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Posts posted by Klick

  1. Klick continued walking for what seemed like ages now. Translation into video game time, 5 minutes... roughly. He was getting really sick of the place already. There was absolutely nothing here. Not even a stupid mob to run away from or fight. Yea he probably would fight it. Just being honest. It was quiet, except for the constant screaming. About that screaming too... well he will analyze on a that later thought bubble, path, time, thingy. Thought thingy it is. He will analyze that on a later thought thingy. Anyway the point is that there was nothing around, nothing to do, and worst nothing happened.

  2. Klick looked at the trees. He wondered if he could smash through it with his hulk strength. He got up and pulled out Lunar quill. Then he stabbed the tree. Nothing happened. He slashed it with some made up sword art but nothing happened. He stopped attacking it hoping the tree would thank him and open up. Ok He did not think that but he did pause for a moment and it is the pause that counts. Despite the pause for whatever reason, nothing happened. Klick walked away and nothing happened. He returned because he has been walking in circles and nothing happened.

  3. They continued to walk and walk and walk. Ping was tried to be more brave but she still stayed hidden inside of Klick's breastplate. She was not screaming as much though. Klick was watching as the road tended to fork off into many different paths. He would take one and then another one and then ended up where he started. Other paths would take him to dead ends. Finally he stopped and sat down against a tree. He hated to admit it but he was lost. This place was a maze, and not one of those fun ones where the exit was there when you needed it.

  4. Klick marched through the screaming forest with a sense of purpose. Had really care, he would noticed the walls of dead trees, the carefully tended pathways, the occasional bone or two speckled in the surroundings. Ping noticed them all, ringing every time she came across one. Klick sighed, he was starting to feel bad for scolding her. He did not regret making her stop pulling his hair, but he did feel bad for being mad at her for being scared. To be honest, this was a grim place. It was nothing like the dark wolf infested forest from which she came. So he stopped and apologized for his behavior.

  5. Klick warned Ping if she did not stop, he was going to find something scary to fight. This pain from her constant pulling was not acceptable for this low level of threat. Maybe if he was 5 levels weaker but this was really ridiculous. She ringed but let go of his hair. Then she flew into his chest plate and hanged just under the hold for his head. This was much more acceptable. It was not painful and that was what mattered. He could not believe she was scared. If was not worried about her annoying him more he would slap his forehead and really have a talk. At last he was on a quest, and needed that trophy.

  6. Klick and Ping arrived in front of the Forest of Wavering Mist. The sounds of souls screaming in pain and agony really made the place feel welcome, if you were really into that kind of stuff. Ping held on to Klick's hair tightly flinch at every other scream. Klick shook his head. This was a low level area. He honestly feared nothing here. In fact, if he had a one hand assault spear, he would fight everything that moved. fortunate for all the low level mobs in the forest, Klick did not have such a weapon of mass destruction. Even if he did, he did not have the time to use it. He had to get stronger now but more important then that. He needed that pendent for his wall. Trophies bring in customers ya know.

  7. Klick was browsing the boards when he came across a note about some pendant inside the Forest of Wavering Mist. Klick remember the one blade on his wall of trophy. He needed more trophies so what better way then to do a new quest. Klick called to Ping who was up eating some cheese. She flew over to him excited to go on a new adventure. Klick grabbed his new weapon which he bought from this new blacksmith shop he found, Lunar Quill. Though it was not a Spear, it allowed him to use his shield, Embargo. Holding the two, he felt so right. He was a true tank again. Now he needed some armor. Normally he would go with Diplomacy, but his shield already matched those stats. All that left him with was his Deflective Gauntlets. Recently he leveled up and his armor Stat was really high. He did not need the bonus armor stats but at least he was armor less. Then he looked through his shop for any good meals he could take. He forgot that it has been a while since he stocked up on good. He saw some White wine which gave some decent damage. He did not mind evasion debuff because he could take a hit. After all, he was going to a low level floor, what was the worst that could happen. At last, he was ready and the duo headed out.

