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Posts posted by Zeri

  1. Zeri walked into Oikawa's shop once more, but this time to actually purchase a weapon. So Zeri walked into the shop, looked around for a moment and said, "Hello! Oikawa, are you here? I like to have a weapon made." So Zeri took a form and filled it out.

    Name: Chaosbreaker

    Profession: Blacksmith




    Item Type: Two-Handed Broadsword

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: + 2 damage; +1 accuracy

    Description: Chaosbreaker is. Large blade created with magma ores and onyx ingots. The handle of the blade is crafted to frim 4 winged bat-like hand guards and each side while the blade itself glows with a blood red aura. It is a very powerful weapon.

    (Image link: http://www.blendswap.com/files/images/2014/07/image74717/medium_b8c5104b1285d778bfe3a3db53b32228.jpg)

    "The price was 450 col and 2 mats right?" With that done, Zeri placed the form on the counter and waited for Oikawa to show.

  2. Zeri walked into Oikawa's shop once more, but this time to actually purchase a weapon. So Zeri walked into the shop, looked around for a moment and said, "Hello! Oikawa, are you here? I like to have a weapon made." So Zeri took a form and filled it out.

    Name: Chaosbreaker

    Profession: Blacksmith




    Item Type: Two-Handed Broadsword

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: + 2 damage; +1 accuracy

    Description: Chaosbreaker is. Large blade created with magma ores and onyx ingots. The handle of the blade is crafted to frim 4 winged bat-like hand guards and each side while the blade itself glows with a blood red aura. It is a very powerful weapon.

    (Image link: http://www.blendswap.com/files/images/2014/07/image74717/medium_b8c5104b1285d778bfe3a3db53b32228.jpg)

    With that done, Zeri placed the form on the counter and waited for Oikawa to show.

  3. "With those two, nothing's normal." Zeri told the player as he and Crow walked outside. Then as soon as they walked outside, the fight was pretty much over. "Aww...I wanted to see it up close." Zeri said to X and Crozeph.

    Then X yelled that whoever grabs at their sword next was getting a broken elbow. Zeri the took out his sword placed it on the ground and said, "I grabbed mine." Then X yelled at the player who said that the fighting wasn't necessary. "Break his jaw, and you'll be missing a couple of limbs." Zeri told X as he placed his weapon on his shoulder.

  4. While Zeri wa trying to think of something, X appeared out of nowhere and they stared each other down for a quick second, and then out of nowhere, X said no to him. "I don't need help from a stuck-up bastard like you anyway. I'm suprised someone like you is even in a guild." Zeri told X as he left to head into the mountains. "Wow. This is really nice. Maybe I might find it out here." Zeri said in hopes he could find out where to start his quest at. He looked and looked but still couldn't find anything. Instead, Zeri found a river path and decided to sit down there. "This river seems so calm. I can actually feel it calming me down a little. Maybe if I follow that path, I could find it. I guess I can try in a little bit." Zeri said as he stared into the river some more.

  5. Zeri just stood there as Ourian snapped at him, like it didn't even phase him. "Whose past can be worse than mine..." Zeri thought after Ourian got finished. Then Ourian said he might talk about it one day, and Zeri then responded with, "I can tell you mine right now or whenever, I have...absolutely nothing to hide." Then Ourian sent Zeri a friend request, which he accepted. Then Zeri leaned on the wall on the outside of town. " Whatever Ourian does now, is nothing I should care about, he can take care of himself...for now that is."

  6. Zeri was on the second floor after he heard that there was a quest to learn the martial arts skill. So Zeri was wandering around trying to find out the exact location of the quest. "Hmm...I wonder if it's even in town. Well there's no harm in looking some more, is there?" So Zeri decided to stay in town a little while longer while he tries to find out the location he needs to go to.

    After a long times passes and couldn't find anything, Zeri laid outside the wall of the safe zone, very tired. "How hard is it to find one simple quest. I wonder if anyone in town knows where to go. But wait, what if they just send me to some random spot and it could be an ambush. I guess I might be on my own then." Zeri said as he tried to figure out what he should do.

