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Posts posted by Alyss

  1. ID 10198 CD 6+1 (Uncommon)


    Alyss smiles at you and giggles "Good first try, let me give it a try with that bread" she said and did open her menu and scrolled over the recipes she did now to find the loaf of bread, and the next moment she standed with a plate with a piece of toast on it.


    "That was not so hard, come on try again, i know you can do it and we be keep going until your finally done, do you get that?"

  2. Alyss smiled at the two and said "Hello there Oikawa, i'm Alyss and this furry hairball is my familiar Poo, don't mind him he might end up trying to beat your pet if he gets the chance, his a little weird, but then again why would you else get a pet if not for some company?" she said and giggled, before hearing Ariel ask if they wanted to join her.


    "I was already on my way there, when Poo decided to throw snowballs at strangers, but at least he did not throw ice this time, his scaring away all my customers its a little annoying" she then did walk over and did rub Kimba's back


    "Poo get out of there, your not exactly making your self look better by hiding in the snow" she then walked past the two to pull Poo out of the snow pill.


    "So should we get going?, can't wait to fight an ice element sounds so fun"

  3. "First you can show me your cooking skills, so open up the profession menu and find cooking, since thats what you want to learn, then find something you wanna make on the list and press the craft button and wait for your roll to say if you fail or its a success"


    (Press the Perma Roller button to open a new window here you write your name at the top and copy in link to this thread in second box and then press roll. CD is your Crafting Dice go look under the profission guide for what a rank 1 cook need to roll to not fail, since its the quest to learn it we don't use mats in this one, so give it a try and write a little something about what you roll)


    "Then we see if your good friends with the gods up there or you cover my kitchen in rotten fish or something like that" she said and giggled

  4. Alyss came walking out from the back of the shop wearing an apron as she smiled at you with her greenish hair.


    "Hey there i'm Alyss, glad to meet you, so your the one that i got told was coming to learn the basics about cooking then?, should we get started then?, come you can take off your shoes and come around, and don't mind the Panda on the desk he does not bite" She said and went out back again as she waited for you to come out into the kitchen.

  5. Alyss comes out from the back and see's its Ariel and smiles "Oooh hey Ariel, so two perfects and a good one?" (and the perfect can only have +2 Craft Attempt +useless censored sadly since both CD and CA uses 2 enchant slots so you just get it with +3 Hp that one i already got approved :P)  Alyss smiles and takes out two Chocolate Puddings and gives you "These are all i got with bonus Craft attempt right now sadly, and due to the stupid enchating system i can only make em with useless bonus as the second on on the perfects" she said and did wrap in the chocolate box and the puddings and handed you.


    "There you go that be ooh wait you already got the money ready, then hope to see you again Ariel"



    Item: Chocolate Pudding
    Type: Food
    Quality: perfect
    Shop: Rainbow Sweets
    Enhancements: +2 +Craft Attempt + 3 +Max HP

    The Perfect Chocolate Pudding that makes your mouth water at the sight of it, and the taste makes you wonder feel like your in heaven,

  6. ID10097 CD5

    [Alyss 22/22]


    Alyss had heard roamers about a lost cave in the desert maybe it was near there the lady had lost her crate.

    Alyss started walking out into the desert and started looking around without having to much haste since she did need to look carefully it was a desert there could be many kinds of deadly animals out here.

    She did not see much around the area, then came to mind "Maybe one of the monsters out here eaten the crate?" she knew there was snakes out here maybe if she started hunting some snakes she could be lucky to find the crate quickly.


    So Alyss started looking for above average sized snakes out in the dessert.

  7. Alyss had just taken up the quest to go to Glacial Cove, but what she could not find in her shop on the fourth floor was her Familiar Poo, where had he gone to this time?.

    Alyss looked around the shop without any luck as she did take her Cutlass and placed by her side, and grabbed her scarf with black strips in the middle, and least she swapped her armor with her Temptation armor that was basically a breast plate that did only cover her breasts, and a pair of very tight and short shorts, as she found it totally fitting to wear on the fourth floor since the cold did not really bother her.


    Alyss opened the door from inside of her shop to see Poo sitting out front in the snow throwing snowballs at everyone that did pass by "Stop that, your the reason i don't get any customers, and no customers means no more cakes for you" she said a little angry at her panda familiar as she then smiled at him and said "Come on Poo were going to do a quest, maybe you meet someone you can play with and maybe even throw snowballs at." Poo quickly got up standing and went over beside Alyss and lifted his paw up to grab Alyss's hand as she did take his hand and started walking towards the edge of town, but she did not know he already was holding a snowball ready if he should see someone pass em.


    But luckily for Poo they did not meet anyone before the gate and then Alyss did notice the blond at the gate and smiled, and next thing she did see was a snowball flying thou the air to hit the guy that was talking with Ariel.

    Alyss just face palmed herself and kept on walking towards the gate, and as she arrived she looked at the guy and said "Sorry about that, his a little hard to control, haven't had him long and its not often he seen snow before i got him so he plays around in it way to often" she then looked towards Ariel as Poo rushed over to try jump up on back of Kimba but without much luck as Poo jumps over Kimba and lands in a large pile of snow instead.


