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Posts posted by Lucifer

  1. I looked up to find that the first of the three had arrived, naturally I returned salutations with a small wave. Oikawa, that was him alright, "Nice to meet you as well, I'm Lucifer, but please, just call me Luci." I was glad to know the biscuits and tea were going to be enjoyed, even if it was only the two of us, "Well, I thought everyone would be a few minutes early due to the nature of the meeting, but as far as I know-" Just then, some guy high on his ego barged in with his own food and drink, causing a scene with the owner of the Starlight Cafe. He began bragging about making this place notable, but I covered the side of her mouth so that only Oikawa could see, "Please tell me that's not one of them..." Unfortunately, I would soon find out that it was one of them, but I wasn't sure which. I just shrugged my shoulders, unsure how to come off as kind after such a display of arrogance, "I'm Lucifer, please call me Luci." I opened one hand towards Oikawa so that he could introduce himself as well, then followed after, "Are you X or Azide?" I wasn't too fond of his full username, but found this to be an acceptable way of referring to XWuZHeaR.

  2. "I'm so bored..." I was heading down one of the busy streets on the first floor, hoping to find some shops that would charge a discounted rate for a cute, little schoolgirl. Nobody cared here, they all thought their lives depended on money in this world, claiming that 'I'll die if I don't have enough Col!' Geez, I'd love to smack them and teach them a lesson, but some people took the joke far too seriously. This was a hardcore game with a bunch of whining softcore players, but even some of the hardcore players thought it was a deadly game. Maybe I just grew up playing those sorts of game, which is why it doesn't bother me. I could imagine being put in a life or death situation and not knowing what to do, but this was a game for goodness sakes. It's not like it can- "Umph." A player running down the street bolted around the tree, pushing me out of the way so that I ran into someone standing against it, "Hey, you punk! Come back here!" I was tempted to chase after him, but I knew I couldn't teach him a lesson in a safe zone, "Ugh, I'm sorry." I turned to the girl with the headphones, giving her a hand up if she had fallen, but something seemed off... She looked familiar, "The name's Luci. Who are you?"

  3. I entered the Starlight Cafe, hoping that I wasn't the first one here nor the last one. Looking around, I saw a few players sipping on tea or coffee, but nobody in particular looked like my group. I'm always too early, it's still another fifteen minutes before the meet up time. I walked over to the counter and ordered four cups of herbal tea along with a tray of biscuits before taking a seat at a table for four. I hope they get here soon, the tea might get cold before then. I took a swig from the tea, impressed with how spot on the flavor was before taking a chunk out of the biscuit, it was really good. Now, they had an even more important reason to get here, otherwise, they might not have any biscuits or tea to last throughout the meeting.

  4. I waltzed up to the counter, showing the most confidence a twelve year old could muster. I leaned against it, staring in disbelief at the man beyond the counter, but that bit of conversation could wait. I had more pressing matters at hand, "I'm looking for a blacksmith that can fit the bill." I handed him a contract for 400 Col, which wasn't much, but that shouldn't be his main concern. He should be more worried about protecting his honor as a true blacksmith, "There's been hearsay of a certain creature wandering the woods." This served me two proper purposes, determining if this gentleman was lowering the quality of his production to provide himself with the best weapons and to find out if the rumors of the creature was real. I grinned, this was going to be quite a show. Perhaps I should have dropped by a cook and purchased some popcorn.

  5. I had heard about a blacksmith on the first floor, one that was capable of making any item that people requested. He was by far and large the most popular blacksmith, which is why I needed to win his favor. No, I didn't expect to woo him or to get him to give me some sort of discount. See, people of any game kept the important secrets of their trade, well... secret. In this game, there was no proper way to research this information online or in gaming groups at school. I know I have to find my own way to become a stronger player and the first step to achieving that was establishing myself amongst the players. I fixed my straps before opening the door leading into the smithshop known as The Molten Blades. I took a sweeping glance of the shop before settling my eyes on the man behind the counter, "Are you the one known as The Darkin Blade?" Assuming it was a flattering nickname, I hoped it would intrigue him more than calling him by his username.