  7. Zeri listened to Ourian as he sort of explain why he didn't stop attacking, which had Zeri thinking a little. "Maybe he has..." Before even finishing his thought, he stopped in front of Ourian to ask him something. "Do you have something to prove to somebody? It's ok to tell me, I promise what you say to me here will not leave this field. So tell my why you so tense up." Zeri stood there as he waited for Ourian to answer.

  8. "I understand. I just wanted your wounds to heal up some. If you would've just waited for a little bit, you wounds would've healed some and you might had a better chance of hitting the boar. I just didn't want you to die, that's all." Then Zeri looked in the direction of the town and said to Ourian, "Wanna talk about it as we head back?"

  9. Zeri watched as another player walked in despite all the chaos that's going on between Crozeph, X, and the thugs. Then he saw both the new player and Crow reached for their weapons at the same time.

    Chuckling, Zeri said to Crow, "You don't have anything to worry about. Those two guys fighting the thugs outside, they can pretty much take care of that themselves. As for the player who just walked in, he doesn't pose a threat so there's no need to get anxious."

    Zeri turned to the new player, looked at him, and brought his attention back to Crow and asked him, "So, you want to stay here and watched from a view, or you want to go have a closer look?"

  10. Zeri sighed as he saw Ourian still attacking despite his injury, not noticing the boar coming after him. By the time Zeri noticed, it was too late as the boar came scraping his side. Zeri barely felt it but still took some damage. Zeri sliced the boar leaving a gash that made it look like it was cut in half before disappearing into fragments while leaving some loot behind. "Here. You can have half." Zeri told Ourian as he took 25 col and one of the boar's tusks.

    ID: 15059 BD: 7 (success) MD: 8 (success) LD: 19(loot)

    Zeri: [14/15 HP] (1 base)

    Ourian: [5/7 HP]

    Boar: [0/10 HP] (2 base) (50 col, 2 mats)

    Obtained 25 col and 1 mat

  11. "What the hell is he thinking." Zeri thought as X walked into Kotori's dagger, which made Zeri tighten his grip on his blade. Then he felt Teayre tug on him to step back. Then she shot a glare at Zeri, which hardly affected him in the slightest, but backed off anyway as Teayre took Kotori for a walk and leaving him and X with Calrex. Zeri stared at X for a while and thought, "You're a damn fool for doing something like that. You're no better than her." Then Zeri said to X, "Why..." Then Zeri walked off to find a tree away from the two of them and sat down, wanting to be alone.
  12. Zeri was walking around the fields, just basking in the sunlight. "It feels so nice out here today. I wonder how it is back home. I hope my friends back at home aren't too worried about me."

    Zeri thought about all of the wild animals he used to play with near the forest where he lived at. "They were really fun to play with. Let me see...there was a couple of bear cubs, some wolf cubs, I think some birds, and maybe a crow or two. I always would sneak out the house and go to the forest to play with them. Man, my parents always stayed worried about me that I would get lost. I kind of did one time, but all of them did helped me out. They even let me spent the night with them! Even though my parents grounded me for like a whole month, wouldn't even let me out of their sight. Even through all of that, they still came to my house to play with me, which somehow didn't worry my parents as much. I hope they still be there when I get back."

    All of a sudden, Zeri saw something shiny off in the distance, and he decided to go have a look. When he got there, Zeri saw that it was nothing but a pebble. "I don't think a pebble would help me out any." So Zeri walked down the fields some until he found a good tree with no mobs around, and decided to sit down there for a little.

    ID: 15054 LD: 12 (no loot)

  13. "Ok. I got this." Zeri said as he prepared to finish the boar off. The boar charged at Zeri in hopes to get its tusks into its leg once more, but Zeri dodges it and drove his sword down the boar back. The boar squealed as it disappeared into fragments, but Zeri didn't get any loot from it. "Well, I was hoping I could get some extra materials from that battle but I guess I hoped too much." Zeri grabbed his sword and started to walked deeper into the fields.

