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Posts posted by Sousuke

  1. Sorry about the lack of link with this one I cant seem to post a link for some reason but I have named my shop sorry I cant post the link I think there might be issues with pasting on the website


    ID 4198

    CD 11

    Boots of Midnight


    Crafted in Specialist Tailors

    +2 Damage Mitigation

    These boots are part of the midnight set, they help the user take more damage in battle 

  2. Sousuke took in her words like he was drinking ale as she gazed at him with cold eyes but behind that cold stare he could see the flames of an iron will. The will to succeed and protect her friends to the death if it came to it.

    "Don't get me wrong i don't forgive you for killing my brother believe me, but if it wasn't for you he would have been murdered in cold blood, you showed him the one thing that drew me too you ... compassion, I can tell you arent a bad person you have reasons for doing what you do just like myself." He said not taking his gaze away from her studying her features.

    "As for talking things over just know the gates are open." Secretly he admired Mari for her virtues he like her had to perform a mercy kill which most soldiers have to do at some point in thier career.

  3. Sousuke necked back the glass of ice tea grimicing at the taste. It wasn't his favorite but it would do for now. He placed the glass down on the floor and listened to his new guild leader after. she had finished another boy whom he vaguely recognized from the day his brother died spoke up a showed clear uncertainty for where he wanted to be placed. Sousuke on the other hand had a plan.

    He stepped foward and stood next to Mari who looked at him confused by his actions. "First of all i would like to thank Mari for the gracious welcome, and would like to add I'm not here seeking revenge Mari you saved my brother from a fate worse than the one he met and i respect you for that." He said directly to her nodding. "Secondly i want to say that i have experience in the military from the real world and am well versed in the tactics used to overcome overwhelming odds, i may not be as skilled and powerful as some of you are here but i believe i would be a powerful asset during dungeon and boss raids if you would have me i would like to apart of the militant sector as a tactitian and hopefully one day be standing at your sides in battle." He finished his speech keeping his face blank and waited for the rest to speak up.

  4. Sousuke smiled at the idea of a party and laughed. "Id love too Diana and as for your battles turning sour don't worry i got your back." He said giving her a thumbs up

    He was glad he had Diana back t least even in this death game she managed to make him smile no matter how awful things seemed. Besides they used to make a great team back in the day and they would make an even greater team here.

  5. Sousuke listened very carefully to what she said decribing how tough it was to learn a grandmaster skill, asking who was targeting the guild and explaining how the guild will work and how he fits in. He nodded politely as he listened and took note of the name Zelrius. The name of some typical spoilt rich kid with an attitude to go with it. It bothered him knowing he was the one taking the guild down piece by piece one player at a time his brother being the first to take the fall.

    "Zelrius yea ... he's the one who ordered the hit on my brother and has been after a few others too but he's after one in particular" Sousuke explained although he wasn't going to mention who.

    "Also i thank you for having me and ill do my best for the guild and ... thank you for saving my brother from a worse fate." He said looking her straight the eyes. "I don't know what kinda of things you've done in the past, but i asure you they can't be worse than what i did in the real world back on the battlefield and i want you to know if you need to talk I'm here." He smiled to her as he finished.

  6. Sousuke watched as Mari balanced the dagger on the tip of her finger. "Not bad." He mused as he watched her for a moment thinking how best to answer her question. Things in his old guild had been getting pretty tense since his bothers death and he felt it was time to move on but there were other reasons too.

    "My old guild was getting tense each member was being. hunted for some reason aside from me, i left before i became a target."he told her. "Then i realised to finish my mission i needed help, and you and your guild are pretty strong i thought you might be able to help," he finished the wind ruffeling his hair revealing his face to Mari.

  7. Sousuke listened to boy as he spoke and explained his tactics and mentioned the retreat. He took a drag of the cigarette and spoke up.

    "Ha you speak as if this is just a game, don't forget kid if we die here its over out there as well if we need to run for it ill be right behind ya, when the going gets tough the tough get going ... or something like that." He told the boy. He was right though there was no point needlessly risking their lives for the sake of their pride.

  8. Sousuke accepted the request for a party and looked at his map interface. He scanned through the areas he had marked finding that he marked most of the plains and was now heading into the mountains.

    "I got most of the plains done exept for the section at the entrance to the mountain path so its up to you how we do this, do you wanna head into the plains where I'm mapped out or do you wanna come help me map out the mountains?" He asked politly wait for a reply

  9. Present day

    Sousuke shook his head snapping him back to reality. He missed those days where everything seemed normal well almost normal. If he knew what was going to happen next he would have said to himself that this was anything but normal


    As Sousuke got home with his brother he was greeted by a man in a black suit standing at his front yard gate. He ushered him inside with his brother where his brother was ushered up stairs and himself into the lounge. There sat his parents and across from them a man in military uniform and a girl around 16 also dressing in similar attire. Who were these people?

  10. Sousuke began to puff on his cigarette as Davros accepted the dual against the woman who was definitely higher leveled than him. "Go get em kid." He called with a mock salute. This day started of pretty boring that's for sure but had gotten a lot more intresting. Looking the woman's stance she knew her way around that glaive Davros was in for a tough fight.

  11. Sousuke listened to what the man had to say and shook his hand, he certainly seemed a little green and he was playing scout for a friend it seems.

    "Scout eh? Well i happen to be in the middle of mapping out the area." He said as he took a drag of his cigarette "I can show you around a little if u want." Sousuke was feeling pretty helpful today and this kid looked like he could use some.

  12. Diana seemed to cheer up a little at least so there was that. Then she grabbed Sousuke and put him in a head lock and gave him a noogie and no amount of military training can prepare you for an unexpected noogie from Diana. Despite him going into a top secret military organisation he was still the little cousin and couldn't help but grin.


