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Posts posted by shadowsnake1001

  1. The skeleton is on all fours and begins to crawl out of the cave. (Well this is weird, I have never seen one on its hands and feet. None of the less it's time for it.) Snake took hold of the hilt of the cutlass and slides it out of the sheath. A snarl is let out from the skeleton when it spots him. Snake darts and slams the cutlass into the ribs of the skeleton. The skeleton's ribs fall and disappears after hitting the ground. The beast snarls again and slashes snake's face, the would stretches from one eye to the top of his chest. Snake grips the sword tighter from the pain and jumps back.

    LD: 13625

    BD: 10

    MD: 6

    Snake: 15/16

    Skeleton: 5/10

  2. the gate is a few steps away, when something pushes snake down. He looks up and sees the NPC, but it just walks past him like nothing happen. snake grits his teeth while he stands back up, brushes off the dust and dirt, and continues out the gate. Snake makes his way to the cave from that one quest that he had done for those couple. While walking he thought about a few moves for evading to attacking to countering. (A block against swords and then side mine across the opponent's and sink the blade in its chest.) Snake's thoughts are interrupted by a skeleton coming into view.

    Snake: 16/16

    Skeleton: 10/10

  3. Snake's eyes snap open and he squints at the sun, which is just a little past the horizon. Sitting up on the bench snake looks around, but nothing is unusual. He stands up slowly, trying to keep his balance and keep from getting dizzy. snake's jaw drops and he lets out a loud yawn, "ahhhh well that bench isn't too bad." A NPC raises its eyebrow as it passes him, but snake just ignored its action and walks to the gate. he looks at the post-morning sky, in the east flaring a bright orange-red with the west as a dark blue with hundreds of stars lighting the surrounding space. the gate is crowded by a lot more people than usual, but nothing important is going on. (what is up with these NPCs.) snake pushes through all of the NPCs as he makes his way to the gate.
  4. the sun is now out of sight when snake reaches the city. he looks around and sees a bench that no one is sitting on, so he walks over to it and sits. spreading himself over it, he lays down and closes his eyes. (its been a long day and mostly a scary one due to those monsters were getting stronger and all i have is regular clothes and a chestplate which is weird because all i have is the chest piece.) he begins to drift off to a sleep.


    +45 col

    +3 materials

  5. snake gets to his feet and before the kobold could turn around, he plants sword into its neck and slashes the nape of its neck. the kobold goes limp and falls to the ground lifeless, snake sheaths the cutlass and the body bursts into pixels. The pixel cloud clears up and leaves nothing behind, so snake started to walk back to the city where he could rest for the rest of the day. the sun was setting and falling under the horizon, turning the sky a orangish-red. snake smiles at the scenery. (i could get used to this sky, but i have to get home.)


    ID: 12824

    BD: 9

    MD: 4


    snake: 4/14

    kobold: 0/9

  6. the kobold side sweeps with its sword and snake tries to evade the attack by jumping, but the sword comes in contact with his legs and turns him facing the ground. snake lands in the mud and pushes him self back onto his feet. (that hurt and now you're going to get it.) snake smiles and the kobold just stands there. he runs at the monster and upon reaching the beast, he drives his cutlass towards its chest. the kobold takes its sword and deflects the incoming sword. the kobold swings again, but snake had already ducked and rolled away.



    BD: 3 

    MD: 6


    snake: 3/14

    kobold: 4/9

  7. the kobold launches the great sword over its head and tries to hammer snake, but he takes a step to the side. the sword crashes into the ground. leaving the sword stuck in the soil, but the kobold rips it out of the ground. snake darts to the kobold and slashes at its stomach, but it blocks the attack sending sparks into the air. (this isn't getting anywhere if i keep this up.) he steps back as the kobold gets closer. 


    ID: 12822

    BD: 5

    MD: 2


    snake: 5/14

    kobold: 4/9

  8. Snake rams the sword into the monster's back and rips it down, leaving a long streak down its back. The kobold let's out a piercing scream and turns around with a swinging blade. The creature's sword flies above snake's head and tears the air. Snake jumped back and slipped, but caught himself before face planting. (Still not used to this armor on me, but with time I'll become familiar with it.) His head began to feel sore again. The headache began to form again. The pain has gotten sharper and more irritation, although it stayed longer than last time. The kobold darts at snake with the great sword behind it.

    ID: 12761
    BD: 10
    MD: 3

    Snake: 5/14
    Kobold: 4/9

  9. Snake puts his hand on the ground and starts to get up. (Well this is something. Hopefully the mud will wash off as I'm walking.) Snake stands up fully and begins to walk in the direction of the city. A few meters off ahead of him is a kobold with a great sword that drags on the ground as it wonders around aimlessly. (With this weather I don't think it'll see me coming.) Snake approaches the mob in a low sneak; he has his head low and is crouching to avoid immediate eye contact. He slow slides the cutlass out of its sheath and then reaches his target. "You're going to go down swiftly", he says in a whisper.