    Name: Lunar Quill

    ID: Forged by the Sun

    Item Type: Weapon (Rapier)

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 Damage

    Description: A long, thin, silver blade. The hilt is an elegant black and silver with a light swirling pattern etched in the metal.


    Item: Embargo
    Item Type: Shield
    Quality: Perfect
    Enchantments: +2 Thorn, 1 Paralyze
    Obtain: Shop
    A black heater shield with neon purple outline and a Yellow gem in the center. Yellow runes are carved around the gem which gives the shield a chance to halt an attacker in their place.


    Item: Deflective Gauntlets (Heavy Armor)
    Obtain: Gifted
    Enchantment: +9 Damage Mit
    Description: These gauntlets look so hearty that they could possibly deflect even the heaviest of blows!


    Item: White Wine sample
    Obtain: Shop
    Grade: Rare
    type: Snack
    Effect: +2 DMG -2 Eva 1 thread or day
    Description: Its just white wine in a small small cup... it tastes really good though... Hey now you can say... "Do you want some cheese with that wine"

  8. For the first time in forever Klick pulled out the opening sign. He gave the shop a new look and moved it to floor number 5. Though it would be less busy on this floor, he hoped that he could attract more players and less window shoppers. Ping was sleeping in her little bed just above the order window which Klick was so happy he installed. He scratched his head remembering those painful nights when she would not stop tugging. He was surprise that he still had hair but then again this was a game. After taking in the fresh air, he jumped into the kitchen and started working the magic, Drinks and Deserts was all he could cook up now but soon he would unlock the meals and then he would really be a shop. He muched his Gladious lunchbox 3.0 for the extra boost and proceeded to craft

    Item:Gladious lunchbox 3.0- > Eaten
    Obtain: Gifted
    Enhancements:[Essential Nutrients]
    Description: 1 CD 1 thread or day

    43266-6+2 Good 2exp
    43267 3+2 Bad 1exp
    43268 6+2 Good 2exp
    43269 8+2 Uncommon 3exp
    43270 3+2 Bad 1exp

    (no loot die 15+)

    Klick was extremely rusty, Though he did manage to make something.

    In order he crafted

    Name: Lime Sake
    ID: Blue's Checkpoint
    Item Type:
    Description: Sweet lime Sake. Though it will not grant you the Power of Drunken fist, You can have a good old drunken time with your friends.

    Burnt Cake (trash)

    Name: Lime Sake

    ID: Blue's Checkpoint

    Item Type: Drink

    Quality: Good

    Description: Sweet lime Sake. Though it will not grant you the Power of Drunken fist, You can have a good old drunken time with your friends.


    Name: Orange Gummies (Vitamins)

    ID: Blue's Checkpoint

    Item Type: Snack

    Quality: Uncommon

    Description: Some candy that is healthy for you. With the orange flavor you will not get sick and you may even find your self mehehe... Lucky
    Effect: Grants + 1 LD for an thread or day

    Upside down burnt Cake (Still trash)

  9. When Klick entered his shop he reached out to the close sign. Then he remembered, he had the shop closed for a really long time. He let out a sigh and went into the back room. One day he would reopen his shop but not tonight. He started the water and started getting undressed. Before he got to his pants he stopped and remembered Ping was still asleep. Worst, she needed a bath too. He moaned because she did not like to listen. He pulled her from his hair to wake her up. Then he grabbed a bowl and filled it with hot water and soap and placed it on behind a wall. He pointed to it and looked at her. She was groggy and complained in rings. He glared at her unaffected by her crying eyes. Finally she listened and in her bath. Klick sign and got in his bath. He looked at the new message.



    Klick smiled as he sunk into the water. He loved knew skills. Then he hear a chime. He opened his eyes and saw Ping darting for his head. He demanded that she return to her bowl or leave the bathroom but she did not listen, instead she sat in his hair and fell asleep again (She is wearing a towel you perverts) Klick groaned and sunk deeper into the water. 


