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Posts posted by Vasth

  1. Vasth walks over to a wall and sat down to rest, He open his bag and looked at the things he had mined, the bag was pretty heavy now, Vasth smiled he would make a beauitful charm for Miriko, Vasth thought to himself, He yawned and he decided the take a naps before going back to mining, he set a timer on his menu and closed his eyes.

  2. Vasth watched as Shirosu killed the Bigger Golem,Vasth shrugged "Pretty good I am not attacking cause i am low on energy." Vasth said as he used no effort to dodge the monster attacks, the small one launched forward, Vasth sided stepped it, the another one jump up and fell towards Vasth, Vasth rolled out of the way, Vasth smiled. "You should be kill them."

    MD 1 ~Miss~

    (Sorry I forgot to addd your damage, so before it was on 4 health,)

    Vasth 40/40 Hate 4

    Eng 4/10 +1

     Shirosu 57/57 Hate 1

    Eng 5/13

    Big Golem 0/36  (Dead)

    Small Golem (1) 16/20

    Small Golem (2) 16/20

  3. "Awww too bad, you better give me a perform when you do!" Vasth smiled "Don't worry I don't mind!" Vasth said happily, "but I know you will be a great singer!" Vasth smiled, Vasth got a idea he would do a performance move with his spear, to show to Eul "I got a awesome idea!" Vasth said as he got up with his spear. "I will perform a show!" Vasth smiled. "You ready?!" Vasth said as he slamhed his spear's blade into the ground.

  4. "AHAHah I got you guys good didn't I," Vasth laughed "Yes this is my girlfriend Miriko, Miriko meet my friend Kalesh and Eulaila," Vasth kissed Miriko on the lips "My princess and my love of my life!",Vasth blushed "Ah sorry!" Vasth patted the back of his head as he kissed Miriko without think about the other two in front of them but then he made a slow cheeky grin, "Soooo Are you two dating me" Vasth smiled as looked that the two "couple",Love is a beautiful thing Vasth thought

  5. Vasth grinned as he listen to Eul, "Yeah, my family owns a dojo so i have trained most of my life, We will make a super awesome team," Vasth grinned "I can teach you sometime if you want," Vasth smiled, "A Performer hey?" Vasth thought a rare profession... Vasth smiled as he hear that she wanted to help peoples morale during fights. "What are you goin to perform?" Vasth said "How about perform one for me?" Vasth smiled.

  6. Vasth nodded "Come on let's see if we can find a plant!" Vasth smiled as when looking for a a plant again. As They looked for it, Vasth hugged Miriko from behind, "I love you Miriko~~ Hmhmhm!" Vasth said happy and kissed her cheek, Vasth looked down and saw a found. Hey... I wonder Vasth let go of Miriko and grab the flower but it bursted into pixel "Awwww" Vasth made a duck face "A fail again!"

    ID 33557

    LD 2 

  7. Vasth nodded, Vasth grabs his spear, spins it and gets into battle stance, "Ready, Miriko let me hit first only attack until it's aggro to me. It a mini boss so it's stronger then normal ones health is about 20 and.....Damage should be 10" and explain to Miriko about their battling strategies on the monster, "Ok you got it right, Let's go!" Vasth ran forward, he jumps forward slams his foot on the ground to hold his grounding. "Fatal Thrust!" Vasth does that a windup, he launches from the ground and thrust into the Boar. "Ok i got a hit Miriko, attack!" Vasth says

    ID 33397

    BD 6+2=8 Fatal Thrust

    Sword Arts = 3x1x3 =9 

    MD 3 ~Miss~

    Boar 11/20 -9

    Vasth 40/40

    Energy 7/10 -3

    Miriko 16/16

    Energy 4/4 

  8. Vasth jumped over Shirosu,landing in front of the Golems, The smaller ones aim for his stomach but with fancy footwork Vasth dodge them, the Big golem went in for a punch but Vasth sides steps, reading it's move easily, Vasth grinned he has felt like this, Vasth dashes forwards and says "Twin Thrust" Vasth like to do it manually, it felt more nature but you need to prefect the move to do it,which was the hard part. Vasth hits the monster neck and knee,stunning it.

    ID 33260 

    BD 9 ~Crit Hit~ Twin Thrust
    MD 2
    Sword Art= 2x1x4=8 

    Vasth 40/40 Hate 4

    Eng 3/10

     Shirosu 57/57 Hate 1

    Eng 9/13

    Big Golem 4/36 Stunned -8

    Small Golem (1) 16/20

    Small Golem (2) 16/20

  9. (Pssst Miriko you're suppose to get hit my the boar!...but one if you have Dmg Mit on you skill you take none but you still need to add that you got hit)

    Vasth steps back ready for a finishing move, Vasth nods as he hear the words of Miriko, "I am going to finish this," Vasth leaps forward shouts out "Twin Thrust!" Vasth did his moves manually since he liked it like that. The boar was aggro to Miriko so Vasth was able to do it easily without trouble, Vasth thrust the boar knee making it fall down and then it's neck killing it as it bursted int pixels "Let's found one more, Miriko!" Vasth say as he places his spear on his back again.

