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Posts posted by XWuZHeAR

  1. As soon as Zaz climbed on my back and held onto my shoulders I began climbing out the window and up the wall. Using every crack and jetting brick I got us up to the rooftop.

    "Alright so what now? Should I assasins creed it and go for that tall as tower or do we ask around town?... F*ck it I'm going with option one." I asked Zaz but then decided for myself.

    I then grabbed Zaz's legs just begind the knees to get a better grip and began sprinting for the edge of the building. Then I began leaping across each alley way keeping up my speed.

    "Say... I wonder how many flips I can do with a gordita on my back... Let's find out!" I joked as I then began actualy side fliping across each alleyway.

    Eventually we made it to the tower I saw and I began climbing with Zaz still on my back. After reaching the top I walked out to the edge and crouched like an assassin. After sitting silent like that for about fifteen minutes I got up and turned to Zaz.

    "This was a gigantic waste of time."

  2. The act of destroying the room was something I could do with out breaking a sweat but for some reason I was out of breath. I then out my back to the wall and slid down until my forehead was touching my knees.

    "I lost my goddamn dog... All because I was taken advantage of by an older woman... Hahaha! You thought I was all sad and sh*t! Hahahaha!" I began sounding really depressed until the punchline.

    I continued laughing and laughing until my eyes teared up. After calming myself down I had to take a few deep breaths and wipe away a single tear. I then walked over to the window and opened it.

    "alright lets go find my dog... And by the way neither of us is paying for this room... Hop on." I said as I kneeled down for Zaz to climb on my back.

    Now that I think about it I don't know if I showed Zaz my acrobatic prowess yet. Well let's just see how this goes for her.

  3. As I got my hands free I began flipping through the menu and placing on all the difrent parts of my clothes.

    "Jeez Zaz atleast I'm young and athletic, with your luck you should just be glad I'm not a fat old man. Besides I know we didn't do anything "bad" together because marucha-.... Sh*t." I said as I realized maruchan wasn't just hidding in the room.

    I then let out a sharp whistle and patted my lap in hopes he'd come running. After a few seconds I began to worry and started tearing apart the room more than it already was. Starting with the bed I broke in half with a punch I then began throwing everything I could to one side of the room. Eventually the room was completely bare aside from a pile of broken furniture on one side.

    "Damnit! Where the hell are you?!?!?" I yelled out in frustration and fear.

  4. "My motivation?" I said as the girl looked into my eyes and eagerly awaited an answer.

    Of course I instantly thought of her and got wierdly silent and awkward. I guess she would be my motivation just see her again. However I'm not just comfortable sharing the whole story with some girl I just met. I guess the shortened version wouldn't be too bad unless she keeps asking questions.

    "It would be a girl I guess." I answered obviously leaving out the majority of the story.

    Maruchan then moved around in my lap and I picked him up and placed him on my shoulder. Overall I think I probably will survive and I probably will see her again. So my motivation is mainly her nothing else really has been keeping me on. Like I am the person who just wasted away a year doing nothing.

  5. After I caught up to kotori and listened to what she had to say my first thought was "how the hell do NPC's show up to concerts?". Anyways besides that again I am being made the enemy here! This is bullsh*t why the hell do I even try protecting everyone? I'm never appreciated, compensated, or even shown the slightest bit of respect. The hard part about it is, if something does happen I know I'm the first one to get blamed. While I would like to sit here and contemplate my choices it's time for me to speak.

    "Evidence? Oikawa has admitted to it plenty of times. Since you so desperately don't belive me for lack of evidence what about him?... What has he done to make you belive his word that he's "changed" over mine huh? What treat you to some food in a cafe? Show you how the combat system works? I'm not saying he's a bad person in the least, hell the guild me and him started was intended to help low leveled players. However he is dangerous, I always wonder about if I hadn't been there that day if he would have really killed someone. At the time I was probably the only one in the guild who could out run him. Still what if one of the level ones were there. Oikawa could have just as easily targeted him and killed him in one hit just like that. Look im only trying to protect you because I don't enjoy seeing people die, I've seen enough." I told kotori as convincing as possible.

    I then scooped up Maruchan and placed him on my head as I followed kotori back to the other two. With all the yelling and hatred targeted at me his owner he began to whimper. I took him down and held him in my arms instead.

    "Shh shh it's alright buddy it's alright." I said to him trying to calm him down.

  6. As I kept yelling for Zaz to open the door she eventually did so and I fell forward onto the floor. I then struggled with my hands that were tied behind my back. Zaz with out skipping a beat began yellig about my being naked which I too was curious about but I'm choosing to prioritize my hands.

