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Posts posted by Clarence

  1. ID:22599  LD:  18 + 3 = 21
    ID:22600  LD:  8 + 3 = 11
    ID:22602  LD:  1 + 3 = 4
    ID:22603  LD:  6 + 3 = 9
    ID:22604  LD:  19 + 3 = 22


    Clarence set Noot down on the ground and he waddled away, making cute little noises. Clarence smiled brightly and watched the Penguin walk around closely to Clarence but closely to Clarence at the same time. Clarence walked around and ran his along a tree. Clarence jumped and pulled his hand back quickly, touching some moss. {Well, I guess this is good for something } Clarence thought and ripped the Moss off the tree, laying it down in his bag. Noot made a loud noise and Clarence quickly. Noot was on his head sitting there, he tripped over a Rock. "Ugh, sometimes Noot." Clarence mumbled and picked up the Pet, along with the rock


    Mats: 10

  2. "Awwww. He is a Baby Pug? Oh my god! That is sooooooo adorable. Stealing Ninken, it has been decided." Clarence blushed lightly and smiled, looking over at the Pug. {Hmmm, what else to talk about. No idea really. Just sitting here with him is nice } Clarence smiled and looked around and hugged Noot closely, looking around the room."Sorry, I am just really happy that I have Noot. And, that you helped me get him." Clarence smiled and kissed the top of Noot's head. His food came around and Noot happily tried to eat the fish on the plate. Clarence gave him one piece of the fish and started eating himself.

  3. "It is. Glad I can be here with you." Clarence smiled and grabbed Lowenthal's hand lightly. The waitress came around and Clarence ordered <<Fish and Chips>>. While he waited for the food to get back Clarence patted Noot on the head and looked up at Lowenthal."How did you find Ninken? You never told me how. I'm not sure if I asked how. But how did you?" Clarence asked, interested in how he found his most adorable pug ever, which Clarence will probably steal one of these days. "I mean, you already know how I got Noot." Clarence held up the Penguin and it looked at Lowenthal and Nooted, flapping its arms widely.

  4. Name: Form Fitting Jacket

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Mentor

    ID: 13120 

    Roll: 12 

    Item Type: Leather Armor

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 Dmg Mitigation +1 Evasion

    Description: A black jacket that is very stylish but also forms to the person's body. On its right shoulder it has a discreetly embroidered white crowned lion head.




    Name: Form Fitting Jacket

    Your Profession: Tailor

    Your Rank: Mentor

    ID: 13120 

    Roll: 12 

    Item Type: Leather Armor

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +2 Light Momentum +1 Evasion

    Description: A black jacket that is very stylish but also forms to the person's body. On its right shoulder it has a discreetly embroidered white crowned lion head.

  5. ID:22534  LD: 9 + 3 = 12
    ID:22535  LD: 15 + 3 = 18
    ID:22536  LD: 9 + 3 = 12
    ID:22537  LD: 18 + 3 = 21
    ID:22538  LD: 14 + 3 = 17


    Clarence Smiled and lightly hummed to himself. Already finding 5 Mats put Clarence in a pretty good mood. Clarence was hugging Noot tightly and smiling, remembering Lowenthal as he walked. {Getting Noot with Lowenthal was amazing. I wish that day could of lasted. But, oh well. He hopefully wont be going anywhere anytime soon. And, I can steal his pug when I want to. Ninken is so adorable though! } Clarence thought and din't even realize he almost stepped on a pile of three Large Wasp Stingers. "My lucky day." Clarence smiled and kissed Noot on the head, going on to find more Mats.


    Mats: 8

  6. Clarence blushed a bit at the comment Lowenthal made, but he wasn't complaining. Clarence followed behind Lowenthal carefully, not wanting to drop his precious Penguin. They burst out of the forest and Clarence slowly looked around, trying to find a good Inn that might have some good food, not a lot of that around, at least that is what Clarence thought. Clarence spotted an Inn a little ways off that a loud animals and Clarence led the way over there, smiling back at Lowenthal. "Hopefully this Inn is good, never been here before. Even though I spend almost all of my time on this floor." Clarence said.  

