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Posts posted by Zeri

  1. After declaring to the wolf that he was taking it down with his next attack, Zeri did everything in his power to take the struggling snow wolf down.

    The wolf came charging at Zeri with everything it had, but only managing to scratch Zeri's armor.

    Zeri then turned around and drove his blade straight down the snow wolf's back. Zeri watch as the snow wolf was yelping as it disappeared into digital fragments, as well as leaving some loot behind.

    Zeri sheathed his weapon and said, "That took much more time that it was needed. Now I've lost sight of the dragons, which is only going to make my trip even longer." Zeri said as he grabbed the loot and made his was down the forest path once more.

    ID: 15512 BD: 7+1=8 (success) MD: 6 (success) LD: 19 +2 (Oikawa's plushy)=21 (loot obtained)

    Zeri: 21/27 (1 base - 1 dmg migitation)= 1 min.

    Snow Wolf: 0/14 (2 base + 2 weapon)

    Obtained 2 mats and 70 col

  2. Zeri was prepared to finish the snow wolf off. Zeri tighten his grip on Chaosbreaker, as the blood red blade started to glow brighter than normal. Zeri ran right in front of the snow wolf, raised Chaosbreaker high into the sky, and with every ounce of strength he had, and slashed the wolf right across its side and closed his eyes

    Zeri then took a deep breath and opened his eyes to noticed that the snow wolf was barely hanging on. "The hell! You supposed to be dead after that attack. It doesn't matter, next chance I get, you're going down."

    Then the snow made its attempt to attack Zeri but failed due to its near fatal wound.

    ID: 15511 BD: 9+1=10 (critical) MD: 5 (miss)

    Zeri: 22/27 HP

    Snow Wolf: 1/14 HP (2 base+ 2 weapon + 1 crit)

  3. Zeri and the snow wolf was now getting worn out from their battle taking longer than both of them had expected. "I might be tired, but I won't go down without a fight." Zeri said as he to charge at the snow wolf. Zeri ran at the snow wolf, raised Chaosbreaker, and swung at the wolf, cause some damage once more. But what Zeri didn't know was that he had left himself open to the snow wolf's attack, at which the snow wolf jumped and sunk his teeth deep into Zeri's shoulder. "GAH!! YOU BASTARD!!" Zeri said to the wolf as he got it off of him. "I make sure you pay for that!" Zeri has declared to the snow wolf.

    ID: 15510 BD: 5+1=6 (success) MD: 10 (hyper critical)

    Zeri: 22/27 HP (1 base +2 crit -1 dmg migitation)=2

    Snow Wolf: 6/14 HP (2 base + 2 weapon)

  4. As Zeri was getting up, the snow wolf already making its way towards him. Zeri knew that he wouldn't be able to get up and dodged its attack in time, so Zeri got up and waited for the snow wolf's attack. As the snow wolf jumped at Zeri in order to much on his jaw once more, Zeri used his sword to block the wolf's attempt, which left the wolf a little dazed. Zeri then used that opening to strike the snow wolf with Chaosbreaker, which caused a decent amount of damage to the snow wolf. Zeri then got a good distance from the snow wolf and said to it, "I told you I'll get you sooner or later!"

    ID:15509 BD: 8+1=9 (success) MD: 1(miss)

    Zeri: 24/27 HP

    Snow Wolf: 10/14 HP (2 base +2 weapon)

  5. This time without any hesitation, Zeri charged right towards the wolf. As he tried to attack the snow wolf, Zeri stepped into a deep patch of snow, which makes him lose him momentum. The snow wolf saw this as the perfect chance to attack Zeri while he was down. The wolf ran at Zeri, then clawed at his chest, which barely made a scratch on Zeri, but still Zeri took damage from the snow wolf's attack. "When will I be able to hit you?" Zeri said annoyingly to the snow wolf.

    ID: 15507 BD: 1(miss) MD: 6(success)

    Zeri: 24/27 HP (1base -1 dmg migitation)=1 min.

