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Posts posted by Zeri

  1. Psyche made her move, only to completely miss her attack. "Wow, you really are pathetic. You can't even hit a stationary target!! Someone like you don't deserve to play this game!" Then Zeri took out his broadsword and charged towards Psyche. She tried to defend herself, only to fail miserably. Psyche's defense was no match for Zeri's broadsword as he made a powerful swing, which knocks her back. He walked towards Pyches and said, "Now...that's what you call a REAL attack, not like a pathetic stunt you just pulled off." Then Zeri turned to Jynx and said, "I agree with you Jynx. She doesn't stand a chance if she keeps pulling stunts like that...no wait, let her...it'll be more easy for me to...finish her off." Then he turned towards Psyhe and said taunting her, "Your turn. You gonna pull a move like that again or are you actually going to try this time? Maybe I should tie one hand behind my back to give you a chance. Hahaha!"

    ID: 14016 BD: 9

    Psyche: [13/15 HP] (2 base +1 crit)=3

    Zeri: [11/11 HP]

  2. Running through the thick woods as fast as he could, Zeri tried to make sense of what's going on until he read Azide's message. "Given by his coordinates, It shouldn't be too much more longer till I run into him. Ok, better put the pedal to the metal to get to him." Now sprinting as fast as he can, he made a push to get out of the dense woods. After a little bit of running, he made it out and saw a person standing there, it was Azide. Breathing really hard, Zeri managed to say, "Glad...to...see...you're safe." After Zeri caught his breath, he noticed something was on his leg. It was yet another snake. His fear kicked in again and he grabbed the snake, threw it and yelled, "GET OFF OF ME!!" Then he turned to Azide and said, "If I remember the message correctly, he should be quite some ways from here. Also what's going on cause when Oikawa sent me that message, a big chill went down my spine like something had happened to him. Azide...I want to know everything that happened so I can make sense of this."

  3. Mari was glaring at Zeri for some reason, which made him really nervous and he said, "I-I'm sorry if I did anything wrong." Zeri was the type of person that didn't want to get on peoples' bad side. Then he turned to Jacob and said to him, "What you planning on doing?" Then he saw Mari took out a cake, a chocolate one to be exact, and gave it to Jacob. Zeri looked at the cake, chuckled and said, "No cake for me then!" Then Zeri turned to the player that he ignored earlier and said, "Sorry if I ignored you! My name is Zeri. Nice to me you!"

  4. "S-snake!" Zeri took a quick step back, took out his sword and said, "J-just k-keep that thing away from me." Zeri had a terrible fear of snakes ever since he was a kid. While keeping his eye on the snake, he thought to himself, "Why would anybody would want to choose a snake for a pet."  After a little bit of staring the snake down, Zeri said to Azide, "L-let's just go so we can finish this quest, but k-keep that s-snake away from me" while putting his sword back while looking at Azide and the snake as well.


    As Zeri calmed himself down a little, he started to make his way outside of the town while putting a little distance between the two of them."I wondered what kind of beasts would be out here? What will they act like and will that behavior be any different when I tame one of them." Then Zeri thought once more of the snake and said to himself, "Why would Azide choose that for? Snakes and people are not a good match for each other..." Then Zeri recalled the dream he had when he was a kid and had started to shudder a little. "I just hope that doesn't happen here."  Zeri thought about that possibility for a moment and said, "Can something like that in here be even remotely possible?" Unaware that Zeri and his pet snake was closing the distance that he had put towards them.

  5. After a little while, Zeri had received his message from Oikawa. He read it but got an ominous vibe from it. When he finished reading it he sat down and try to think of why that happened and what he should do.

    "Possibility number 1. Someone got to Oikawa and sent that message to plan an ambush." So he thought about it and came up with this. "So if that's so, sending Azide a message is the best option."