    ID 33259

    BD 10 ~Crit Hit~ Twin Thrust
    Sword Art = 2x1x5= 10 (Bit of a overkill...poor boar)

    -7/4 Boar -10 (Dead)

    40/40 Vasth 

    Energy 6/10 

    18/18 Miriko

    Energy ?/?

  10. Vasth got up and looked at Miriko he was bored sitting down he wanted to meet more people. "Let's find some of my other friends eh?" Vasth grinned as he hooked his arm arounds Miriko so Miriko was able to hold his arm if she wanted to,they slowly walked around, Vasth sees a few familiar faces, Vasth saw Mack who wasn't in to greatest mood so Vasth decided to talk to him later, Vasth see Kalesh and Eulalia, both very close to each other, after they stop flirting, Vasth whispers to Miriko "wathc me  scare two of my friends!" Vasth gave a cheeky grin, Vasth slow walks up to them couple and hugs them both from behind "Hey Kalesh and Eul did I get you guys,ahah It's been quite some time!" Vasth says as he looks at the two, Vasth hooks his arm around his princess. "What have you guys been up to?" 

  11. Vasth nodded as he listen to Mack, Vasth smiled as Miriko got new and better equipment. Vasth tilted his head and frowned. "Mack... I have to cloak right here," Vasth said as he equipped the cloak. "But I don't have the Medallion," Vasth looks at the medallion in his hand, "Ok Miriko stay still." Vasth puts on the medallion on for Miriko "There prefect!", Miriko shows off her new equipment, Vasth grins back at her "You look like a professional swords master." Vasth smiled as he pulls down his hood a bit. Vasth listen to Macks words of battle "I may not be classified as a "tank" but i can take a good amount of punish." Vasth say to them. Vasth looks down at Miriko, "I am, let's go!" Vasth holds Miriko's hand and starts to walk.

  12. "Don't worry about it I will tank i have 24 Damage Mig so i won't take much damage ,So let me hit it first so it's aggro to me," Vasth ran forward he just was going to do a basically attack, well he was about to attack, Vasth saw 2 smaller golems they were a lot more weaker then the bigger one they had 20 health and 10 damage, Vasth quick change in a sword art "Sonic Charge!" Vasth thrusted forword with a exploding inpace hitting all of the golems at once. The bigger golem tired to attack but Vasth ducked and the two smaller tired to attack but Vasth dodged. "OK Shirosu go, I will take care of the smaller ones" 

    ID  32991

    BD 6+2=8 ~Hit~ Sword Art: Sonic Charge 



    MD 5 ~Miss~

    Vasth 40/40 : 3 Hate

    Shirosu 57/ 57

    Big Golem 32/36

    Small Golem (1) 16/20

    Small Golem (2) 16/20

  13. "I think we would make a sweet team, I am a world class marital artist in the real world, so I am able to use my fighting skills here and your tactician skill with my skill we will become a great team," Vasth grinned, Vasth looked at Eul's spear, "Also we are both spear user so we are a matching team." Vasth laughed, "Oh yeah,hold on a second." Vasth pulls down his menu and presses a few buttons. Vasth sent a friend request to Eul, "Here we can contact each other when ever we want,By the way do you have a profession?" Vasth asked her.

  14. "Well My girlfriend's name is called Miriko, she is a very nice girl, now how we first was very funny." Vasth said as he walked into the shop, Vasth saw a NPC with a quest above his head, Vasth nodded, "So i was sleeping under a tree one day, as I was nearly into deep sleep Miriko fell out of the tree and headbutted me in the chest." Vasth laughed as he remember it again. "The NPC is here." Vasth pointed towards the NPC.

  15. Vasth nodded "Ok, i will be waiting inside,I will be scouting inside." Vasth got up and slowly made his inside, Vasth looked inside, Vasth saw a golem inside, Vasth laid on the wall and peel inside. "Hmm I need to make a smart move with Shirosu," Vasth looked outside and saw Shirosu finally getting up, Vasth waved this with a finger on his mouth meaning to come quietly. 

  16. Vasth was at his shop packing up to move, Vasth looked at the message, Vasth patted the back of his head. Vasth placed down his items and Vasth rubbed his hair that he cut short,

    To Miriko

    Ok I will be be making there now.

    From Vasth

    Vasth made his way to the teleporting station, Vasth got to the 1st floor, he made his way to the portal plaza. Vasth got there in 20 mins, Hmm i got 10 minutes to spare, I will wait here. Vasth wondered if he looked good in his new hair.

