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Posts posted by XWuZHeAR

  1. The "cap" is the max you can have enchantments regardless of how many items you have. The only way to exceed the caps is consumables. I have the max in evasion which is 2 (plus the sprint and acrobatics skill) with out using consumables.

    And yes you get one Sp per completed topic. Unless it's a quest then you get the one SP plus whatever the quest says you get

  2. So while looking for this next theme I was thinking about how this section should probably have more anime openings. Then I realized that was a terrible idea and did it anyways.

    Azazel: little bit upbeat for Zaz but I do think the words fit if you bother to read them.

    Don't know if you ever watched this anime bur just know it takes a while for the jokes to get funny and your gonna cry at the end. I pride my self on being a script writer and watching stuff with out getting emotional but this I just can't.

  3. "Hey miss mari your in a guild right? The ummm... Teal noise? Or something like that." I said while trying really hard to remember what the name of that guild was.

    Maruchan was tired and went to sleep in my lap so I began slowely stroking his fur. After a couple of strokes he began running in his sleep so I left him to his own devices. I then thought about my guild and how I left it a while back. I was getting very tired of the direction things were going and azides absence have me an out.

    "Say, You think you'll have made more soothing salve next time I come visit your shop?" I asked mari out of the blue thinking about something else.

    Maruchan then woke up and climbed up to my shoulder. So I simply reached towards his chin and began scratching it.

  4. Now a little bit frustrated I strummed a simple lick on my axe. I tried really hard not to mess up a cord with lazy pressing. At first the game assurance made this easy but now I have to actually try. Eventually I could feel the cords come together in my head and I played them out perfectly.

    17345 CD: 3 - 1 mat

    For some reason actually listening to the song I still felt it want good enough. Even more frustrated than before I crushed the recording crystal in my hand and it exploded. Now I put my guitar back ok it's stand and angirly get back to training.

  5. I was looking around the town of begings very carefully with my detection skill activated. While flipping rooftop to rooftop I could make a faint trail to my objective. Eventually I hopped down to the street and crept over to a bush. Just when I became within two steps Maruchan popped out at my face.

    "Hahaha found you!" I said as I fell back and let maruchan lick my face.

    I then picked him up and let him ride on my head as we walked over to a bench. I sat down and took out a piece of bread for him to eat. When I held it up he quickly bit down and pulled it towards him. I could feel him chewing away at his lesiure on top of my head as I leaned back on the bench.

    "(Sharp whistle) what do you want to do today boy?" I said as maruchan poped off my head and landed on the ground in front of me.

  6. "Uh thanks, I think..." I said as this random dude started talking to me.

    Apparently he was a performer also which isn't a usual occurrence. Normally because people don't choose this proffesion if they choose a proffesion at all. I looked this guy over and with is red eyes and pale skin he looks like an albino. As he went on to continue speaking I found out his name was zero. It's the guy that told me to track down zelrius and relay that message. I stroked maruchan's fur as he invited me to grab a drink with him.

    "Sure I'm pretty sure there's a tavern in this town, somewhere." I said as maruchan hopped down from my shoulder and we began walking down the pathway.

  7. I laughed as Kiru told me to strike her. She obviously was joking because she knows how afraid I am of her. Besides I wouldn't attack Kiru even if I was stronger than her. Maruchan then began growing restless and climbed onto my head.

    "Hahaha hey take it easy something's gonna happen soon." I told him as I scratched behind his ear.

    Then Oikawa of course out in his two cents which was worth literally less than a penny. He had like what? One job, a single solitary duty, literally the only thing he had to do. Which was to not be a pyscopath. No matter what, had he not done that none of this huge mess would have happened. Then kotori began yelling at me looking very "fierce" or whatever they call it now a days.

    "Ooohhh that was worth the price of admission hahaha!" I joked as I popped a piece of whatever the hell maruchan brought me into my mouth.

    Then when Oikawa hugged her he just made it way to easy for me.

    "Ha yeah could have done that when a knife was flying at her. Psyco-kawa lookin ass lettin his own girlfriend take a knife." I said not meaning to roast Oikawas life but, theoretically end his whole career.

  8. "Hey Rebekah I haven't seen you since I left the guild!" I said to the blonde woman approaching.

    Rebekah was another council member for square one alongside me. The guild disbanded due to a disappearance of the leader, azide. It wasn't a bad guild in fact it was ment to help lower leveled players. Although I couldn't stand the leader or Oikawa the other council member who tried to kill me.

    "Say miss mari. What are you doing out here anyhow? Shouldn't you be like in your shop or doing whatever it is that you do? Unless... This is what you do, then. That means. Your the same as me hahaha." I said slowely figuring this all out.

    I also never paid for inns and instead just slept wherever. I wasn't a PKer and couldn't like mari so I just chose not to. Besides when you can climb trees like me why would you ever waste col on an inn. So you can sleep in a bed? Comfortably? Seems pretty lame to me il stick with sleeping under the stars.

  9. "Alright never mind. Looks like we all belong in the asylum." I said as hikoru froze up and couldn't shake my hand.

    I then jumped up grabbed a branch and pulled myself ontop to sit down. My legs then dangled and I stretched out my arms. Kiru was then mad at me for brining up Keith which I didn't mean to do. I then of course felt bad that Kiru had felt that way. After listening to there hostile conversing I thought about what I wanted to say.

    "Oohh looka like Oikawa is just gonna take it, I wonder how much further he can go. Haha!" I joked looking at them down below.

    "And Kiru. Keith is out there and I promise me and maruchan will find him for you." I said looking out into the distance.

