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Posts posted by Crusher

  1. After finishing dinner he pulled out one of the cheaper materials. Alright now!!. Lets do this! - Pulling up his sleeves he grabbed his hammer and thrust the material into the furnace. Watching it intently. Carefully. After a little while. He pulled it out and put it on the anvil "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" Four Hard strokes!. (pfffsssttt.... Tshk!) The Armor that he was trying to forge took shape for a moment. then exploded. Another failure!


    "Ah well.. Maybe im just too excited. I will try again tomorrow' Gently setting down his hammer. He cleaned up the Forgery and then headed out for some adventures. 


    (Craft failed: 1 material lost)




    Craft : 2


    mats -1 

    exp +1

  2. As crusher walked into his forge. He felt a wave of happiness he had never really felt before. For once in his life... He had accomplished something most people in the real world never accomplish. He started a business! He walked around the small shop. Admiring the chairs and table. there was only one weapon rack. But he would upgrade it as he went along. It didn't need to be huge. It was his new home after all. He would be living here while he wasn't out adventuring. 


    Looking around he found his hammer and bellows and coal. He began to heat the furnace. After an hour or so. He had a good blaze going. "Well.. Lets break in the new forge!. How shall my First item turn it?. This will mark the Beginning of something great!. Or.. Possibly something terrible! Haha. Im trembling with anticipation" 


    He grabbed some tongs and thrust some materials into the forge. After he put in the material. he forgot "Oh Food!. i need to get the food ready" After an  hour he set the table with food. "Thats good.. Oh hell! the forge!" Running back to the forge he walked in . Just in time to see the material that he put into the forge  explode and dissolve

    "Darn.. Well there went one material"


    (Craft failed: 1 material lost)




    Craft : 1


    mats -1 

    exp +1

  3. http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/5264-indomitable-forge-wares/

    A Hanging sign outside depicts a Large black forge, with a Large hammer emblazoned across it.

    The Indomitable Forge

    Upon Entering. There is a Small sign hanging by the door that states

    "New Establishment!: Please be patient with your orders. I will try my best to fulfill orders the best i can! All payment must be either Col, Or Resources" "Welcome!"

    The forge is a small one. Possibly the smallest in town. But Crusher is very proud of his establishment. So it is very tidy. Even if it is a bit cramped.


    Materials: 6


    Blacksmith Level = 3


    Blacksmith EXP = 79/80

    Dice Rolls:

    Rank 3: Starting rank and 4 Crafts a day

    1=Epic fail 1 EXP
    2-3=fails 1 EXP
    4-5=bad Item 1 exp
    6-8=Good Item 2 EXP
    9-10=Uncommon Item 3 EXP
    11=Rare Item 5 EXP
    12= Perfect Item 8 EXP


    In stock:



    Uncommon: 250 or 2 Materials

    Rare: 500 or 3 materials

    Perfect: 1000 Or 5 mats

    I will also take a mat and reduce the cost by 150 per mat.

    Item Template:



    Crafting Chart:


    Salvage Chart

    [b]Salvage Dice:[/b]


  4. As he entered the shop. He saw nib hammering something. As he finished he turned around "Hey! Did you get everything that you needed?" - Crusher replied "yeah!, I did i got the ivory tusks just like you wanted" Opening the menu he traded them to Nib. Here you are. 

    Nib- "Ah yes This will make a fine Long sword! Taking the ivory tusk's he threw them straight into the forge . hearing them crack and start to bust. Alarming Crusher "dont you think bone will just... ruin?' 

    "haha" Nib laughed. Look boy! " points as the tusk's cracked open a Ivory colored metal leaked out and started to glow red hot. As he removed the lump. He started to hammer it. "Bang!,Bang! ,Bang! ,Bang! ,Bang! ,Bang! ,Bang! " After 7 good hits. The lump formed into a sword.

    "Ah what a beauty!" . Holding up the sword crusher could see it < The Shimmering Slicer>! +3 Damage.  - Perfect!


    Crusher looked at it in amazement. "That is a beauty...."

    Nib " Ah yes. It is. One for the collection that is for sure!" As he hung it on the wall he spoke. Well. Crusher this is the end of your training. Congratulations!  Not only have you leveled, But you have learned a trade of the world. 


    As he shook his hand he smiled "Well . take it easy. if you ever need a hand. Im here!"


    Crusher shook his hand and did the same "Thank you nib!"




  5. Putting his stuff into his inventory. He started his return trip back to the city. He walks through the Forrest and through the meadows safely. He enters the city and says his hello's to the guards and the NPC's and PCs. He starts walking through the Market section. Back to the Smithery he hears another voice "Hey, you with the bastard sword!, Want to try some of our delicious pizza!. Fresh out the oven!" 

