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Posts posted by Xanatos

  1. A small cottage sits in the village on the 3rd floor. It's humble appearance is marked by a wooden sign "The Plucky String". A bass clef is carved into the door. A doormat reading: "You're no treble at all!"




    Hello! Welcome to the Plucky String! I am Xanatos, purveyor of this fine establishment. This business is all about music! Heals, buffs, even monster hunting! If you can whistle it, I can play it. Whatever you like! Take a look at my stock and let me know If I can help you with anything :D


    Rank 1: Musico Primo 2 Crafts per Day


    Rank 1: 0 EXP (2 Crafts per day)

    Rank 2: 40 EXP (4 Crafts per day)
    Rank 3: 
    160 EXP (Crafts per day)
    Rank 4: 640 EXP (8 Crafts per day)
    Rank 5: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day)


    The CD Result Chart (Rank 1)

    [1] = Critical failure (Cannot erase song from recording crystal)
    [2-4] = Fail (Cannot erase song from the recording crystal)
    [5-7] = Bad item (Possible to erase song on a 15+ loot die result)
    [8-9] = Good item  
    [10] = Uncommon item (1 enhancement slot)


    [11] = Rare item (2 enhancement slots)


    [12] = Perfect item (3 enhancement slots)


    Epic Fail, Fail, and Bad Item: 1 EXP


    Good Item: 2 EXP


    Uncommon Item: 3 EXP


    Rare Item: 5 EXP


    Perfect Item: 8 Exp



    Song of Adoration (Good)

    Plays a song of longing devotion for your loved one. The crystal glows a deep pink, lightly humming it;s tune until activated.

    100 Col


    Song of Merriment (Good)

    This song is a must have for any party or get together. It increases the positive mood of any social situation. Having hard time getting people to enjoy themselves at your shindig? Play this song of joy and brotherhood to really get the party going!

    Lasts 15 Posts

    100 Col


    Song of Joy (Good)

    Feeling down or depressed? Lighten your heart with this song of Joy! Any player who listens fills their heart with happiness and warmth!

    Lasts 10 posts

    100 Col


    Song of Battle (Good)

    This song inspires those that are preparing for the fight of their lives. Play this song for your troops to feel the calm before the storm, and the rush of battle all at once!

    Lasts 10 Posts

    100 Col


    Song of Monster's Bane (Uncommon) QTY: 2

    This song debuffs mobs nearby, making your chance at loot even greater when you defeat them! 

     Monster Call: +1 (Per slot) LD. For each enhancement slot used, a monster will spawn. These monsters give you a +1 on the LD when killed if they meet loot requirements, making good loot from them easier to get.

    Cost: 300 Col

  2. After gathering all of these materials in the cave...hmmm guess I never gave it a name...I'll call it the Cave of Harmonies! I decide it's time to relish in the night life of starting city once again! Maybe take some time to try crafting for the first time. But for now beer, babes, and meat are all need for the next while. Well that and a buddy to hang out with. Everyone else is either busy or asleep this time of night! Hmmmm better start cruising the streets for someone that looks like they need a friend!

  3. After gathering all of these materials in the cave...hmmm guess I never gave it a name...I'll call it the Cave of Harmonies! I decide it's time to relish in the night life of starting city once again! Maybe take some time to try crafting for the first time. But for now beer, babes, and meat are all need for the next while. Well that and a buddy to hang out with. Everyone else is either busy or asleep this time of night! Hmmmm better start cruising the streets for someone that looks like they need a friend!

  4. "Wonder" I'm glad that the crystal was not asking for anything gloomy at this point. I was int too good a mood to play a sad song. Wonder....hmmm. I chose an instrumental piece from a favorite violin player of mine from the real world. Her beats and flows ebbed to anyone that listened. I tried my best to replay one of her more popular songs. The piece began long and flowing. It was like stretching taffy, folding it together then stretching it again. The yawn of the notes provoked a violet and blue hue from the crystals. Then when I switched to the songs more upbeat bridge, they turned a bright yellow color!





    Again...nothing fell..."C'mon guys give me something for my effort here! I'm doing the best I can!"

  5. No! I can't give up now! This is a miracle and I'm going to experience it! I walked over the center crystal. "Battle" Not too difficult! I set Garanzia to my chin and played a Scottish folk piece. It tells of great battles and spoils of war. The tune was fast, but at times slowed to an allegro. The song made me imagine the thousands of men that fought to the death with he enemies of their freedom. One by one the crystals changed colors from subtle blues to deep reds. With each climax and rise and fall of tempo, a wave of coloration change would appear. 





    Noting fell again? Dang, it's been awhile since anything fell from the walls...nevertheless I must continue!

  6. "Triumph" Ha! This one will be fun. I knew a classic that even crystallized souls could love. I began the chords nice and slow, plucking out the notes one by one. "Iv'e paid my dues, time after time..I've served my sentence, but committed no crime" The crystals emitted an orb of light that to me resembled a lighter! "We are the champions my friends. And we'll keep on fighting to the end! We are the Champions. We are the Champions! No time for losers, cause we are the Champions, of the world!" I smiled wide remembering the music of the real world. Always nice to have a throwback :D





    The crystals enjoyed the display but no crystals came to me after my performance. Maybe it was time to wrap it up and go home for the day. I've been here for hours....


