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Posts posted by Clarence

  1. Clarence blushed brightly and put his head on Lowenthal's shoulder momentarily. Clarence kissed Lowenthal on the cheek quickly and smiled. "Thank you. Hey, you don't seem as cold now. That is good." Clarence smiled and motioned to his new jacket and color in his cheeks. {This is pretty nice. Can't wait to see my Penguin. I will freak out and be so happy. } Clarence smiled brightly and looked around, all he could see was forest and snow in all directions. "Good thing you know where you are going. I have no idea where we are. I do not want to get lost out here. Good thing I got you to help." Clarence smiled.


    (Thanks Oske)


    Name: The Phantom Protector

    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 5
    ID: 22321 
    Roll: 12 + 1
    Item Type: Shield
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 2X Damage Mitigation and 1X Thorn

    Name: Devil Tongs

    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 5
    ID: 22323 
    Roll: 12 + 1
    Item Type: Tools
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: Ambition +1 exp
    ​Description: Red, easy to grip tongs. Made to handle and type of temperature with a rare red metal. With easy to grip black handles that seem impervious to temperature change to protect hands that pick it up.

    Name: Blackrose Armor

    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 5
    ID:  22322 
    Roll: 8 +1
    Item Type: Heavy Armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 armor mit
    Description Black metal armor with white highlights. on the right hand side are etched in red pedals that seem to drip blood as a design.



    Approved, Approved, and Approved. Lucky Double Perfect Lol

  3. "It is debatable on which is sweeter."Clarence laughs lightly and smiles, grasping Lowenthal's hand. "We shall." Clarence let Lowenthal lead to where ever this Frozen lake is at, hopefully close by. {First adventure with Lowenthal. Sometihng to remember. His hands are like ice. Good thing I am a walking furnace on this floor. } Clarence thought to himself lightly as they walked, swinging Lowenthal's arm ever so slightly. "So, was all you grabbed the chocolate bars?" Clarence asked, not thinking he grabbed anything else, just trying to start up some actual good conversation, the forest extremely quiet.

  4. Clarence looked up and smiled, taking the chocolate bar from Lowenthal."Chocolate? Aw, you are so sweet." Clarence blushed and smiled, taking a bit of the Chocolate Bar. {I have a feeling this is an enchanted Chocolate bar made by a cook. I wonder who..... Eh, no idea really } Clarence mentally shrugged and continued to eat the Chocolate, it being a small chocolate bar it didn't last wrong. "Sorry, I do love Chocolate." Clarence blushed and threw away the wrapper. A little Icon popped up saying <<Looting Increased>> and Clarence smiled warmly at Lowenthal." Thank you. Thought it was enchanted." Clarence smiled and."Also, the wait is fine. No idea where to really start."

  5. ID:22197

    BD: 2 (No Damage).


    Clarence shrugged to Ssendom."You are fine. I have met some pretty weird people. You just have anger built up. I have met quite a few people with that. don't apologize for how you act. Barely anyone else does. You don't really scare me. was nervous when I first met you but now it is fine." Clarence smiled and shrugged again. He saw Ssendom miss his attack and the Bandit get a number on him. { Wow, the Bandit's know exactly what he is going to do, how can they even.. } Clarence wondered but decided to think strictly fighting. Killing this last Bandit ends this quest.


    Clarence isn't going to be able to kill this last Bandit. Clarence rushed forward and tried to throw him off balance. This didn't work to well because the Bandit was more sure footed than Clarence had hopped for. The Bandit didn't fall but went to stab at Clarence. Clarence quickly rolled backwards and made sure he was way out of the range of the Bandit. "Well ,your turn I suppose." Clarence said.


    Clarence: 54/68 Hate: 0

    Ssendom: 41 -1 40/45 Hate: 0

    Bandit 4: 35/35

  6. Clarence arrived on the Fourth Floor in a big cloud of Blue crystals. Clarence stretched up lightly and took a step off the teleportation platform. Clarence started to walk and heard someone else appear on this floor. Clarence quickly turned around, thinking it was Lowenthal. Clarence got a slight frowned look on his face when he saw that it wasn't just some random girl on this floor. {Lowenthal will get here when he does, calm down Clarence. } Clarence thought to himself as he started to walk around and finally found a bench to sit on, to wait for his new boyfriend.