    Snow Wolf: 14/14 HP

  6. Zeri and the snow wolf stared each other down once to see who attack first. This time around, Zeri took that first opportunity as he quickly charged towards the snow wolf. He then swung Chaosbreaker at the snow wolf as hard as he could, but couldn't manage to make contact with it at all. Then wolf tried to claw at Zeri's chest but he quickly dodged his attack as well as Zeri and the wolf locked eyes with each other once more. Zeri then shook his head in disappointment as he prepared to make another attack at the snow wolf.

    ID: 15504 BD: 4+1=5(miss) MD: 1 (miss)

    Zeri: 25/27 HP

    Snow Wolf: 14/14 HP

  7. Zeri and the wolf stared each other down to see who would make the first move, and the wolf took that opportunity. The wolf tried once more to much on Zeri's shoulder, but instead, its jaws were clamped on Zeri's sword. Zeri then looked at the snow wolf as he threw it off his weapon and jumped in to attack it, cause a big snow cloud to form. Zeri waited for the snow cloud to leave and after it did, Zeri saw that the snow wolf had dodged his attack. Zeri sighed and said to the wolf, "It's only a matter of time before I hit you."

    ID: 15499 BD: 4+1=5(miss) MD: 1(miss)

    Zeri: 25/27 HP

    Snow Wolf: 14/14 HP

  8. Zeri followed the pair of dragons in hopes to find the cave a lot faster. "Wow. They really look majestic from all the way up there. I can't wait to tame one of them." Then Zeri equipped his gear, just in case a mob might show up and he didn't have time to hide.

    Unaware of what was stalking him, Zeri kept following the dragons until something jumped on top of him and clamped its jaw into his shoulder. "GAH!!!" Zeri managed to see that it was a snow wolf that jumped on him.

    Zeri managed to get the snow wolf off of him, but he was unsuccessful in attacking the wolf due to his injured shoulder. "I make sure I get you back for that you damn wolf!"

    ID: 15493 BD: 2+1=3(miss) MD: 10 (hyper critical)

    Zeri: 25/27 HP (1base +2 crit -1 dmg migitation)=2

    Snow Wolf: 14/14 HP

  9. Walking farther down into the woods, Zeri continued to search for the ice dragon cave. "The cave is still a good distance from here. But if I pick up the pace a little, maybe I get there sooner than expected." Zeri then picked up his paced a little, while still keeping his eyes peeled for any mobs that could be hiding into the woods.

    After about getting even farther into the snowy forest, Zeri heard a very loud roar coming from into the forest. Zeri ducked into the forest as fast as he could. What Zeri saw he could barely believe; he saw an actual ice dragon and her baby. "Woah! This is unbelievable! Maybe if I follow then after they leave, I might find a little shortcut to the cave."

    After a while the dragon and her child took off and headed for the cave. Zeri got out of the woods and started to follow them.

    ID: 15488 LD: 5 stealth rating=10 (not caught)

  10. As Zeri walked around outside of town, he recalled something else that he heard. "If I remember correctly, there should be a dragon cave a good walk away from here. So I'll go there to find me a familiar." So Zeri decided to head into that direction.

    So Zeri started to walk around the frosty forest in search for the cave. After a while of walling, Zeri started to hear a growling sound coming from deep into the forest. So trying to avoid any fights for the time being, Zeri hid inside the forest and waited for whatever made that sound to leave.

    Zeri noticed a pack of snow wolves came out of the opposite end of the woods. "Ok, keep quiet till they leave." Zeri thought to himself as he watch the pack of wolves search around. After a bit, the wolves gave up their search and head back into the woods.

    "Man! That was a close call! Good thing I invested into that sneak and hide skill!" So after that, Zeri went even deeper into the woods.

    ID: 15483 LD: 1 stealth rating= 10 (not detected)

  11. "Alright time to find me a familiar!" Zeri had said whil he approached Snowfrost Town. He really wanted to get a familiar from this floor, since he really likes the snow. He also have gotten word that there was a deal on some steak on this floor. "Ok, Let's go find this deal and I will be on my way!" So Zeri started his search around town for the shop. He looked around until he saw the sign that he was looking for.

    Nice, juicy, cooked steak for sale!!! 3 pieces for 100 col! Today only!!!

    "Alright! I actually found it!" Zeri walked into the shop and started to skeak to the shop owner. "Hello, I am to ask about the deal you are offering today."

