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Posts posted by Baldur

  1. Baldur shook his head. After the minotaur had charged Tyger, it left itself completely exposed with Baldur behind him.


    "Too bad for him, we've got this down to a science."


    Baldur smirked almost sadly as he whipped his sword back and forth in a figure eight, slashing the minotaur and sheathing his sword in a single fluid motion. When the creature shattered into Polygons, she could see Baldur standing behind its once massive form completely at ease.


    "I think the <<Wasp Queen>> was a much harder fight. I am almost disappointed." His laugh suddenly rang out unbidden when he realized how ridiculous that line of thought was. Baldur's laugh, however, was a deep belly laugh that resonated from everything and carried throughout the forest. He quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, pausing and listening as carefully as he could to make sure that he hadn't disturbed anything. After a few heartbeats, he released his hand and let out the deep breath he had been holding.


    "Man that was a---" He got cut off as suddenly a horn was rammed through him and then sent him flying into a nearby tree where he struck hard and crumpled to the ground, dazed by the surprise attack.


    "Whaaaa?" Baldur moaned as he put a hand to his head as a second giant minotaur loomed over them.



    [iD: 7648 BD: 4(+2=6) MD: 9 LD: 4]



    Minotaur 1 - Drops 1 Mat

    Tyger - 

    Baldur- Hits Minotaur 1 for 7 DMG

    Minotaur 2 - Hits Baldur for 6 DMG (5 Base + 1 Crit) - Baldur Mitigates 2 taking 4 DMG


    Minotaur 1- 0/23

    Tyger- 22/22

    Baldur- 18/22

    Minotaur 2 - 23/23

  2. "Heeeeere I come to save the daaaaay!"


    Baldur came tearing around from behind Tyger as she brought the Minotaur low. Just as he was closing in on it, the minotaur reared to its feet again. Baldur was thrown off by the sudden movement but was able to recover as his sword slashed through the minotaur's arm, rather than its head.


    "Is he more of a Dodge Ram or a Ford Taurus?"


    Baldur smiled at his joke, but his blue eyes remained serious and calm, focused on reading the minotaur.



    [iD: 7645 BD: 4 (+2=6)]


    Minotaur 1 - 

    Tyger - 

    Baldur- Hits for 7 DMG


    Minotaur 1- 9/23

    Tyger- 22/22

    Baldur- 22/22

  3. Baldur drew his scimitar from the scabbard at his hip and ran a gloved thumb down the flat side of the blade, admiring the excellent workmanship.


    "Are there fruit hidden in the corners that let us eat the ghosts which inhabit the maze?" He smiled at her, "Sorry. Hopefully it doesn't just immediately become night time the moment we step into the maze, but those trees look thick enough to block out all the sunlight."


    He swiped two fingers down and brought up the menu and then he opened up his map. It would automatically track where they went. Much better alternative to breadcrumbs.

  4. Baldur grinned and bumped her shoulder with his, "I hope you don't mind if I just cross my fingers for lots of criticals" He gave her a playful look.


    "So why do you think its called the Forest of Wavering Mists? There are so many cliche fantasy names to choose from. But I guess every games gotta have some kind of 'Forest you wish you had GPS for'"


    Baldur rubb his chin in thought, "I guess that's why you don't get anything like that in modern day games anymore. Now we just have cellphones... its like all those old movies that don't work anymore because a cellphone solves all the problems."


    He laughed to himself.

  5. Baldur looked up from the little book he was holding with whiskers decorating the cover, then closed it and looked up at her.


    "Makes perfect sense babe! Great explanation."


    She would never understand how hard it was for him not to giggle like a school boy over her attempt to sound out the name of this quest.


    "Just consider me your expert Hoya finder." He literally had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.


    What am I, 9?


    He swiped at the air with two fingers to call up the menu and then went through his inventory to make sure he had everything he needed.


    "Not that I think you'll need it, but you got a health pot, right?"

  6. So I just completed the quest <<Calming the Soul>> for the Meditation skill, but the description in the quest is wonky, and it's not listed in the Skill Thread in the tutorial.


    Can someone clean up/reword the Meditation skill rewarded by the quest? I think I have an understanding of how it works, but it's incredibly vague.

  7. Baldur grinned when Tyger mentioned her desire to get warm.


    "I will say. One super awesome thing about this game? You can eat as much as you want, and you don't get fat."


    They continued for a moment as Baldur thought about something then chimed in, "Real life has a lot it could learn from Sword Art Online."


    He smiled at her and then took her hand as they walked through the snowy forest at night.

  8. Baldur sat up and grinned at Tyger, "We did! You were awesome babe!" And then he fell back into the snow, laughing with joy and making a snow angel before he coyly grabbed a handful of snow and threw it over at where Tyger was sitting by him.


    "Haha!" He laughed triumphantly before rolling over and pinning her down into the snow, a huge smile still on his face.