    "Possibility number 2. That is Oikawa that sent me that message but he's hiding something." Once again thinking, he came up with this reason, "Well why would Oikawa hide anything from me? We're in the same guild, so there's no reason to unless he's..." Zeri shook his head and said, "That's crazy. He would never do anything like that, would he? If the worst case scenario happens, best thing to do is send Azide a message like before."

    "Possibility number 3. Maybe its because of all these snakes I'm like this. So best to get away from this location and try to find someone."

    Trying to think of the best option to choose wasn easy for Zeri cause what he thinks is right might be wrong and costs him his life. After thinking it over he came up with a safer option. "So I do message in hopes that him or whoever it may be won't come and find me and move to a different location and message of this to get his opinion on this." So Zeri opened up his menu and send two messages.

    To: Oikawa

    From: Zeri

    Subject: Re: Re: Location

    It's some distance from me but I'll come. But I have a real good feeling you holding something out from me, so I gues I find out when I get there.

    To: Azide

    From: Zeri

    Subject: Oikawa

    Azide, Oikawa sent me a message that he's on the sixth floor at a place called Amazon's Folly doing some training. But I have a bad feeling something happened to him.

    After Zeri had got finish sending the two messages, he took a deep breath and said, "Ok, I have to go in the woods, so I can't let my fear get the best of me now." So he took towards the woods.

  6. After getting tired of being terrorized by snakes, he decided to message someone in his guild in hopes that he can meet him. So he message the first person's name that came to him, which was Oikawa. So he opened up his menu and send him a message.

    To: Oikawa

    From: Zeri

    Subject: Location

    Hey Oikawa, it's me Zeri. I was wondering if you are on the sixth floor? If you are, I hope you wouldn't mind sending me your coordinates, or if it's more faster for you meeting up with me, I send my location to you as well do you can decide what to do (enters coordinates). When you get this, please message me back.

    After Zeri had sent the message to Oikawa, he started to walk back and forth, trying not to move too far for his location while tring to get his mind off of the snakes that lurk in the jungle. "I hope Oikawa comes soon..."

  7. Breathing a sigh of relief, Zeri came out of hiding and said, "He he. I guess I should work on that a little. But I'm glad that it was you and not any PKers, then I would've been in a tight situation." Then the guy named Oikawa extended his hand out, and I did the same and shook his hand and said, "Yes that's my name. Nice to meet you!" He looked at who was here and he only knew one other person, Raeyliff. Then Oikawa said something about not following a roar. Confused, Zeri looked at Oikawa and said, "What's exactly going on here?"

  8. Zeri reluctantly came to the sixth floor. This was the last floor he wanted to come to. The first thing that popped into his head when he saw the jungle was snakes. Zeri was absolutely terrified of snakes and he guess that was why he came to this floor; to get rid of his fear.

    After walking around in the jungle, he was amazed to what he saw. He almost forgot about the snakes that lied in this floor until...

    *hiss hiss*

    Immediately, Zeri was completely scared when he heard that noise. "W-why now? C-couldn't you s-stupid snakes hiss after I l-leave" Zeri said while looking around the see where the snake was. After a while, the hissing stopped and Zeri was really glad about that and he regain his composure. After walking some more, he seen more reptiles, but Zeri wasn't scared by them as he went up close to them and looked at them. But then, Zeri heard a familiar sound...

    *hiss hiss*

    Once again, Zeri was scared out of his mind so he ran as fast as he could to get away from the snake. When Zeri thought he was far, far away from the snake he stopped and tried to regain his breath. After taking a deep breath, Zeri said, "I hope someone I know comes soon, cause I don't know how much more of this I can take."

  9. After throwing a few snowballs at tress, a notification came up in front of Zeri. It was from Azide. Zeri was glad to know that Azide would help him out. Then Zeri said, "What kind of animal would I encounter? I really hope it won't be a snake." Then Zeri thought for a moment and realize that what kind of snake would live in cold weather. He chuckled a little and decided to throw some more snowballs. After a few more snowballs later, Azide showed up and he greeted him, "Well hi there bo- umm Azide!" Thanks for coming to help me out!" Then after he finished talking to Azide, Zeri noticed something moving around in Azide's collar. At that exact moment, a chill went straight down Zeri's spine and he nervously said, "W-w-what was that m-moving around in your c-collar?"