    Maruchan than ran up behind me with a bag full of snacks. Not exactly popcorn but hey the dog did good. I patted him on the head as he released the bag into my hand.

    "Ok so... Somebody do something... Because I don't want these snacks to go to waste." I said while chewing and giving some of the food to Maruchan.

  10. The shark then hid himself beneath the sand which wierdly enough I didn't know stealth was an option during combat. I looked down at the sand and put my hand on it feeling it out. I felt a few vibrations but I still had to pick out the right one.

    "Reu attack when I pull it out ok?" I said while searching for it.

    17133 BD: 8+1 LD:14+3

    I then pulled out the shark by the tail and squeezed onto it as it tried to escape. I then punched it in the face a few times to steady it.(6 damage shark)

    "We'll go on then." I said while holding a shark in one hand.

    Shark: 19/25

  11. As the shark swam in the sand toward me I waited to greet it. After a while it jumped and dug it's teeth into my arm flailing about. It didn't actually hurt that bad so I just sorta let him have his fun for a while.

    "Shark friend you know not what you do..." I said as made a fist with my right hand.

    17109 BD: 4+1=5

    I punched at the shark but stopped right before hitting him making him flinch and let go of my arm. As he flailed back I stroked his nose petting him.

    "Now you see the error of your ways." I told the shark staring it down.

  12. The player only seemed to get tenser and tenser. Now this whole new chill thing I'm trying so I'm gonna stick with it.

    "Hey man somethimes you just gotta relax and let the objective come to you." I said truly glowing with chillness.

    Then suddenly a giant shark burrowed out of the sand and stood still before talking to me.

    "You there, chill master, I hearby challenge you to a duel do you accept?" The shark asked me in a booming deep voice.

    "See?... Yes I do shark friend." I answered as the shark went into attack mode.

    I then punched my fists together and activated the martial arts skill standing ready to strike.

  13. "Hey man... Take it easy. Think about it we were all given a break from our lives, enjoy it. While we're in here our bodies are sleeping and our loved ones are praying." I said while standing up and putting a hand on his shoulder.

    Wow... I am like so chill right now. I guess the calming potion has long term effects. That and the fact I am an all around chill dude but, right now right here I'm like the chill master. That shark might just stop in the middle of combat and be like "dayum dude you are like so chill right now" and then I'd be like "yeahhh I feel so chill right now."

  14. The player aproached sounding grumpy I didn't know how to response to his call. Come on dude it's the 21st century get with the times. I still can't belive I keep meeting people out in the middle of the desert like this. It's so vast and solitary people just appear out of nowhere.

    "Well I was enjoying a nice time here in the sun before you came along, and there's no need to call me a jackass, it's not exactly gonna get anywhere in life man." I said putting on my stoner philosopher style.

    It is a nice day... Besides it being a thousand degrees and the sand being hotter than hell but, atleast the stars look nice. The stars you can't see with your eyes.

  15. Maruchan began jumping up and down on my chest wanting to play. I was simply too tired and taking a break so I just began tossing him up and down in the air. Maruchan is such a goofball although I supose I like him that way. Next I heard a player yell at me, "hail" I think he said. This is why I hate the way this game changed people into thinking it's the 12th century or whenever the dark ages where.

    "Hydra!" I shouted back in response mocking the player.

    Damn I should have said "Mary" or something funnier. Maruchan then started racing around me as I stood up.

  16. Kiru denied my request and I didn't really understand why. It was just a few licks, like hell I was gonna kill him, these people are always forgetting who the psychopath was here. Then I look over at kotori and she's bugging out like last time.

    "Jesus kotori, I take back what I said about me being the abusive boyfriend. If anything your the abusive girlfriend." I joked as kotori attacked me.

    Then pretty much on cue Kiru threw a dagger at kotori and drained half her health. Finally someone's on my side even though I'm not fighting. Oh yeah and let's not forget Oikawa just doing nothing. If he really "loved" kotori he would have stepped in front of it or atleast agree to my terms so kotori wouldn't attack me in the first place.

    "Wow Oikawa your just gonna stand there? Hahaha maybe I really was wrong, you won't even fight to protect her." I joked while sitting down on the ground.

    "Psst Maruchan go find some popcorn." I whispered into my pups ear as he dashed for the far safezone.

    "I mean the sheer amount of unstable people here is astounding. You got Kiru who is pretty much self explanatory, Myself included who goes nuts at the unintentional mention of the girl I miss, then theres Oikawa who's the source of all this mess, now kotori is hopping on the short bus, and new guy.... I actually did not notice you, hi, names X." I said while walking over to hikoru offering my hand for him to shake.

  17. "The hell do you mean did I do something?" I answered Oikawa before kotori could answer his questions.

    "Just when I was about to offer a way to forgive you and end all this..." I began but didn't finish as I walked over next to Kiru.

    Whatever maybe the guy didn't go on a killing spree but still he tried to kill me and no one seems to care. It's actually funny to me that no one seems to even question Zeri's recent disappearance either. So Ima just keep that under wraps for now. Wait what I was thinking about now?... Oh yeah! Oikawa may not have killed anyone but he's still a psychopath and he still wronged me. So I guess as long as I get mine id be fine with him going on a murder spree or whatever.

    "Ok ok so yeah I said I'm ready to forgive you and stuff but there's one little condition... You see a rematch would be nice however we never actually had a match now did we? So I've come up with a solution where everyone wins.... Kiru holds back Oikawas arms while I get a few good licks in. Sound good?" I explained while cracking my knuckles and adjusting my wraps.

    After this I've pretty much done all I can do, if he kills anyone il just say I told you so and boom I was right. Hell I've let other people die for a lot less.

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