    "Wow Zaz great idea! You mean open the menu with my hands? Because I'm pretty sure they're tied behind my goddamn back! Hurry up and use that sword of yours for something useful and cut me out, then il ask you why I'm naked" I yelled to Zaz wondering how I'm in the wrong here.

    My eyes instinctively scanned the room while I couldn't use my hands. The room was totally trashed probably by me... But the real thing that stood out was Maruchan's absence.

  7. Ugh.... I woke up with very bad headache in a very dark place. After trying to make sense of the situation all I knew was that my clothes were off and my hands were tied behind my back... "this isn't good" was my first thought. I then was greeted once more by a pounding in the back of my head. Jesus Christ it felt so bad I thought I was gonna have to give up drinking for a week. A little while latter I came closer to my senses and figured out I was locked in a closet. I then began pounding on the door with my knee trying to open it.

    "Open the damn door!" I yelled out to Zaz I think who I heard outside the closet.

  8. "No way in hell are you serious! You seem to not remember the part about you grabbing me by the throat, vividly describing the way you were going to kill me, and then me having to run for my goddamn life through a goddamn jungle you also dropped me in! I bet people would steer clear of you if I mention that little bit of the story! Also how the hell can you say people don't want to be around me? I'm a famous performer I have tons of fans obviously I must be pretty likable!" I yelled back at Oikawa.

    As Kiru came this way I heard her usual displeasement of me but, it's actually pretty comforting to me now, coming from her anyways. If she is a maverick Hunter I'm sure she's met pyscopaths who murder people, and Oikawa here isn't very far off that mark at all.

    "Kiru Oikawa is dangerous, I don't know how he's acted around you but I swear he has the intent of a killer. I've also been chalking up his recent explanation of how he's "changed" *finger quotes mocking Oikawas use of them* with the recent disappearances of players in our circles. Bottom line the only killer we know close enough for these people to trust is Oikawa." I explained to Kiru trying despretly to convince her.

    Just then Maruchan noticed kotori running off into the woods by her self and barked to me. Maybe she's off thinking about the situation at hand. It's pretty heavy stuff finding out the things your significant other has done. Either way I've got to follow her since I said I'd escort her.

    "Kiru, just belive me..." I said as I quickly hugged Kiru and sprinted off at full speed.

    I'm running twice as fast as normal partly for kotori and the half because of my fear of Kiru.

  9. As I saw teayre moving over to me my eyes already widened. When she rested her head and put her arm around me my body tensed up. Damnit she found out my one Achilles heel, besides my torn Achilles tendon.

    "T-t-chan..." I stuttered as Teayre put her finger to my lip.

    My body grew warmer than it already had from the water and I began sweating a bit. My mouth felt like it was wired shut I was so shy to say something in this moment.

    "Uh drinks? Right? if there free... I'm there." I stammered as I tried to relax my body but couldn't.

    Then teayre pecked me on the cheek which made my face grow red and even hotter. Then Zaz came out of no where and dragged me out forcing my face into her boobs. And yes I felt like a champ aside from the not being able to breathe part.

    "Mmm!....mmmmm!...." Was all I could mumble while being smothered.

    (OOC: Zaz can God mod X)

  10. "Well I wouldn't say small in every other way. hahahaha!" I joked a joke that was way too easy to make.

    Zaz then refused to go back for more alchohol and started tugging at my wrist. She also offered to buy me and Maruchan dinner and making me sleep this off. I decided a free dinner an inn room for the night wasn't bad even though I never sleep in inns.

    "Hahaha fine fine il go il go." I said while uncontrollably laughing my head off.

    I then let Zaz tug my wrist anywhere she wanted to go. My eyes struggled to stay looking forward as with being dragged by a woman there are... Distractions one can't avoid.

    "Maruchan, come on we're getting a few dinner!" I excitedly said to my pup as he barked and began to wag his tail.

  11. "Hahaha I'm taller than you, the hell?" I laughed as she started reachingfor the bottle.

    I gently held her back as I took a few more drinks and then I laughed and gave up the bottle. Seriously though yeh I'm drunk but still she's pretty hot I see that. I was only calling her gordita earlier to make her mad for no reason.

    "Hahaha hey let's go back and see if that old man has any more!" I excitedly suggested as I began grabbing at Zaz's hand to lead the way back to the cafe.

  12. "The hell what do you mean you can forgive for my antics and having fun so I should be able to forgive you for trying to kill me? Screw you I am not the psychopath! I've also never killed anyone or seriously tried too! Not even considering the fact that all of those things you listed are nothing compared to what you did to me! Simply saying your sorry doesn't make anyone who knows any better feel better. Your a pyschopath with an alternate side that can come out at anytime which makes you too dangerous to be around people and I don't want to see anyone die is that too much to ask for?" I yelled in response to Oikawa.