  6. I giggled at the thought of an adult apologizing to a child, that didn't happen very often in the real world. I patted her head as she put it down, hoping that she wouldn't be too troubled by what I said, "I accept your apology, Red. I'm sure you didn't mean it." The girl seemed be feeling a bit better as she asked me if I was ready to start, which was a perfect opportunity to remind her once more the importance of timing, "I was ready ten minutes ago, silly." I grabbed Red's hand and tugged on her arm, pulling her like a tug boat, "Come on, I've already did my research. The quest starts over here."

  7. Yup, that was exactly what I was thinking about. The excuses that could make everything alright because. Because why you ask? Just because, of course. I shook my head, kind of disappointed in the girl, "If a kid can be on time, can't an adult?" Adults always have the worst excuses, especially when they say that it's because they have adult things or business to attend to. I stood up and approached the girl, lifting myself up with my toes so that my eyes were level... Well, almost level with hers, "Red, games are very reliant on time, you know? I asked you to meet me at 5:00PM and you were ten minutes late. You're lucky I didn't continue on without you."

  8. I messaged Red Riding Hood earlier to meet up with me so where was she? There was a built in clock in the HUD so nobody could say something like, "Oh, I forgot my phone!" or "I didn't fast forward my clocks for daylight savings..." Everyone tried to come up with some lame excuse, but I don't know why they can't just be honest about it. What's the big deal if you're late? It happened, nothing we can do about it. However, keep in mind that I will personally kick your butt into high gear if it happens again. If this hooded tailor didn't get here soon, she'll suffer the wrath and terror of the little girl known as Lucifer.

  9. I was surprised when she pulled out, not one, but two pieces of armor, "Oh, that's more than enough. Thank you." I placed the tunic and boots into my inventory, then equipped them. They fit like a charm! It didn't feel quite as comfortable as my starter attire, but it would keep me a lot safer until I could afford some perfect items, "Hey, I'm going to add you onto my friends list, okay? What's your username?" I pulled up the friends list and would wait until she told me before heading out of the shop, "I'll message you soon, Red. You can call me Luci, bee tee dubs. Bye!"

  10. I just shook my head, "Sorry, but I don't have any currency. I figured there was a way that we could settle for a bargain." I might not be the greatest haggler of all time, but I think it'll be the best approach, "You craft me something and I'll pay you back with interest after I get my own shop." I intend to become an alchemist once I complete the beginner's quest, but I much rather be safe than sorry on the quest itself. If this game really did have the no respawning feature or was in hardcore mode, I can't afford to let all my chore savings go down the drain like that. This game looks pretty cool and I don't want to get locked out of it, that'd stink.

  11. I looked up at the sign lingering above my head, "That is such a terrible name for a shop." I chuckled a bit at it, the wordplay was certainly well done, but I couldn't imagine having someone coming in and saying something about it every time I had a customer. I open the door to reveal a rather unkept shop, almost as if someone was moving out or had just moved in, "Hello, anybody in here?" I called out in hopes that the owner would be here, but I couldn't see her if she was. Once the owner showed up, I'd tell her exactly what I needed, "I'm new to the game and need to gear up, what do you have on stock?" These sorts of games were extremely reliant on gear and statistics, but I don't have either of them. The skills would come with time and training so I would have to gather some advanced gear first.