    ID: 15053 BD: 9 (critical) MD: 2 (miss) LD: 3 (no loot)

    Zeri: [14/15 HP]

    Boar: [0/8 HP] (2 base + 1 crit)

    +1 mat

  14. "So close." Zeri told Ourian as he missed again. "Maybe you should rest." Zeri said as he positioned himself to attack the boar. Zeri and the boar charged at each other and attacked at the same time, but both of them missed their marks completely. "How could that be possible. At least his bleeding dropped his health a little before it went away. Oh well, I have another shot next time. If Ourian stay put and rest for a little."

    ID: 15052 BD: 5 (miss) MD: 1(miss)

    Zeri: [15/15 HP] Hate: 3

    Ourian: [5/7 HP] Hate: 1

    Boar: [2/10 HP] (1 bleed) (bleed 2/2)

  15. "That has to hurt..." Zeri said as Ourian couldn't managed to attack the boar. "Ourian must be in a lot of pain...I just have to finish this boar off myself." Zeri walked up to the boar and drove his sword down its back. The boar squealed very loud as it couldn't move just let. Then Zeri took his sword as walked up to Ourian, he knelt down to him and said, "Just sit there till that rib of yours gets better. I can finish this boar by myself."

    ID: 15050 BD: 8 (success)

    Zeri: [15/15 HP] Hate: 3

    Ourian: [5/7 HP] Hate: 1

    Boar: [3/10 HP] (2 base +1 bleed)

  16. "This is starting to drag out a little too long for my comfort." Zeri said as him and the boar get ready to make another round of attacks. This time, the boar started things off by charging at him, trying to drive its tusks into his leg. Zeri dodged its tusks and drove his sword into its side. The boar squealed in pain as it was on its last little bit of health. "Hopefully, I can end this soon."

    ID: 15049 BD: 8 (success) MD: 5 (miss)

    Zeri: [14/15 HP]

    Boar: [2/8 HP] (2 base)

  17. "Come on piggy, I'm over here!" Zeri said to get the boar's attention but it failed as the boar ran straight to Ourian. Zeri ran as fast as he could to catch up to the boar but failed to reach them in time. The boar charged and drove its tusks into Ourian's rib. Ourian! Zeri yelled as he slashed the boar in its rib, leaving a gash. "Good, it's bleeding. It should be paralyzed as well." Ourian. It's patalyzed now, take this chance to hit it why it can't move."

    ID: 15057 BD: 9 (critical) MD: 9 (critical)

    Zeri: [15/15 HP] Hate: 2

    Ourian: [5/7 HP] (1 base - 1 crit) Hate: 1

    Boar: [6/10 HP] (2 base + 1 crit) (paralyzed 0/1 bleed 0/2)

  18. Zeri watched X's failed attempt to show off in front of everybody as he fell into the icy water. Zeri got up as quick as he could to help out but was a little late as X got out of the water with Teayre. Then Teayre challenged X for a duel and Zeri had said, "I really don't think a duel is necessary."

    Then Zeri saw Kotori ran up to X with her dagger. Zeri then got really mad as he equipped his sword, 'Claymore of Amarok' and walked up to Kotori, not as himself, but as a whole different person almost like a demon-like person.

    When Zeri got up to them, he placed the tip of his sword on Kotori's back and said to her, "I dare you to do it. This is exactly why I can't stand people. They always act one way, and the next thing you know, they completely change. This is why I can't stand people who like to put a little show to hide who they really are. All X was trying to do was cheer you up a little, and you trying to kill him? Oh, I can't wait to see his health drop, even an inch. I'll be so glad to end your life here and now. I don't even care if I become a PKer, if it gets me to be alone and away from people like you...I'll be glad to do it!! Please...give me a reason to become a PKer...Come on! GIVE ME A REASON TO KILL YOU!!!"

