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Status Updates posted by Enjuru

  1. *is soaking wet* So it sleeted and rained today!

    1. Enjuru


      Forgot to add #EnjuruisBack

  2. *sigh* Finally got my little cousin to sleep.

  3. And just like that I'm working to be a blacksmith.

  4. And now, I'm going to sleep. Good night have a beautiful time...

  5. Any blacksmiths out there willing to help me out with something?

    1. Draterion


      I will... When I become one. I greatly apologize.

  6. Awake and ready for a roleplay!

    1. Tyrius


      I'm in, if you will have me.

    2. Enjuru


      Nah, going with a solo first. Then maybe.

    3. Tyrius


      Ok, sounds good.

  7. Character Approved... *collapses back on bed asleep*

  8. Finally back with maybe an idea. Not gonna write much yet, but I'm back. Hello again SAO RPG.

    1. Raeyliff


      Welcome back, Enjuru! I hope your idea is successful!

    2. Brayden


      Welcome back, sir Enjuru! :)

  9. Finally escaped from school!... With my mom... and now I have to go clean my cats' litterboxes... So bittersweet victory! #StillAlive

  10. Finally got a picture that I made. Say hello to what Enjuru really looks like most of the time.

    1. Erroneous
    2. Enjuru


      No, that's how I look most of the time irl.

  11. Getting ready for an all nighter of skulking around every dark corner of the internet... Again. And my birthday (or as I call it, Level Up day!) is tommorow!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tyrius


      And experience is what that is. The life lesson hidden in this is to not just spend the money on what you see, but to think about it long and hard, until you can make a truly good decision.

    3. Enjuru


      ... What a long way to say, "Think about what you're spending your money on."

    4. Tyrius


      hehehe. You are welcome.

  12. Hanging out with a cat on my bed...

  13. Happy Thanksgiving! Let's get some turkey!

  14. Having your family over is nice, but annoying when all you wanna do is roleplay.

  15. Heheheh, sort of fun to try out new ways to display health and items... #BrownHaireBlacksmith

  16. Hey anyone viewing my profile, I want a show of hands for who gives a damn where I got my names.

  17. Hey, going inactive for a while. Sorry for leaving a couple things unfinished, but I have something big going on so I'll see you in a while. Ciao~

  18. I need to remember to eat!

  19. I swear, playing Super Smash Bros with my family is annoying. Everyone hates me for taking everything and killing them. THAT'S HOW ITS PLAYED! Only my brother doesn't rage, because he plays the same way. I swear, if they shout at me again, that Wii's going through my f***ing window. #EnjuruisBored

    1. ThomasV


      I know what you mean. Its hell playing with friends and family.

    2. Tyrius


      I feel your emotions, and I want to be there for you. I always play Super Smash with my family and friends, and they hate me for winning. I found out that the best way to silence their annoying whining is to simply hit them... multiple times... with my fists.

  20. It's snowing... e-e I suspect Santa Claus...

  21. It's suprisingly hard to get a cat off of a chair.

  22. Lalala, waiting for Lessa, lalala, passing time with posting status updates... #EnjuruisBored

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lessa


      There. I got on just for you.

    3. Tyrius


      Just for him. Lessa, do you remember that quest RP we were doing like, forever ago?

    4. Enjuru


      Lol. Thanks for getting on but I took that guy's advice and I'm working on becoming a blacksmith. Just about to wrap it up though, so I'll check it in a sec.

  23. Last night I had a dream that Freddy Krueger tried to kill me. Long story short, I'm wearing the Coat of Midnight and Freddy has Elucidator stuck in his face. 'Nuff said. #EnjuruisBoredAgain

  24. Making some progress in <> #BrownHairedBlacksmith

  25. Might have to call it a night right here, really bored and tired. No sleep last week, and no sleep so far this week? ye

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