  12. T8naknx.png

    » Username: Lucifer
    » Real Name: Luci Ferenzo
    » Goes by: Luci
    » Gender: Female
    » Age: 12
    » Height: 5'1"
    » Profession: Alchemist (to be)
    » Shop: N/A
    » About:

    Luci is rather normal, much to her own disappointment. She had a pretty common group of friends that would go shopping or to the movies every so often with her. She grew up in a typical home with a typical family; one with a mother, father, and an older brother. Her mother and father were middle class workers that pushed through the nine to five grind, but got paid well enough that they didn't have to rely on every last cent to get by. However, they weren't rich enough to buy whatever they wanted to. With this in mind, she became fairly well oriented with electronics and playing on a budget. She got a small amount of money each week for doing her chores, but it required her to save up to buy something of actual value. Her very first purchase with that chore money was a VR helmet, where she would come to meet her online friends. They were far less 'normal' than her IRL friends, which slowly became a great adoration for her. She really enjoyed the worlds, the near seamless reality, and the fun and variety of each of the worlds. Once she had saved up enough to afford the latest and greatest VRMMO of all time, she had sealed her fate in the world of Sword Art Online.


    She's quite comfortable with meeting new people, talking about something they have in common with each other, and eventually reaching the point of friendship. If you ever are lucky enough to surpass that point and need a shoulder to lean on or the warmth of a hug in the coldest of times, she'll be there with open arms. While she may not be nearly as carefree around strangers or those that she doesn't know well, she may help out in times of need.

    Much to her own advantage, she's rather calm whenever things get hairy. She's been a part of gaming, particularly MMOs, and she understands that it requires a clear and still mind to win. However, this can only be claimed to be true whenever she is in battle. Whenever she's out socializing or do other various activities, she may be a little more emotional as if she was in real life, which this game feels like when you're hanging with friends.

    She has a more innovative mind than those of the average age range of this game, though that would be due to her age. After all, even though she might be twelve, she is still a child and has the creativity of one. She loves to doodle and sing karoake like most kids that she hangs out with, though they usually weren't as willing to sing as she was. She finds it rather fun and feels content with her voice, even if she won't be the next pop star.


    She's friendly and all, but it's not easy to gain back her trust after you've offended her. Even more so if you've betrayed her or something equally as fiendish, which is why you should tread carefully around her if the thought occurs to you. She tends to hold onto a grudge for quite some time, though it may leave a permanant mark if it's severe enough. While there is a chance that she might forgive you for your actions, it is unlikely.

    This is, by far, her most fatal flaw. She believes that this is nothing more than a game, not a death trap. Obviously, a gaming helmet couldn't kill someone. There were laws and governments to inspect those sorts of things. She thought it was pretty cool how everyone freaked out though, it was certainly a well executed prank. Heh. All jokes aside, she might not feel bad for killing someone, even if the game is set so that there are "no respawns."

    Unfortunately, she's quite comfortable with her appearance. While that would be a good thing for most people, she's just too comfortable with her appearance. Unless she's wearing her coat, which doesn't help much to begin with since it's almost always open, she's usually wearing a bikini top and booty shorts. It's not like she has much to show off, but she rather feel comfortable than a fit a social standard that she has nothing to do with.



    SP: 0/2
    Ranks: Unskilled (0SP), Novice (2SP), Journeyman (6SP), Expert (12SP), Master (20SP), and Grandmaster (30SP).

    Utility and Mobility:
    » [unskilled - 0/6] Athletics (+1 Damage, +5 HP)
    » [unskilled - 0/6] Precision (+1 Accuracy)
    » [unskilled - 0/30] Extended Weight Limit (Increases your inventory by 1 per rank, starting out with 6.)
    » [unskilled] Survival EX (+5 HP)

    » [unskilled - 0/30] Battle Healing
    » [unskilled - 0/30] Block
    » [unskilled - 0/30] Charge
    » [unskilled - 0/6] Howl
    » [unskilled] Concentration EX
    » [unskilled] Disguise EX

    Armor/Weapon :
    » [Novice - 2/30] 1H Curved Sword
    » [unskilled - 0/30] Light Armor


    Rusty Saber - No enchantments.
    Light Leather Armor - +2 Damage Mitigation
    Feather Feet Boots - +2 Evasion


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