    Quest complete

    Gain 400 col 2 SP
    Survival skill

  10. It took a while but Klick managed to returned to the town. The people all looked at him, surprised and in awe. They spoke in praise of his bravery and his shear tenacity. At least that is what he told himself. He was too exhausted to even attempt to understand what they were saying. The npc came out running to him and hugged him. She spoke sweet words and held his hand. Then the quest menu appeared asking if he accepted the reward. He sigh and Klick yes. At last He was done. He could go home. Enjoy his rewards and sleep. Ping was already sleeping, that lucky slyph. Something else appeared before he left the npc but he decided he would look at it later.

  11. Klick poured all the sand out of the cargo. He checked the wheels which seemed to be working find, they were spinning. He grabbed the too pieces of sticks and then procceded to drag the stupid thing across the desert. The sand raged and raged but slowly it died down. The sandstorm was strong but it would not win today. Klick was an American. They launch Nukes in deserts and could blow up sandstorms. Klick had to do America. At least that is what he kept telling himself. He had to because the stupid cargo was heavy and the sand did not make it any easier to pull. In fact, it made it harder. That is for all of you people who thought otherwise.


    ID# 43251 results:

    Craft: 2

  12. Klick grabbed the hard structure and pulled. Although he mentioned he had to dig it out. he did not really want to dig it out. That might take forever. He pulled and pulled but it was too heavy. He gritted his teeth and walked around the cargo for a good minute. Then he sigh, as it looked like he was going to have to dig it out. He cuffed his hands and started digging moving the sand away from the cargo. His idea was that he could burrow under it and then push it out of the hole it was in. It was a stupid idea but if the smart idea would not work then the stupid one would. This time around he was right. The cargo was freed and ready to be taken back.

    ID# 43250 results:

    Craft: 9

  13. Klick suddenly tripped and rolled down another sand dune. He knew he hit something hard because everything else around him had been just sand. Soft... painful... blinding... sand. Klick scrambled to his feet and tried to retrace his stance but he did not see what he tripped over. He yelled and kick some sand only to hit something hard. He kicked again to make sure he was not feeling things. It was still there. He was not making it up. He did it, he found the cargo. The winds gale in protest but Klick would not budge. He was so close to being free from this area and now he had to dig it out.

    ID# 43249 results:

    Craft: 2

    Klick regens 3 hp


  14. The sand was rattling against Klicks armor. He could feel the wind grab him and the sand swimming beneath his feet. Sometimes he could feel his self moving nowhere. It was a powerful storm and almost like a boss mob. He shook his head as he was picked up off the ground and threw into a sand dune. He dug himself out of the sand and checked on Ping. She chimed to show she was alive and well. Klick promised he would find this treasure soon. He slid down the dune and scanned his area. It did not help that he could only see a few feet but it was a start. He sighed wishing he had brought his treasure hunting gear.

    ID# 43247 results:

    Craft: 9

    Loot: 20 (treasure found. Will show what happens in next post)

  15. Why traveling, Klick noticed something strange with his health bar. It was missing something. He wondered if he had recently leveled up. He looked at his stats but everything was the same. Then he stared at his bar for a few minutes. It took a while because of all the sand flying everywhere. Also, klick has been getting hit in the head alot recently so he is not as sharp as he could have been. In fact lets just say he is being really stupid right now. Finally the light bulb appeared above his head before being shattered by the flying sand. The sandstorm is dangerous and it is hurting him. He had to work fast and find this cargo.

    ID# 43246 results:


    Craft: 10

    Loot: 14


  16. The sand was... EVERYWHERE. It was in the sky, it was on the ground. it was in the air. It was just there. How as anyone to find any thing lost in this maze? Klick shook his head and started pressing forward. Despite his feelings, a quest is a quest. He was not going to give up because of some stupid sand. He was Klick and he had a mission to accomplish. Even if it meant Fighting some super overpowered Sand shark, Which he hoped and prayed he did not have to do. That would be a horrible fate. He looked up while covering his eyes. Ping was tightly holding on to his follicles as to note get blown away, so he knew she would not be doing much on this adventure.


