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Posts posted by Clarence

  1. "Okay, Sandwiches it is, with a surprise." I say smiling, i quickly bring out all the food cutting and cooking the meat, i bring out the bread and stack it with lettuce, tomato, mustard, ranch, and meat. topped with bread. "Here." I say handing him a sandwich, while i start making my own and something else.

  2. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to send everyone the map data." I say sending the data to the party. "The place where we are going is actually a not well know dungeon, many people over look it because their detection skill isn't high enough, with my detection skill I can see through its 'Camouflage' of sorts to get into it.

  3. "Hey.. I'm a ok cook, this quest isn't that far away, we can use teleportation crystals if need be." I say starting to drift toward recipes to make..' Oh a stew would be nice, I brought a bowl, maybe just some sandwiches though, but there would be rabbits for a stew.' I start debating recipes as we walk through the forest.

  4. My mind drifts else thinking about my home... well the orphanage really..., I wonder if they even miss me, or they just are upset they the other orphans don't get a turn on the nerve-gear... lucky them...... I quickly snap out of my day dream and start walking toward the quest icon. "You coming?" I yell back to Zelrius who is standing there day dreaming.

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