  7. "Oh okay. See you there Lowenthal." Clarence waved and smiled to the man as he teleported away. As the shimmering blue light dissipated away Clarence also stepped on to the platform to get ready to teleport to the Fourth Floor, to hang out and wait for the man he is now dating. {I wonder if I will ever see Skylar again, how will he react after he sees that I moved on from him. Probably wont say anything, like he hasn't for the past two weeks  } Clarence thought to himself as he rose his teleportation crystal he got out of his inventory. "Floor Four." Clarence yelled and started to shimmer in a blue light, getting ready to go to the Fourth floor to get his familiar.



    200 Col Per Person

    1 SP Per Person.

  8. Clarence took a drink of his smoothie quickly than hopped up from his chair quickly, almost knocking it over. "Sure, doing a little adventuring with you sounds fun." Clarence looks up to the man and smiles warmly at him. { This should be fun. I mean. I don't think Skylar is ever going to message me again, 'cause it seems that he never wants to be around me any more. We had a double date and the guild quest and our first date. It seems that is all he wanted } Clarence walked around Lowenthal slightly looked around for the teleport plaza."So, you lead the way Lowenthal. Maybe then I can finally get a god dang familiar."

  9. ID: 21988

    BD: 7 (4 Damage.)

    LD: 6 + 3 = 9


    Clarence could really tell that Ssendom was about to lose it. Some how, the Bandit predicted almost all of his attacks and dodged everything he tried to throw at him. Clarence gripped his dagger tightly and heard what Ssendom said, that he has to end it now. { Okay, lets end it for Ssendom. He can't take it any more. I guess I could throw him up against a wall and stab him. It would throw him off balance and make it easy to attack } Clarence thought to himself and got ready to attack again.


    Clarence was able to end it now. Clarence charged forward and slammed right into the Bandit's body. The Bandit was surprised by this sudden reaction and fell to the ground hard, dust kicking up form the ground. Clarence drilled the dagger into the Bandit's stomach. He yelled loudly and exploded into a big cloud of blue Crystals, showing that the Quest is close to finishing. "Okay. Next one?" Clarence smiled at Ssendom, trying to help cheering him up.


    Clarence: 54/68 Hate: 9

    Ssendom: 41/45 Hate: 1 


    Bandit #3: 0/35 


    Loot: 1 Mat.

  10. Clarence was running a tad behind but he tried his best to get there as fast as he could, but of course he was a little late. "Sorry, Getting around this floor is horrible." Clarence sighed adn walked over ot Skylar, leaning against him slightly. "Hey." Clarence said to Skylar and kissed him on the cheek quickly. "Okay, so Bandit Quest, here we go. Haven't taken this before so I hope one of you two has before, because I have no idea what is going to happen." Clarence shrugged and looked from Skylar to Calrex. {Time to hang out with these two, but with combat. not sure if that is a good thing or a bad, well... I guess only time will tell wont it? }

  11. Clarence smiled at Lowenthal's compliment to him. {Well, this is happening. Kind of abrupt starting up we are now a couple. This still feels kind of weird. I mean, I was still with Skylar like 10 minutes ago. Well, times do have that effect, changing that is } Clarence leaned back in his seat and took his smoothie from the waitress who came back around. Clarence smiled at her and still said. "Thank you." Clarence smiled and adjusted the gem around his neck, the emerald sparkling in the sunlight, making his purple eye shine very bright. "Calm day. Haven't been on this floor in forever. Nice to come back to older floors, to see what I missed."


    Name: Dark Presenter

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 1

    ID: 21928

    Roll: 10

    Quality: Uncommon

    Item Type: One-handed Rapier

    Enhancements: Damage: +1 damage

    Description: A rapier that is completely black, everything and everything. The tip is extra sharp.




    Name: Swift Wind 

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 1

    ID: 21924

    Roll: 12

    Quality: Perfect

    Item Type: One-Handed Rapier

    Enhancements: 2 Damage and 1 Paralyzes

    Description: A one-handed rapier light enough for me to take into battle.



    Approved and Approved.

  13. "Okay. And there is a lake there. Good. I know there is a random summer oasis in the middle of no where where the climate is different only there. Like I snow globe summer in a field of winter." Clarence smiles, one of his first dates with a guy, didn't really go to well. {Wow, had some horrible luck with guys. That hopefully will be changing. Well, looks like it since I've got Lowenthal now. } Clarence smiles to himself and sees a waitress. "Well ,you did say another smoothie for the both of us and they are good." Clarence waves her down and orders one for him and lets Lowenthal order, not sure if he is going to get another smoothie or what.