  10. Sitting down in the middle of the field of the first floor playing with his sword he has gotten from Oikawa, Zeri was wondering what he should do now. "Should I go hunting? Should I find a tree and take a nap? Or should I-" His though were interrupted by a kid screaming that it was his birthday. Someone in the guild had told him that there was a kid in the guild, but couldn't remember who it was, and that person matched the description that they had. Then Zeri saw two people, a green and a orange player went towards him, the player killer made him worry a little, but they seem to know each other, which set his mind at ease. As he approached the group, Zeri turned the attention to the kid and said, "Well happy birthday! Hmm... I think someone told me about you before. Isn't your name...Jacob?" As he waited for the kid to answer, he turned his attention to the girl. Looking at her for a moment, then thinking to himself, and saying to her, "Hi there! So are you his mother or sister?" He waited for them to answer without any regards to the other person whatsoever

  11. "You're serious!? I can actually tame a wild beast?" Zeri had said to the gypsy who mysteriously came out of nowhere and suprised him. "Only by feeding him and it deems you worthy. But be warned." the gypsy said, "You may be hurt in the process. So use caution. "I will I promise!" Zeri said as he accepted the quest.

    As Zeri wandered in awe in the snowy town called Snowfrost Town. Zeri wished he could get lost in here so he can play in the snow, but he had a quest he has to accomplish. So Zeri found a shop so he can purchase food. As Zeri walked in, he was fanciated by the food he smelled, "Man I wish I could just live here" he said as he walked up to the counter. "Hello sir!" he said to the shopkeeper. "How much is it for one of your steaks?" "Good day to you. It's a 100 Col a piece" the shopkeeper said. "Hmm... I'll take two then just to be on the safe side" Zeri opened up his menu and handed the shopkeeper 200 Col in exchange for 2 pieces of steak. "Have a nice day sir!" "You too boy." They both said as they both exchange goodbyes.

    As Zeri was about to leave town to do his quest, he said, "But what if the mobs out here are too tough for me? I can't go and die now, so I think I'll ask for some help." So he sat down near the edge of town, opened up his menu and decided to message his boss, Azide.

    To: Azide

    From: Zeri

    Subject: Floor 4

    Hey there boss! Might I ask you for a favor? You wouldn't mind coming to the fourth floor and help me complete this quest. I would do it myself, but I worry that the mobs out here might be too much for me to handle right now. So thanks in advance for helping me out! You're a real good boss!

    As he sent to message to Azide, Zeri waited for his boss's arrival to help him do the quest. He said to himself, "I really should convince the guild to come out here and do something. Maybe a snowball fight? Or maybe making a snowman?" Zeri let his thoughts ponder as he waits for Azide.

    -200 Col

    +2 steaks

  12. After traveling a little farther down the path, Zeri had gotten a message from someone named Oikawa with some coordinates. After looking at the map, he realized that it wasn't that much farther than he was at now. So he continued to walk down the forest path while keeping a look out for any mobs that may jump out form the woods. After a while he found what at seemed to be a campsite with some players. Zeri checked his map and found out that this was the place, but he couldn't make out any people that he knew. So as quietly as he could, Zeri sneaked into the woods near the group so that he could figure out who they were.

  13. After getting a message from Oikawa, he made his way to the Gurando Foji, which surprisingly wasn't too far from where he was. As he walked in, he realized that is was a blacksmith shop. So he went straight to the weapons to look for him one.

    Then he made a complete stop when he saw a weapon called 'Claymore of Amarok' and he knew that he had to have it. But the only think that stopped him was the price. So in disappointment, he walked up to the front desk, rang the bell, and said, "H-hello! Oikawa! You had sent me a message saying that you had something I can borrow!" As he waited for Oikawa to show, he looked once more at 'Claymore of Amarok' while wishing he had the Col to purchase it.