    "I just wanted you to know, that if I had to be trapped in this death game with anyone, you're the last one I would want in here, but I am certainly glad to have you here by my side. I wouldn't prefer anyone else."


    He smiled down at her and then kissed her, before hopping to his feet and helping her up.


    "Now lets get somewhere warm. I feel like I want to light myself on fire."

  9. "Ummm... Miss..." He realized she hadn't told them her name yet.


    "We still haven't really ventured out very far from the town, but we were looking for some quests that you think a couple of beginners could benefit from. Do you have any ideas?"


    They had had the beginners guide that was sold for free in all the towns, but they didn't yet really know what they could or couldn't handle. It would nice to have the advice of someone who had already seen and done so much in the game already.

  10. Baldur found himself caught off guard as Avalanche pounded the ground, he was almost out of its radius though, so the impact sent him flying into the sky and crashing into a snow bank. He managed to roll just right and avoid taking any damage, but his eyes immediately shot up looking for Tyger. He watched as the monster continued to pound the ground while she climbed up a snowy deciduous tree and then leaping for the monster, driving her blade into its back and then hanging on for dear life.


    He couldn't help but smile. She was fearless.


    Baldur's eyes took in the scene before him. Whenever it struck the ground, the earth would shake and send everything flying into the air while shards of ice flew about. He decided to take a risk of his own.


    Getting a running start, Baldur ran at the creature. It stopped pounding the ground in order to try and swat at Tyger. His eyes were focued on where he had slashed the mighty creature in each leg earlier. When he had managed to deal enough damage to the ice around the mob's fist, it had broken off. The boss mob failed and spun, trying to shake Tyger off, but Baldur's eyes were laser focused. Each step Avalanche took was another mini skating rink, and as it stomped about it made the whole area icey, just as he was almost to the edge, Baldur leaped and landed on the ice in a sliding position as he gained speed he spun and crashed into Avalanche, hitting the other side of the leg from his earlier slash. There was an explosion of force and the entire right leg shattered.


    Without any more strength to support it, the earlier slash in its other leg became a fracture, and then that leg too shattered, causing the massive ice monster to fall and just before it would have crushed Tyger, it exploded into a meteor shower of icy polygons.


    Baldur, unable to stop, continued spinning across the ice until he ran out of it and tripped and fell into the snow back. After a heartbeat he rolled over, laughing his loudest.



    [iD: 7599 BD: 10 LD 15]


    <Avalanche> Drops <<Snowfrost>>, 250 Col, & 1 Mat


    <Baldur> Hits for 8 DMG (+2 crit)


    <Avalanche> 0/50

    <Tyger> 22/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  11. Baldur really hated the punishment Tyger was taking on his behalf. He needed to move faster, hit harder. The sooner he could dismember this thing, the sooner they could get her warmed up. Maybe he'd treat her to something warm to drink; somewhere that had a large fireplace.


    "Urrraaayyyyaaah!" Baldur cried out as he turned back towards the wrist he had just slashed, leaping into the air with an overhead blow. His sword burned with a brilliant blue light as it struck the wrist and a concussive force rippled through the ice, shattering Avalanche's wrist and causing a huge section of ice that made up his fist to fall to the ground.


    As Baldur landed on one of the ice patches he slid and almost lost his footing but was able to dig the blade into the ground for balance and to stop him.



    [iD: 7595 BD: 9]




    <Baldur> Hits Avalance for 7 Damage (1 base + 2 weapon + 3 skill + 1 crit)


    <Avalanche> 9/50

    <Tyger> 21/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  12. Baldur's eyes went wide as Avalanche turned to face him. He danced between the creature's legs, using his speed and small size to confuse the creature's AI and prevent it from facing him, but he couldn't move as quickly in the snow as on dry land, and the ground where Avalanche had stepped became icy. Suddenly there was a giant fist descending on him, Baldur threw up his sword to try and help block part of the incoming blow when a loud metalic clang rang out when the blow should have him him and he saw Tyger's form with her shield raised up with both hands, blocking the blow.


    "Thank you babe!" He called out, but didn't waste a moment moving. He dipped around her and her shield and ran under Avalanche's arm, slashing at the wrist which pummeled Tyger's shield, his block breaking off chucks of the ice elemental.



    [iD: 7590 BD:8]




    <Baldur> Hits for 6 DMG


    <Avalanche> 16/50

    <Tyger> 21/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  13. Baldur could hear her teeth chattering, and knew that she wasn't taking the cold well. He could feel the bite of the snow in his fingers and his toes, on his ears and cheeks, but he was able to block that for now. Tyger's last hit made the giant mob take a half step back and Baldur had to quickly move out of the way, but that put him between the creature's two massive legs.