  17. Vasth smiled as Miriko pull him to the tables of food, as both of them started to eat he saw that people were rounding around something, Vasth smiled as he watched Miriko eat her food, Vasth hear someone say  "Good evening Vasth!Vasth turned around to see Shirosu smiling there, Vasth said "Good Evening to you too Shirosu, I believe that you two haven't met,Vasth said to both of the ladies  "Miriko this is Shirosu,Shirosu this is Miriko." Vasth smiled as they sat the a bit more they he saw Mack and another man fight about something, Vasth frowned What is happening?

  18. Vasth smiled, as he held Miriko's hand "Yes, she is, looking good the both of you ," Vasth smiled, "It's pretty crowded eh?" Vasth said to the guys. Vasth saw a few people start to dance, Vasth smiled to Miriko "Mirko, let go and dance," As Vasth walked away with Miriko onto the dance floor, he said to Opal and Lawfer "See you guys on the dance floor," As they got to the dance floor, Vasth placed his hand on her hip and held her hand up. Vasth grinned "Let's dance!"

  19. Vasth smiled, "No need to call me Mister, Just Vasth is fine, Hmm Well I came to game to escape my heart ache in the real world but that's all healed up, Vasth smiled "This world is very interesting, I also feel like I belong in this world, I sometimes wish this world was real and I just live here forever, you know but without dying, ahhahah" Vasth said to Eula, As he laid down on the green grass, "sometimes I can't believe this world is not real." Vasth looked over to Eula "What about you, What's your story?"

  20. After Vasth gave Zelrius a hand shake (assuming he did) Vasth saw Miriko walk up to him, my god she is so beautiful Vasth thought to himself, Miriko gave Vasth a soft kiss on the cheek and Vasth hugged her and gave her a kiss on her forehead,  "Well of course Miriko, you look like a goddess and how do I look,is my hair good?" Vasth asked her as he stepped back, letting Miriko see his clothes and his hair, Vasth saw Opal In the crowd with Lawfer  woah are they dating? Vasth thought, Vasth decided to call them over, " Hey! Opal! Lawfer! Over here!" Vasth called out.

  21. ID 32373 CD 11+1 = 12 Perfect 

    Name: Spirit of the Jade Dragon

    Quality: Perfect

    Item type: Lucky charm

    Enhancement: [+2 ACC /+1 EVA]

    Description: Dragon Charm bracelet that gives the user an infused sense of swiftness and accuracy.  The band is made from metals to make a flame formation of red, orange, and yellow radiating outwards from the center.  Inlet on the band is a single Jade gem, polished to a fine sheen.  The gem has a long dark slit that resembles the eye of something no longer living.

    ~"In a land far from our own, the Jade Dragon reigned.  Its law was just and judgement swift, the land would know its rule.  One day, a lone warrior wielding a blade of unknown origin, faced its wrath.  After a long battle of many days and nights, the warrior and dragon were both at their ends.  The Jade Dragon saw through the warriors heart, and saw not the heart of vengeance and anger, but the core of honor and just cause.  Upon their dying breathes, the jade dragon gave unto the warrior its soul in the shape of a jade crystal eye.  The crystal fused with the bracelet of lover, of the warrior; becoming one with them and bringing the warrior back from the brink of death."~

  22. Vasth looked at Hirru description... Ok... very long, Vasth looked that his item that he made before that was like it, he placed some rare crystals he had mined before and he placed the materials into the crafting menu, he sat the waiting while sipping coffee, Vasth patted the back of his head as he waited and then he saw it PERFECT!, Vasth smiled  

    ID 32373 CD 11+1 = 12 Perfect 

    Name: Spirit of the Jade Dragon

    Quality: Perfect

    Item type: Lucky charm

    Enhancement: [+2 ACC /+1 EVA]

    Description: Dragon Charm bracelet that gives the user an infused sense of swiftness and accuracy.  The band is made from metals to make a flame formation of red, orange, and yellow radiating outwards from the center.  Inlet on the band is a single Jade gem, polished to a fine sheen.  The gem has a long dark slit that resembles the eye of something no longer living.

    ~"In a land far from our own, the Jade Dragon reigned.  Its law was just and judgement swift, the land would know its rule.  One day, a lone warrior wielding a blade of unknown origin, faced its wrath.  After a long battle of many days and nights, the warrior and dragon were both at their ends.  The Jade Dragon saw through the warriors heart, and saw not the heart of vengeance and anger, but the core of honor and just cause.  Upon their dying breathes, the jade dragon gave unto the warrior its soul in the shape of a jade crystal eye.  The crystal fused with the bracelet of lover, of the warrior; becoming one with them and bringing the warrior back from the brink of death."~

    +8 Exp

    - Mat

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