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Posts posted by Lucifer

  1. I stopped in place, hopefully Red would too, "Do I look like I could get lost?" Without waiting for a response, I looked forwards and once again began to run with her in my tow. Eventually, I would emerge from the final alley and we would be on a main road where the quest started. I ran into the shop, leaving Red to decide whether to enter or stay. It didn't really matter which as it would only take a moment before I would be done, "I'm here to accept the [Earning a Living] quest." I was speaking with the NPC behind the counter, which caused a prompt to appear on my screen. I clicked accept and he started to tell me the requirements, "Well, girlie, I nee-" Before he could finish his statement, I was out of the door, Red's hand once again in my grasp, as we ran towards the lake in the meadow outside of town.

  2. I led the way, ignoring her compliment. This wasn't something that was difficult to hear about considering it was one of the most important quests that a player could take early on and there were plenty of player shops that I had asked questions from along the way. My goal was to become a chef, a wizard of the cooking trade. It was a close tie between becoming a chef and an alchemist, both proposed equally opportune profits, but I could envision the balancing of the game in the near future. Alchemists had it set, they were clearly the best trade to go in for business, but with the talk about the balancing fix to cooking, I figured it would be the best option, but then again... there was another option. "I'm surprised that you're surprised, this is pretty basic information. Is this your first time?"

  3. Personally enjoying this review better, seems more matter of fact and not biased, though there's not much to currently compare between yours and Keith's. My character is really dull when it comes to the journal, just needed something easy for approval so I'll have to vamp it later. I'm looking forwards to reading more reviews.

  4. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, I hadn't expected this to be so realistic. People were watching, I was competing, and there was a man waiting inside that box over there. This was almost a perfect clone of the daytime game shows that aired between twelve and two for stay at home mothers, yet here I was. I didn't belong amongst the older two contestants, but this was a way to get my name out there. Perhaps people wouldn't keep looking at me like a child, that derogative term that caused people to judge me based on age instead of maturity. Yes, this would do. I kept my eyes on the host to keep my vision from drifting as she went over the rules, soul-mate questions? Oh geez, it's going to be one of those cheesy ones. I gulped silently, then took a short breath before taking my cue, "Somebody mature, one that knows age is only a number." It was a short response, but concise and reflective, however I wasn't sure if it was enough to fulfill the question. Shame I had to go first, setting the bar, be it good or bad. Next round should be easier, I hope.

  5. I'm glad things have been settled.

    Honestly, signing up, I didn't and don't expect to win. Or at least, if this is a questionnaire type of game. Besides, it seems like the mystery man would have no chance at "losing" if they were all optimal choices. It adds some fun and variety.

    As stated by the moderators, I am pursuing this solely with pure intentions, strictly PG. I understand not everyone agrees with it and I respect your opinion, but I shall continue as allowed. As Mari stated, just contact her if you still have any questions/concerns. Thank you.

    In other words, good luck gals! You'll need it (not)!

  6. I mentioned once, I'll mention again, I do not intend to make anything above a PG rating. It would be more or less a fatherly trip (or in Luci's eyes, an all expenses paid vacay), perhaps some advice at the most. However, people like to jump to conclusions and not talk with the individuals involved. There will be nothing inappropriate. Period.

    Edit: While I wouldn't mind waiting until a contestant (the unknown male) is an age of 16 or under so people don't get their panties in a bunch, my statements still stand.

  7. Oikawa had the same thing in mind, much to my liking, "Ah, yes. We couldn't due without some advertisement. We could have it imprinted on the backside, everyone knows that's the prime location." However, X and Azide didn't seem nearly as up for the whimsy suggestion. Particularly, X, whom had been offered as the sacrifice for this deadly ritual, "Oh, come now X. You could wear it to your next performance, I'd buy a ticket to go." I snickered, but I couldn't help it, it was clear that it would be far too embarrassing for him. In the meantime, it seemed like my first idea for the guild motto was a hit, "Okay, I guess that's covered then." I was surprised to know it had been so easily accepted, considering I gave it little thought. Maybe it was a little better than I gave it credit for, "I personally don't believe guild uniforms would be necessary, but it would be nice to have a certain... mark, a piece of jewelry or cloth per say, that would allow us to recognize each other."

  8. I entered Azide's quack shop, knowing he was bound to be in here if he wasn't doing anything related to Square One. The guy had a drive, that was for sure, but after hearing about all the explosions going on here, I figured he might need a little chat. I walked up to the countertop that he had just left, watching as he performed yet another of the infamous experiments of his. The look of disappointment with the dull mixture within the first glass showed signs of a failure, while the second fulfilled the rumours that I had heard about, "I'm sorry, I believe I've stumbled across the wrong business. This is the Navarre Lab of Explosives Research, I'm looking for the Lab of Alchemic Research." I knew he had enough sense to know it was a joke, but with his failures, I wasn't sure if he would take it as intended.

