Let's go!" Pepper got ready to dash out into the fields, but she slowed down and remembered what Oske had just said. She waited for her friend to follow.

  20. Pepper jumped to her feet. She whimpered slightly, then gritted her teeth. "I can take care of myself, Miss Oske. But... I don't want to waste a potion. Let's just go back to the safe zone so I can heal. It's only a few feet away." Without waiting for Miss Oske to answer, Pepper led the way back to the safe zone. She was a little embarrassed that she was hit, and then Oske had to save her. She blushed and averted her eyes just thinking about it.

  21. Pepper immediately leaped into action. She dashed forward and went to slash at the boar, however it simply rammed into her and sent her falling on her butt, scraping her knees. "Waah!" she shouted, jumping back to her feet. She gripped her dagger tightly, glancing at her health bar. This boar had less health than her, though, so she could defeat it... right?


    Roll ID: 3993

    Combat: 1

    Mob: 9 (1basedmg+1crit = 2dmg)


    Pepper: 3/5

    Oske: 39/39

    Boar: 2/2

  22. Pepper blinked. So, this lady needs some help. I can do that! I bet I'm stronger than her, even though my level is low. Pepper nodded slightly. "Okay, fine. I'll train with you, Miss Oske. But... I'd like you to give me a potion whenever I need it, okay? I don't have anything right now besides my clothes and dagger. And I want you to treat me to all my meals, aaand... what else?" She made a ticking clock sound with her mouth. "Yeah! That's all I can think of. Let's go!"

  23. Pepper squinted when Oske was very careful to eat her ice cream. She noticed that Oske winced as if she felt pain, but Pepper said nothing. As the lady began to tell her that she was too young to be alone, outrage filled her lungs. However, it quickly faded away as Oske corrected herself to say that she was low leveled rather than underaged. She finished up her ice cream and crossed her arms. "I don't need a party. I can fight all by myself!"

  24. Pepper's eyes widened when she heard "mommy." She quickly shook it off, putting one hand on her hip and snapping, "I'm a big girl! I'm not some wimp. I can take care of myself; I don't need anybody to take care of me!" She puffed up her cheeks to show a little more determination. She then chomped down on the ice cream again, taking in the chocolate-nut flavor of the cold dish. 

  25. "Y-yeah, I like chocolate..." Pepper murmured. The lady that saved her handed Pepper an ice cream cone, which she took a bite out of. While the taste was still there, the pain from cold meeting bone didn’t hurt her in this world. After all, pain didn’t exist. She followed the lady to a table, and then Pepper spoke up. “Who are you, anyway? I’m Pepper.â€

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