    "Oh, yes! Today we're selling 3 cooked steak for only 100 col. Would you like to purchase them?"

    "Why yes sir, I would be glad to purchase the steak." Zeri told the shop owner as he opened up his menu to give the owner the 100 col.

    "Thank you! Have a nice day!" the shop owner told Zeri.

    "You too!" Zeri said to the shop owner.

    Zeri walked out the shop and started to head out of town.

    -100 col

    +3 steak

  12. Zeri looked at Calrex and Teayre, wanting to protest about going to sleep. But he knew that he would need some rest if was going to be of any help in the morning.


    Zeri went back into the cave and placed his blade down and laid beside it. He gave one final look at the two of them and said to himself, "Be careful." before he drifted off to sleep.

    ID: 15471 CD: 4

    Zeri: 25/27 HP

  13. Shocked to here Teayre's voice, Zeri said to himself, "How?! I made sure that I was really quiet so I wouldn't disturb them."

    "It's alright. It's nothing. You can go back to sleep Teayre." Zeri told Teayre, refusing to say anything about what he might have saw. Then Zeri felt something cut him. Zeri just rubbed his face, hoping Teayre would go back to sleep.

    "Sorry Teayre, I won't let you get involved while I'm keeping watch. You need to get some rest."

    "I got this."

    ID: 15465 CD: 1 LD: 17

    Zeri: 25/27 HP

    Danger Level: 2/3

  14. "I have an idea but I'm not sure that it'll work. Maybe I can sneak up on the bandits and try to pick some of them off. Hopefully, I won't get caught in the process."

    Zeri had suggested to Teayre. Then he got a good look at the new player that showed up. "I wonder how she'll be able to help is." Then Zeri asked Teayre a couple of important questions.

    "Do you know anything about the bandits so far, do you know where they're located at, and don't you think we should hold on for a little bit longer before we head off?"

  15. Zeri chuckled to himself as he saw Teayre jumped up from her sleep. "You were that scared that you couldn't noticed me sitting right at the entrance." Zeri tought to himself as he continued to keep watch.

    Then once again, Zeri heard a noise coming from outside the cave. So Zeri grabbed his blade, quietly walked outside so that he wouldn't wake Calrex or Teayre up, got to an area near the entrance so Calrex and Teayre couldn't see him, and scanned the area.

    "I won't let anything come anywhere near this cave. Even if it means sacrificing me life, I'll do it to protect them."

    Zeri thought to himself as he prepares himself to guard the cave from any intruders.

    ID: 15458 CD: 9 LD: 7

    Zeri: 26/27 HP

    Danger Level: 2/3

  16. (OOC: Calrex I'm gonna borrow your idea for a little)

    "That works for me."

    Then Calrex and Teayre went to sleep as Zeri started his night watch. "I know you mean well." Zeri thought as Beleram came to keep him company.

    Then all of a sudden, Zeri felt a sharp pain. "The desert can harm me in here too?!" Then Zeri heard a noise coming from outside. So he gently put Beleram down and said to him, "Keep quiet. I'll be right back ok." and went outside to check to see what it was. He looked around but didn't see anything. "I must have imagined hearing that noise then." Zeri thought to himself.

    So Zeri went back into the cave and sit down, and Beleram flew back onto his shoulder and continued his watch.

    ID: 15452 CD: 1 LD: 7

    Zeri: 26/27 (gained 3 or 5 HP for being out of combat for three turns)

    Danger Level: 1/3

  17. "I'll be fine." Zeri had told Calrex. Zeri walked over to a wall, and sat down.

    "I wish we could keep going, but the freezing cold will be way worse than this blistering heat. So I suppose we have to stay here to morning." Zeri had thought to himself before Calrex mention about some mobs coming in while all of us were sleep. "You and Teayre can sleep. I stay up and watch." Zeri told Calrex offering to keep watch for the night. Then Zeri thought about if he had to face a mob that was too strong for him. He looked at Calrex and Teayre and thought to himself, "I can do, I protect them while they're sleeping."

    Zeri then stretched for a little bit before preparing himself to keep watch.

    ID: 15437 CD: 2

  18. "It's going alright."

