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Posts posted by Teayre

  1. Calling up her menu, Teayre found that Calrex had sent her another message.


    Subject: Safe

    From: Calrex


    Where are you at? I was at the Hogsback Inn, but I can meet you wherever. Are you alright?


    Quickly typing another message she hit the sent button.


    Subject: Safe

    From: Teayre

    I'm so sorry Callie, I'm at a steak house by the entrance of Starting city.

    Here's an invite so you can find me a bit easier  :)


    Hitting the invite button, Teayre leans back.

    "I'm going to be killed when he gets here..."

    Letting out a small sigh, Teayre blushes, her heart begins to pound, her hand going to her ear and playing with the hair around it.

  2. Seeing Calrex spawn in with his back to her, Teayre slowly makes her way over to him trying to keep as quiet as she can. Upon reaching Calrex, she puts her hands over the boys eyes before gently kissing his  back.

    "Guess who Callie."


    A cheeky smile on her face. she moves her arms down to wrap around Calrex's body.

    "I thought you were right behind me, so what's this quest you're looking at?"


    Looking around, Teayre comments on the architecture of this floor.

    "Wow, this is beautiful I love area's like this I used to travel to Europe to see some of the old architecture there especially some of the bits in England, like Stonehenge and there's a hill that used to have a fort on it, but the forts gone now and it's a lovely area to have a picnic, well and a sword fight."

  3. "Kitty!"


    Dashing over to Kimba, Teayre squats down holding her hand out to the lion cub.

    "Nice to meet you Kimba, I'm Teayre."


    After paying attention to Kimba for a small while, Teayre stands up and looks at Ariel.

    "Ariel, your familiar is beautiful."


    Turning to Oikawa, her hand slithering down to grasp Calrex's.

    "What's the plan then? As you can see I am a fairly low level player, I'll do what I can, but my main aim is for no one to die."

  4. Crouching down Teayre looks at the poor cub, reaching out to it she places her hand on the beasts head.

    "Aren't you a cute little thing, say are you hungry?"

    Bringing up the loot window she offers the little cub some meat. The cub reaches and snatches the meat up before running off, showing no sign of interest in Teayre at all.


    "Damn it, although I know what I'm looking at taming now wolf cub or even a wolf might work. Guess I'll have to search for a bit, for now though I'd best head back to town and rest for a little while to get my health back."


    Straightening up Teayre makes her way back to Starting City, sliding herself into a steak house she orders a simple sirloin steak and chips. Tucking into it between mouthfuls of food, she sips her water making sure to savour every moment she can.



  5. The wolf darted forward, its fangs bared, zigzagging in order to try and through Teayre off it's attack it pounces before she ducks, it's claws scraping the back of her head. Her grip on her sword tightening, she swings it behind her thrusting it up, running it along the wolf's belly. Letting out a sigh of relief she calls up her menu quickly sending a message to Calrex.


    Subject: Safe

    From: Teayre

    Callie, I'm sorry if I worried you I was in a fight with a dire wolf and almost lost, I had two in a row without much of a break, going to find the thing I wanted to show you before I head back to town. Would you like to meet me in town, just meet up for some steak or something, or if you want I'm along the route on floor 1 to Horunka Village.


    "I hope he doesn't get too crazy from it, but knowing him... Then again... Well I'll deal with Callie when the time comes for now lets go see what's behind that rock."


    Walking over to the rocky outcrop that the wolf had glanced over at during the fight Teayre notices a small cub mewing there.



    1 Material - Wolf Pelt

    35 Col - 5* LD 7

    ID: 11184

    BD: 10 (9+1 ACC)

    MD: 7





    Dire Wolf

    0/9 5 DMG (3Base + 2 Crit)

  6. Seeing the cafe come into view, Teayre stops looking at the floor...

    "Callie, I don't want to go in there just yet... I'm a bit embarrassed about this morning, with the nightmare..."


    If you like pop in and I'll wait here for you, giving Calrex a swift hug she plants a kiss into the centre of his chest.

    "I love you, don't forget that."


