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Posts posted by Crusher


    As Arthon chopped the bee, Obviously seriously hurting it. Crusher followed suit . However his swing missed completely as he lost his footing and stumbled past the bee. Like he was almost drunk with pain. "Argh.. Stupid velvet bee! get back here!" 


    Crusher 8/11 HP

    #1 Bee  0/6

    #2 Bee 2/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp



    ID# 3432

    BD: 2


    (posted to soon)


    As the bee recovered from its blow, it flew away 10 feet and spun around. Spining in circles it activated its own attack ability Spinning Stinger!. As it spun in a circle. black bluring over its body. It broke through Arthon's defenses. and sun its stinger into arthon. Stapping off its stinger into his body.

    Critical! 3 Damage!



    Crusher 8/11 HP

    #1 Bee  0/6

    #2 Bee 2/6

    Arthon: 4/7 Hp



    ID# 3433

    BD: 10

  2. As Arthon chopped the bee, Obviously seriously hurting it. Crusher followed suit . However his swing missed completely as he lost his footing and stumbled past the bee. Like he was almost drunk with pain. "Argh.. Stupid velvet bee! get back here!" 


    Crusher 8/11 HP

    #1 Bee  0/6

    #2 Bee 2/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp



    ID# 3432

    BD: 2

  3. Seeing Arthon finish off the first bee made him smile "Way to go!" As he pulled out the stinger he almost screamed. but he threw it to the ground and grabbed his sword with both hands As he swung he tripped and fell to the ground "Argh!" As he fell he chopped his own foot" " @##!! that hurt!"


    Crusher 8/11 HP

    #1 Bee  0/6

    #2 Bee 6/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp



    ID# 3427

    BD: 1

    Seeing that crusher fell. The bee went for him. leaving its back wide open to its other attack. though as it missed it buried its stinger into the ground "bzzzzzzz trying to get lose desperately. Its black and jagged stinger was burried in the ground. The bee had yet been harmed. but now it knew it was in trouble.  


    Crusher 8/11 HP

    #1 Bee  0/6

    #2 Bee 6/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp



    ID# 3428

    BD: 2

  4. As Crusher readied him self for an attack   he swung his blade spun under the bees body. The bee flying high to avoid crushers swing. "Argh!. Get back here!" As he yelled at the bee. he was trying to keep an eye on both bees. Knowing that they were going to be attacking probably at the same time. Just like last time. "Hmm"



    Crusher 9/11 HP

    #1 Bee  1/6

    #2 Bee 6/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp




    ID# 3421

    BD: 4


    As the bee dodged crushers attack by flying high it flew up a 50-60 feet and shot down fast enough to almost rip his wings off, As crusher moved to face the other bee. The bees stinger buried into crusher, and with a pop the stinger broke off in crushers neck "Argh!!!" Caughing him to hold his neck and flail around" 'That really hurt! "


    Crusher 6/11 HP

    #1 Bee  1/6

    #2 Bee 6/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp




    ID# 3424

    BD: 10

    Seeing the other bee was taking care of Crusher. The 2nd bee turned to the other male, and flew at him stinger pointed "Bzzzzzzz!" Flying towards him with speed,he ducked up under his defensives. and stung him in the base of the chest . barely hurting him however. But still doing some harm.

    Crusher 6/11 HP

    #1 Bee  1/6

    #2 Bee 6/6

    Arthon: 6/7 Hp




    ID# 3423

    BD: 8

  5. "Hmmm.. Not really haha. Well its nice to meet you. -relaxing for a little he finally thought- "oh Yeah.. What were you drawing anyway?. -As he looked around. he noticed there still was not anyone walking around. They must be all Asleep. "I guess that makes sense he thought to him self"

  6. Seeing  its friend sting the more meancing of the two, he followed suit. It buzzed angrily and protruded its stinger harshly "Bzzzz!!!!" Flying at crusher it stung. As crusher swung to block, he swung over the Bee and its stinger sunk into his skin . "Argh! stupid bee!"

