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  1. I wonder if we will ever have a guy that will just bring everyone together and unite them as one or something. Maybe unite all the big guilds to create a united one governed by a council of guild leaders....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raeyliff


      Yeah, but if a council was held up, maybe called The Council of Aincrad, things would be different. They would vote and stuff, but I can't say that it would be permanent. I'm sure corruption and evil and greed will disband the council and cause a big war...wouldn't that be fun to see? XD

    3. Pyro


      ...It wouldn't be fun without a few evil people to make everything fall apart :3 That's true

    4. XWuZHeAR


      That make for a pretty good side story about a government forming then there's like a rebellion

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