  14. "Hmm, well Fourth Floor obviously. Some where probably around a frozen lake, not sure where one is, probably can find one easily just no idea where to start, would give me sometime to hang out with a certain someone while we explore." Clarence blushed and looked over at Lowenthal. "But, the small the better. A small, adorable penguin would make me really happy." Clarence blushes brighter and smiles more to Lowenthal. {Hmm, cold on the Fourth Floor. Well, it is never cold for me, probably have to huddle for more warmth, oh god pretty much cuddling with Lowenthal for warmth. Can't wait. } Clarence smiles again and looks for a waitress.

  15. "I do have you. So I will try to be happier." Clarence smiles brightly and walks around a bit, petting the Pug on the ground. "We could go walking, Dinner, Swimming, hiking. You name it." Clarence smiles and sits back down at the table, finishing his smoothie he forgot about. { Well, today took a quick turn. Was not expecting this to happen but it did. God I am happy. Like when I'm with Skylar. Stop thinking about him! You are with Lowenthal now.  } Clarence thought to himself and smiled lightly, putting his glass up. "No Broken glass." Clarence muttered, referencing to their conversation before.

  16. Clarence smiled lightly and looked into Lowenthal's eyes. "I- I think it does." Clarence blushed and put is face in Lowenthal's chest, more muscular than Clarence thought. Clarence tried to cover up his blush in Lowenthal's chest but it wasn't working well. "Sorry, I'm blushing bad." Clarence mumbled. Clarence pulled his face up and smiled, taking a step back, breaking the hug. "So.. umm. Now what." Clarence started to say, not sure how to keep going. "Sorry to make you wait and slightly lead you on before. I just didn't know what to do because of Skylar, but it seems he doesn't want o be around me anymore."

  17. Clarence pulled back slightly and looked up at Lowenthal."I'm starting to really like you too Lowenthal.... I just can't figure out what to do. There is Skylar... Then there is you. It sucks right now. I wish I could just give you straight answer on one or the other, but I can't I don't know where I am with Skylar... or if he even wants to talk." Clarence frowned slightly and looked back up at Lowenthal. { Okay. Decide... Skylar or Lowenthal.... Skylar wont even talk to me, Lowenthal will. If i had to choose... } Clarence stared at Lowenthal with a sly smile. "You." Clarence mumbled, before reaching up, putting his arm around Lowenthal's neck. { Lowenthal is here and hopefully wont leave. Skylar left me. } Clarence thought to himself drawing Lowenthal into him. There lips touched lightly, but Clarence didn't break the kiss, slowly pulling him in more.

  18. Clarence was speechless. First Lowenthal kind of makes it slightly hard to talk, being drawn into a hug and all. Then BAM, kissed on the lips by this man. Clarence started to stutter and his thoughts were a big mesh of what to think. { Oh, oh my god. He-he kissed me. I liked it.. I'm with Skylar! But, he isn't with me... I am with Lowenthal because he cares enough to be around me. } Clarence's thoughts trailed to Lowenthal and he tried to find the words to say. "Lowenthal I-I... It i-is fine." Clarence stuttered. He didn't know what to do, but he was falling for Lowenthal fast. "I.. I just don't know what to do." Clarence whispered putting his head against Lowenthal's chest.

  19. "I don't even know what i am doing anymore." Clarence sighed and looked up into Lowenthal's eyes. The blush slowly deepened in Lowenthal's cheeks and Clarence smiled lightly. "Hey look, you are blushing." Clarence smiled and looked up. { I wonder if he likes me. As he already knows that I do like him. I hope he likes me. I'm still with Skylar, but I like Lowenthal. Oh god what to do... } Clarence sighed to himself and leaned against Lowenthal, the slightly taller guy's body against his. { His body is kind of warm, cozy even } Clarence blushed. "So. Sorry for doing that. I don't know why I did that, just felt like I needed to.