    Crusher 9/11 HP

    #1 Bee  1/6

    #2 Bee 6/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp




    ID# 3415

    BD: 6

  7. OOC its fine. Ill show you . you have to click on the Perma roller and fill out the stuff and put it like this, (Ill go first) (Btw this is your chart,)

     [1] = Critical failure. (This effect applies even if the Dice value exceeds 1)

    [2-5] = Fail
    [6-8] = Success
    [9] = Critical Success. +1 damage done. (This effect applies even if the Dice value falls below 9)
    [10] = Critical Success. +2 damage done. (This effect applies even if the Dice value falls below 10)



    As the hive came down. a Swarm of Honeybees came out and started swarming around the busted hive. Two of the bees immediately Flew towards Crusher and Arthon. 


    Crusher 11/11 HP

    #1 Bee  1/6

    #2 Bee 6/6

    Arthon: 7/7 Hp


    As the bee closed in range. Crusher drew his sword in a flash. Swinging in an arc, he caught the bee under the belly with a slash. As the sword ripped through the bee its health dropped to almost dead

    Critical! 5 Damage! (1 base +2 Weapon +2 critical)



    ID# 3412

    BD: 10!

  8. After avoiding the mobs that he knew would attack him without provocation, he stopped at the start of the forest. Looking around he spoke "Alright, Alright ill stop tromping around. Haha I wonder where the little Nepant is.. Lets check the middle of the forest i suppose.


    Looking around he could make out huge trees that were alot higher than the the other trees. They had a strange look to them. They looked healthier than the other trees. "Hmm.. Well look at those" - Pointing those at taller trees

    "maybe its life force has something to do with the taller trees. Maybe it affects the forest" .  Thinking to him self. After a moment he spoke " Well lets check there i suppose!"


    Looking at the Beautiful Egyptian woman "Dont worry haha. ill protect you" (saying playfully)

  9. Laughing Frank spoke "Well. The first thing you will have to collect is 2 <Velvet Honeybee Stingers>. But dont be deceived The Velvet Honey bees are quite fierce. Any thing you get while you are out. You can keep. Just bring me back the Honey combs and we will get started!. You will find them to the east of here, about a mile. You will see a large tree and the bees have made there hive there." - Smiling he spoke "Well... Goodluck!"


    Crusher turned, "well Lets get going that way then!. lead the way Arthon!, ill be right behind you!"

  10. Haha . Yeah thats for sure. Sad part is. the only way to get better is to craft. Cant earn experiance if i dont craft. Just how it is. Im going to lose mats. -Sighs- Oh well. Guess that is just the way it goes. Lose some make some back. One step at a time -Sipping on his drink- " So tell me about your self a little. My name is Crusher and i am 19" Looking around he liked the way the inn was built. very study very nice colors and good quality ale. 

  11. After a few hours, they arrived a small hit. The grasslands was acutally a small meadow. There was an young man outside picking some greenish and white flowers. Smelling each, before putting them into a bag on his back. As they approached. crusher was talking to Arthonnen about random topics. As they got closer. the man went inside the hut. After a few more minutes they arrived at the door and crusher Knocked. "Hey! we are here because we heard that there was an alchemist way out here that is willing to teach my friend here how to be an alchemist!"


    A voice came from inside the hut, and it spoke "Yes!. come on in, im in the middle of grinding some herbs" 


    As they entered crusher spoke "Hey!, This is my friend Arthonnen. He wanted to become an alchemist"


    before them there was the younger man grinding up some herbs and putting them into bottles. "Ah.. yes very good. that will do nicely" turning around he rubbed his hands on his apron. "Ah yes. Arthonnen. Well my name is Frank. Im the alchemist of these parts. So you want to be an alchemist then?"

  12. "Sure ill tag along!' -Reaching up he accepted the party invite "Yeah the full-dive aspect really does change the way we look at things" Got everything you need?. -Standing up he brushed off his outfit and checked his stuff " Yep, All there. Well im ready when you are haha" -stretching he spoke again "Who knows he might even send us after something cool, i was sent after some ivory metal tusk boars. Very strange, and i was also sent after some other weird materials. Very weird things being immersed like this." Hmm.. "Well lets go!"