    Jesus Christ how the hell does he think I'm in the wrong here? It's rediculous just plain stupid doesn't make any sense what so ever. The request to not let an unstable murderer around people is too much? It's bull there's no way any sane person should disagree with me. I then sighed hard and walked in a circle to calm myself. Just then I watched as Maruchan instantly ran to Kiru and began panting and wagging his tail at her. It seems he remembers her like he does any other girl. Damn it why the hell does no one get it besides me? Although with Kiru here there's no way he can pull off anything but, kiru's not gonna always be there is she?

    "Hey Kiru! Jesus you look like hell, come on over here there's someone I want you to meet." I yelled over to Kiru waving my hand towards my direction.

    Last I checked she's a maverick Hunter right? I wonder what her stance on the situation is.

  13. "Hahaha I might be!" I yelled back at Zaz who called me crazy.

    Man today was fun, met someone new, got into a fight, won a fight, and being cheered on by a crowd never gets old. After a few highfives and the usual banter from crowds all the people left and carried about there day. Now it was just me Zaz and Maruchan. So i walked over to Zaz and gently took the bottle out of her hands and opening it.

    "Say you know... You aren't that bad looking for an older woman... And that's actually true considering we look like this in real life also." I said while occasionally taking drinks.

    Now I'm really feeling the alchohol plus I also feel really hype from just winning that fight. Maruchan then lept onto my shoulder and barked happily.

    "Hahaha hell yeah!" I said in response to Maruchan.

  14. "Alright you little punk this swords going straight through your neck!" The player said as he charged at me more.

    I simply keep dodging each attack not breaking a sweat. God damn I let this fight drone on long I guess I'm just not that interested. However a fight needs to be finished. I then flipped back and charged the player.

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    "Here we go!" I said as I grabbed the players hand as he thrusted his sword at me.

    I then twisted around his hand and palmed his elbow up words feeling the bone shatter inside. The player then jumped back and watched his fire arm wiggle around in controllable. (6 damage challenger)

    "I'm the best around!" I yelled as I heard the crowd cheer and the winner icon appear above my head.

  15. "oof... Oh Hey there miss Mari." I said as I sat up off the ground and dusted myself off.

    Mari had woke up and pushed me to the ground. She had every right to do so granted I was just watching her sleep. Miss Mari was who I had bought those potions off of. Taking them all at once was awesome, besides the almost dying to a psychopath part.

    "Im X, I figured you don't go into towns much so you wouldn't even know about a famous performer like me. However I bought potions off you once and had a pretty good time using them. Then you know now i think I'm addicted to your calming potion." I explained to the pink woman while sitting in the dirt.

    Maruchan rolled over in his sleep and I stroked his fur a little bit to calm him down.

  16. My head dropped a little to the side as Oikawa kept talking. The first thing that blew my mind was that he wasn't worried about us hooking up. To make the matter even more questionable he even said he knew about the events of a few nights ago which included me flirting with her.

    "Wait you don't care? The hell? Aren't you two like dating or whatever? And how the hell am I gonna drop the whole psycho thing, when you tried to kill me and the others? You can say to leave it in the past all you want but there's nothing stopping you from snapping at anytime." I told Oikawa while taking out the last bit of calming potion I had left.

    I took a gulp of the half full vial and instantly felt better. As Oikawa continued to talk kotori stood silent and petted Maruchan. wiped away a bit of potion that stuck to my mouth and sucked it off my hand quickly. Oikawa then requested to be alone with kotori for a second. After eyeing him up and down a little I thought about his other half.

    "I think il stay." I said while crossing my arms and keeping a serious look on my face.

  17. "Oh no she's not dead, she was just someone I left behind in the real world... Who I need to see again." I told kotori first looking at her then down at the ground.

    After a few moments I had figured out who kotori had been PMing the whole time. It was Oikawa whom I had cut ties with the last time I saw him. The man leading me said not to fight him just yet for some reason, I don't care as long as I get paid so i comply.

    "Relax Oikawa we weren't hooking up or anything, don't get all phsyco in front of kotori. You know me... I am everywhere." I joked to Oikawa seeing that he was showing sings of frustration.

    I'm usually pretty calm a little hyper active but yeah I'd say I'm pretty chill about everything. Then again I am sorta addicted to Mari'a calming potion so maybe a bit of a drawback there. I then looked down at Maruchan who is now begging for kotori to pick him up.