    Crusher: "No thanks, Im full already, but thanks anyway" Keeping his stride. He kept walking to the Shop- Behind him he heard the come "Come on!. Its fresh! Right out of the oven! 50% off!, and you'll even get a slice for free" 

    Crusher just shook his head and said "No thanks Pizza man!" Ignoring him further, He got back to the shop. With no more problems. 

  6. PermaRoller-

    ID: 3230


    Crusher 9/9

    Boar 0/5


    As the boar turned around, Crusher flicked the blood off his blade, and charged the boar again. As he swung the boar dodged off to the left, Right into the attack. As the blade hit him over the back. His back gave out, his hp reduced to 0 and he exploded into pixles. 

    Crusher stepped back and sighed "Im So glad that went better than last time." As he opened the Rewards! Menu, he looked. 




    ID: 3231

    Loot: 12


    25 Col !

    2 ivory tusks. 




    ID: 3227


    Crusher 9/9

    Boar 2/5


    As the boar started squealing the boar started to buck and go into a frenzy. As he was throwing his head back, he caught Crusher by the shoulder with its tusks and ripped through crushers shirt, and cut him a little. Continuing his frenzy. As the boar pulled away from Crusher it started to bleed on the ground but it backed away and readied to charge again. Stamping and stomping its feet. 

  8. As he got to the forrest, he could see a large Boar rooting for some grub. A beautiful set of ivory tusk's adorned its face, it was a massive boar. Probably 300-400 lbs. As he drew his Bastard sword its ears flicked. Moving behind a tree he tried to hide. The boar turned around and looked for him. Though it didn't seem to see him and he started to go back to rooting for grub. As crusher eased out from behind the tree. He Charged the boar. 




    ID: 3226


    Crusher 9/9

    Boar 2/5


    As he charged the boar dug its head further into the ground with its tusks, Giving crusher the perfect chance to sink his sword into its head. AS he charged crusher jumped into the air, and dove down with his blade. Impaling the boar to the ground with his sword, running it through its back. "Great! alot better than last time" - he thought to him self

  9. After breakfast Nib sends Crusher to go collect 2 Ivory iron tusks. From the creature - Ivory iron tusk boar, that roams the fields in a small Forrest on floor one To the east. As he left the shop he saw the hustle and bustle of everyday around him. He decides to walk through the market to get to the closest exit to the town. As he is walking a market stand merchant started yelling "Hey you! Blondie! You look like you could use some new shoes! Come and look ill give you a special price. Guaranteed to last you!" Crusher turned towards the guy with an eyebrow raised "Uh No thanks i dont have any Col and my shoes are just fine" As the guy was yelling behind him he could hear him " Come on now!. those shoes arent going to last you. I have brand new shoes!. Get back here you!" But crusher just kept walking. The guy was obviously deranged. As he left the city, he made it out to the Forrest fine. 

  10. Early in the morning Crusher wakes up to the sound of Nib digging around in a Small chicken coupe around back. After a couple minutes. Nib comes back in with a hand-basket full of <White Eggs> from the chickens. As he comes in the solid oak door closes heavily. Obviously having both of his hands full. He pulls the door closed with his foot loudly. After walking to the kitchen Nib spoke "Hey!, Crusher you up? I have a basket full of eggs. We have a full day ahead of us. So get in here and eat. Im going to have to you go collect some more ingredients for more smithing materials" Crusher replied "Yeah. Im up. Ill be in there in a minute"

  11. PermaRoller-

    ID: 3191

    Craft: 10 


    Nib held up a Silver blade, with a (Uncommon glow) "Ah... Uncommon grade blade. Very good.. He held it up to the light " I shall call you. <Blade Shimmer>! Opening the menu he showed Crusher "+1 Damage" 

    "You see, when you create somthing, you have Common,Uncommon,Rare and perfect. Common have 0 Enchantment slots, Uncommon have 1  enchantment slots. Rare has 2 enchantment slots and Perfect. .. Well it has 3 Enchantment slots.

    "Why dont you try your luck there Crusher?"


    Nodding, Crusher started to hammer it. 


    ID: 3191

    Craft: 9


    As he hammered the Weapon turned into a Common weapon. As he held it up he kind of frowned. "Well.. It looks like a piece of junk"  He felt a slap on the back of his back "No Boy-io! You did great! the more work you do the better you will do. Most people fail their first attempt. You should name it!"


    Crusher: "Ah.. Well thank you. i will name it. I shall name it the. "The Iron blade!" "haha" - Nib- "well i guess that "IS" a name. Haha. even if it is a bit lack luster.


