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Status Replies posted by Xanatos

  1. To kill another player or let them be.... hmm mhmmm hmm

    1. Xanatos


      Cal! Tell me you could see the the comparison im making XD

    2. (See 71 other replies to this status update)

  2. To kill another player or let them be.... hmm mhmmm hmm

    1. Xanatos


      Have you ever watched Akame Ga Kill? It reminds my of a girl named Seryu Ubiquitous from that anime.

    2. (See 71 other replies to this status update)

  3. To kill another player or let them be.... hmm mhmmm hmm

    1. Xanatos



    2. (See 71 other replies to this status update)

  4. To kill another player or let them be.... hmm mhmmm hmm

  5. All right guys! With one month left til I ship for Basic Training. My hope is to really buckle down and have fun with you guys as much as I can before I have to go 9 weeks without a computer to use freely :D

  6. NAME THE TRILOGY: Eragon. Saphira. Brisingr. (first one to post correct answer gets 10% discount at my shop)

  7. NAME THE TRILOGY: Eragon. Saphira. Brisingr. (first one to post correct answer gets 10% discount at my shop)

  8. NAME THE TRILOGY: Eragon. Saphira. Brisingr. (first one to post correct answer gets 10% discount at my shop)

  9. NAME THE TRILOGY: Eragon. Saphira. Brisingr. (first one to post correct answer gets 10% discount at my shop)

  10. OH NO! Spaghetti o's!

  11. Mari just gonna keep causing trouble in allll the threads she is in

  12. My Rping has slowed down waaay too much

  13. Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast...YES PLEASE

  14. Ok Got a butt tonne of 'Good Potions' to think up today; let's throw some ideas Mari's way; what potion effect would you happily drink? I SHALL MAKE IT

  15. Ok Got a butt tonne of 'Good Potions' to think up today; let's throw some ideas Mari's way; what potion effect would you happily drink? I SHALL MAKE IT

  16. Ok Got a butt tonne of 'Good Potions' to think up today; let's throw some ideas Mari's way; what potion effect would you happily drink? I SHALL MAKE IT

  17. Ok Got a butt tonne of 'Good Potions' to think up today; let's throw some ideas Mari's way; what potion effect would you happily drink? I SHALL MAKE IT

  18. Ok Got a butt tonne of 'Good Potions' to think up today; let's throw some ideas Mari's way; what potion effect would you happily drink? I SHALL MAKE IT

  19. Work, school, and relationships. The three circles of life.

  20. So there is not Lifesteal anymore?

  21. So there is not Lifesteal anymore?

  22. I think Mari's Alchemy store is pretty rad; and I have a few ideas for 'good' potions and crafts but what are some good items people want to see? (aka no enchantments just RP fodder)

  23. Man, Echo's thread is getting intense

  24. Man, Echo's thread is getting intense

  25. Man, Echo's thread is getting intense

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