    Then Zeri saw Teayre's familiar came towards him and went back to his owner. Then he looked at the eagle and said, "Why hello there!" Then Teayre asked Zeri did he have any plans and what she wanted to do.

    "I haven't been up to much at all recently. I could use the training to help me prepare for a fight with someone and help me test out my new skill I acquired."

    Then Zeri thought about who else would be joining them and decided to ask her, "Will there be anyone else joining us or will it be us two?"

  19. The group was still walking in the desert, trying to beat the bad weather, until Teayre said something.


    Zeri struggled to look into the sky to see a eagle. "So that would be Beleram." Following Teayre, they came to up to a cave and Zeri thought to himself, "Do we have to stop now..." Zeri then walked into the entrance of the cafe and waited for Calrex to see what would they do next.

    ID: 15429 CD: 7

    Zeri: 26/27

  20. "Alright. Let's find out what I should do today." Zeri said as he let outa big yawn while he was on the first floor. Then he opened up his menu to check to see if anyone had requested for any help. Zeri scrolled through the menu as he saw nothing that would interest him, until he saw some from Teayre.

    "Some training huh. I guess I can use this opportunity to get stronger so I can take 'him' down."

    So Zeri decided to make his way to the second floor. As he came to the second floor, Zeri saw Teayre right outside the teleportation square. Then he thought about should he try to sneak up or her or not, but decided not to and just went towards her instead.

    "Hello there."

  21. Zeri watch as Teayre finished the dragon, and was a little jealous that he couldn't finish the dragon off, but wasn't going to complain about it. "That was easier that I thought." Zeri said as he sheathed his sword. Then Teayre said something that caught his attention.

    "It can get cold on deserts?"

    Then not to long after, the desert environment started to get to Zeri, but refused to let the other two notice. So he did he best to try to hide it as he said, "So...shall we...get going then."

    ID: 15424 CD: 1

    Zeri: 26/27 HP

  22. "Not exactly. I just met him not to long ago." Zeri told Anthony. Then Zeri wondered what was Anthony and Crovus was talking about, but deemed it unimportant and then turned his attention to Crovus.

    "Yes, I was. Now what was it." Zeri thought for a long time but couldn't remember what was the reason why, and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Must not be important then." Then after thinking for a moment, Zeri then asked the group a question.

    "Was anybody planning on doing anything or we just hanging out here?"

  23. Zeri nodded at Teayre when she gave him the signal to go. Zeri then gripped his blade and charged at the dragon. The dragon tried to hit him with his tail, but Zeri dodged it, jumped and slashed the dragon across his ribs. Zeri then jumped backed to the group and said to himself, "Just a little more."

    ID: 15415 BD: 9+1=10(critical) CD: 6

    Zeri: 27/27 HP

    Calrex: 63/63 HP

    Teayre: 44/44 HP

    Bearded Dragon: 10/43 HP (2 base +2 weapon +1 crit)

  24. "Besides the heat, I think it's alright." Zeri told Teayre as he prepared to make his attack. Zeri charged at the dragon in attempt to drive his sword into its chest (OOC: I hope people get the reference) but didn't noticed its claw coming. The dragon slammed its claw into the ground, which knocks Zeri back before he had the chance to attack. Zeri jumped back to the group and prepared himself to defend the dragon's attack.

    ID: 15932 BD: 4+1=5(miss) CD: 12


    Zeri: [27/27 HP]

    Calrex: [62/63 HP]

    Teayre: [44/44 HP]


    Bearded Dragon: [23/43 HP]

  25. After watching both Teayre and Calrex land their attacks at the dragon, Zeri was determined to hit the dragon this go around. He gripped Chaosbreaker, which seemed to glow brighter than usual, and make his was towards the dragon. The dragon clawed at Zeri, but he dodged it and landed a attack right into its rib. The dragon roared in pain as Zeri drew his sword out of the dragon and made his way back to the group. "..." Zeri just looked at Calrex to see what he will do next.

    ID: 15538 BD: 7+1=8 (success) CD: 12

    Zeri: [27/27 HP]

    Calrex: [63/63 HP]

    Teayre: [44/44]


    Bearded Dragon: [28/43 HP] (2 base +2 weapon)

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