    "Aiyah!" Baldur let out a massive kiai as he slashed at where the giant snow cone's hamstring should have been. His training had not prepared him for fighting giant ice monsters, but at this point he just need to land blows to wear down its HP since it was so focused on Tyger.


    And he needed to do it quickly so he could get her back somewhere warm.



    [iD: 7588 BD: 8]




    <Baldur> Hits the snowcone for 6 DMG


    <Avalanche> 22/50

    <Tyger> 20/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  14. Baldur gritted his teeth as the giant ice monster hit his girlfriend again. He needed to get the juice out. He needed to whittle this thing down.


    Idly he wondered if he had a spear named Icepick if this would go faster. Watching their hits move the mobs HP bar so slowly made him realize this thing had WAY more HP than anything that they had fought before.


    "Maybe we should have brought an ice bucket so we can take some of him back to the house!" He tried to flash her a grin in the midst of the battle as he slashed at Avalanche again.


    This would be a long fight.



    [iD: 7586 BD 5 (+2=7)]




    <Baldur> Hits for 6 DMG


    <Avalanche> 33/50

    <Tyger> 20/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  15. Baldur got to his feet with an annoyed growl and rattled his blade for a moment and then drawing it free. Now that he was flanking the creature, he ran forward and slashed at its leg, the cyan light trail slicing through it's icey form.


    "I'm gonna turn you into shave ice!"


    The blow landed, and did a good chunk of damage, but with the size of this mobs HP bar, it would take almost another 10 hits to bring this thing down. He looked up in the corner of his vision where he could see Tyger's HP bar below his, thankfully it was still almost full.


    "We got this!"



    [iD: 7574 BD: 8]




    <Baldur> Hits for 6 DMG


    <Avalanche> 44/50

    <Tyger> 21/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  16. Baldur stood up suddenly when the giant ice monster and put his hand on the handle of the blade, "How nice of it to come and find us, instead of the otherway around!"


    Tyger tried to strike at the creature, but her glasses had been frosted and she couldn't see well. Baldur charged forward at the creature and went to draw his blade, but the frost made it stick. Suddenly off balance, Baldur tumbled into the snow to the creature's side.


    "Ack!" He cried out, burring himself in the soft top layer of snow.



    [iD: 7572 BD: 1]




    <Baldur> misses


    <Avalanche> 50/50

    <Tyger> 21/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  17. Baldur smiled and crouched down beside her and held his hands up to the fire. "Did you find something buried there? Awesome!"


    He had to admit, this was pretty nice. The two of them, a camp fire, a starry night in a cold, snowy winter wonderland.


    "Who knew that we could still have moments like this. I guess, in some way, life still goes on, huh?"


    He smiled at  her, his cheeks a little pink from the cold, and snow flakes settling softly in his hair.

  18. Baldur cried out in surprised when a spectral branch hand grabbed his girlfriend by the face and sliced her open, revealing her red wireframe beneath. He quickly recovered though when he saw how her HP bar barely moved. He joke brought him back down to a calm state. If she was joking, she was calm and not feeling threatened. And if she could hold it, he could kill it.


    "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okaaaaaaay!" Baldur cried out as he charged the tree creature. It had sprouts of branches all over, so he used one to leap off of and gain higher purchase for his sword as the cyan slash split the tree creature in twain. As it shattered, he dropped to the snow again. With a puff of snow flakes.


    The icon that showed he had loot appeared in his window and he tapped it with his fingers.


    "Huh... it did, in fact, drop firewood."


    He tapped the materialize option and a ready made fire appeared.




    He knelt down to inspect the fire and tapped it like an interactable object, opening a menu and hit the "light" button. He suddenly found his hands out of his control as he pulled a flint and striker from who knows where and lit the fire. It went up and a WOOSH of flame that was fake to anyone who had to grow up making fires to stay warm. But the fire did, in fact, warm them.


    "That's actually pretty nice." He stood up and looked down at the fire, proud of his handywork.



    [iD: 7566 BD: 7 LD: 13]


    <Winter Ent> drops 55 Col & Firewood;


    <Baldur> Hits the Ent for 6 DMG 


    <Winter Ent> 0/11

    <Tyger> 21/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

  19. Continuing his motion of slashing through the wolf, Baldur brought his blade around and drove the scimitar through its back. For a moment, the wolf's face did indeed freeze in that snarling position, but then it erupted into a borealis of polygons. As the creature disappeared, Baldur looked up at a different spot, to where her health bar appeared below his in the team window.


    She is already back to full health.


    Baldur could only smile and shake his head.


    "Careful babe, or your HP bar could freeze like that."



    [iD: 7564 BD: 9 LD 14]


    <Wolf 2> drops 55 Col & 1 mat


    <Baldur> Hits the wolf dead. D-E-D dead. I mean, for 7 DMG


    <Wolf 2> 0/11

    <Tyger> 22/22

    <Baldur> 15/15

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