    Nib crafted the rest of his orders that he was given for the day infront of crusher, and made him take notes. He noticed Nib must be very good. Because most of his items were typically Uncommon, Rare or perfect. He had a very steady hand. He saw how the business was ran. Dozens of customers must have came in for one thing or another. After a hard days work. He was shown how to clean out the forge. Starting with the Quenching station, how to scrub the forge and the molds. How to clean the hammers and the tongs. He was even shown how to melt down the scrap failed attempts and make better weapons out of it. Which was a very handy lesson indeed. 


    Afterwards They started to headed back to Nibs shop, where they spent the next couple of days. Going over how to work a forge 

    Nib: Alright first thing you want to do is get some good coals going- He said this as he poked the coals of his forge with a poker. "You always want a red glow to your coals. Let them stay that way for a while. While they are heating up and making a good bed for your top coals. Go ahead and fill your trough with water - Pointing to a large blade quenching station. 


    Crusher: Alright. Grabbing two large buckets he began to fill up the station with water. After wards he grabbed a few bags of coal and started to pour it into the bottom of the forge and started furiously pumping on the bellows untill the entire shop was like a furnace 


    Nib: Alright! We are ready!. Now what you want to do is put on your gloves and grab a pair of tongs and a hammer! Grabbing his own set of black smithing tools, he sat a block of iron into the forge 


    Crusher: Crusher followed suit and put on his gloves and grabbed a pair of long forge tongs. Looking around he found a study hammer. Grabbing it he sat a piece of iron it the forge by Nib's- "So what do we do?"


    Nib: Well you see, What you do is after the metal starts getting white/red hot. You are going to grab it with the tongs,and bring it over to your Anvil. After you get it to the anvil. You are going to start shaping it into a blade. To start with, We are just going to smith a Simple Iron Dagger.


    Crusher: Alright. I think i understand, Thinking it over in his head, it didnt seem that difficult to grasp. 


    As Nib pulled his piece of almost molten iron out of the forge he began to hit it. Over and over. After a good 10 hits. The blob of iron, began almost "Evolving" into a sword. It amazed Crusher.



  13. PermaRoller-

    ID: 3186


    Crusher 2/5

    Nib        3/5

    #1 Lizard 3/4

    #2 Lizard 0/4


    As the lizard thrashed around from crushers deep stab through its tail. Now pinned to the ground. The Reptile couldn't go anywhere. But it thrashed violently. Nib Slashed down towards the lizards head, and with a solid blow. Off came its head. Pixles gently flew through the air. As this time. The entire Reptile disappeared. Looking at crusher he spoke


    Nib: What on earth were you doing?. I told you to wait on me, when you headed out. these are stronger lizards than normal. They are smart. - he said as he tapped the side of his head. 

    Crusher- " I thought that maybe i could take them... I mean we are on the first floor... I thought.. Maybe i could finally do something worth while. 

    Nib: Man.. In all my years.. Well you are stubborn. But i understand. I was young once to you know. I didnt get to be this age, by doing nothing you know -he smiled- Come on now. lets go


    Crusher stood up and clicked "Accept" on the loot. (8 Lizard feet He opened a trade window, and entered 
    Item: Lizard Feet

    Quantity : 8

    Trade: Crusher/ Nib


    Nib: Thanks!

  14. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3185


    Crusher 2/5

    Nib        3/5

    #1 Lizard 3/4

    #2 Lizard 0/4


    Rubbing his throat Crusher stood back up and coughed. "Cough- Cough, Argh. Man this VR Wound really hurts.." - Thinking back, he remembered the entering scene... "I guess we really are stuck here... I guess we really are going to die.." Snapping back to the present, he leveled his sword straight foward. feeling his anger flare he sprinted for the lizard. Jumping high into the air, He brought the sword down. In the middle of the lizards tail. hearing it Hiss as pixles flew away from the wound. He Would NOT FALL TO A LIZARD!. His roared to him self in his mind. 

  15. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3184


    Crusher 2/5

    Nib        3/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 0/4


    Seeing a new burly foe,the lizard reared its head back and hissed. Thrashing it gnashed its teeth and sprinted toward the attacker. As it closed it, Nib got into a blocking stance with his handaxe. Launching its self, the lizard busting through Nib's defensive block. Clawing his chest and face. As pixles few off of nib. he grunted "Argh, Pesky little lizard." The lizard hit the ground and readied for another attack against he burly blacksmith. But not before Nib attacked him first. So he crouched down to make him self a smaller target. 

  16. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3183


    Crusher 2/5

    Nib        5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 0/4


    Just as the second lizard was about to launch something whistled between all of them and slammed into the neck of the lizard mid-air . A huge hand-axe pinned the dead lizard to the tree. After a few seconds the lizard De-visualized breaking into thousands of Pixles . Crusher and the remaining Lizard looked to see where it came from. About 15 yards back, there was Nib with another hand axe twirling in his hand. "Now what in the blazes of hell are you doing boy!, Get up and fight the lizard!"