    She doesn't let go, tightening her grip she hums the song from the other day with Oikawa. The smell from Calrex floating in to her nostrils, the warmth of his body against hers. 

    "This, is something I don't want to lose ever Cal. You know when we went to the monument of life, I memorized the location of your name and only yours... I don't know or understand why, but you are to me what will make me survive the game."

  7. Darting to the left, Teayre slips landing on her backside the wolf darts towards her, its claws scrape over her skin. Screaming out Teayre rolls over scrambling to get away, eventually the wolf jumps away glaring at Teayre, a snarl rasping through it's lungs.


    "Baka, how do I keep doing so well then failing all the time. Cal... forgive me if I die..."

    A red tinge came across her as she mentioned Calrex's name, her knees giving way beneath her her hand placed over her sword as she sank to the ground.


    "No... Teayre focus, Cal won't die for you so don't die for Cal!"

    Quickly bring a menu up she sends a simple message to Calrex.


    Subject: <Insert Subject>

    From: Teayre


    I love you, I'm sorry.


    ID: 11135

    BD: 1

    MD: 10





    Dire Wolf


  8. Leaning back Teayre let the sun beat down onto her skin, letting out a yawn mimicking King, she reaches her arms up stretching before getting up and giving Calrex a hug from behind.

    "Cal, let's focus we can't afford to get distracted it'd possibly kill both of us, and I definitely don't want that."


    Hearing Oikawa mention another player join us,

    "The more the merrier Kawi, it'll be good to have another player to help us."


    "So anyways, Oikawa, what's this quest you were talking to us about?"

    "It'd be good to know Kawi, what does the quest entail, do we need to work out a fighting rotation now, what's Ariel's fighting style."

  9. Turning around Teayre checks to make sure that Calrex has picked up her bags, holding the thick curtains and door open for him, she gently pecks his neck as he makes his way past her out of the shop.

    "I don't mind where we go next Callie, shall we find a present for Oikawa then? Let's find a place to sit and have come lunch that'd be good, if I remember rightly you're supposed to be leading the way cutie."

    Flashing Calrex her signature smile, she goes to take his hand and transferring the bags to her free hand.


    Spinning around she wraps herself in on of his arms before spinning away slightly, she places the bags on the floor before starting to hum a little tune, linking their free hands Teayre begins to sway slightly.

    "Dance with me Callie, whilst you decide what we can do."

  10. "What do you think of my new outfit Oikawa, Cal picked it out for me yesterday the headband is a little tricky so it takes a while for me to get it on properly" [OC: It's my profile pic]


    Giving another twirl she looked down at the leopard, walking over to him she holds her hand out before scratching behind his ear.


    "Hello King, I'm Teayre you're cute you know, not as cute as a wolf but definitely very cute."


    Feeling a hand on her head Teayre turns round shooting daggers at Calrex.


    "You. Know. How. Long. It. Took. Me. To. Do. My. Hair! Sorry Kawi, I'll be just a moment..."


    Drawing her flachion she swings it towards Calrex missing on purpose before planting it down by his feet. Pouncing on him she whispers in his ear.

    "You're lucky you're so damn cute."

  11. "Right... So you like the first and second ones so I'll definitely get them. For all four of them how much is it?"

    "For all of them m'dear It'll be 400 col, that's with giving you a discount for your boy being brave enough to step into the shop with you."


    Teayre's mouth dropped slightly at the price, quickly fishing out the money she pays the clerk.


    "So which one to wear now... think I'll go for the red one..."


    Still stood in her new outfit Teayre, begins to head out the door leaving the bags behind.


    "I know this is a game and I can carry everything in my inventory, but a girl needs shop bags if she's shopping."

  12. Pulling the curtain back, Teayre stood there for a moment looking the outfit up and down. Suddenly a draft goes through the store and her hairs stand on end.

    "C... C... Cold!"

    Looking down Teayre realised she forgot to equip her clothing before opening the curtain, throwing a punch at Calrex for looking at her when she was stood there in a set of lingerie. Taking the outfit she equips it quickly, looking at headband she puts it on tying the back of it underneath her half ponytail. Stepping out she twirls round for Calrex.