  10. Snake's step begins to become louder in his ears; which are now sounding like crashes. A sudden deafening smack rings through his ears, snake grits his teeth in attempt to brace himself from the piercing sound. He looks down to see a pouch much smaller than the bag he found earlier. "Well good somethings happen in desperate times." Snake opens the bag and reaches, "nope spoke too soon." A flood of irritation fills him. That is when the rain began to beat down on him. (Woo woo, just great another disappointment. What's next? Me Sli...) snake's legs is swept from under him and his back slaps the ground making water splash in the air.

    ID: 12755

    LD: 1

  11. Snake was reminded the headache by a sharp pain pricking him. he clenches his teeth and lets out a grunt, but he had to deal with the pain until it stopped. although that wasn't going to happen anytime soon, he just just kept walking through the blades of grass. a shine from the ground catches his attention and his eyes dart to the source. A bag with something peeking out of the mouth of it, he crouches and grasps the bag eager to explore the contents of it. he reaches down into the bag and pulls out a small bag of flour. "a person died here and dropped this? must have been a cook." he places it into his inventory and stands; snake continues his way to the city.


    LD: 12735


    +1 material

  12. snake regains his grip of reality and looks around. (what is with that vision?) he shacks his head and begins to develop a headache. a rush of thoughts filled his head and he wasn't able to keep track of all of it, he kept walking without paying any attention and he tripped over a small box. the swarm of thoughts left and he focused on the box; a emerald encrusted, chiseled dragon with steam flowing out of its nose and a key hole that was bent and cracked. he picks it up and tries to open it, but it doesn't budge. snake pulls it harder and the chest rips up and the hinges tear apart, but a material fell out after he tipped it upside down. he kneels, ups it up, and puts it into his inventory.


    LD: 15


    +1 material

  13. "these are for the one that finds this rock," an arrow pointed to a bag that sat untouched on the ground. snake peals the two sides of the openings to reveal a mat; he takes out the item and places it into his inventory. he stands up and continues to search for some more materials that could be lying around this plain. (how come someone would just leave some items for someone to find.) he blanks out and he finds himself in his kitchen at home where his mother had put a note onto a sack lunch reading."honey please forgive me, i had to run to work for something important. here are is your food and make sure not to miss the bus."


    LD: 16


    +1 material

  14. he looks at the unarmed kobold and he rams the cutlass into its chest. he slide the kobold off the blade and it bursts before it hits the ground, the pixels clear and the only remains are 45 Col. snake kneels and acquires the Col snake stands back up and begins to walk away. he walks back to the city where he would rest upon entering, but there is still "sun left." snake walks around aimlessly as he searches for materials. a rock stuck out of the ground 3 feet away had some engraving on it. walking up to it, snake reveals the text by brushing away the dust in the letters. he squints to see the what it says.


    snake: 5/14

    kobold: 0/9


    ID: 12072

    LD: 14

    BD: 10

    MD: 8


    Col: 45

  15. placing the strawberries and a small container yogurt on the table, snake grabs a tooth pick and impales the strawberries with them. he starts to dip each one in the yogurt and placing them on a plate. he opens the freezer and puts the candied item in side it, he waits patiently for around 5 minutes. He opens the freezer and finds that the snack was finished, taking them out and placing the item on the counter he looks at the tantalizing treat. a smile stretches across his face.


    ID: 12070

    CD: 11



    material: yogurt candied strawberries - snack/rare/herb (smooth to the touch, sweet at the right degree, and has a slight tangy taste.


    this item is not usable due to me not doing things right, sorry.

  16. the kobold's eyes flashed, this dazes snake's vision, and it strikes snake's armor upwards. the lance's spear slides through the scales and sinks into his skin. snake grunts and grips the lance and pulls it out from his armor and flesh. he kicks the monster back making it slide on the ground, the kobold stops sliding and it dashes towards snake. (he proved he is fast, but all mobs lack intellect.) he takes his cutlass and lounges it forwards, the two swords clash and deflect. the kobold's sword is pushed out of its hands and it impales the ground.


    snake: 5/14

    kobold: 1/9


    BD: 2

    MD: 6

  17. the kobold stares at snake for a few more seconds until snake breaks it after he dashes up to it and takes it by the throat, he rams his sword into its stomach and rips it out. snake throws the kobold to the ground, the kobold gets up instantly and launches its lance into his shoulder. the kobold takes it out and snake jumps back, he starts to circle the beast ready to attack it. (waiting for it to attack would be best unless it is faster than me, but it hasn't shown any speed so far.) snake releases his grip and focuses harder on the monster.


