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Posts posted by Azureth

  1. Azureth, bored, decides to take a quest named "Earning a Living". The reward for the quest is the ability to perform a profession, which would prove to be a great advantage. However, the description of the quest was very non-descriptive. This was ironic for a description. Azureth had no idea what exactly he had to do, other than gather the items he'll need to become an alchemist. He decided to kill some boars in hope of finding an alchemy stand or gaining enough money to buy one.


    Soon, he is confronted by a single wild boar.



    ID: 2417

    MD: 4 <Fail>

    BD: 5 <Success>


    Azureth dashes towards the boar, hoping to land a normal strike. The boar jumps to the right, avoiding the thrust. Azureth uses his spear as a club, swinging right. It hits the boar, dealing 2 damage. The boar is blown back, tumbling head over head. It gets back onto it's feet, growling with anger. Azureth digs his feet into the ground, preparing to take the next attack.


    Boar: 3/5

    Azureth: 9/9



    ID: 2418

    MD: 1 <Critical Fail>

    BD: 7 <Success>


    The boar launches itself at Azureth, hoping to knock him down. Azureth puts his hands in front of him, and he catches the boar. He pushes on it, playing a reverse version of tug-of-war. Except in this version, the penalty for losing is being killed. He eventually shoves the boar aside, throwing it into a tree. The boar grunts, and stands back up. It has taken 1 damage.


    Boar: 2/5

    Azureth: 9/9

  2. Azureth looked at Draterion, questioning his sanity. He hoped Drat realized there was no room at the booth. He then looked at strange player. "Er... What he means is... You can sit over HERE with us when you're done!" Azureth pointed at a four person table. "Draterion, where is your mind going? Heh..." he said. Azureth glanced at the strange player again, and then returned to eating.

  3. Azureth got back shortly after Draterion. After nearly spilling the contents of his plate, he sat down. The bacon tasted slightly off, but it was alright. Azureth didn't expect Sword Art Online to nail every single aspect. Well, that was a lie. He did expect Sword Art Online to nail every single aspect. He decided to break the awkward silence that was starting to creep in. "Wow, you sure went crazy. I know it's all you can eat, which is infinity in SAO, but that's..."

  4. Azureth knows this is the turning point of this battle. If he misses this attack, he could very well die. His chances of winning will be 30% if this fails. He slowly approaches the wolf, which slowly retreats. He suddenly rushes forward, doing a spinning attack. This was a terrible idea because his spear isn't sharp on its sides. The blunt force does enough damage to kill both wolves due to the attack being critical!


    CalmdownCalmdownCalmdownCalmdown Azureth frantically repeats to himself. He sits down and drinks one unit of water.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2375

    MD: 10

    BD: 9


    Wolf 2: -1/5 [DEFEATED]

    Wolf 3: 0/5 [DEFEATED]

    Azureth: 1/10




    I'm so sorry I god modded this a lot. I won't ever do it again. However, I just made this character and don't want it to die on the first thread.


    No Drops 

  5. The third wolf uses a new technique. It bares its fangs, snarling at Azureth. It then leaps above him to scratch his head. However, Azureth anticipates the trajectory of the attack and counters it by impaling the wolf straight upwards. This deals 2 damage + 2 critical damage. The wolf hangs on Azureth's spear, but surprisingly survives and pulls itself off.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2373

    BD: 10

    MD: 6


    Wolf 2: 3/5

    Wolf 3: 1/5

    Azureth: 3/10

  6. The second wolf uses yet another circling tactic. Since it used this attack previously, Azureth anticipates how to parry it. The wolf, as expected, attacks Azureth with its claws. Azureth stabs the wolf's hand, dealing 2 damage. Azureth still feels as if there is no hope. He is very close to death.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2371

    BD - 7

    MD - 3


    Wolf 2: 3/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Azureth: 3/10

  7. Alright. I have to think this one through if I want to survive. Azureth begins to question why he even chose to participate in a fight. No matter the reason, he has to beat these monsters or die trying! He courageously dashes at the wolf at high speeds! He takes a focused stab at the third wolf... but it dodges.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2370

    MD: 5

    BD: 4


    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Azureth: 3/10

  8. The third wolf now attacks. It conceals itself in the nearby greenery to sneak behind Azureth. However, it lets itself be seen on accident. Since its previous tactic failed, it rushed Azureth head on. Azureth takes this opportunity to block the wolf with his spear. Nobody is damaged.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2369

    MD: 5

    BD: 5


    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Azureth: 3/10

  9. It's now the time for the second wolf to attack. It uses a charging tactic to rush Azureth, like wolves commonly do. Azureth attempts to evade the attack, but fails. The wolf knocks Azureth down by damaging his leg, dealing 1 damage. Azureth is now panicking insanely, considering running away.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2367

    MD: 6

    BD: 4


    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Azureth: 3/10

  10. Azureth is now frantic and panicking. He adjusts his spear to point straight at the wolf's forehead. Azureth then charges forward in a reckless manner only a noob would use. The spear nails the fourth wolf right in the face, dealing 2 base damage + 2 Critical Success damage for a total of 4 damage. The fourth wolf is finally defeated, leaving two wolves left. Azureth believes he may have a chance. Thank god for criticals.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2366

    MD: 8

    BD: 10


    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Wolf 4: -1/5 [DEFEATED]

    Azureth: 4/10

  11. The fourth wolf prepares to attack Azureth by dashing towards him. However, it trips on a rock. The wolf comically goes tumbling, taking 2 damage. While tumbling, it knocks over Azureth, who was preparing to stab the charging wolf, dealing 2 damage.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2365

    MD - 1

    BD - 1


    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Wolf 4: 3/5

    Azureth: 4/10

  12. The third wolf slowly walks towards Azureth, circling him. It slices at Azureth with its claws at random intervals, dealing 1 damage. Azureth now worries about whether he will survive this situation. He takes a wild stab at the wolf, but misses. The wolf slowly retreats backwards to make room for the fourth wolf to attack.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID 2363

    BD: 6

    MD: 6


    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Wolf 4: 5/5

    Azureth: 6/10

  13. -Perma Roller-

    ID 2359

    MD - 10

    BD - 6


    Azureth attacks by slamming his spear on the wolf. Despite not being a very effective strategy, it kills the wolf. Another wolf attacks Azureth with rage, avenging its defeated brother, dealing 3 damage.


    Wolf 1: 0/5 [DEFEATED]

    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Wolf 4: 5/5

    Azureth: 7/10

  14. The wolf emits a howl that attracts his pack. Now, 3 other wolves circle Azureth. This could end badly for him. Maybe he should have simply ran away.

    The second wolf leaps at Azureth with its claws outstretched, hoping to scratch him. However, the wolf misses and goes tumbling.


    -Perma Roller-

    ID: 2358

    MD: 2

    BD: 2


    Wolf 1: 1/5

    Wolf 2: 5/5

    Wolf 3: 5/5

    Wolf 4: 5/5

    Azureth: 10/10

  15. -Perma Roller-

    ID 2357

    MD: 1

    BD: 6


    Azureth launches himself at the wolf to spear it in the side. It attempts to dodge Azureth's attack, but fails epicly (once again). Because of its movement, Azureth's spear instead hits the wolf's head, dealing 3 damage instead of 2! Looks like attempting to dodge that attack just made it more damaging. Azureth laughs to himself.


    Wolf: 1/5

    Azureth: 10/10

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