    "Well, what do you think? I quite like this one, it's feels nice on my skin and well it's not restricting in my movement."


    "Hey Miss, how much would this one be?"

    Calling to the store assistant, Teayre begins working out how much each of the outfits would be. Then calculating how much col she has in order to purchase them.


    "Callie, which ones should I get?"

  13. Dashing towards Starting City's portal area, she sees Calrex pull up her menu.


    Calling after him, it was no use however as he disappeared in a flash of bright white light.

    "Baka, wait until I get a hold of him I'll URGH!" Stopping across the ground she pulls up her menu quickly hitting the fifth floor she feels woozy as lights and sound rush past her.


    Coming out of the portal she falls straight to her knees.

    "That gets me every time, now where is he."


    Looking around she spots Oikawa and what seemed to be a snow leopard underneath a palm tree. Seeing a blue haired figure in a jacket she makes her way over to him, she brings a fist down towards the back of Calrex's head feeling it collide, she lets a small out a small hmph.


    "Hey Oikawa, I would of been here sooner but someone left me behind."


    ID: 11107

    BD: 6

    (No damage dealt was just to see if I hit)

  14. Teayre thanked Calrex as he held the door open for her, pushing past the thick drapes the lined the door she wanders in. The smell of damp greets her, wrinkling her nose she looks around the room to find the walls lined with a variety of clothes from the dark Gothic style clothing to the bright fluorescent neon.


    "Woooowwwwwww, Cal I'm sorry.... my shopping starts now!"


    Looking at the clerk, "Do you mind if I try some outfits on?"

    The clerk took one look at the girl before nodding that she could. Teayre darted straight into the Gothic section she pulls out a few different outfits to try on, even finding some wigs at the back of the store.


    After putting on each one she pops out to show Calrex, asking his opinion before darting back in and changing again. When she reaches the last section she calls out to him "Cal, pick something out for me please, it doesn't have to be dark or anything just pick something you like out." Whilst you're doing that I'll get changed into the last one I picked out.


    [Pictures below of the outfits]







  15. The wolf darted to it's left, following it with her eyes Teayre took a step back turning as the wolf carried on circling. Eventually the beast pushed off on its hind legs and began to charge towards Teayre, its jaw wide open looking for some flesh. Catching the wolfs attack with her sword she slashes down as she pushes back, the beast falling to the ground.


    "Huh... you're a bit weak arn't you, definitely don't want you for a companion now go!"


    Swinging her sword she orders the beast away, it let's out a strangled snarl before digging its claws in getting ready for the next round. A cry came from behind a boulder nearby, the wolf quickly darted it's head towards the boulder before returning it's steely glare towards Teayre.


    "So, there must be a spawn point or something there... Guess I'll have to look there when I finish up with you."




    ID: 11100

    BD:9 (8+1acc)

    MD: 4





    Dire Wolf

    5/9 4 DMG (3 Base + 1 Crit)

  16. Suppressing a giggle, she looks at Calrex, her heart begins to thump faster and faster, the red tinge that was so common around him coming to her cheeks,

    "N-No, it's not that I'm embarrassed..."


    Throwing her arms around Calrex's neck, she jump up wrapping her legs around his torso and bringing her head next to his.


    "I know what you mean Callie, you're unsure of how to act because you've never felt this way before? I've never felt this way about -anyone- before or had anyone even look at me before you, I'm just going with what my body tells me to do, I think that's probably the safest way, we can't go wrong then just let the feelings we have for each other show, wear them on our sleeves for each other let us into each others hearts. Anyone else though, we remain our normal calm and collected selves."


    Leaning back slightly she looks into his deep blue eyes eyes before leaning in for a kiss. 


    ID: 11092  BD: 7


    As she was about to touch those silken lips before her, she slips down and ends up pressing her lips against his chin.




    "Baka, you're supposed to hold me if I do that"

    Giggling like a little girl she pulls Calrex along to the first shop.

  17. Whilst looking over the terms of the quest another message rang through to Teayre.


    Subject: Something for you to see.