  14. After hearing what was going on, Zeri came forward and said, "Laughing Coffin is a so called 'guild' made up of all player killers. They like to gang up on solo players and small groups and kill them and to take whatever possession they may have on them."

    Then Zeri looked at the player who was still agitated by the lion and then back to the group as a whole and then said, "They love to play a cat and mouse game. First they start torturing their victims as they slowly die, but when they get bored of them, they just finish the job and be on their way to find their next target.

    Then Zeri looked at Azide and then said, "It's wise not to go after then with these kind of numbers we have. It's just a death wish in the making. We should wait to we get more numbers and strength,and a lot of it, before we even think about coming up with a plan to take them out. Even with that, I would still advise completely against that action." Then he leaned against a wall and looked at the two unknown players, and the lion as well, then looked up to Azide and said, "If I was you, I wouldn't even think about going up against them, unless you want to lose everything."

  15. Once again, Zeri was wandering around the first floor depressed for whatever reason. He then tried to think of what he should do next to try to get his mind from being depressed. He tried as hard as he could to think of something but couldn't think of anything. Zeri was glad that he had joined a guild, but for some reason, that still haven't made him feel any better. "Why do I feel like this? What's making me feel like this and why?"

    Then Zeri saw a girl chasing what seemed to be either a cat or a lion. He then ignored the scene liked it never even happened. Zeri then saw a familiar person. It was his guild leader, Azide, to which he calls 'boss' for some reason. What he then saw was a player shouting to get the cat, the same one that he saw earlier, off of him. Zeri then decided to keep quiet and hope that none of them, especially Azide, sees him as he tries to make sense of what's going on.

  16. Still staring at the moon, Jynx and Psyche had came to his location. "It's a beautiful night out here isn't it?...A perfect setting for a battle don't you think Psyche...?" Then he went to his menu and he equipped the new armor he had obtained, 'Curiass of Immortality'. "I would love to start now..." then Zeri turned his attention towards Jynx and then to Psyche, "...But I think we should for a little while longer just to enjoy the scenery. Or if you that anxious to lose, I'll give you the first move. I won't even move nor take my weapon out till you make your attempt to hit me." Then Zeri had said with a evil grin,"Then the real fun starts." Then he stood a few feet from Psyche, with his hands behind his back, hoping Psyche would take the bait to test his new armor out. Then Zeri said quietly to himself, "You don't have a chance against me..." Zeri can feel the lust of battle inside of him, just waiting to be let out like rabid dogs waiting to be released from their leashes. He wanted to enjoy this for as long as he can before he crushed her hopes.

    (OCC: Hint, hint; the armor I got has +1 damage migitation!)

  17. Lost in his own thoughts to why Syo wasn't attacking, Zeri didn't noticed that the boar was planning to attack Syo nor that he had leveled up as well. Running as fast as he could, he got in front of Syo and said to the boar, "Hey boar! I'm your target and Syo's mine!" Both Zeri and the boar attacked at the same time causing damaged to each other, the boar disappeared into crystals and Zeri felled to his knees. As he struggled to get up, he noticed that his HP didn't drop at all and he figured that he must have leveled up or a something and said to Jynx, Psyche and Raeyliff, "Just worry about the boar, I got Syo." He didn't care that he got the first kill, he just wanted to protect his friends no matter what.

    ID: 13450 BD: 10 MD: 9 LD:13

    Zeri [6/9] (leveled up -1dmg from before -2 crit)

    Syo: 15

    Jynx: 11

    Psyche: 7

    Raeyliff: 20

    Frenzy boar 1: [0/10] (2 base + 2 crit)

    Frenzy boar 2: [6/10]

    +1 material

    +50 col

    (OCC: Don't konw if I get this or not, so let me know please)

  18. Wondering through the forest, Zeri was happy, yet at the same time nervous about meeting his guild mates. After a while, his stomach started to rumble, signaling that he was hungry, he sat down near a tree, opened his menu and took out a piece of bread. "Hehe, I'm glad no one heard that cause that would be really embarrassing!" He said before he ate his bread. After he finished eating his bread, he took in the sights of the forest and said in awe, "Wow! This forest is just simply amazing! But it is said that it's inhabitant by monsters and not people..."

