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Everything posted by Zahra

  1. Once everything appeared to be settled Zahra pivoted and started with Crow toward their destination--but that peace didn't last long.Seconds later Crow said, "...hey Marisa looks like something followed you." and then zipped past her with his weapon drawn. Pivoting the raven haired women saw what Crow was talking about. A very large bear had made it's way out of the bush baring fangs. Funny, Zahra had not heard mention of bears on floor 1. Shrugging, she brought the spear that had been resting across her shoulder into a defensive position preparing for the battle ahead. Suddenly, a monste
  2. Apparently, they had been being followed. The first person to notice the was guy with the cigarette, and then directly behind he was Crow. From out the bush that was being targeted popped out a girl with a hat and long blonde hair. Her player mark was green and there was no mark, meaning that they most likely didn't have to worry about her. "Zahra," She greeted, "And we're heading to Horunka Village for Crow to deliver some things."
  3. As the walked out of the city Zahra opened her HUD and placed the book back in inventory--that way nothing could happen to it. While the HUD was still up she went ahead and equipped her spear. Better to be safe than sorry. And their journey had began. It was in that moment she realized that she only new one of her companions names, and that was Crow. "I'm didn't catch your name." Zahra stated, eyeing the only other male in the group. With the serious expression decorating his features there was the feeling that he was not someone Zahra wanted to make angry. Or an accidental enemy out
  4. Perking up at the mention of Horunka Village, Zahra nodded eagerly. She had been meaning to visit there for a while now, but had not really gotten a chance too. According to what she had put in her journal though it was the second city on the first floor of Aincrad that lie northwest to Starter City. Also the place where you could start the quest to get the Anneal Blade. "Sounds like fun to me." Zahra stated, kneeling down to help pick up some of the stuff that had been lying harmlessly near her. Once everything was off the ground she then held them out for Crow. She would offer to carry
  5. "You should have been paying attention Crow." Not even getting a chance to reply Zahra twisted around to find another male player approaching them. Based on the wording--and body language--this other player seemed to be a friendly. This other male player was only a couple inches taller than her with chocolate brown hair. Suddenly Crow was talking back, saying something about not making him look like an airhead. Zahra couldn't hep but laugh lightly. If anything, it was her who had been the airhead, not him. After all, it was mostly her fault for walking around while being distracted. S
  6. And exams are finally over.

  7. Just recently she had purchased an old book about history from her friend at the antique shop. Which lead her to what she was currently doing--wandering the streets of Starter City with her nose in book. This was a habit that had been picked up during her years of higher learning. Since her homework involved so much reading and no time to do it, she decided to utilize the minutes that she spent walking to class. The first couple time she had run smack dab into people. After a while though it got to a point where she could successful maneuver without hitting a single person. It was only due to
  8. MIA--until tomorrow night

  9. I really, really hate exam time.

    1. Crozeph


      ahh the accursed finals...

    2. Rin Tachibana

      Rin Tachibana

      I have another two weeks to go yet before I have done all of my exams

    3. Zahra


      Good Luck Zelrius! I'm sure you'll doing great!

      And Rin, enjoy your time while you can. :)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  10. No worries. It's the thought that counts. :) And either one if perfectly fine with me.
  11. I've tricked quite a few people with the title. It was meant to by eye-catching and it looks like that worked. As for RPing, I would love to Kiru.
  12. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    1. The Fatal Scythe

      The Fatal Scythe

      It's certainly a happy carving day for me!

  13. I am glad that the title didn't disappoint. Also, thank you to all the warm welcomes so far! This site is certainly amazing and I'm very glad that I stumbled across it! And, Epyon, we definitely should RP! :)
  14. Charlie here--and yes, I am female. I'm currently a full-time University student who also works as a hostess at a local cafe on weekends. As for some hobbies I enjoy Latin Dancing (when I can), cooking, watching anime, doing things outdoors, writing and reading. RPing is not new to me, but it has also been a while since I've done my last RP, so I may be a little rusty. One of my favorite things to work on is character development. I just find it very fascinating to develop a character thoroughly just to see where they go. Sometimes they even take you--as a writer--in directions
  15. ~Zahra~ Profile » Username: Zahra » Real name: Zahra Bishara » Age: 19 » Gender: Female » Height: 5' 5" About: Having just an average life was never an option for Zahra. From the age of five she's been going to both Japan and Egypt due to both of her parents working in the archaeological field. Her mother works in the ruins of Egypt, studying hieroglyphs and pyramids. While her father resided in Japan working on a book about the Edo period and being a part-time professor. During the summer she would go stay with her mother
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