    From: Calrex


    Sure thing, be careful alright? I can't wait to see you again. Also I'll have a surprise for you as well once you get back!


    "That baka, telling me to be careful I'm more careful then he is, plus I can actually hit the mobs."

    Swiftly typing a reply back Teayre let's out a small chuckle.

    Subject: Something for you to see.

    From Teayre


    I'm more concerned about you Callie, with your luck at hitting the mobs. I'm just finishing off a quest here before I head to the sixth floor, I've got one up there I want to do before the days out, with any luck I'll have time to.


    As she finished typing the message another growl sounded from behind her...


    "Great here we go again."


    Drawing her weapon she turned to see another Dire Wolf stood there, ready to pounce.

  18. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The voice came from within the caravan, it sounded like it belonged to an older woman. Not about to let her guard down Teayre called back to the voice,

    "A stranger madam, and what about yourself?"


    "My my my a stranger indeed Teayre, you see I know a fair bit about you including your so called boyfriend." stepping out from inside the caravan, a aged woman appears, clearly seeing many a year, her skin was like parchment. "I also know that you came here to try and tame a beast, it's not as easy as those information brokers make out you know."


    "I don't doubt that madam, but I will do my utmost to acquire the familiar, no companion I wish to have."


    "Come close, let me have a look at you. Hold you yours hands." Teayre steps forward sheathing her weapon, something in the woman's voice let her shoulders sag, her neck be held high and granted the same feeling as if she was in Calrex's arms. Holding out her hands the aged woman takes them and turns them over inspecting them closely. 

    "Now say Ahhh" 


    "I've got to say, you have potential Teayre, you know I think I'll offer you this quest it's the only way to obtain a familiar or companion as you so politely put it. First you'll need some raw meat, and then you need to select what pet you wish for."


    A window popped up in front of Teayre, looking down she pressed the accept button. When she looked up again there was no sign of the old lady.


    "Weird... I wonder what happened to her, then again it is an mmorpg even if it's a virtual one."

  19. Suddenly there was a pounding in her ear twisting her head, it stopped when she returned her head to leaning against Calrex's chest she heard the pounding again.

    "Cal, don't be scared I won't let anything touch you, if you don't want it to okay?"


    Looking up at Cal, she flashed him another smile as he led her out of the Inn.

    "Shall we see what's around then for Oikawa? I've never bought anyone a present before... What sort of things do guys generally like? I mean I'd be able to get a good idea if you give examples of what you like Callie."


    Waiting for a moment to hear Calrex's response before she asks Calrex something that's been on her mind.

    "Cal, do you mind me calling you Callie, just when it's the two of us? I don't want to embarrass you I just like having a special name for you is all."

  20. Leaning back she closes her eyes for a moment when a message marker pops up in front of her.


    Subject: Something for you to see.

    From: Calrex


    Hey Teayre,


    I'm on the sixth floor, I'll meet you back at the Hogsback.


    "He's on the sixth floor, hmmm I wonder what he's doing up what ever it is I hope he doesn't get himself killed, he might be on that Gemini quest I was going to do that a bit later on and see how it goes so I might bump into him..."


    Hitting the reply button Teayre quickly types out a message


    Subject: Something for you to see.

    From: Teayre

    Okay Callie, I'll meet you there tonight okay? I've got a few things I need to do today.


    Looking around anxiously, Teayre spots an old caravan parked by the side of the road.

    "That wasn't there before... What could it be."


    Drawing her weapon Teayre approaches the caravan, her weapon held out in front, her body tensed ready to react to slightest notice of danger.

  21. A giggle escaping her, she looked up at Calrex her free hand coming to the side of his face.

    "Baka you're supposed to kiss here."


    ID: 11075



    Guiding Calrex face down to her, his lips press just above her lips. Pulling back slightly she comments warmly on the Calrex's 'attempt'.

    "Baka, you still missed one day you'll get it right" 

    Standing on her tiptoes she gently kisses Cal's cheek, before wrapping her arm around his waist and guiding his other arm over her shoulder.

    "As I said before leading the way... cutie."