  17. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3182

    MD: 1

    Crusher 2/5

    Nib 5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 2/4


    Seeing that they prey was close to death. They did what they were programmed to do. Gnashed their teeth, as they launched forward, to Finnish the deed. The first lizard collided with the second, smashing its head into the ground. it Hissed out and gargled up a little blood. As they separated the lizard shook its self off and circled around its prey. The second lizard growled, obviously hurt and mad, but it focused on Crusher. It will kill the other Lizard later for attacking him.

  18. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3181

    BD: 1

    Crusher 2/5

    Nib 5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 3/4


    Crusher gripped his sword harder, aiming for the lizards vulnerable belly, As he struck he felt something sharp cut his shirt but luckily not his skin. As he felt his anger whell up inside of him he cursed "Well *!, I cant go down like this" . As the lizard dropped to the ground he backed up. Coughing up blood, His vision blurring. "I.. Cant.. Ill die.. I cant die like this.. -cough, cough- Not .. not like this" Stumbling backwards he saw the two lizards attack him... "This is it..."

  19. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3180

    MD: 5

    Crusher 2/5

    Nib 5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 3/4


    Seeing that its ally had made a good attack. At that they were close to bringing down their attacking. The reptile lunged for crushers leg. Crusher seeing the other lizard ready to pounce moved to the side, wrestling with the Lizard that was choking the air out of him. As the attacking lizard flew past him, in his failed lunge. it clawed the dirt to slow its self down and whipped around angrily. Almost hissing a audible " Killlllll!!!" But Crusher knew that they couldn't speak... "Could they?"

  20. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3179

    MD: 9

    Crusher 2/5

    Nib 5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 3/4


    The First lizard spun around quickly, flicking its tail out for balance. Seeing that its foe had moved around between them it Hissed loudly. Picking up all four feet, one at a time it slammed them into the ground like it was getting ready to charge. Crouching down the ground it launched straight for crushers throat. As its teeth sunk into his neck, Animation and hexagons started to fly away and crunch under the deadly lizards bite. 

  21. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3177

    BD: 7

    Crusher 4/5

    Nib 5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 3/4


    Shaking his hand crusher backed up 5 feet, and spun his sword in an X- Pattern building up speed. Making his sword a blur he launched towards the lizard that bit him, and made a slash on the back of his foe. As he landed his blow, he spun off to the right. Behind the two. Giving him the defensive position. "I really have to be careful, these lizards are giving me a run for my money, that is for sure" mentally he thought about what his next move was. he would probably try and slam them into each other.

  22. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3176

    MD: 8

    Crusher 4/5

    Nib 5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 4/4

    The smaller lizard noticing that its friend had missed, and that it had taken interest in their attackers arm. It lunged for crushers sword arm. Sinking its teeth into his wrist as it twisted and shook its head violently. Causing crusher to shout "Argh! My arm." The lizard was shook loose causing no more damage luckily . The attack dealt 1 damage. As the lizard backed up it hissed again flaring the frills on its back and shaking its head as it hissed loudly. 

  23. -PermaRoller-

    ID: 3175

    MD: 2

    Nib 5/5

    Crusher 5/5

    #1 Lizard 4/4

    #2 Lizard 4/4

    The lizard turned towards crusher hissing, Flicking its tongue obviously mad It lunged at crusher, only to be parried by crushers sword. After landing again, the lizard backed up and hissed again at crusher. As the lizard eyed him, the lizard noticed that he was wielding the sword in his right hand and cocked his head. Seemingly wanting to go for his sword arm the next chance it got,Seeing this Crusher took a different stance. 

  24. Crusher while inside the starter town had found a NPC that went by the name of Nib. Nib told him that if he would go out and bring him 8 lizard feet that he would give him a reward: The ability to learn a profession! As crusher was leaving the town and heading into the meadows where the lizards roamed he was thinking. "Hmm. I guess i want to probably become a Blacksmith, even though there are dozens already" 


    Crusher spotted two large black lizards eating insects. They were quite big, probably 4 feet long and pretty wide and bulky. 


    Seeing the two lizards he drew his Bastard sword and charged at the biggest of the two 







    Crusher swung his sword downward at the lizard, sliding off to far to the side as he did. His swing missed the lizard completely. "Tsk, I have to do better than this. It is just a lizard after all!" Mentally getting onto him self for missing. 


    Crusher 5/5

    Nib 5/5

    Lizard 4/4

    Lizard 4/4

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