  13. Seeing his friend Arthonnen talking to him self he walked up "So you want to become an Alchemist?. Haha. i became a blacksmith not to long ago.. Its easy to do" - Sitting down he spoke "but it doesnt work quite like that. You have to meet the Alchemist and he will have to take a few days to teach you. he will send you out to collect resources, and then he will teach you how to mix them and such. After that. he will name you an Alchemist!." rubbing his neck "My apprenticeship took a few days, so id pack enough for a little while"

  14. Sitting down next to him he spoke "Hey bartender. Can i get a drink?. Dark ale please'


    The Npc looked up and spoke 'Oh? Oh sure. no problem ill be right back" - Going into the back he brought out a cup full of ale. "here you are" 

    sipping on his drink Crusher thought. "Lets see here.. Success rate.. "haha. Uh.. well  right now i only have a %34 percent chance to successfully craft an item" - Pulling out his sword .

    "But i did craft this though"


    [quote][center][b]Item:[/b] The Omega Bastard-sword
    [b]Quality:[/b] Rare
    [b]Shop:[/b] The indomitable forge

    [b]Enchantments:[/b] +2 damage

    [b]Description:[/b] [/The blades razor sharp blade shimmers in the nights light ][/center]

  15. "Bang Bang Bang bang" The clanging of a hammer on an anvil could be heard faintly. A few minutes later. Shouting could be heard "AWW COME ON NOW! DONT DO THAT!." A loud clang could be heard as metal hit metal. "Aw! for CRYING OUT LOUD!" . A Slam could be heard from down the street. Footsteps started advancing on the empty tavern. "Ah Bump it!. Ill just get a drink" As crusher entered the Tavern he saw the only person in the bar was Arthonen. "Well.. Hey there..." -looking awkward- " I hope you didnt hear my yelling. I was trying to work on some armor. But it just fell to pieces.." 

  16. "Thats a good point haha, well there is two of us. shouldn't be hard to find" he responded

    "i think we can probably find them probably deep in one of the bigger forest's's .. Hmm how about.. lets go.. that way!.

    -points towards the biggest Forrest that he knows of. I would guess thats where they would be at. Hmm.. If i had to guess. - Looking around at the players lounging around. "hmm.. Boars... Lizards.. Nope. No plants that i see of around here" Well who knows !. Lets go!"

    He says as he Starts tromping towards the forest, straight through the mob's roaming the are

  17. Alright! -Smiling, Well i will get right on that. First thing in the morning!.  I have to collect some more materials and see to a few things. That and im all out of crafts for the day - Smiling "Hopefully that isnt to much of a problem" -Looking around the shop he made a list of what all he would need, and all that he would need to do to get ready for making it. "hmm im going to need some wood and some... hmm.. alrighty! i got it" . -Looking back." I will let you know first thing when its done!, thanks for your business! he said as he finished up making an order for her. 

  18. He followed her "Ah well. Im sure we can find it. If we wander around, and who knows maybe we will even find a chest to loot. Haha". As he walked following her to the exit of the city. "Well that seems handy that we both get the anneal blade. I think that i can break it down for materials, and make you something out of it. After all. You cant really use a Long-sword" As they left he made sure that he had everything that he needed. Couting off his short list of items he had withhim. "Well I dont have any potions so hopefully we wont need any. Or see any PK'ers"

  19. Walking over to the forge he tossed in the base materials for a suit of armor. As he moved it around in the furnace he listened to Celes's response. Pulling out his hammer. he started to shape the metal into a suit of armor. After the third swing. the material broke apart. "Darn.. Well.. That didnt go well"




    Craft : 1


    -1 materials 

    +1 exp


    "Haha, well at-least that wasn't the first attempt on your gear!"

  20. Waking up Crusher walked over to the furnace and got everything ready for the morning. After breakfast he took a bath and started to get everything ready. A little while after he got done he started to count his materials. As he was counting them out. His friend Celes walked in. "Hey Celes!" 'Hmm.. So you need a Rare Spear? +1 damage +1 paralyze? What do you want it to look like?". Alright. Well lets see here" It will take me a couple days probably to make it though. i haven't had very good luck so far" Though,.. i did make this beauty -Grabbing the sword he forged last night- But yeah. ill make the spear for you. No problem!" Scratching his chin "are you going to be paying with Col? Or materials?"



