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Posts posted by Clarence

  1. I stab a few more skeletons before I jump back to view everything... "Somethings not right......... " I say to myself. I use my detection skill for other monsters.' I hear something..... PLAYER!" I scream in my mind.

    "BEHIND US!" I yell as two Player Killers come out of a bush to attack us.

  2. "Wait so this is a good dungeon for rare drops?" I ask the blacksmith in the second town of floor one "Yep, you can get some pretty good swords from there." "Thanks for the info." I say and drop some money on the counter of the shop.

    'So a dungeon.... I need someone to go with'. I think walking to my map icon of the dungeon.

  3. I stand up and sheath my daggers. " Yeah... we have about another hour worth of walking to the place we are headed." I make sure not to bring up the tower because I don't want them to possibly follow us. " I can't make myself kills these weaklings, maybe they will be better off stuck in the town of beginnings."

  4. I ears trained so I hear talking in the distance. "The people who attacked me are up there, I don't think they can hear or see us, there are three people, one with two daggers, and the two others have a sword each, the one with the daggers is sort of weak so go for him first. "Ok, we could get some serious loot out of them I hope we don't have to kill them, I hate killing people."

    "There is two of them, they have no idea if you guys are weak or strong so use that to our advantage." I say getting ready to defend myself.

  5. "My detection skill is pretty high for beginner and I don't think anyone's stealth could be this high..." I focus my hearing and I can hear a soft pitter patter of feet a little ways behind us, getting closer fast. "There is someone behind us!" I whisper to Ellil and Navarre while a crouch walk behind us daggers drawn.

  6. I raise my hands in defense. "Just saying we never really introduced our selves doesn't mean you need to get all pissed about it, and I was just saying we have a long way to go to tell you guys."'God what is this guy's deal, did I do something to piss him off?' I ask myself as we walk to the tower.

  7. I look over and watch the two fight the wolves. 'Dang it I'm just going to drag them behind.... I need to get faster'. I think to myself as I look to see if there is any loot. "Good job man." Ellil turns and say to me giving me a thumbs up. "Thanks man, as low of stats I have, I still can get around." I smile and walk toward the two.

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