  7. ID:22527  LD:  6 + 3 = 9
    ID:22528  LD:  14 + 3 = 17
    ID:22529  LD:  17 + 3 = 20
    ID:22530  LD:  6 + 3 = 9
    ID:22531  LD:  1 + 3 = 4


    Clarence thought he was off to a Pretty good start. Already found three materials basically stepping into the forest. {I like this floor I get MAts pretty easily. Hopefully can fine some more? Also, I don't really want to Just search, Probably fight some Monsters Soon. } Clarence thought as he looked around and found a feather that was on the ground. { Number 4. Where are you Number 5 } Clarence thought to himself and looked around, seeing a very strange leaf in the tree. {Maybe that would be good? Hopefully. } Clarence picked up a rock and threw it at the tree, calming a startled Penguin in the process. The leaf slowly fell and Clarence caught it, putting it in his bag along with the rest.


    Mats: 5

  8. ID:22522  LD: 14 + 3 = 17

    ID:22523  LD: 15 + 3 = 18

    ID:22524  LD:  3 + 3 = 6

    ID:22525  LD:  2 + 3 = 5

    ID:22526  LD:  20 + 3 = 23


    Clarence entered the Forest and looked around. Noot looked around too, probably just for fish though. Clarence looked down and spotted a Shiny Rock and picked it up. "One down, Billion more to go." Clarence mumbled and walked a little further. He brought out the bag he has for Mats and placed the rock in. Clarence looked around and saw a flower that had Material properties. Clarence walked over and picked it up, placing it in his bag as well. Another Flower prouted right by Clarence and he took tha tone as well, already pretty happy with how this was going.



  9. Clarence finally decided that day would be that day. He would go Material hunting. Clarence walked out of the Inn he has in and Picked up his Penguin, Noot, and walked outside. The Penguin Nooted and snuggled into his hands and Clarence smiled warmly, looking up into the sun. {Ugh, why do I have to Material gather. This is not something that is fun, at all. But, I do need to start getting Mats for my shop } Clarence thought and trudges out into the open day. "Okay, where to Start." Clarence said to himself and looked out into the Distance, seeing a nice path to lead up to a Forested Mountain. {Material Material. Come out, Come out where ever you are } Clarence thought, entering the woods.

  10. { He didn't  realize. Thank God! But renting an Inn room just to sleep in, not together.. in that way at least, would be fine by mean. Cuddling him while I sleep would be THE BEST way to sleep } Clarence thought and grabbed Lowenthal's hand. Noot moved around a bit on Clarence's hand so he decided something weird, put him on Clarence's head. Clarence set him up there and Noot Nooted, moving around and sitting there, flapping his wings slightly. "So, where would you like to stop for Dinner?" Clarence asked as they walked hand in hand to where ever they were going to go for Dinner."And I thought we already decided who was the sweetest person here."

  11. Clarence blushed and patted Lowenthal on the head lightly, before slowly getting up. Noot Noots and waddles over to Ninken and starts waddling around him, making noises and patting the Dog. Ninken barks and licks the Penguin. "Dinner maybe. Inns are nice and warm." Clarence said that and immediately regretted saying it. "Sorry! I didn't mean to say for us to go into an inn together. Just that they are warm." Clarence blushed brightly and sat up, embarrassed and still blushing. Clarence scooped up Noot and cuddled him, trying to hide his blush."Lets go shall we?" Clarence said, still embarrassed. 

  12. Clarence melted slowly into the kiss, one hand on Lowenthal's cheek. {This is great } Clarence thought and kissed back a bit, smiling brightly. Clarence broke the kiss for a moment."You are a pretty nice kisser." Clarence said, and kissed again. Clarence placed his hand on Lowenthal's head and stroked his hair lightly. Clarence broke the kiss and gave a quick kiss on the nose."Wow, we just started dating today and it feels like we have been together for a while." Clarence murmured to himself and laid back into the snow, getting tired. {I am probably going to fall asleep } Clarence thought and shrugged mentally, his hand on Lowenthal's back, the other having Noot cuddled into his hand the best he can.

  13. When Lowenthal asked with he wanted to do anything else today, a couple pretty dirty thoughts flowed through his head.{Stop!  } Clarence thought and blushed to himself. "Doens't matte rot me, I've got my Familiar, you have got yours. I've got my hot boyfriend. Nothing else really." Clarence blushed and looked down at Lowenthal. Clarence placed his hand on the back of Lowenthal and slowly rubbed his back, a calming thing to do and played with Lowenthal's hair lightly. "This is actually really relaxing." Clarence sighed and wrapped his arms around his backand laid there, Niniken and Noot close by.