    After he said that, Zeri had got up and continue to walk down the seemingly endless forest path. Zeri didn't mind that the path seemed long, he actually enjoy it, but still couldn't find any sign of his guild mates anywhere. "Well this is bad. I still haven't found anybody yet in this forest. I really hope I do soon." the boy said as he continued down the path, not knowing of what is really going on, or what waits for him when he finally finds his teammates.

    -1 bread

  19. As Zeri woke up from his usual napping spot, which was behind an alley near the outskirts of town, he noticed that he has gotten stronger as of late and he wanted to test that strength out not against a mob, but against another person. "I guess it's time to see how much stronger I really gotten cause these mobs aren't going to help me out in the slightest." Then he thought of the perfect person, more like people to be exact, so as nightfall came before him, Zeri opened up his menu and message Jynx.

    To: Jynx

    From: Zeri

    Subject: Battle

    Hello Jynx. It's been a while since we seen each other, so I though that I might challenge either you or Psyche to a half-loss duel outside of the town of beginnings. See you soon!

    As Zeri finished the message, he began his walk outside of town. He thought of how the battle will turn out, he thought of only one outcome, "I will win this battle no matter what." As he stepped outside of the gate, he looked up at the moon and stared at it till his opponent came to start the fight.

  20. After finishing his 'chat' with Zadkiel, another player, a girl by the name of Marisa had came along. "Why hello there Marisa!" Then she said that she will be joining us. So Zeri had said, "Umm sure. The more the merrier!"

    Then yet another player came to join the group of three. He had introduced himself as Clarence. Zeri had noticed something about him ("Hmm, a guy with purple eyes. That's interesting.") Then the nice, cool wind and blew once more. His grey hair had blew in the direction of the wind. "Wow! This wind today is simply amazing don't you think!" Then he wondered about what they are going to do. "So guys, what's our next plan?"

  21. Old:

    Item: Touch of Immortality

    Type: Glove

    Quality: Uncommon

    Enhancement(s): +1 damage migitation

    Description: A pair of rugged leather gloves which protect their wearer from harm. Wearing them is said to grant one a touch of immortality


    Item: Curiass of Immortality

    Type: Heavy Armor

    Quality: Uncommom

    Enhancement(s): +1 damage migitation

    Description: A set of heavy armor in which protect its wearer from harm. Wearing them is said to grant one a touch of immortality

  22. After searching forever, the grey-haired boy finally found the place called 'Navarre Lab of Alchemic Research'. Breathing a sigh of relief, Zeri had nevoursly walked into the shop looked around in awe of what he had to saw. After a few minutes of looking around, He finally made his way to the front desk and said, "H-Hey boss! It's me Zeri! If-if you don't mind, may I borrow the 'Touch of Immortality' for a little please." After he finished that sentence, he looked around some more while he waited for Azide's response.

  23. "Guess it my turn." Zeri had stood back to watch the fight unfold. Szuriex had dealt some damage to the boar, but unfortunately the boar couldn't deal any damage to Szuriex due to the fact that Notics had took his hit.

    "I thought boars was supposed to stronger than this at our level. But I guess wrong." Then the boar that attacked Notics fixed it gaze at Zeri and he said to the boar, "Come on then. Hit me." Then the boar came charging at Zeri. To everyone's suprise, he stood there as the boar damaged him, barely flinching as he drove his broadsword into the boar disappeared into crystals. "Hmph, weak boars.

    ID: 13127 BD:6 MD:9 LD:3

    Zeri: [7/9 HP] (1 base+ 1 crit)

    Szuriex: [5/5 HP]

    Noctis: [11/13 HP]

    Boar 2: [1/3 HP]

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