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Posts posted by Vasth

  1. When Mack came out Vasth putted out some items for him. "I have the items you wanted for your shop here." Vasth pulls out The painting Forest Sky and also the charm that handed up called Wind Ring. Vasth gave them to Mack "Here, they are for free." Vasth heard a mew member of the group join into the group. "Hello, Nice to meet you Kaluluwa, Hmmm Mack you know anywhere good?" 

    Name: Forest Sky

    Quality: Good

    Item type: Small Paintng

    Enhancement: None

    Description: A painting of a beautiful land scrape of the Forest and a orange and yellow sky as the sun set came.


    Name: Wind Ring

    Quality: Good

    Item type: Charm

    Enhancement: None

    Description: A Charm to be hanged up, during when the wind blow the on it, the will emerald shines brightly colouring the room and make nice sound. 

    Given To Mack

  2. He smiled "Yes you can, If you need anything just ask me but right now I am moving floors soon, so maybe when I finish moving." Vasth was kind of interested in Kourmori, Vasth only met this guys once. "I have heard that a lot of the guild members are hanging with him, Why is it that Mack and him hate each other or something along those lines?" Vasth asked Shirosu. "Oh by the way, if you place the necklaces in the sun it projects a cool shape and colour." Vasth said.

  3. While Vasth was mining he find a tunnel that was high up, Vasth wondered what was up there, He put his pick axe on his back and started climbing. As he got up the tunnel was completely dark. Vasth walked in close. As he got closer, got into a room....a room made of precious stones. Vasth eyes widen,he grabbed his pick and start to mine.

    ID 30701 LD 18 +1 Mat
    ID 30702 LD 15 +1 Mat
    ID 30703 LD 11
    ID 30704 LD 20 + 1 Mat

    Vasth mined very fast, He got a few good piece of stones and a few broke as he mined it so he lost some.

    +3 Mat

  4. Vasth nodded as he listened to what Beo said. Vasth yawns, Vasth looks around "So....how did you get into SAO?" Vasth asked Beo, He wanted to get to know Beo better, Beside it's a common question to ask anyone in this death game. It's a good question to ask everyone if you want to know them. Vasth listened as Beo gave his answer.

  5. Vasth smiled "Sure, You're leading to way in the fight." Vasth popped up the map and started to walk to the whereabouts of the mini boss. Vasth equipped his cloak to protect him from the sandy winds and the hot sun rays. Vasth was used to this heat in the real world. Vasth wondered how Xion was holding up. "It's a long walk, So tell me when you need a rest."

  6. Vasth smiled, He finished his coffee, Vasth looked at Gin who was sleeping in his lap.. Vasth slowly patted his head. "Yes, it seems that our guild are full of weird and extraordinary people," Vasth smiled as he see at Shirosu. " Hold on, I got something for you," Vasth said as he went though his inventory  and got a rare item out, the Rage of The Fire Charm. Vasth placed it on the table. "Here, I want you to keep this, as a token of our friendship and also probably the most normal people in the guild." Vasth smiled. "So have you met anyone interesting?" 

    (Forgot to add >.<)

    Name: Rage of The Fire

    Quality: Rare

    Item type: Lucky Charm

    Enhancement: +2  Acc

    Description: A clear crystal made into a necklaces,made of red,orange and yellow shaped into a fire which is quite light and cool looking

  7. Vasth nodded as he listened and looked around, "Well I am in one of my most lowest times of my life, so I used SAO as a escape but that's all heal up cause I have meet a lot of people, Even someone I love now, So I have a girfriend." Vasth smiled as he looked over to Glory wondering if anyone popped up in her mind. Vasth gave a cheeky grin. "Do you have someone you like?" Vasth looked at her face.

  8. Vasth laughed as well, " Thanks for agreeing, I will message you when time comes." GIn must have really like Vasth because she started to lick Vasth face and nimble Vasth's long hair. Vasth smiled as he looked at Gin, Vasth couldn't help but kiss Gin on the nose. "Well ain't you a cheeky one." Vasth start to rubbed it neck. "We can even get Gin a friend to play with, isn't that right Gin hmm?" 

  9. Vasth watched as Blue came in, he smiled and nodded as Blue took the charm. He was about to say something but Blue just went out....Vasth sighed Blue was a bit cold but Vasth didn't mind. He was about to go to his crafting room until his fellow guild member Graves came in. Vasth smiled at Graves even though he hasn't even talked to Graves much but his talks causally which Vasth likes. "Sup Graves and yes it is, So how many I help you?"

  10. Vasth took his coffee and sip it while Gin started to lick his neck for attention. Vasth patted Gin's head, "Now Now you be good, I will play with you in a bit." Vasth said to Gin. The coffee was really good, Vasth nodded "Yes, I do but i never got around to do it, I heard that there was a rare type of dragon that is active now, a completely crystal dragon," Vasth said as he drank more of the coffee. " People say it's dangerous to go alone but i haven't got anyone to go with........" Vasth slowly looks at Shirosu.