  14. Clarence's body was a buzz of happy. He just got his Penguin Familiar, finally. And, he was now cuddling with his boyfriend on his favorite Floor, could this day get any better?"You are great." Clarence said and sighed, cuddling back into Lowenthal. The Penguin Nooted and waddled around, sitting by the couple's head and nudging against the two. "I have no idea. Pengu? No, Waddles? No, Noot? Yes, yes that." Clarence talked to himself and patted the Penguin. "Your name is Noot." Clarence smiled and giggled lightly putting his head against Lowenthal's chest, smiling like a crazy person.

  15. Clarence's face turned bright red on the kiss and Clarence smiled. "I'm so happy." Is all Clarence said, planting a light kiss on Lowenthal's lips. Clarence sighed deeply and laid against Lowenthal, the Floor slowly melting away."Sorry. I am all in your business." Clarence blushed bright red and sat up, sitting on the snow next to a laying down Lowenthal. "Hey, you aren't really cold on the floor. I hope not anyways." Clarence said, the Penguin walking over. Clarence picked it up and put it in his lap. Clarence patted its head light and cuddled it lightly, it nooting and cuddling into Clarence. "Today is definitely Perfect."

  16. ID: 22501

    LD: 9+4= 13 (Success)!


    The Penguin slowly waddled over and sniffed the air, making a cute noot noise. "It is so adorable." Clarence whispered, holding out the chocolate. The Penguin slowly waddled over and reached forward, taking a bite of the chocolate. It ate it quickly and waddled over, sitting next to Clarence. Clarence held his breath and an icon popped. <<Congratulations! You have earned a Familiar!>>  Clarence smiled brightly and picked u the Familiar, it nuzzling into his hands. "oh. My.God." Clarence breathed. He turned to Lowenthal with a smile on his face. Clarence lowered the Penguin down and almost tackled Lowenthal with a hug. "Thank you!" Clarence said happily and kissed him Cutely on the cheek again, laying against him and hugging him.

  17. Clarence looked up at Lowenthal. "That is what you got me for, to help you." Clarence smiled and let go of Lowenthal's hand, sadly. Clarence walked around the snowy Landscape, hoping to find the adorable bird. {where are you! Want to find it and probably smoother it with love. It is great, so sweet and kind... am I still think about a penguin?  } Clarence blushed at his thought, trying to stay focused on the plan ahead.


    ID: 22498

    LD: 3 +4 (Search and Detect. Chocolate Bar). 7. No Familiar.


    Clarence found it. The bird was waddling around and making the cutest noise. Clarence started this quest before with his friend Miaki, but he couldn't continue so they decided to do it again some other time, well he isn't here any more to help. but Clarence still had the food for it. Clarence Brought it out of his inventory and moved forward for the Penguin. It looked at it, and waddled away. {Dang, hopefully there are more } Clarence frowned lightly and looked at Lowenthal. "Well. He didn't like me."

  18. "Okay." Clarence smiled and looked around slowly. Small, harmless mobs scattered as the couple crushed through the snow. Clarence looked over and saw a small animal go into the forest but Clarence shrugged, not knowing where to look first. "So, considering I know nothing about where Penguins would be. I am no help in finding anything." Clarence smiled lightly at Lowenthal, knowing that he can barely help, Clarence that is."Glad you can help me though." Clarence smiled and gripped Lowenthal's hand slightly tighter.{His hands are a lot warmer } Clarence thought, looking down at their hands.

  19. ID: 22457

    BD: 9 (5 Damage).


    Clarence witnessed something he was not expecting. Ssendom was stabbed in the face and didn't even flinch, but he did stab the Bandit right in the stomach and put him down into the ground. {D*mn } Is all that Clarence thought as the Bandit started to slowly crawl away. "Well. Not sure how I can follow up to that." Clarence said and twirled his dagger, getting ready to attack the Fallen Bandit.


    Clarence decided to follow in Ssendom's footsteps, in the damage way. Clarence jumped up and dived down on to the Bandit, knocking him right down to the ground. Clarence hopped up and stabbed him in the Shoulder, carving down to the middle of his stomach. "Okay. You are up." Clarence yelled to Ssendom and rolled backwards, the Bandit still trying to get up from the ground.