  20. "Sorry, I guess it is easy just ot vent and give my emotions to you." Clarence blushes and slowly raises from Lowenthal's chest. Clarence kissed Lowenthal on the cheek. He didn't know why he did it, or why in the world it would happen, but it did. { What are you doing! You just kissed him on the cheek!!! Stop! You are dating Skylar.. but are you really? Oh god, I  really am falling for Lowenthal. I hope he feels the same or this would have become really REALLY awkward } Clarence backs up slightly and blushes, embarrassed. "S-sorry. I don't know why I did that I just felt like I should. I didn't mean to suggest anything. I mean I like you but I- I don't know any more." Clarence was pretty much swallowing on himself and looking slowly littler and littler than he did before. "I should just go. I am making this bad."

  21. Clarence looked down at this hands slightly, smiling lightly from Lowenthal trying so hard to be nice to him and comfort him. { I'm pretty dang sure he likes me. He is trying so hard not to tell me to just break up with him because he doesn't want to be 'That Guy' } Clarence sighed and looked up,trying to give his best Fake happy smile, bu it quickly went away. "My hands hurt from holding up all this broken glass." Clarence muttered, another tear slowly going down his cheek. "I'm sorry for crying. I should just get over it, I'm being such a baby." Clarence said and wiped away the tears, blushing and trying his best to stop crying and be happy. { Stop crying D***it you are being so emotional. I'm guessing Lowenthal doesn't want to deal with this  }

  22. ID: 21801

    BD: 10 (6 Damage).


    Clarence rubbed where the Bandit stabbed him in the Stomach and sighed greatly, looking over at the Bandit. "Don't worry. Doesn't bother me. Accuracy is a give and take business. You hit a lot first. Now I am." Clarence smiled at Ssendom and looked over at the Bandit, it having an annoying taunting look on its face. { Okay, here we go. Hopefully I wont miss this time and I actually can move this fight more than just 4 HP. Then it is on to the last Bandit. }


    Clarence's luck was getting a lot better, in accuracy that is. Clarence threw his dagger quickly, the Bandit not expecting the blade to be coming full force into his stomach. but, that is what happened. The blade pierced his stomach and made the Bandit fall to the ground and claw at the dagger. Clarence gave the Bandit no time to adjust as he sprinted forward and ripped it out, hopping back in the process.


    Clarence: 57/68 Hate: 8

    Ssendom: 41/45 Hate: 1


    Bandit #3: 4/35 

  23. (It's okay <3 I'm just happy they weren't forgotten <3)


    Name: Training Shield

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 21733

    Roll:  7 + 1

    Item Type: Shield

    Quality: uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 dmg mit

    Description: a round golden buckler you attack to your forearm


    Name: Striker 

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 21737

    Roll: 7 + 1

    Item Type: gauntlets

    Quality: uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 dmg

    Description: red and white gauntlets for punching.


    Name: Training Shield

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 21736 

    Roll:  7 + 1

    Item Type: Shield

    Quality: uncommon

    Enhancements: +1 dmg mit

    Description: a round golden buckler you attack to your forearm


    Approved, Approved, and Approved. Never forget You :D

  24. Name: Serpent's Fear

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 4

    ID: 21608 

    Roll: 11 + 1

    Item Type: Katana

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: + 1 DMG, + 2 Bleed

    Description: The Tsuka is wrapped normally but there is a snake that moves inside the the clear handle. It seems to never die, it's a green snake that seems to look like a cobra.The tsuba is made of a feather light steel that is the shape of a snake eating it's tail, The habaki is crimson. The hamon is red while the blade is jet black. This comes with a special scabbard. It's black with a gold etching of a snake with green emerald eyes. It's said this sword strikes fear into those who see the blade.


    Name: Oda Odyssey 

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: Rank 4

    ID: 21610 

    Roll: 12 + 1

    Item Type: Gauntlets for Unarmed Combat

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: + 1 Paralysis, + 2 Bleed

    Description: embedded in one gauntlet is a pocket watch with an emblem of a book on it. On the other are aquamarine stones that glow that revite the whole piece for a stronger strike. It is said to cause massive damage to anyone who gets hit by it.


    Name: Azure Sword

    Your Profession: Blacksmith

    Your Rank: 4

    ID: 21612 

    Roll: 8 + 1

    Item Type: 1 handed sword

    Quality: uncommon 

    Enhancements:  + 1 damage

    Description: A blue bladed sword with a light blue hilt that has a blue stone in the center. 



    Approved, Approved, and Approved. Sorry, missed the first three :(
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