    Total Collected:3

  7. "Loss" Dang it went from groovy to gloomy in an instant huh? I stopped the beat and let the crystals reset. I brought up my hand and began to play a popular song from the real world...The violin art was simple but it was the words of this song that captured people more than anything..."When you try your best but you dont succeed, when you get what you want but not what you need..." I sang through the first verse and struck a few chords for the chorus. "Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones...and I will try to fix you..." The crystals turned violet and blue. The mood was gloomy but chill. I felt a tear develop in my eye...





    To no avail, I look for any fallen crystals. None. Hmmm maybe it needs something deeper next time. 

  8. The crystal flashed and showed me my next topic: "Joy" "Hahaha I can do this one with my eyes closed!" I shut my eyes and set a beat on the rocks. Something more retro. I decided to just play the chords and sing the chorus over the over again until I got a reaction. "Lose yourself to dance...Lose yourself to dance..."  I sang loudly, grooving to the beat in heart. I danced all around by myself feeling the music taking shape. I opened my eyes to see the crystals flashing white and turning off creating a strobe effect off of each other!





    No crystals dropped in the commotion but I was so entranced in the beat that I didn't even need to bother with looking.

  9. "Anger" This one I knew all too well. When I would get angry I would stroke to a beat and rap to my music. I thought of one of my favorite rappers and started a beat on the rocks. The crystals grew a deep red as I began to spit out the rhymes. "All of your brain cells rotting from weed. You feeling like if you ain’t got it your life’s not as complete. You having sex with every motherf$%%$# body you see. With a past so dark, that Satan'd jump out of his seat. But still you out in these streets, thinking you hot as can be. Without the knowledge to lead, so you just follow the sheep. Making sure your lame swag is all polished and clean." The crystals had no idea what color to turn it seemed. Some were even rainbow colored!





    A crystal fell from the ceiling but shatters on the rocks below..damn...

  10. The crystals word changed. "Anguish" I knew exactly what to play for this one. I dug deep into my memory, A song I learned from a preacher that used to stand on the corners of streets and seapk to anyone that would listen. He would even sing worship songs to passersby. "Once I stood in the night with my head bowed low, In the darkness as black as could be. And my heart felt alone and I cried Oh lord, don't hide your face from me..." I played the song over and over again. The volume grew as I struck the chorus. "Take m hand. Let me stand where no one stands alone..."





    No crystals dropped from the cavern but they hummed in harmony as I looked at the crystal for my next emotion...

  11. I began to feel a tug at my heart. A felling that was bringing up old feelings for friends long gone...i felt anger...love...joy...all in an instant it felt. Were these crystals reading me? All of sudden, they went dark. glowing very dimly without color. "What? What did I do?" The yellow crystal in the center bore a new inscription: "Expose your heart, these crystals can. Want your emotions, sing them to us. Join the Minos Clan." The Minos Clan? Could these crystals be the members of the house of Minos? The crystal now bore a single word: "Love" I wasnt sure what it wanted at first. But then I realize. It want's me to express love via song! I readied Garanzia and sang a love song written by a Brazilian composer "Muie Hendera". The song about a man chasing after the lace maker woman bounced through the cave. The crystals turned a funny orange color.






    Nothing fell from the cavern but I could feel the music surrounding me as if it was something I could touch.

  12. The set ended in glorious light being radiated throughout the cave. In one singular moment, the cave flashed bright yellow, then faded to a calming blue. The crystals hummed softly. It seems that after a series of stimulations, they need to reset. I waited for a moment and began to play a slow lullaby. The chords gracefully weaved through the crystals, turning them from blue to violet. I felt at peace with the world. Everything was perfect right then and there with my heart as light as a feather.





    A Violet crystal dropped from the ceiling. It hummed and pulsated as I placed it in my bag. +1 Material


    Total Collected: 3

  13. I felt my hands weakening. I had played so hard and gained so much so far. Why end it here? I'll play as long as I can before my hands give out! I begin to play a more modern piece. An upbeat, almost electric sound rang true on the crystals. I stomped my feet on the rock creating a beat that the crystals pulsated to in sequence. Like a pedal on a guitar they repeated the beat even after I had stopped stomping. It was magical! I felt my heart swell with life as the beat grew louder and louder!





    Nothing fell from the ceiling but at that moment I didn't care! I continued playing adding player after layer of syncopation! 

  14. I decide a purely instrumental piece. A classical art that I learned first in my lessons. The movements flowed flawlessly between the arcs of the story of "The Firebird" from the calming notes of the forest, to the harsh encounter with the phoenix itself. The crystals seem to enjoy my performance. Even the yellow crystal with the inscription began to  hum loudly with each phrase played by Garanzia. When nearing the finale, I could distinctly hear the echoes of voices singing matching chords. What the hell is this place?