    Clarence: 54/68 Hate: 2

    Ssendom: 39/45 Hate: 1

    Bandit 4: 22/35

  20. Clarence smiled up at Lowenthal as he brought the pair out of the forest and into a big clearing, a crystal clear, frozen Lake out in the distance. "You did it." Clarence smiled at Lowenthal warmly as they approached the clear area. "Oh god, this area is huge. Finding a penguin here is going to be Horrible. At least I got you to help me." Clarence smiled warmly again and blushed lightly. Clarence walked forward and brought Lowenthal with him, really excited about getting his familiar. {I am really happy now! God this is going to be fun, but pretty hard to find something. Hopefully Lowenthal has good luck } Clarence sighed and looked around.


    Item: Amethyst Charm

    Item Type: Lucky Charm

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancement: +2 ACC / +1 EVA

    Description: A small charm which appears to be a small glass orb designed to attach to the bottom of a handle for a sword. Inside of the orb are two blades crossed, one being a straight sword of deep-sea blue and another a katana of deep red. Swirling around the swords are faint streaks of light blue and red light. Like the Amethyst Bangle, this is a symbol of the union between Calrex and Teayre. It appears to be based off of a previous creation of the Amethyst Boutique's, the Ocean's Defense.


    Profession: Artisan

    Rank: 5

    ID: 22441 CD: 13 (12 + 1 CD)

    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.c...tique/?p=400912


    Approved :)

  22. Clarence finally realized who the girl was, Meokka. She is a part of the guild he is in. He remembered seeing her at the Guild meeting and Clarence smiled warmly at her. "Meokka! Hi, been a while." Clarence smiled and walked more over to where she was, the man in the cloak still in the background. {Well, she knows him. Shouldn't be such a bad guy. But why wont he show is face/body. Kind of weird. But oh well. } Clarence thought to himself about the man but quickly turned to Meokka again. "I've been doing good. How about you?" Clarence asked and looked back up at the figure. {Well, considering he isn't really talking with us. Either he is antisocial to some degree, or just doesn't like talking. }

  23. Clarence looked around for a good area to hang out in and saw the Hooded figure talking with a girl. {She seems nice enough. I wonder who she is. Same with the man, Well, I should stop looking. It isn't very polite. I also saw a kid go into the forest by himself, maybe I should og see who that was... or I could just hang out around here in town and maybe strike up a conversation with the two over there, just don't make it too obvious } Clarence thought and opened his inventory, putting his dagger in it. Clarence looked around the town a bit more and walked into the woods a bit, kind of close to the girl and the man, not even trying to be that close at this point.

  24. Clarence, after sitting in the same spot for a while, finally decided to get up and look around a bit, not really seeing most of the Floor from where he was sitting. He stretched momentarily and looked around the Floor for a moment and spotted a sight he wasn't expecting. He saw a man covered completely in a Cloak {Well, that is something you don't see everyday. Strange fashion choice but I don't judge. But it most be horrid under there, this Floor isn't the coolest Floor, that is for sure. } Clarence thought but quickly shook the thoughts away, not wanting be creepy and stare at this man. {But I do wonder what Level he is. Mostly Either High Levels Wear that kind of stuff. I think Zelrius wore something like that at one point, pretty sure it was just to get rid of New players trying to talk to him } Clarence's thoughts drifted to his friend and Clarence shrugged slightly to himself, walking around the Middle of town. Pretty much everyone else looked the same on this Floor other than the Cloaked man. "I wonder where the best spot in the Forest is. Haven't been here in forever." Clarence sighed and looked around, slightly twirling in circle, just get a look of this whole entire floor.

  25. Clarence was having a pretty boring day. He went adventuring with Lowenthal. quested with Ssendom. Hunted with Calrex. So he had no really idea what else he could do that would be something to do. He thought about going for Materials gathering and Clarence quickly shook his head. {I hate Material Hunting, it is horrible } Clarence thought to himself and walked around for a bit. Floor three was a calming fields floor that he doesn't usually go on, surprising that it was pretty at night. So, with the idea that he should stay away from his usually visited Floors, Clarence has been going on floors that he really doesn't like. Like Floor 6 with Lowenthal. Floor 7 With Calrex. Floor 10 with Ariel, and so on. { But what can I do today..... } Clarence thought and slouched down on a wooden bench inside the main square of the Center city on this floor. {Maybe someone will come around. Meeting new people is always fun. }

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