  9. I was using his head as a sort of supporting post, leaning against it with my two palms down against it. The difference in height was odd at first, but my father had done this several times over my younger years so it was easy to get back accustomed to. Being nearly eight or nine feet in height combined, that would be pretty nice, but I had to be wary of hitting my head. One of those things that are both a blessing and a curse, I guess. He was pretty quick to show off, scaling the walls of the alleyway until he had made it to the rooftops. I did have to offer him some sort of impression, "Impressive, I didn't know the Performer profession had something this good." Now that we were on top of the roofs, I opened up the prompt that had been showing on my screen for some time now and clicked accept. However, the easy ride would be interrupted as X informed me that he would like to show off a bit... with a flip. I know it's just a game. I know it's not actually insane. That didn't make it any less nerve racking, "You're a... an idiot, you know that?" I curled up my fingers that were still sitting upon his scalp, gripping on tightly like a rider with a horse's mane. I didn't feel bad for him if it caused him any pain, I was too worried about him making the distance.

  10. I do believe that consent is only needed if the player is green.


    If a player is orange, they are free to attack (though it has to be an OP, boss fight, a PP that you're invited to, or something of the sort).


    If I recall, you can't turn orange if you don't kill the player. Otherwise, we'd have a lot more orange players from when they (jokingly or not) attacked another player.


    Of course, I do suggest this information be confirmed by a GM or PST that knows the proper ruling as this may not be absolutely correct.

  11. Last post, reserved for future content.

    Tracking Log:

    * +17 Mats - 2/7 - Earning a Living

    * +4 Mats - 2/7 - Striking it Rich! (+5 EXP)

    * +0 Mats - 2/7 - Fair Exchange (+3 EXP)

    * -5 Mats - 2/7 - Purchasing Supplies from Crimson Jeweler

    * +0 Mats - 2/8 - 9187 - Fair Exchange (+3 EXP)

    * -1 Mats - 2/8 - 9195 - Bad Luck (+2 EXP)

    * +1 Mats - 2/9 - 9315 - Lucky Deal (+4 EXP)

    * +0 Mats - 2/9 - 9317 - Fair Exchange (+3 EXP)

    * -1 Mats - 2/10 - 9381 - Bad Luck (+2 EXP)

    * -1 Mats - 2/10 - 9383 - Bad Luck (+2 EXP)

    * -1 Mats - 2/10 - 9450 - Bad Luck (+2 EXP)

    * +0 Mats - 2/11 - 9451 - Dead Day (+2 EXP)

    Total: 14 Mats

  12. Merchant Tracker

    Any good merchant knows to keep track of how they're doing and I'm one of them. It's important to know how you're doing against the market, whether it's good, bad, or just plain ugly. Everyone has their days on both ends of the spectrum and everywhere in between. Of course, that's no excuse to start slacking in business.

    • Rank 1
    • 28 EXP
    • 2 Crafts per Day
    Leveling Chart:
    • Rank 1 - 0+ EXP (2 Crafts per Day)
    • Rank 2 - 100+ EXP (4 Crafts per day, plus reduce fees and increase gains by 10 Col.)
    • Rank 3 - 400+ EXP (6 Crafts per day, plus reduce fees and increase gains by 25 Col. +1 CD for Vouchers.)
    • Rank 4 - 1,000+ EXP (8 Crafts per day, plus reduce fees and increase gains by 50 Col. +1 CD for Vouchers and Black Market.)
    • Rank 5 - 2,500+ EXP (10 Crafts per day, plus reduce fees and increase gains by 100 Col. +2 CD for Vouchers and Black Market.)

    The Black Market!

    The Black Market is the best place for any merchant to wander. I don't want to give away any of my own secrets, but a girl out on her luck could take a material or two and turn it into three or four. In a few days, that'll turn into a dozen. A week from now, it'll be a hundred! Being a merchant is a fine art and a fun one at that, but you've got to know when to hold them and when to fold them. Some deals aren't worth the trade, but sometimes, the risk is so good that you've just gotta take the chance. You know how girls like to shop for frilly dresses and expensive perfume? I like to trade, that's my calling.

