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Status Updates posted by _Riku_

  1. As soon as I have my character journal complete, ill try to draw a picture of my character! :3 cant wait to start RPing. hopefully soon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mari


      that's ok everyone has their own skill levels!

    3. ___


      Besides, everyone has to start somewhere. :3

    4. _Riku_


      mhm :3 Im still working on it. its hard to make time inbetween sleep and school.

  2. Hey again guys! thanks for all the support so far and you guys seem like such a great community cant wait to really be a part of it. I hate to say I must leave now, but I will be on my soonest tomorrow afternoon.

  3. Hey i'm new and so confused :3 weeh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Air


      Read all of the tutorials in the Tutorials section under Sword Art Online (OOC). Remember to submit a journal before RPing at all. Also, heads up, your icon should be of your character or a picture that resembles them. Have fun and good luck! :3 Message or ask a PST like Mari or Lessa if you need anymore help as PST's know more than regular players.

    3. _Riku_


      ok thanks so much! I have, but I am still confused as how to create a post, and what topic I should post my thread to with my character info

    4. _Riku_


      And I don't think either of the two are on right now, and I have about 20 minutes to work on my account,.. o.o

  4. Ok so Ive read over rules and instructions, but I still find myself lost and confused. If anybody has the time to help, i would be so grateful!

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