    Although the crystals seemed to react positively to the piece, no crystals fell from the cavern

  15. I tried just singing to the crystals. "As the winter winds litter London with lonely hearts. Oh the warmth in your eyes swept me into your arms. Was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night? For every kiss your beauty trumped my doubt. And my head told my heart, let love grow. And my heart told me head this time noooo..." The crystals turned a funny green color. The coincidence made me laugh loudly XD. The crystals then turned an odd shade of pink that reminded me of cotton candy. 





    No crystals fell from the walls. Disappointed,  I ready Garanzia for my next piece. 

  16. The crystal hummed low in my hands as I put it in my inventory. This place is amazing! I put Garanzia to my chin and kept playing whatever came to my heart. Folk music, classical, pop. Everything flowed through me. I felt the crystals radiate and change with the mood of my music. Blue when peaceful and flowing. Red when harsh and quick. Yellow when I reach a climax of the piece. The crystals seemed to know my music the more I played. I could swear I could even hear the crystals harmonizing with me.






    Another crystal falls from the wall. I pause my music to hear an amazing echo off the walls. I placed it in my inventory. +1 Mats


    Total Collected: 2 

  17. I took out Garanzia, my favorite violin. I struck a simple chord. The sound echoed through the caverns. The crystals seemed to mimic the sound. It rang loud and clear in my ears. "Beautiful! Truly Beautiful!" I yelled. I stopped playing and the sounds stopped. I began again, playing a song of joy. Chord after chord, note after note the crystals replayed my sound. They even began to change colors! " High is the moon tonight.Hiding its guiding light...High...Heaven and earth do sleep..Still in the dark so deep...I will the darkness sweep" I sang as the crystals heard my song.






    One of the crystals swelled and fell from the ceiling. It lands at my feet and I pick it up. +1 Materials


    Total Materials Gained: 1

  18. I walked slowly into the cavern. It was massive! The cave split off into other sections of the area. Crystals lined the caverns walls. Blues, greens, yellows, crystals of all shapes, sizes, and colors galore. The Hoya pulled me to a large crystal in the center of the cavern. An inscription grew more legible on the yellow crystal. "In this Cavern, Crystals a plenty. Music is made. Made quite simply. Play your songs and play them well. The cave will reward you.  Lonely hearts will swell." The message was whimsical, yet a bit confusing. How would playing music in this cave reward me?



  19. I wandered through the forest. The darkness was thick, the sounds eerie and the eye staring at me grew numerous the further I went in. Home sweet home. The Hoya began to glow brightly as I moved towards an outcropping in a rock structure a few yards ahead of me. "What th- Are you...communicating with me?" The Hoya's glow intensified at my words. "I don't know what you want..." I wandered close to the rocks and Immortal Fang began to move on it's own! The blade struck in to the rock and the Hoya flashed a bright blue light. The rocks parted to reveal a tunnel. I walked inside, the tunnel closed behind me. As the tunnel closed behind me, a sequence of crystals reacted to the Hoya. It lit the way to a cavern at the end.

  20. Yearning for a change in scenery I went to the teleport pad in the square. "Floor 3" I stated. The pad hummed and shot me off to the desired floor. I felt the energy surge through me for an instant. Suddenly I was surrounded by the small village in the plains of the 3rd floor. The Forest of Wavering Mist sat just beyond a field outside of the village. I remembered my adventure in searching for the Hoya of Minos, I looked at Immortal Fangs jewel. "Feel good to be home?" I walked out towards the woods. I had a feeling that the forest had secrets yet to be unlocked by players.

  21. "You Idiot! Why would you even do such a stupid A$$ thing like that!" I yelled at Daeron. I rushed over to him. "You would kill yourself right in here in front of someone who claims to love you? Even I know that's cold. You know what, you don't deserve friends like Oske, who is wiling to put her life on the line for a complete stranger, if you are willing to break their hearts for your own comfort. I guess in the end you would never have deserved anyone. You're too weak...selfish...you're right you cant protect anyone like this...I'm done trying to protect those who have no desire to be saved. I learned on the streets that a man has to have a will to live to be worth a damn. I barely even know you and I watched you go from hero to zero in an hour. You gave up. You took the words of a woman on potions to heart and are now stabbing yourself in the stomach. You tell me Daeron...you going to prove me wrong and punch me in the face instead of that tree? or are you gonna let that health bar drop to 0 and break Oske's heart?

  22. Finally arriving at a place I could rest for a moment I count the Materials I gained today. "1 Mat..ugh the RNG Gods did not favor me today with this gathering session. Oh well I'll have to do my best with what I got! Also getting this amulet wasn't a bad thing either. Although just cosmetic, It symbolizes my power as a hunter. In the end, that's what matters. Showing others that I am ready to defend them, ready to protect the innocent and stop all those out there that stand to destroy freedom and hope!

  23. Reaching the gates of the city, I saw players and NPC's gathering in the square. The banners were up again saying "Goodluck!" I guess it was almost time for another Floor Boss fight. I couldn't help but wonder how I would do in one of those fights right now. Floor 10 has been said to be a dark and dismal place to those not trained to fight in the darkness. Maybe it was a good thing I wasn't on the front lines for now. No telling what kind of horrors lie beyond the darkened veil. Hell the dangers here on the first floor nearly killed me on multiple occassions!

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