  11. Vasth shook his head. "She is not dead, I just miss her a lot." Vasth sighed as he followed Beo into the teleport pad. Vasth stepped on and the light flashed, He saw Beo start a few meters away. "I am alright,let's go." Vasth walked over and yawned. He was quite tired but he wanted to finish this.

  12. Vasth listened, He finally opened his eyes he looked up at the lady who had introduced herself. Vasth smiled, "I am Vasth, pleased to meet you," Vasth slowly got up as Opal. Vasth chucked "You being a detective,well I believe that accuracy in hand to hand wouldn't be much of a cheat if you knew real martial arts,Since I am a top world martial artist I would know." Vasth smiled as he heard Opal's last comment, "hmm I'm not scared of anyone, beside I stand for the just things but Shirosu tried to kick a guys nuts, it would make him angry without a doubt.."  Vasth swings his shoulder around which was uncomfortable, Vasth grumbled, He grabbed his Dragon Spear and slammed the blade into the ground because it was blocking him from getting his uncomfortable shoulder fixed.

  13. Vasth smiled as he looked around, even though it was messy Vasth was used it to cause his shop was like this. "Oh don't worry about it, My shop is more messy though... the messiness is part my shop...." Vasth took a sit.He listened to Shirosu "Hey, No need to thank me, I believe that people in this world should work together." Vasth smiled. Vasth saw Shirosu's familiar sniff him. Vasth was about to say something when it jumped on to him and curled. Vasth felt the.....fox? it's a fox right? felt the fox's fur, it was so fluffy. Vasth's eye shined and hugged it slowly. "OMGWD, it's so CUTE AND FLUFFY!!!" Vasth started to tickle it.  

  14. ID 30253

    CD 12+1

    NamePoke Watch

    Quality: Perfect

    Item type: Lucky Charm (Will wait until you are able to make charms)

    Enhancement: 2X Accuracy, 1X Evasion

    Description: The Poke Watch represents an app on Pokemon games. It has many functions such as time telling and various apps that would help the user in the world of SAO. It is blue and red with quite a great screen that allows the user to change the brightness of it. 

  15. Vasth looked at the mans order....a poke watch...Ok! Vasth thought,Vasth gather a so material to called this items

    ID 30253

    CD 12+1

    NamePoke Watch

    Quality: Perfect

    Item type: Lucky Charm (Will wait until you are able to make charms)

    Enhancement: 2X Accuracy, 1X Evasion

    Description: The Poke Watch represents an app on Pokemon games. It has many functions such as time telling and various apps that would help the user in the world of SAO. It is blue and red with quite a great screen that allows the user to change the brightness of it. 

    Vasth got materials that suited it, A perfect...it's going to be hard. Vasth thought to himself. He placed each parts by itself, then he waited. Vasth closed his eyes, then he had a ding. He opened his eyes and it said. PERFECT!

    Vasth smiled.

    - 1 Mat

    + 8 Exp

  16. As Vasth heard Blue's name realised that his was the one order there odd charm....Vasth said "Ahhh you must be that people for order....that ummm" Vasth thought for a moment as Blue jump up trying to grab a apple. "that Poke watch right,sorry i haven't have much lucky lately on perfects " Vasth said to Blue "Hope you understand."

  17. Vasth shrugged as he followed Beo, "Hmm good thing i didn't become a blacksmith or else that would be too many in the guild, I am a Artisan but i main make jewellery, i give out discount with guild members."  Vasth said as they got to the teleporting pad. Vasth looked at the skies as they mean his remember of Miriko,his gazed was far.... without even thinking about it he spoke the word out load. "I miss you Miriko..." Vasth realised what he had done,and flushed quickly hiding his face from Beo. "Sorry...please forget what i just said..."

  18. Vasth listen as the two warriors fought each other, Vasth chunked a bit as he listen each of them miss many finishing blows. Without opening his eyes as Takao strikes the winning blow, Vasth said to Opal and Graves "Well Takao won didn't he?" As Takao did a arm throw on Mack. Vasth eye remained closed as he wait for the whole crowds comments.

  19. (Wait...Floor 5 is a desert.....*$@# i didn't know, I am moving my shop to 3rd floor,so let just keep going with this for now)

    Vasth stared out into the horizon, Vasth decided this. "Let go fight a mini boss on this floor,you up for that?" Vasth looked over to Vasth. Vasth hear that there was a mini boss roaming around. Vasth wanted beat it. 

  20. Vasth walked back to town, trying to remember the way. "hmmm let's go that way." Vasth talked to himself which was a habit when his trying to remembering things. He walked where he and Miriko eat lunch....then he walked to where vines in ice was covering a cave.. Vasth smiled "Found it." Vasth pulled away the vines and turned to Xion "Come on." Vasth walked in. Just how he remember it. A tree made for clear crystal.

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