    snake: 6/14

    kobold: 1/7


    BD: 10

    MD: 7

  18. he come up behind it and strikes it down with a fast swing into its side. the kobold lets out a grunt and in a panic it swings at snake. the sword cuts across his stomach, but snake jumps back before anymore damage is done. snake tightens his grip on the hilt and grits his teeth to endure the pain, taking a few steps to him the kobold's face seems to be more wrinkled and stale. (that's cool the things have a age variety not only that they also have different weapons making it a different experience every time.)


    snake: 7/14

    kobold: 6/9


    BD: 6

    MD: 6

  19. the kobold side steps and snake anticipated it, he strikes the kobold down with his fists and impales the bear spot slicing right through it. snake pulls the sword from the beast and it bursts into pixels, snake frowns. (all that trouble just from one little kobold.) his head dangles as he shakes it. he looks up and sees another kobold, (i wonder if this will end the same way as the last?) snake begins to stealthily walk towards the beast. (hopefully the thing won't turn around and miraculously see me.) His steps are virtually silent.


    snake: 8/14

    kobold: 0/7

    kobold: 9/9


    BD: 8

    MB: 4 

  20. The kobold brings down its sword, but snake slides under it and he comes up with an uppercut. A red mark lines its stomach where the sword had touch its skin. The beast falls to the ground temporarily and gets back up, rage surges through its eye as the beast bursts into a sprint. Snake grins as the kobold closes the space between them, (that's right come to me so I can slit that thin throat of yours.) Snake holds the sword up right, he sees a bear spot where its armor and clothes isn't covered.

    Snake: 8/14
    Kobold: 1/7

    BD: 8
    MD: 2

  21. Snake gets up in the kobold's personal space and slashes at the kobold , but it dodged and counters with a sword in his side. He lets out a grunt and steps back, snake clinchs his teeth as he sprint at the little beast. (I won't be killed by a weak creature like you. I won't go down, it won't end like that.) The kobold smiles and raises its sword, snake looks at the beast.

    Snake: 8/14

    Kobold: 4/7

    BD: 3

    MD: 6

  22. snake begins the process again, but with bread and cinnamon. he puts the bread on the table and sprinkles the cinnamon on top. he places the slice of bread into the oven and places it on 3 minutes. watching as it cooks, snake begins to drool a little more than usual. the oven clock dings and snake takes out the cinnamon toast, the toast was brown on both sides and the crust was as brittle as sand. (can't even make toast correctly, whats next can't prepare cereal.) well, nothing in is going to get done if i just stop now, so i'm going to keep trying till i get it right. (lets just hope i don't waste materials though.)


    CD: 4


    material status: burnt piece of toast - (trashed)


    -2 materials

  23. snake walks towards the kobold and then the kobold starts stepping back, but trips over a rock and falls to the ground. snake takes advantage and leaps towards it with his sword by his side. the kobold rolls to the side as snake slashes the air above it, the kobold stops rolling and pounce at snake only for him to dodge the attack. (i hate when taking out an enemy takes so long.) he begins to grip the handle tighter and his breathing accelerates, his mind slows everything by going fast. he ready his cutlass and the dashes to the kobold.


    snake: 9/14

    kobold: 4/7


    BD: 1

    MD: 5

  24. snake walks towards the kobold and then the kobold starts stepping back, but trips over a rock and falls to the ground. snake takes advantage and leaps towards it with his sword by his side. the kobold rolls to the side as snake slashes the air above it, the kobold stops rolling and pounce at snake only for him to dodge the attack. (i hate when taking out an enemy takes so long.) he begins to grip the handle tighter and his breathing accelerates, his mind slows everything by going fast. he ready his cutlass and the dashes to the kobold.


    snake: 9/14

    kobold: 4/7


    BD: 1

    MD: 5

  25. snake comes back to the counter to see if anyone was there, but there was nothing but a note. snake read the note and then a panel asks him if he wants the contents on the counter. he smiles and puts them into his inventory, he looks at the door and makes his way back to the kitchen. he enters and walks to the table, he places down chocolate and peanuts. (hope this works this time.) he put the chocolate onto the peanuts and he sets the items on a plate. placing it in the oven he puts the time on for four minutes, he stares into the oven as the chocolate melts and sinks in between the peanuts. the oven ding and snake opens the oven to be rewarded with a coco peanut bar.


    CD: 11


    material: +2, -2


    item made: RARE coco bar - + Alcoholic, + Fiber


    this item is not usable due to me not doing things right, sorry.

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