    Battle: 8

    Craft: 1

    Loot: 1

    Klick takes 10 damage from sandstorm.

  17. Klick started crying. Though he knew this was not his friend. He knew this would be the last time he would be able to see her face. As such, he dropped his shield and stopped resisting. For the time being, he would stop resisting and enjoy this one last embraced with his friend. Though it hurt to believe in a fake, it at least made his heart ache less. Tears rolled down his face and he held her tightly. “I always loved you; I wanted to tell you in person… I wish I was not so scared… I know you are looking after me in heaven… So until we meet again. Goodbye.”

    Klick grabbed her head and twisted her neck. The demon changed back into its original form and then disappeared. Ping flew into Klick’s hair and started to rest. Klick rubbed his eyes and smiled. He nomatter what happens, at least he will have Ping at his side. Then she pulled his hair so she could wrap herself. Nomatter how annoying she may be.

    ID# 43236 results:

    Battle: 7

    Craft: 1

    Loot: 5

    MOB: 1+5-1

    Demon 0/60 dead

    Klick 26/33


    Quest complete

    Gain 400 col 2 SP
    Unlock Meditate skill

  18. The demon’s eyes started glowing brightly. It screamed and exploded into black smoke. Klick jumped back hiding behind his shield. When the smoke disappeared, he saw his friend getting up. She was in tattered clothing and had a health bar like a player. Klick stood there frozen. He knew she was dead but how could this be. The demon gain 5 acc as Klick was now under its last resort attack. Then it slowly walked over to Klick and hugged him. “I… I… Missed you Blue”

    The demon squeezed Klick tightly while absorbing his strength. Klick felt a sting and tried to pull his firmed off of him. He punched her side as he struggled to break free.

    ID# 43218 results:

    Battle: 6

    Craft: 7

    Loot: 12

    MOB: 2  - 1 + 5

    Demon 2/60 paralyze 0/1

    Klick 26/33

  19. Once again the demon was squirming on the ground. Klick was on a role. If he did not know better, he would think the demon was the one that was terrified. It was so weak, Klick could feel it. There was no hiding as it trembled. No noise was coming out of its mouth. No shapeshifting could save it now. It was about to be married with Klick’s foot up its demon buttock. This was also Klick’s new favorite pass time. He raised his foot with a demonic smile on his face.

    You should called this demon fire, cause Klick just stomped it out.

    ID# 43217 results:

    Battle: 8

    Craft: 2

    Loot: 20

    MOB: 6

    Demon 7/60 paralyze 0/1

    Klick 26/33

  20. The Demon used the brief moment of time to rebuild its body. It reformed into a human form resembling Klick and held out a sword. It was back to the basics with it but Klick knew it was feeling weak. The hunch in its back, the heavy breathing, the weak glow in its eyes all gave away to the monsters low hp. He did not know what kind of stun it would pull next but he did not care as he was about to whoop some BUTT.

    The demon charged at Klick but he parried with his shield. Then he punched the demon and slammed it into the ground.

    ID# 43214 results:

    Battle: 9

    Craft: 7

    Loot: 5

    MOB: 6

    Demon 11/60 paralyze 1/1

    Klick 26/33

  21. The creature lied on the ground twitching again. Klick rubbed his ears, gladded the creature was not screaming again. Again he got a good hit which stunned the creature in place. He grinned and mentioned that the creature could not scream any more. Then he lifted his boot and readied his self to unleash the punishment. The demon was not getting away and there was no way he could miss this, great moment.

    Klick stomped the shadow back into the ground and backed up.

    ID# 43210 results:

    Battle: 8

    Craft: 9

    Loot: 13

    MOB: 3

    Demon 15/60 paralyze 0/1

    Klick 26/33

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