    Feeling a hot wave cross her face again, a redness tinting her cheeks, she squirms next to Calrex before pulling him tight against her.

    "This is nice, you holding me Callie."

  22. The wolf charged at her, darting in and managing to rake her sides before Teayre got a chance to get out of the way. Falling back she attempts to slash at the wolf's head to no avail, losing her balance with the swing she rolls with it, planting her hand on the ground she spins kicking the wolf in the face following through she brings her blade back up cutting along the length of the body of the wolf. 

    As it explodes into crystals Teayre steps forwards raising her foot and grinds the crystal shards she manages to get a hold of into dust.

    "I always keep my word you miserable whelp, don't you dare attempt to keep me from Calrex again."


    Pulling up her menu she decides to send a message to her new boyfriend.


    Subject: Something for you to See.

    From: Teayre


    Heya Callie,

    I've got something to show you, when you're done could you meet me at The Hogsback, I've got the same room for us again... I hope that's alright.


    Pressing send, Teayre finds a log to sit on before munching down on some bread and water to slowly restore a little bit of the health that she lost.



    1 Basic material (Wolf fang)

    50 Col - 5 * LD:!0



    ID: 11071
    BD: 9 (8+1ACC)
    MD: 8

    LD: 10

    Dire Wolf

  23. Pulling on Calrex's arm Teayre manages to stop him before they leave the establishment,


    "W-wait a minute... we still need to pay for the meal... I never did that I just ordered it... Let's split the payment between the pair of us this time, if that's alright, I don't want to hog paying for everything again... Sorry about that as well..."


    Calling up her inventory she fishes out half the col needed to pay for the meal, plus a little bit extra as a tip for the waiter.


    "Right now that's sorted baka, let's make a move first things first... I need to pop back to the room quickly and wash my face off..."


    Dragging Cal by the hand after he paid his share, she orders him to sit on the floor outside of the room whilst she nips inside.

    "If you peak, you're a dead man Calrex-kun, you understand that right?"


    Splashing some water on her face she looks in the mirror, she gets a brush and a few hair pins from her inventory before doing her hair into a half ponytail, leaving the lower part flowing whilst the top part was in an intricate braid that took sometime to prepare.


    Stepping outside again she looks at Calrex, giving him a twirl before her cheeks begin to swell with red again, passing him her hand she mutters in his ear.

    "Take the lead Callie, you choose where to first let's find something for Oikawa so I don't tire you out too soon..."

  24. Agitated by the lack of respect shown to it the wolf lets out a low guttural growl, beginning to pace around Teayre it charges, as it leaps up aiming a bite towards her chest, Teayre rolls backwards throwing a kick up into the air as she does so. Breathing out she feels a weight on the sole of her boot she brings her other foot up to push the wolf even farther, a resounding crunch reaches Teayre's ears as she comes back onto her feet.

    Seeing her sword unguarded she dashes over to it, tripping over her feet she sends herself into a roll and picking her Falchion up as she does so, bringing it back into her ready guard she awaits the wolfs next move with gritted teeth.


    "The time has come for you to become little bits of jewellery embedded in my boot whelp."



    ID: 11070

    BD: 8 

    MD: 1





    Dire Wolf


  25. "R-Really Cal? You m-mean it?" Teayre muttered out, tears beginning to condense at the corners of her eyes before Calrex's jacket soaked them up. "Y-you don't think there's not enough of me even though I'm very small...."

    She gestured at her entire body.

    "I've never really been very big on any front and I always have trouble reaching the higher shelves."


    Her sentence trailing again she moves her head back away from his body and gazed into his eyes, her body pressed against his she manages to relax somewhat her breathing slowed down, for the first time she noticed a sweet smell in the air, that wasn't coming from the food. Burying her face back into Calrex's chest and taking a deep breath she identifies the source of the smell. Muttering under her breath.

    "Hmmm you smell nice Cal, like custard with strawberries and daisies and very manly."


    Her face not losing any of it's heat, she stays nuzzled into Calrex as his chest muffles her next comment..

    "Shawl wee, mhake, a ma-hove. The fresh hair might do meh some good."

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