    Chances of Success
    • CD of 1 (Scammed!) - Gain 1 EXP, but lose all materials.
    • CD of 2 to 4 (Bad Luck) - Gain 1 EXP, but lose half of the materials.
    • CD of 5 to 7 (Dead Day) - Gain 1 EXP, keep your current materials.
    • CD of 8 to 9 (Fair Exchange) - Gain 2 EXP, exhange your materials for an equal amount of materials.
    • CD of 10 (Lucky Deal) - Gain 3 EXP, exhange your materials for an equal amount of materials +1.
    • CD of 11 (Smooth Talking) - Gain 4 EXP, exhange your materials for an equal amount of materials +2.
    • CD of 12 (Striking It Rich!) - Gain 5 EXP, exchange your materials for an equal amount of materials +4.
    Tracking Trade
    • N/A
  13. We Are Now Open;

    8 Materials for Sale - 400 Each

    Welcome to Lucky Luci's Lounge!

    Here, you can find one of the more, if not the most, peaceful places outside of the town's safe zone. This lounge is a multifunctional establishment giving players a place to rest while adventuring outside of the town walls, gives guilds and players a prime location for meetings (several rooms are available for free upon request, but the meetings themselves must be contained within their own thread), and even gives players a shot at their own profit in the basement, where the more notorious side of Lucky Luci's commences. Please note that food and drink is not provided, naturally, but water fountains are placed about to keep players fresh and hydrated.

    One Stop Shop!

    Here lies the one of the only two currently available shopping section of the lounge, which is designed with the customer on a quick errand run in mind. I have all items upon display with an easy to browse and shop method in place, they simply require you to purchase them via your own menu. No time wasting, no hassles, and most importantly, no problems. Further sections, including the Pawn and Customs, will be announced at a later date (though may be introduced sooner if a push from competition occurs, fair warning).

    Antidote Potion
    • Cures the target of one condition. Requires a post action.
    • Price: 500 Col
    Healing Potion
    • Heals the user for 5 HP. Requires a post action.
    • Price: 400 Col
    Field Rations
    • Grants +2 MAX HP for the duration of a thread or one roleplay day, whichever comes first. Requires a post action. Can't be used in combat or if threatened. [TEMP BUFF Cook]
    • Price: 120 Col
    Immolation Potion
    • Grants the user Rank 1 Thorns. (Opponent suffers 1 DMG on an opponent/mob BD of 6-8 if you were a target of their attack.) Duration of five posts. Requires a post action.
    • Price: 200 Col
    Basic Teleport Crystal
    • Returns the caster to the primary safe zone location of that floor. Requires two post actions to complete teleportation. Example: You use the crystal on your first post, but do not teleport away until your next post.
    • Price: 1,000 Col
    Basic Armor
    • Generic good quality armor. Provides no enhancement bonuses, but may be used to gain the benefit of armor skills. All types available.
    • Price: 50 Col
    Basic Weapons
    • Generic good quality weapons. Provides no enhancement bonuses. All weapon types available.
    • Price: 50 Col
    Dimensional Backpack
    • Adds +1 to player carry capacity. (This item does not take up an equipment slot.) May only ever have one Dimensional Backpack at any given time.
    • Price: 5,000 Col

    Swap Shop!

    Here lies the second of the two currently available shopping sections of the lounge, which is designed for the customer that's looking for a new item. Have an old, perfect quality sword of yours that you've been looking to respec? I've got you covered! We can take that +1 DMG, +2 ACC Longsword of yours and make it into a +3 DMG Longsword! Got a heavy, perfect quality armor that you can't wear because you decided to go down the Light Armor skill tree? Great, we can respec it into a Leather Tunic or something similar with whatever enchantments that float your boat. The Swap Shop is the One Stop for all your self-owned equipment concerns.

    • Uncommon (100 Col) - Allows the player to re-assign enchantments on uncommon items.
    • Rare (250 Col) - Allows the player to re-assign enchantments on rare items.
    • Perfect (350 Col) - Allows the player to re-assign enchantments on perfect items.
    • VIP Perfect (500 Col) - Allows the player to re-assign enchantments on perfect items, but also allows the player the option to change the type to whatever you wish. For example, a Perfect Curved Sword (weapon) could be turned into a Perfect Heavy Armor (armor).

    Pawn and Customs!

    This section of the shop is unavailable at this time. If you would like to sell your unwanted items or are looking for some cheap discounts on pre-owned items, then I suggest you check out Baldur's, please send him my regards.

    The Basement!

    Coming soon... Hehehehe...