    "Psst kotori, he wants you to pick him up." I said as I pointed down at the jumping pup.

  18. Kotori expectedly questioned my apologetic behavior and the such. My simple idea is it just happens, I was simply reminded of Someone I miss a lot. To be honest the whole time I was on the 4th floor I wasn't exactly trying to go anywhere with her I was just poking fun.

    "Well that's a hard area for me to explain... I was simply reminded how someone close to me used to treat me before this game." I told kotori looking around the forest.

    Maruchan began doing circles around kotori's feet barking. Maruchan loves the attention of girls with soft hands so I supose he's acting normal. I wouldn't say I'm not acting normal, this is usually how these things go. I then began picking up little rocks and throwing them at a tree.

    "I just miss her I guess..." I said out loud with a sigh.

  19. I was gently walking in the forest for once rather than simply leaping tree to tree using my acrobatics. Tonight was different than the others mostly because I was carrying a sleeping Maruchan in my arms. Every time he jumps a little in his sleep I sing a little and he calms down. I've grown pretty close to my familiar who I've hit it off with instantly. After a while of walking I came a across a girl in pink with a PKers cursor.

    "Calm down we know her remember..." I whispered to Maruchan as he was about to wake up detecting a new person.

    It was miss mari and she was sleeping out here. She's a PKer so she's not allowed into the towns so she can't buy an inn and stuff. I never buy a room just because I prefer to not sleep in an inn. Either way mari is a PKer so she probably has people who wants to kill her. After thinking about it for a while I sat down next to her with Maruchan sleeping in my lap. I wouldn't be able to protect her from some one a higher level than me but, I would be able to wake her up to give her a chance.

  20. Kotori didn't seem excited in the least to see me... That's a bit of a blow to the ego. Kotori then went on to explain she was just simply traveling. Then she some sort of message to read and reply to. Well I guess she's going somewhere and I sorta feel like I should help her.

    "Traveling huh?... How about I escort you? Atleast until he reach a safezone." I offered to kotori as I began walking in the direction I saw her traveling before I started talking with her.

    My mind races back to the events that took place on floor four. I admit it I felt bad and don't know what came over me but, I supose I just have to make it up anyway I can.

    "Hey kotori... I really do feel bad for what I did to you. Im sorry it's just the things you said... Some real world stuff was brought back to me and... I don't know Its just troubling." I told kotori in a very apologetic voice.

  21. Maruchan and I are leaping from tree to tree as we start doing ariel tricks. I corkscrew as Maruchan jumps off my chest when it faces the sky. I then grabbed a branch and after swinging all the way around a few times flung myself to another branch keeping momentum. I then suddenly sensed something as did Maruchan. We hurried over and saw kotori seemingly have a nightmare. We silently watched for a little bit then eventually she woke up.

    "Hey hey there sleeping beauty... Why are you always sleeping in the woods? Granted one of those times it was my faughlt but stil it is dangerous you know." I said to kotori as I made my way down branch to branch.

    Maruchan then darted out from behind me and proceded to lick her hand. He always does this in fact I side stepped to let him go forward.

    "Yeah you two have met so do whatever." I said as I began stretching out my back.

    "So what's going on? You trying to do a quest or something?... I could help you know." I told kotori while looking up at the sky.

  22. I looked at my menu very displeased at the ammount of col Ive recived. Usually when someone pays for there life there's more. Unless you think your mugger is stupid which makes you dumber if he's not because you'll die. Even if this was all the col he had I could probably sell his gear somewhere. Then I tallied up all the times he's pissed me off... Today alone.

    "Alright Zeri... Sorry about this." I said as I began charging at him.

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    I then came up behind and threw him at the bolder watching as he shattered into blue polygons. I then patted my coat looking for something but then I couldn't remember what it was. When no loot screened appeared I suddenly remembered that players don't drop items when they die... This is unfortunate for me and Zeri.... Mostly me.

    "Maruchan were leaving come on boy!" I said cheerfully to the dog as I headed out the woods.

  23. After I spoke my lesson to Zeri his face changed into a psychotic sort of cry. I listened as he talked about killing being fun and stuff. For some reason he yelled at me about killing again. Here I am trying to teach the guy already regretting it and he's yelling at me.

    Dodging his critical fail of an attack I instinctively went to do a counter.

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    As I ducked under his attack I punched his side and then head buttee his head back. Zeri seriously thought I was gonna kill him. Now that I think about it his gear isn't that good so maybe he's loaded with col.

    "Look! If you think I'm gonna kill you than so be it! Give me all the col you have or else I'm gonna kill you and take it!" I shouted at Zeri and made a fist.


    X: 40/41

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