    ''Alright alright.'' he shouted struggling to get free as he laughed ''Its good to have you back Diana and I'm glad your here I was scared I was left alone here but I at least know your here and you got my back.'' he said with a comical fist pump ''We will be un beatable!'' he exclaimed as he jumped in the air making a bit of a fool of himself

  13. Sousuke was taken a back by the sudden outburst from his dear cousin but he couldn't blame her after all they were all very close in the past and Diana had suffered much herself, he should have known better than to think she would simply let this go as he had.


    ''Diana ... I don't speak of the war I was involved in a great deal, but the things I have seen I would never wish upon anyone I truly believe Tomoya was at peace when he gave his life. he would have done it for any body without a heart beat. In war soldiers die for what they believed in and this game is just another war between us the players and that man that appeared the first day we arrived here and war ... war never changes.'' he finished looking her straight in the eyes displaying that yes he was upset too but shedding more blood was not the answer.

  14. Sousuke grabbed some materials aiming to make something, well anthing really he would decide that as he set about his work


    ID 4115

    CD 2


    All Sousuke managed to achieve was a pile of ripped cloth so he tried again aiming to make a set of gloves


    ID 4116

    CD 8


    He managed to make a pair of leather gloves but they wernt much good for anything other than looks.


    Guess ill put it up for sale atleast he said as he added the gloves to the his shelves

  15. Sousuke watched her as she cradled the hot chocolate as she listened. He could tell it was burning her from the way her hands were turning slightly red, he could understand what she was feeling though still he didn't want her burning her hands so he gently took it away from her and held her hands reassuringly.


    ''He fought those men to the death and succeeded in taking them out, the unfortunate side effect was he became a player killer.'' he told her giving her hands a little squeeze as he continued. ''Well it turned out they were the lackeys of one of this games strongest players and he placed a bounty of 10000 col on Tomoya. So knowing he wasn't going to escape because as a player killer he couldn't enter safe zones and almost all of Aincrad was after him he enlisted the help of my new guild leader, who proceeded to kill him in front of me she carried out his last will which was to pass on his gear to me and look after me. Mari saved him from a horrific death it was his choice to die.'' he told her as he finished his story

  16. This man holding the spear came to a halt and looked around for a second before noticing Sousuke and waving to him. He approached him from across the field, the distance gave Sousuke time to access the man approaching him and he certainly wasn't like the other new players that passed this way.


    ''Sup kid names Sousuke I couldn't help but notice you seemed in a hurry there but judging by your movements you haven't the foggiest idea about this place have you?'' he asked curtly sure this boy was wearing equipment a little way out of the new players league but his actions made it quite clear he was new to this floor at least.

  17. Sousuke smiled to the Davros as he complemented his sword play and tried to be modest about his skill. Another woman approached whom was by looks of it a lot more powerful than them both and she attempted to challenge them both. Just as if on cue another girl whom he recognized as a member of his former guild stepped forward clapping.


    ''Now I don't mean to spoil your fun here miss I appreciate the sentiment but I myself am a little worn out from that little fight there and use a rest I have only recently been out on the grind and am not up to my peak fitness, I'm afraid i must graciously decline.'' he said to her declining the duel request. He produced a cigarette from the pocket of his trench coat and lit it taking a seat on the grass they had duelled on. ''oh and hi kitty.'' he said waving to her to be polite.

  18. Sousuke lead Diana to the nearby tavern and went up the bar and ordered a Hot chocolate for her and a glass of lemonade for himself.


    ''Ok this might be hard for you to hear but Tomoya died because he chose to.'' He said to her. He wanted her to know the story behind how he had met the fate he did and the reasons why it all happened. ''So what happened is there was a group of six players being help hostage by three powerful men and he offered up his life in exchange for there freedom, now as you might expect they tried to kill the hostages anyway something about proving a point.'' He said pausing to take a sip of his lemonade. It was quite refreshing and it was nice to be drinking something other than mead for a change. ''You with me so far?'' he asked her studying her for any signs of distress.

  19. OOC just my luck to get bad rolls for a change haha :p

    Sousuke winced as the claymore hit him once again and the boys name was displayed with the word winner beneath it. He had completly misjudged the boys abilities and had paid the price for it. He had to admit though the boy did well to capitalize on his mistakes. He grinned and sheathed his sword shaking the boys hand as he declared they were from the same guild.

    "Davros eh? Not bad kid you'll go far if you keep that performance up, names Sousuke by the way, i admire the way you handle a weapon of that weight." He said to him if this boy was indeed in his guild he just made himself a powerful ally

  20. Sousuke hugged his cousin tightly doing his best to reassure. He understood that things couldn't possibly get much worse for her after all he witnessed his twins death right before his eyes. They say twins should never be separated when one dies the other suffers severe mental trauma, but Sousuke stayed strong for the sake of everyone around himand now he had to be strong for his cousin who was suffering.


    ''Lets go to a tavern and get you a nice cup of hot chocolate or something there are things you need to know about Tomoya and I think it might help cheer you up,'' he said as he released her and smiled the first genuine smile he had smiled for a long time.

  21. ID 4088


    BD 3


    The blow to the shoulder caused some serious damage to Sousuke causing him to collapse in a heap on the floor. It wasn't over yet though he made a quick slash towards his opponents feet and once again missed by a hair. He rolled over and pushed himself to his feet preparing to take the over sized blade on again.


    Davros 13/15

    Sousuke 9/15


    OOC The damage you do in a crit depends on the dice roll that goes past 8 a 9 adds one extra point of damage and 10 adds 2 so you hit for a 4

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