  14. Azide took a seat, blaming it on a clock and not taking my joke to heart. I had long since become used to people not being on time. A few minutes was fine, but if someone hit five minutes, they would have to deal with me. If they were a good thirty minutes late, then they might as well not show up. I'd long since be gone. X brought up the topic of whether or not I was deserving of a business suit, "I wouldn't necessarily mind that, so long as you're wearing a miniskirt to settle things." It was one of those things that I would be willing to take up if he had the gall to follow through with his ideas, but he was all talk and no walk. Oikawa suggested that the first topic of discussion should be a motto, something of importance to guilds and groups in general. Azide had the same thing in mind, "I would be Lucifer, otherwise known as Luci." No handshake was needed, this wasn't something too formal it seemed, "I believe that we need something focusing upon our goal as a guild, though it should have a catchy vibe, like 'From Square One to Cloud Nine.'"

  15. I was surprised to hear that the new member had previously gone on the quest, he was sacrificing his own time showing up, "Thank you for the advice, that'll more than make up for the timeliness." I was merely teasing him, everyone that knew me (at least in the real world) knew that I was a timely person. With that Oikawa was the one to suggest that they head out, which I fully agreed with. However, when I prepared to scoot out, I was cut off by X, whom suggested I take a ride. I was going to say no, but... "Well, why not. I could use a manservant." Another form of my teasing, remaining professional while making such light hearted comments. I perched myself on, but as we were exiting, it was clear that Oikawa wanted to say something. I leaned backwards, perpendicular to X, which would might be slightly uncomfortable for him, but I was pretty light to begin with. I whispered back, considering the subject was right next to them, "I'm well aware, but even family don't always get along. In the end though, they usually get along well enough. Besides, he's doing me a favor... He's already helped me out once, he just doesn't know it." I leaned back up and pointed towards the direction we needed to head, "Onward march."

  16. I took in another sip before taking a seat beside Azide, one of the two in the party that I honestly had any respect for. I wasn't too sure who the new recruits were considering I wasn't the one to bring them in, but it left a bad taste in my mouth knowing that they were late to their first meeting. Granted, it appeared as if that wasn't something unusual for the majority of this guild, but I digress. Oikawa brought up Kino while the topic of Crozeph was on the table, "I believe any further delay would be unfavorable, we can invite him next time." I don't expect this to be a one time thing, especially since this guild revolved around training to a higher capability. It was then that the newbie showed up, "Welcome Crozeph, you're late." I figured he wouldn't be lying about getting lost, but he should have planned ahead. I took another sip of my tea as Azide suggested everyone be freshly hydrated for the trip, "Everyone drink up, I can't afford for this quest to be a waste." A waste of time or members, both would leave me highly displeased with everyone's performance.

  17. I lacked the ability to respond to such an immature and impulsive mind such as his so I kept quite about it. I didn't touch the candy, but I did consider what I would do with it if he didn't check himself. I was beyond pleased to hear him asking about Azide, relieved to know this wasn't the individual responsible for leading the guild. Otherwise, I would have walked out right then and there on the spot. Though, I would have bumped into someone if I did as a man with windblown hair entered. He straightened himself up before approaching us, "Fashionably late, aren't you?" While he had entered the cafe right before the clock rolled over, he hadn't been at the table for the meeting until a few seconds after. I was prodding, but I was already irritated by the other young member, "What is the first item up for discussion today?" I was ready to knock things out one by one so I could start training, especially since I was currently the weakest link... but at least I was only lacking in statistics, unlike a certain someone else.

  18. It was 7:00AM on the 26th when I received the memo, which gave me a little less than two hours to make it to the Starlight Cafe. I had some time to kill so before I headed over, I went on a trip to the nearby meadow to train on some monsters. Considering I was the lowest level of the founders, I definitely needed the extra training, but I only had an hour before I headed back. It was 8:37 when I arrived at the cafe, early as usual, but I didn't see anyone there. I figured it would be a repeat of last time so I only purchased enough for myself, "I'll take a cup of herbal tea and a small order of french toast." I took my tray and sat down at the corner of the room, setting an alarm to go off at 9:00AM. Unfortunately, a few of them was early, but they didn't see me because I was too short to see thanks to the booth design. Once my alarm went off, I dumped my tray, carried over my tea and met with the others, "Good morning, guys. Glad to see you're all on time today, anyone see Crozeph?"

  19. She tugged on my hand, placing enough trust in me that it was clear she knew I didn't mean to run into her, "Nice to meet you, Clove." She had headphones on, I didn't know they had those available in the game. In fact, besides those that chose the Performer profession, I didn't have the slightest clue that others could dabble in music. Maybe she was a performer, was that why she looked so familiar? I tapped the side of my head as to make clear why I was asking, "Are you a Performer?" I hadn't started the quest required to start one's own shop and obtained a Profession, but I intend to do it within the next few days. I still wasn't sure if I wanted to pass up the Performer profession though, karaoke was an incredibly fun thing to do. Getting paid to do it would have been even better.

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