    [quote][center][b]Item:[/b] The Omega Bastard-sword
    [b]Quality:[/b] Rare
    [b]Shop:[/b] The indomitable forge

    [b]Enchantments:[/b] +2 damage

    [b]Description:[/b] [/The blades razor sharp blade shimmers in the nights light ][/center]

  21. Waking up he was haunted by dreams of shattering items that he had been trying to forge. He had.. to get one right. He HAD to forge one! Successful item. As he got up. He grabbed his hammer,coals and water. He set the Furnace ablaze and poured cold water into the quenching trough. As he sat in-front of the furnace he watched the fires and coal dance. He had been dreaming about the dance and bounce of the flames in the furnace. 

    Moving over to the furnace he grabbed his most precious material Omega Steel it was silver and it was sharper than any other steel that there was. Other swords could match its sharpness. But not without Heavy magical assistance. 


    As he pulled it out he hammered it. Its glow was a powerful one. Not as powerful as he wanted. But he could tell that it was almost perfect... As the Sword formed he saw its Silver Beauty . Its handle was wrapped in black leather, It was a Longsword! (Bastard-sword)


    As he finnished. he smiled "Now i will be able to sleep better. After putting it against the forge. he went to sleep after putting out the coals. 



    mats -1 

    exp +5




    [quote][center][b]Item:[/b] The Omega Bastard-sword

    [b]Quality:[/b] Rare

    [b]Shop:[/b] The indomitable forge

    [b]Enchantments:[/b] +2 damage


    [b]Description:[/b] [/The blades razor sharp blade shimmers in the nights light ][/center]




    Crafting Chart:

    [b]Crafting Dice[/b]: 11






  22. Holding out his hand He introduced his self " Well hello Zahra. My name is Crusher. But dont be deceived by the harsh name im actually quite harmless". Seeing that she was looking at this sword "Ah yes. I see you have a Spear. I guess the Anneal blade wouldn't be much good to you would it?" (reaching up he hit "Party request- Zahra- Accept" (looking over at their shared hud now. Ah. You're my level. Well thats good!. So do we get two Anneal blades? or what?. If so. Im sure you can get your hands on a voucher, to trade the Anneal blade into a .. Uhh.. Anneal Longspear? haha. Well thats what i have been told anyway.  " Do you know the way to the quest?. I get lost easily!"

  23. A blonde stranger walked up beside her and started looking at the quest board "Hmm.. Which quest.. hmm.. Lets see here.. Anneal Blade.. +1?. Hmm. I guess that would work.." ooh.. Â«Little Nepent's Ovule»,Hmm.. Rare variant "looking around he spotted a few adventures. but he also noticed there was a Egyptian looking woman standing next to him. "It looks as if you are looking for a quest to do? - Tapping "Secret medicine of the Forrest" On the Quest board I want to do this one. But last time i went by my self to become a smithing apprentice. I was almost eaten alive by lizards. Haha. 

  24. (For some reason this didnt appear in a quote block)




    [quote][center][b]Item:[/b] The Omega Bastard-sword

    [b]Quality:[/b] Rare

    [b]Shop:[/b] The indomitable forge

    [b]Enchantments:[/b] +2 damage

    [b]Description:[/b] [/The blades razor sharp blade shimmers in the nights light ]

    Permaroller id: 4107



    [quote][center][b]Item:[/b] The Red Drill

    [b]Quality:[/b] Rare

    [b]Shop:[/b] The indomitable forge

    [b]Enchantments:[/b] +1 damage +1 Paralyze

    [b]Description:[/b] [ The handle is one of supple leather wrapping. Near the top the blade is swirled into a Large Red Drill"

    Item: The Silver Devil (claymore)

    Quality: Rare

    Shop: The indomitable forge

    Enchantments: +2 damage

    Description: [/The blade is long and silver. With red leather wrapping on the handle. The pommel is a red oni's face.]

    Permaroller 4158

    Roll: 10

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