    "Hey there Ariel, what are you doing outside of your shop?"


    ID10096 CD 1(Epic fail riding Kimba :P)

  8. Alyss smiles at the two "Were done here lets get moving out of here so we can start our next Journal" she said and smiled at the two. as she went to the town and looked at the guide book for where to find the next quest she could earn some easy Sp on. but it did not seem as if there were more on the second floor. "Yoo girls you two coming we got more fun to do so lets keep moving i heard there is some quests on the first floor also that we can do for some extra loot and Sp"


    Quest Summary

    Alyss: 2 Mats + 3 Sp + Matriarch's Stinger + 133 Col For Page Completion

    Natsu: 63Col + Matriarch's Stinger (Already Done Quest Once so no SP reward) + 133 Col For Page Completion

    Draterion: 62Col 1Mat + Matriarch's Stinger (Already Done Quest Once so no SP reward) + 133 Col For Page Completion

  9. Alyss looks at the queen as she was almost hit by Natsu's failur once more "Hey Natsu hit the enemy not let em hit you" she then did swing her sword and tried to swing her blade but did not hit anything other then the air as she looked a little mad at the Wasp with basically no health left "Come on that's no fair you stupid mob go away before Natsu starts crying" she said and slams her Cutlass into the ground.



    Battle Dice:2+3=5(MISS!) 0 DMG


















    Wasp Queen


  10. Alyss looks at the two once more and giggles "Your horrible at hitting Natsu" she said and came sprinting right past him and slided over the ground as she did slice the Wasp Queen's lower half making a deep wound on her.

    That did bleed quite a big deal first dealing five points of damage, and then two points of bleed and last healing Alyss for two points herself, as she did get up standing again and smiled at the two "Your turn to actually do something Natsu"

    she then held her weapon ready to cut the wasp queen once more.



    Battle Dice:8+3=11(Hit!) 5+2 DMG +2 Health from Life Steal

















    Wasp Queen

    16/30 Bleeding for 2 damage in Draterion's turn

  11. Alyss had heard of this quest, it was something with some girl who had gotten sick, and needed someone to go look for something she had lost in the dessert but could Alyss really find it by herself ?.

    She went down the road near the dessert and found the girl sitting in a camp all coverd up.


    Alyss walked over to her and asked "Your the one needing people to go into the dessert for you are you not?"


    The Lady responded with "Thats right i am, are you here to go get the stuff i dropped out there?"


    Alyss replied with "Yeah better then ever, can't be that hard, what is it i'm looking for out there in the first place?" She said with a smile.


    The Lady then said "A Wooden Crate, easy to spot when you see it, so if you could go bring that to me i would be happy" the lady said.


    Alyss then looked towards the lady one last time "I be back in a days time or so, so be sure to rest while you wait for my return"

  12. Alyss looks at the two and smirked for her self "Nice job you two, your not completely useless after all" and as she was talking the bleed effect from her first hit did go in and the plant monster died before she did even manage to end it.

    "Awww thats no fair you stupid plant, why you die from bleed effect that's no fun" Alyss then went over to loot the plant and smiled back at the guys "So we got to chose here bonus mats or a uncommon item" as she looked at the two she could see the Queen had just spawned behind the two as she giggled not saying anything to the two hoping the queen would attack one of em



    Battle Dice:4+3=7(Hit) 5+2 DMG


    Loot Die: 20+0 (i prefer the bonus mats since i got 0 atm)


















    Plant Monster


  13. ID 9972 BD 3+3 MD 2 LD 4 (+2)

    [Food Buff +2 LD 8 posts]

    [Alyss 13/17]

    [boar 0/10]


    Alyss was still looking at the sleeping boar as she walks over to it and sits down in front of it and looks at it and smiles as she takes her Cutlass and jabs into its eye as it dies. "Yet another boring one they are quite boring at this time of day i knew i should have gone home early" she then lootet the boar and went over to pick up Poo before leaving the grasslands to head to the fourth floor to check the materials she had gotten from the quest, maybe next time she could go hunting wolfs instead.


    "What do you say poo?, hunt wolfs next time?"

    Poo just looks away as if he was saying no to that idea.



    [Alyss 5 Damage to boar]

    [boar 0 damage Alyss]

    [Loot Total 10mats 250Col]

  14. ID 9971 BD 4+3 MD 1 LD XX (+2)

    [Food Buff +2 LD 9 posts]

    [Alyss 13/17]

    [boar 5/10]


    Alyss just smiles at Poo as she sees a boar spawn right behind him but it seemed to be sleeping as she giggles and get up standing again and takes her Cutlass in her hand, and then moves slowly towards the sleeping boar.

    and as she gets close she cuts the boar with her Cutlass and to her surprise the boar does not even wake up, it was as if it was already dead, she kept staring at it for a few minutes before she took a step back ready to attack it once more and end its life.



    [Alyss 5 Damage to boar]

    [boar Deep slumber]

    [Loot Total 9mats 250Col]

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