  19. "It's alright, everyone misses here and there. Don't let it go to your head." Zeri told Ourian as he prepared to attack the boar. Zeri ran towards the boar in hopes to cut a chunk of its health, but failed as his attack came up a few inches short. "Can't get it all." Zeri said as he prepared to defend against the boar's attack. The boar grunted and jumped towards Zeri in hopes that it will make Zeri its lunch. Zeri jumped out of the way and said, " What's with everything trying to munch on me lately. Anyway, it's your turn Ourian."

    ID: 15045 BD: 5 (miss) MD: 4 (miss)

    Zeri: [15/15 HP]

    Ourian: [7/7 HP]

    Boar: [10/10 HP]

  20. Zeri and the boar stared each other down to see who would move first. "I guess it'll be me then." Zeri had said as he charges towards the boar. Zeri tried to hit the boar on its side, only for the boar to dodge once again. Then the boar jumped in hopes for it to munch on Zeri's arm, but Zeri dodged its attack as well. "I guess you are smarter than you look."

    ID: 15039 BD: 3 (miss) MD: 1 (miss) (please don't let this happen again...)

    Zeri: [14/15 HP]

    Boar: [4/8 HP]

  21. The boar had grunted once more, accepting Zeri's taunt and came charging towards him. "Alright! Round 3 it is!" The boar came at Zeri with the intention of biting him and turning him into it's supper. But the only then the boar had gotten was a blade to the face as Zeri stopped its attempt. "You have to try a lot harder if you want to hit me." Then Zeri swung his blade, which sent the boar back a few steps back. Then Zeri drove his sword at the boar, only for the boar to jump out of the way. "At least this won't be completely one-sided."

    ID: 15038 BD: 3 (miss) MD: 2 (miss)

    Zeri: [14/15 HP]

    Boar: [4/8 HP]

  22. "Yes it would be Square One." Zeri had told Nikalus. Then Nikalus told Zeri what he needed to do in order to become an artisan. "Okay! I guess I should start by looking for some materials then." Zeri had told Nikalus before he left to to search for some mats.

    After leaving town, Zeri found a potential spot and started searching everywhere, but couldn't find anything good enough to salvage. "I guess I should stop searching around here since I can't find anything usable. But I'm not giving up, I'll just have to search harder to find some materials to use. I will become an artisan for my guild...I swear!"

    ID: 15037 LD: 8 (fail)

  23. Zeri watched as the boar came around to have another go at his leg. "Let's see if you can get me this time!" Zeri taunted to the boar, which made him angry and it came charging at him. Zeri watched the boar to see if he can find the right time to dodge.

    When the boar came in attacking range, Zeri dodged just in time before the boar could damage, and in the process, Zeri managed to leave a little gash in the boar's back, but it went away soon after. Zeri watched as the boar squealed a little and he said, "Well, that's a little disappointing. I thought the bleed would've taken effect. But at least I dealt some damage to it!" Zeri watched as the boar got up, ready for another attack. Zeri then taunted to the boar once more by saying, "I got plenty more where that came from if you want it!"

    ID: 15035 BD: 8 (success) MD: 1 (miss)

    Zeri: [14/15 HP]

    Boar: [4/8 HP] (2 base)

  24. Zeri had walked outside the safe zone and equipped his gear, 'Claymore of Amarok' and 'Curiass of Immortality' and started searching for some mobs to fight. "Maybe this can get my mind off of things." Zeri search as hard as he could, but couldn't find anything.

    "This is just not right. When I don't want to find mobs, they show up, and the first time I do...I can't find anything. Maybe I need to think that I don't want to find any mobs, and hopefully they show. "

    After a searching a little more, he finally found a boar to fight. "It's about time I found something to fight!" Zeri then took out his blade and charged at the boar, the boar then grunted and came charging after Zeri as well.

    The boar had got the first strike on Zeri by sending one of its tusk into his leg. Zeri fell on one knee, but managed to get the boar off of him and stabbed it in its side as well. "Man, you're a fiesty one! I guess that should make things interesting."

    ID: 15034 BD: 6 (success) MD: 6 (success)

    Zeri: [14/15 HP] (-1 base)

    Boar: [6/8 HP] ( 2 base)

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